.NET 排序 Array.Sort<T> 實現示例
- Array.Sort
- ArraySortHelper
- GenericArraySortHelper
- IntroSort
- InsertionSort
- 總結
System.Array.Sort<T> 是.NET內建的排序方法,靈活且高效,大家都學過一些排序演算法,比如氣泡排序,插入排序,堆排序等,不過你知道這個方法背後使用了什麼排序演算法嗎?
先說結果,實際上 Array.Sort 不止使用了一種排序演算法,為了保證不同的資料量的排序場景,都能有一個高效能的表現,實現中包括了插入排序,堆排序和快速排序,接下來從通過原始碼看看它都做了哪些事情。
public static void Sort<T>(T[] array) { if (array == null) ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument.array); if (array.Length > 1) { var span = new Span<T>(ref MemoryMarshal.GetArrayDataReference(array),array.Length); ArraySortHelper<T>.Default.Sort(span,null); } }
這裡我們對 int 陣列進行排序,先看一下這個Sort方法,當陣列的長度大於1時,會先把陣列轉成 Span 列表,然後呼叫了內部的ArraySortHelper的Default物件的Sort方法。
[TypeDependency("System.Collections.Generic.GenericArraySortHelper`1")] internal sealed partial class ArraySortHelper<T> : IArraySortHelper<T> { private static readonly IArraySortHelper<T> s_defaultArraySortHelper = CreateArraySortHelper(); public static IArraySortHelper<T> Default => s_defaultArraySortHelper; [DynamicDependency("#ctor",typeof(GenericArraySortHelper<>))] private static IArraySortHelper<T> CreateArraySortHelper() { IArraySortHelper<T> defaultArraySortHelper; if (typeof(IComparable<T>).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(T))) { defaultArraySortHelper = (IArraySortHelper<T>)RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstanceForAnotherGenericParameter((RuntimeType)typeof(GenericArraySortHelper<string>),(RuntimeType)typeof(T)); } else { defaultArraySortHelper = new ArraySortHelper<T>(); } return defaultArraySortHelper; } }
Default 會根據是否實現了 IComparable<T> 介面來建立不同的 ArraySortHelper,因為上面我對int陣列進行排序,所以呼叫的是 GenericArraySortHelper 的Sort方法。
internal sealed partial class GenericArraySortHelper<T> where T : IComparable<T> { // Do not add a constructor to this class because ArraySortHelper<T>.CreateSortHelper will not execute it #region IArraySortHelper<T> Members public void Sort(Span<T> keys,IComparer<T>? comparer) { try { if (comparer == null || comparer == Comparer<T>.Default) { if (keys.Length > 1) { // For floating-point,do a pre-pass to move all NaNs to the beginning // so that we can do an optimized comparison as part of the actual sort // on the remainder of the values. if (typeof(T) == typeof(double) || typeof(T) == typeof(float) || typeof(T) == typeof(Half)) { int nanLeft = SortUtils.MoveNansToFront(keys,default(Span<byte>)); if (nanLeft == keys.Length) { return; } keys = keys.Slice(nanLeft); } IntroSort(keys,2 * (BitOperations.Log2((uint)keys.Length) + 1)); } } else { ArraySortHelper<T>.IntrospectiveSort(keys,comparer.Compare); } } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException_BadComparer(comparer); } catch (Exception e) { ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource.InvalidOperation_IComparerFailed,e); } }
首先會判斷排序的型別是否是浮點型,如果是的會做一些排序的調整優化,然後呼叫了 IntroSort 方法,並傳入了兩個引數,第一個Keys就是陣列的Span列表,那第二個是什麼呢? 它是一個int型別的depthLimit引數,這裡簡單點理解就是算出陣列的深度,因為後邊會根據這個值進行遞迴操作,然後進入到 IntroSort 方法。
到這個方法這裡就清晰很多了,這是Array.Sort<T> 排序的主要內容,接著往下看
private static void IntroSort(Span<T> keys,int depthLimit)
Debug.Assert(depthLimit >= 0);
int partitionSize = keys.Length;
while (partitionSize > 1)
if (partitionSize <= Array.IntrosortSizeThreshold)
if (partitionSize == 2)
SwapIfGreater(ref keys[0],ref keys[1]);
if (partitionSize == 3)
ref T hiRef = ref keys[2];
ref T him1Ref = ref keys[1];
ref T loRef = ref keys[0];
SwapIfGreater(ref loRef,ref him1Ref);
SwapIfGreater(ref loRef,ref hiRef);
SwapIfGreater(ref him1Ref,ref hiRef);
if (depthLimit == 0)
int p = PickPivotAndPartition(keys.Slice(0,partitionSize));
// Note we've already partitioned around the pivot and do not have to move the piv程式設計客棧ot again.
partitionSize = p;
第一次進入方法時,partitionSize 就是陣列的長度,這裡有一個判斷條件,如下,IntrosortSizeThreshold 是一個值為16的常量,它是一個閾值,如果陣列的長度小於等於16,那麼使用的就是插入排序(InsertionSort),為什麼是16呢?這裡通過註釋瞭解到,從經驗上來看,16及以下得陣列長度使用插入排序的效率是比較高的。
if (partitionSize <= Array.IntrosortSizeThreshold) { if (partitionSize == 2) { SwapIfGreater(ref keys[0],ref keys[1]); return; } if (partitionSize == 3) { ref T hiRef = ref keys[2]; ref T him1Ref = ref keys[1]; ref T loRef = ref keys[0]; SwapIfGreater(ref loRef,ref him1Ref); SwapIfGreater(ref loRef,ref hiRef); SwapIfGreater(ref him1Ref,ref hiRef); return; } InsertionSort(keys.Slice(0,partitionSize)); return; }
private static void InsertionSort(Span<T> keys) { for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length - 1; i++) { T t = Unsafe.Add(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(keys),i + 1); int j = i; while (j >= 0 && (t == null || LessThan(ref t,ref Unsafe.Add(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(keys),j)))) { Unsafe.Add(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(keys),j + 1) = Unsafe.Add(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(keys),j); j--; } Unsafe.Add(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(keys),j + 1) = t!; } } HeapSort if (depthLimit == 0) { HeapSort(keys.Slice(0,partitionSize)); return; } depthLimit--;
因為後邊是遞迴操作,所以每次 depthLimit 都會減1,當深度為0排序還沒有完成的時候,就會直接使用堆排序(HeapSort),方法內容如下:
private static void HeapSort(Span<TKey> keys,Span<TValue> values) { Debug.Assert(!keys.IsEmpty); int n = keys.Length; for (int i = n >> 1; i >= 1; i--) { DownHeap(keys,values,i,n); } for (int i = n; i > 1; i--) { Swap(keys,i - 1); DownHeap(keys,1,i - 1); } } private static void DownHeap(Span<TKey> keys,Span<TValue> values,int i,int n) { TKey d = keys[i - 1]; TValue dValue = values[i - 1]; while (i <= n >> 1) { int child = 2 * i; if (child < n && (keys[child - 1] == null || LessThan(ref keys[child - 1],ref keys[child]))) { child++; } if (keys[child - 1] == null || !LessThan(ref d,ref keys[child - 1])) break; keys[i - 1] = keys[child - 1]; values[i - 1] = values[child - 1]; i = child; } keys[i - 1] = d; values[i - 1] = dValue; } QuickSort int p = PickPivotAndPartition(keys.Slice(0,partitionSize),values.Slice(0,partitionSize)); IntroSort(keys[(p+1)..partitionSize],values[(p+1)..partitionSize],depthLimit); partitionSize = p;
這裡呼叫了另外一個方法 PickPivotAndPartition,
Pivot 基準,Partition 分割槽,這就是快速排序呀!而且還是使用了尾遞迴的快速排序,其中也使用了三數取中法,方法內容如下
private static int PickPivotAndPartition(Span<TKey> keys,Span<TValue> values) { Debug.Assert(keys.Length >= Array.IntrosortSizeThreshold); int hi = keys.Length - 1; // Compute median-of-three. But also partition them,since we've done the comparison. int middle = hi >> 1; // Sort lo,mid and hi appropriately,then pick mid as the pivot. SwapIfGreaterWithValues(keys,middle); // swap the low with the mid point SwapIfGreaterWithValues(keys,hi); // swap the low with the high SwapIfGreaterWithValues(keys,middle,hi); // swap the middle with the high TKey pivot = keys[middle]; Swap(keys,hi - 1); int left = 0,right = hi - 1; // We already partitioned lo and hi and put the pivot in hi - 1. And we pre-increment & decrement below. while (left < right) { if (pivot == null) { while (left < (hi - 1) && keys[++left] == null) ; while (right > 0 && keys[--right] != null) ; } else { while (GreaterThan(ref pivot,ref keys[++left])) ; while (LessThan(ref pivot,ref keys[--right])) ; } if (left >= right) break; Swap(keys,left,right); } // Put pivot in the righttp://www.cppcns.comht location. if (left != hi - 1) { Swap(keys,hi - 1); } return left; }
本文主要介紹了System.Array.Sort<T> 排序的內部實現,發現它使用了插入排序,堆排序和快速排序,大家有興趣可以看一下或者的排序實現,希望對您有用。
到此這篇關於.NET 排序 Array.Sort<T> 實現分析的文章就介紹到這了,更多相關.NET 排序 Array.Sort<T>內容請搜尋我們以前的文章或繼續瀏覽下面的相關文章希望大家以後多多支援我們!