阿新 • • 發佈:2021-11-03
知識點 1:迴圈雙鏈表尾結點指向頭結點
typedef struct TWONode { int data; pNode *prev,*next; } pNode;
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { int n, element, flag; pNode *head, *last; /***************************************************************/ printf("Please input the size of the list:"); scanf("%d", &n); last = InitList(&head, n);//初始化連結串列並賦值,返回尾節點last printf("%d %d \n", head->next->data, last->data); //列印為第一個元素和最後一個元素 PrintList(head); /***************************************************************/ flag = SearchList(head); //搜尋某個值並刪除節點 if (flag > 0&& flag <= n) { DelNumqList(&head, flag); PrintList(head); } else printf("Element does not exist, cannot be deleted\n"); /***************************************************************/ DeleteList(&head);//清空列表 PrintList(head); return0; }
pNode *InitList(pNode **head,int n) { pNode *p,*s; *head=(pNode *)malloc(sizeof(pNode)); if(*head==NUll) { return 0; } *head->next=NULL; *head->prev=NULL; p=*head; int i; for(i=0;i<n;++i) { s=(pNode *)malloc(sizeof(pNode)); if(s==0)return 0; printf("Input the value of the %dth node:", i + 1); scanf("%d",&s->data); s->next=NULL;
p->next=s; s->prev=p; p=s; } return p; }
void prinList(pNode *head) { pNode *p; p=head->next; if(head->next==NULL) { return 0; } while(p!=NULL) { printf("%d ",p->data); p=p->next; } }
void delectList(pNode **head) { pNode *p; while(*head->next!=NULL) { p=*head; p->next->prev=NULL; *head=p->next; free(p); } }
int searchList(pNode *head) { int number; printf("Values are about to be deleted:"); scanf("%d",&number); pNode *p; p=head->next; while(p!=NULL) { if(p->data==number) { return number; } p=p->next; } return 0; }
void delNumList(pNode **head,int n) { int i; pNode *p; p=*head->next; for(i=1;i<n;++i) { p=p->next; } if(p->next==NULl)//如果p是尾節點則直接將前驅節點指向NULL { p->prev->next==NULL; free(p); } else//令p的前驅節點和後驅節點相互指向即可 { p->next->prev=p->prev; p->prev->next=p->next; free(p); } }