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KSEM review 覆盤 及 學術論文寫作教程筆記

第一次投論文 KSEM 2021,收到了 5 個 reviewer 給的意見,指出了我論文中的不足和改進的建議,這些意見非常寶貴,因此整理記錄下來,日後寫論文時要牢記。


  1. 在 Introduction 的結尾,應該用一個 road-map 段落列出整篇文章的結構。
  2. 一些英文表述模糊,應當提升英文寫作技能。(這個後面我會專門學習T_T)
  3. 參考文獻列表中的文獻在文中出現時應當按照順序:[1]、[2]、[3]…… 所有的參考文獻都應在文中有提及。


  1. 相關工作中提到的模型最好和本文的模型形成對比實驗。
  2. 用圖展示實驗部分的對比結果更為直觀和清晰。
  3. 應對文中的演算法給出詳細的解釋以便讀者理解。



參考:英語學術論文寫作教程 史寶輝 中國人民大學出版社

Writing Foundation

  1. Know your readers
  2. Logic
  3. Style : Formal writing style rather than e-mail
    Ten tips in creating academic style:
    • "We" is better than "I"
    • Never use contractions
    • Avoid using negative forms (否定形式)
    • Avoid using vague expressions
    • Do not address the reader directly (不要直接向讀者講話)
    • Use indirect questions rather than direct ones
    • Place the adverbs in the mid-position
    • Do not split infinitives
    • Try not to be too wordy
    • Use both active and passive voices but be aware that passive voice renders a more academic sense
  4. Formality
    • Phrases are often used under informal circumstances while words are used more formally.
  5. Information Flow
    • Sentences follow a progression from old information to new information
  6. This + Summary Noun
    • Can be widely used to refer to aforementioned information
  7. Nominalization (名詞化)
    • Nominalization gives priority to actions rather than to the people responsible for them


Objective: (1) arouse readers' interest; (2) offer adequate information to prepare readers for understanding the paper and evaluating the worth if the study.
Basic skills: (1) relevant definition; (2) citations; (3) paraphrasing relevant work; (4) report the value of your study by using modal auxiliaries.

  1. Funnel-shaped Structure
    • The top presenting the broadest view and the rest narrowing down to the specific research problem
    • The CARS (Creating-a-Research-Space) Model
      • Move 1: Establish a research territory
        a. by showing that the general research area is important, central, interesting, problematic, or relevant in some way (optional)
        b. by introducing and reviewing items of previous research in the area (obligatory)
      • Move 2: Establishing a niche (定位) by indicating a gap of the present research or by extending previous knowledge in some way (obligatory)
      • Move 3: Occupying the niche
        a. by outlining purposes of stating the nature of the present research (obligatory)
        b. by listing research questions or hypotheses
        c. by announcing principal findings
        d. by stating the value of the present research
        e. by indicating the structure of the RP
  2. Writing a Definition
    • Short definition
    • Sentence definition
    • Extended definition
  3. Citations in Introduction
    • Type One: Information Prominent Citation
      (1) Writer + publication year
      eg. Plasticity in plants is a very common response to environments (Schlichting, 1986).
      (2) Reference number
      eg. Fast charging level provides power to fully charge an EV battery in 20-30 minutes. [3]
    • Type Two: Writer Prominent Citation
      (1) Writer's name + publication year
      eg. Harper (2008) found that the relationships between some reproductive traits and plant size varied with different environmental conditions.
      (2) Writer's name + reference number
      eg. Gomez and Scher [4] indicate that logical thinking and correct spelling are integral in solving crossword puzzles.
  4. Verb Tenses in Citations
    Simple past (一般過去時), present perfect (現在完成時) and simple present (一般現在時) are commonly used in citations.
    (1) Referring to single studies: simple past
    (2) Referring to areas of inquiry: present perfect
    (3) Referring to state of current knowledge: simple present
  5. Paraphrasing
    Common strategies: replacing words with synonyms; changing word order; changing sentence structure.
    Original sentence:A number of studies have indicated that changes in the availability of light may result in variation in growth-related traits.
    Important information:
    • Changes in the availability may influence some growth-related traits.
    • Many studies has come to this conclusion.
      Establish relationships: cause and effect
      Linking words that can connect the points: due to, because, as a result, result in, result from
      Possible synonyms: indicate -> demonstrate; a number of -> many
      A paraphrased version: The finding that the change of growth-related traits would result from differences in light availability was demonstrated in many studies.
  6. Establishing a Niche
    Corresponds to Move 2, usually short (1 or 2 sentences). Four methods to establish a niche:
    • Counter-claiming (something is wrong)
    • Indicating a gap in previous research (Something is missing)
    • Raising a question about previous research (something is unclear)
    • Continuing a tradition (adding something)
      A shift from Move 1 to Move 2 would suggest a transition from general background to critical literature review.
    • Connectors: however, but, despite, although, yet, nevertheless...
    • Verbs: lack, fail, ignore, neglect, limit, misinterpret, hinder, question...
    • Adjective: little, few, unreliable, unsatisfactory, inefficient, scarce, limited, uncertain, unclear, controversial, unconvincing, questionable...
  7. Occupying the Niche
    • Purposes or Nature of the Research
      Obligatory, outlining purposes or stating the method of the present research.
    • Verb Tenses
      The subject is about the type of text/paper/article: simple present
      The subject is about the type of investigation/experiment/study: simple past
    • Research Question
      May be inferred from the purposes of nature of the research
    • Research Value
      When reporting value of your study, you should not make it sound too definite. By using modal auxiliaries(may, can, would), the statements sound more cautious and acceptable.
    • Outline of the paper
  8. Information Flow: old-to-new Pattern
    Four ways to indicate old information:
    • Repeat the words
    • Use the synonyms of the words
    • Use pronouns or demonstrative pronouns
    • This/These + summary noun

Materials and Methods


Discussion and Conclusion



由於時間關係,剩下幾塊沒看,這本書主要提供了普適通用的學術寫作方法,不專門針對 CS 領域。

參考:MT學術論文寫作方法和技巧 劉洋


問題是什麼 -> 我們做了什麼 -> 我們大概是怎麼做的 -> 我們做得挺不錯


常見的邏輯:說明問題是什麼 -> 簡單羅列前人的工作 -> 描述我們的工作
更好的邏輯:說明問題是什麼 -> 目前最好的工作面臨什麼挑戰 -> 我們的方法能夠緩解上述挑戰


  • 每個段落有個論斷性的中心句
  • 其餘部分是支撐句,圍繞中心句展開論證
    • 前人工作
    • 具體資料
  • 支撐句之間可分類組織
  • 段尾可以加上銜接句
    Trick: 在首頁放置一個圖或者表,讓讀者一目瞭然你所做的工作
    資訊元素的易理解度:圖 > 表格 > 正文 > 公式 > 演算法 > 證明


  • 不要一上來就描述你的工作,可以先介紹背景知識(即 baseline)
  • 例子是利器,全篇統一使用一個 running example 來闡釋方法/baseline
  • 邏輯順序:首先給出 running example;然後利用 running example,用通俗語言描述想法;最後才是形式化的描述


  • 公認的標準資料和 state-of-the-art 系統
  • 實驗先輔後主
    • 輔助實驗(開發集):引數的影響
    • 主實驗(測試集):證明顯著超過 baseline
    • 必須有顯著性檢驗
    • 最好能直接看懂圖,不用再去看正文



  1. 沒有引用重要論文(可以直接作為 rejection 的理由)
  2. 簡單的羅列和堆砌,缺乏深刻到位的評論
  3. 通過批評乃至攻擊前人工作證明你的工作的創新性
  4. 向審稿人顯示你對本領域有全面深刻的把握
  5. 通過與前人工作的對比凸顯你的工作的創新性
  6. 為讀者梳理領域的發展脈絡,獲得全域性的認識


  • 句子過長
  • 經常使用被動句式
  • 結構鬆散、口語化
  • 定冠詞和不定冠詞的使用
  • 公式後面文字的縮排:當公式後的文字與公式有關,則不縮排,否則縮排
  • 引用的寫法


  • 論文中每個數學符號都應當找得到定義,除非眾所周知。永遠不要不加說明就使用數學符號
  • 要避免數學符號衝突,使用符號列表
  • 不要生造術語,尤其是中式譯法,儘量符合慣例
  • 整合所有資訊元素,排版美觀和專業
  • 找著名學者(尤其是 native speaker)的論文鑽研,學習句式和詞彙用法,做筆記


  • Latex
  • Bibtex:自動生成參考文獻列表
  • MetaPost:程式設計畫向量圖

參考:英文SCI寫作套話 pdf

