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E-GraphSAGE: A Graph Neural Network based Intrusion Detection System 筆記

E-GraphSAGE: A Graph Neural Network based Intrusion Detection System




• 我們提出並實現了 E-GraphSAGE,它是 GraphSAGE 的擴充套件,它允許結合邊緣特徵/屬性進行圖表示學習。 這一貢獻適用於一系列 GNN 用例,其中邊緣特徵代表關鍵資訊。
• 我們將 E-GraphSAGE 應用於網路入侵檢測和網路流分類,並通過廣泛的實驗評估證明其潛力。
本文的其餘部分安排如下。 第二節討論了關鍵的相關工作,第三節提供了 GNN 和 GraphSAGE 的相關背景。 我們提出的 E-GraphSAGE 演算法和相應的 NIDS 在第四節中介紹。 實驗評估結果在第六節中介紹,第七節總結了論文。




\[h^k_{N(v)}=\sum\limits_{{u\in N(v),\atop uv\in \epsilon}} \frac{h^{k-1}_{uv}}{\lvert N(v)\rvert _e} \]

這裡,\(\lvert N(v)\rvert _e\)代表在樣本鄰域的邊緣的數量,\(h^{k-1}_{uv}\)





A common task performed by GNNs is to generating node embeddings [16], which aims to encode nodes as low-dimensional vectors, while maintaining their key relationships and graph position in the original format. A pair of node embeddings can be concatenated together to form edge embeddings to represent the edges. Node or edge embedding is typically a key precursor to ’downstream tasks such as node and edge classification or link prediction [16]. GNNs have recently received a lot of attention due to their convincing performance and high interpretability of the results through the visualisation of the graph embeddings [17].




Batch Size定義:一次訓練所選取的樣本數。

Forward Propagation - Node Embedding

當前第k層v節點的嵌入等於啟用函式下 權重乘 k-1層的v的嵌入拼接k-1層v的鄰居的嵌入


Q. Xiao, J. Liu, Q. Wang, Z. Jiang, X. Wang, and Y. Yao, “Towards Network Anomaly Detection Using
Graph Embedding,” in Computational Science – ICCS 2020, V. V. Krzhizhanovskaya, G. Závodszky, M. H. Lees, J. J. Dongarra, P. M. A. Sloot, S. Brissos, and J. Teixeira, Eds., Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp. 156–169, ISBN : 978-3-030-50423-6.

Xiao et al. [11] proposed a graph embedding approach to perform anomaly detection on network flows. The authors first converted the network flows into a first-order and secondorder graph. The first-order graph learns the latent features from the perspective of a single host by using its IP address and port number. The second-order graph aims to learn the latent features from a global perspective by using source IP addresses, source ports, destination IP addresses, as well as destination ports. The extracted graph embeddings and the raw features are then used to train a Random Forest classifier to detect network attacks. The evaluation is limited to only two NIDS datasets, namely CICIDS 2017 [12] and CIDDS001 [13]. In contrast, the evaluation of E-GraphSAGE-based NIDS considers six recent benchmark datasets. Moreover, a more significant limitation of this approach is its use of a traditional transductive graph embedding method [6], which limits its ability to classify samples with graph nodes, e.g. IP addresses and port numbers, which were not seen during the training phase. This makes the approach unsuitable for most practical NIDS application scenarios, as we cannot assume that all local and remote IP addresses and port numbers in the network are known at training time. In contrast, the EGraphSAGE approach presented in this paper uses an inductive graph neural learning approach, which does not suffer from this limitation.