1. 程式人生 > 其它 >SAS Draw 綜合應用

SAS Draw 綜合應用

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SAS draw statement

data cars;
    set sashelp.cars;
    cat1 = 'Improvemnt';
    cat2 = 'Worsen';
    if type = 'SUV' then typen = 1;
        else if type = 'Sedan' then typen = 2;
        else if type = 'Sports' then typen = 3;
        else if type = 'Wagon' then typen = 4;
else if type = 'Truck' then typen = 5; else if type = 'Hybrid' then typen = 6; run; proc freq data = cars; by cat1; tables type*typen / out = cars_freq; run; data cars_freq; set cars_freq; if typen = 3 then type = "Base"; percentc = strip(put(percent,4.1)); if typen < 3 then do
;percent = -percent;/*typen = -typen;*/subcatn = -1;end; else subcatn = 1; typec = strip(put(typen,best.)); run; proc sort data = cars_freq;by subcatn typen; run; data cars_freq; set cars_freq; by subcatn typen; lagp = lag(percent); if first.subcatn and typen < 3 then cumPercent1 = percent ;
else if typen < 3 then cumPercent1 + percent; else cumPercent1 = .; if first.subcatn and typen >= 3 then cumPercent2 = percent ; else if typen > 3 then cumPercent2 + percent; else cumPercent2 = .; run; data cars_freq; set cars_freq; cumPercent = strip(put(coalesce(cumPercent1,cumPercent2),5.1)); cumPercentn = coalesce(cumPercent1,cumPercent2); if typen = 6 then cumPercentn = cumPercentn + 1.5; run; ods html; proc template; define statgraph _barchart; begingraph /; dynamic _val; *自定義每個group的值的具體屬性; discreteattrmap name = "selfName1"; value "1" / fillattrs=(color=cxb1282c ); value "2" / fillattrs=(color=cxd55f4d ); value "3" / fillattrs=(color=cxf4a482 ); value "4" / fillattrs=(color=cxfadbc6 ); value "5" / fillattrs=(color=cxd1e4ef ); value "6" / fillattrs=(color=cx92c5de ); value "7" / fillattrs=(color=cx4392c3 ); value "8" / fillattrs=(color=cx2066ac ); enddiscreteattrmap; discreteattrvar attrvar = selfName2 var = typec attrmap= "selfName1"; *自定義legend; legenditem type=marker name="1"/ label='Death' markerattrs=(color=cxb1282c symbol=squarefilled); legenditem type=marker name="2"/ label='2' markerattrs=(color=cxd55f4d symbol=squarefilled); legenditem type=marker name="3"/ label='3' markerattrs=(color=cxf4a482 symbol=squarefilled); legenditem type=marker name="4"/ label='4' markerattrs=(color=cxfadbc6 symbol=squarefilled); legenditem type=marker name="5"/ label='5' markerattrs=(color=cxd1e4ef symbol=squarefilled); legenditem type=marker name="6"/ label='6' markerattrs=(color=cx92c5de symbol=squarefilled); legenditem type=marker name="7"/ label='7' markerattrs=(color=cx4392c3 symbol=squarefilled); legenditem type=marker name="8"/ label='No hosp/intu' markerattrs=(color=cx2066ac symbol=squarefilled); entrytitle "a"; layout overlay / xaxisopts = (display = none ) yaxisopts = (display = none ) x2axisopts = (display = none ) y2axisopts = (display = none ); barchart category = cat1 response = percent / group = selfName2 yaxis = y2 orient = horizontal outlineattrs=(color=black) grouporder=ascending groupdisplay = stack barwidth = 0.3 /*barlabel = true*/ name = "a"; textplot y = cat1 x = eval(cumPercentn) text = eval(strip(put(abs(percent),4.1))) / POSITION=right rotate=45 DISCRETEOFFSET=0.2; drawtext "Worsen" / width = 10 anchor = right x = - 0.5 y = 25 xspace = datavalue ; drawtext "Improvement" / width = 100 anchor = left x = 0.5 y = 25 xspace = datavalue ; drawrectangle x = 0 y = 32 height = 10 width = 14 / xspace = datavalue yspace = layoutpercent anchor = bottom display = all fillattrs = (color = cxf4a482) outlineattrs = (color = black) transparency = 0; drawtext "Base = 3" / width = 15 anchor = bottom x = 0 y = 35 xspace = datavalue yspace = layoutpercent; drawarrow x1 = 0 y1 = 20 x2 = 0 y2 = 40 / x1space = datavalue x2space = datavalue y1space = layoutpercent y2space = layoutpercent lineattrs=(color=darkred); drawarrow x1 = 0 y1 = 20 x2 = 20 y2 = 20 / x1space = datavalue x2space = datavalue y1space = layoutpercent y2space = layoutpercent lineattrs=(color=darkred); drawarrow x1 = 0 y1 = 20 x2 = -40 y2 = 20 / x1space = datavalue x2space = datavalue y1space = layoutpercent y1space = layoutpercent; discretelegend '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8'/ title = "Type: "; endlayout; endgraph; end; run; /*SEGMENTLABEL=true SEGMENTLABELFITPOLICY=NONE SEGMENTLABELFORMAT=percnt. */ proc sgrender data = cars_freq template = _barchart; run;