有這樣一個功能需求。系統中存在資訊資訊這樣一個模組,用於釋出一些和業務相關的活動動態,其中每條資訊資訊都有一個所屬型別(如科技類的資訊、娛樂類、軍事類···)和瀏覽量欄位。官網上需要滾動展示一些熱門資訊資訊列表(瀏覽量越大代表越熱門),而且每個類別的相關資訊記錄至多顯示3條,換句話:“按照資訊分類分組,取每組的前3條資訊資訊列表”。 表結構及初始資料如下:
Create table info( id numeric not null primary key , title varchar(100) , Viewnum numeric , info_type_id numeric , Code text ); create index info_infotypeid on info (info_type_id); Create table info_type( Id numeric not null primary key, Name varchar(100) ); --插入100個新聞分類 Insert into info_type select id, 'TYPE' || lpad(id::text, 5, '0' ) from generate_series(1, 100) id; --插入1000000個新聞 Insert into info select id, 'TTL' || lpad(id::text, 20, '0' ) title, ceil(random()*1000000) Viewnum, ceil(random()*100) info_type_id , md5(id) code from generate_series(1, 1000000) id; vacuum analyse info_type,info;
explain (analyse ,buffers ) with i as ( select i.*, row_number() over (partition by i.info_type_id order by i.viewnum desc) sn from info i) select * from info_type t left join i on i.sn <= 3 and i.info_type_id = t.id; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hash Right Join (cost=211867.09..245279.17 rows=333333 width=97) (actual time=4223.126..6169.377 rows=300 loops=1) Hash Cond: (i.info_type_id = t.id) Buffers: shared hit=11582 read=1753, temp read=17860 written=17901 -> Subquery Scan on i (cost=211863.84..244363.84 rows=333333 width=82) (actual time=4223.080..6168.742 rows=300 loops=1) Filter: (i.sn <= 3) Rows Removed by Filter: 999700 Buffers: shared hit=11582 read=1752, temp read=17860 written=17901 -> WindowAgg (cost=211863.84..231863.84 rows=1000000 width=82) (actual time=4223.079..6080.518 rows=1000000 loops=1) Buffers: shared hit=11582 read=1752, temp read=17860 written=17901 -> Sort (cost=211863.84..214363.84 rows=1000000 width=74) (actual time=4223.065..5224.438 rows=1000000 loops=1) Sort Key: i_1.info_type_id, i_1.viewnum DESC Sort Method: external merge Disk: 84128kB Buffers: shared hit=11582 read=1752, temp read=17860 written=17901 -> Seq Scan on info i_1 (cost=0.00..23334.00 rows=1000000 width=74) (actual time=0.006..249.981 rows=1000000 loops=1) Buffers: shared hit=11582 read=1752 -> Hash (cost=2.00..2.00 rows=100 width=15) (actual time=0.037..0.037 rows=100 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 13kB Buffers: shared read=1 -> Seq Scan on info_type t (cost=0.00..2.00 rows=100 width=15) (actual time=0.015..0.021 rows=100 loops=1) Buffers: shared read=1 Planning Time: 0.328 ms Execution Time: 6182.496 ms (22 rows)
可以看到,這裡消耗資源最大的是在 sort 操作上。那麼,我們能否避免sort 操作了? 索引可以避免sort 操作
方法一,由於讀取了大量資料塊,耗時過多,功能要求只需返回每組1條記錄,希望避免讀冗餘資料塊。新的SQL特點,每個型別使用子查詢通過info表的info_type_id列的索引,可以避免讀取多餘的資料。select list的子查詢作為計算列,只能返回一個值,所以使用row (i.*)::info 先整合,然後使用 (inf).* 再分解,同時使用 offset2 limit 1獲取第三名的一行記錄。
explain (analyse ,buffers ) select id, name, (inf).* from (select t.*, (select row (i.*)::info from info i where i.info_type_id = t.id order by i.viewnum desc offset 2 limit 1) inf from info_type t ) t; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on info_type t (cost=0.00..6708942.94 rows=100 width=361) (actual time=127.552..10513.868 rows=100 loops=1) Buffers: shared hit=3544406 read=3255 SubPlan 1 -> Limit (cost=13417.88..13417.88 rows=1 width=38) (actual time=21.744..21.745 rows=1 loops=100) Buffers: shared hit=706280 read=3252 -> Sort (cost=13417.87..13442.87 rows=10000 width=38) (actual time=21.740..21.740 rows=3 loops=100) Sort Key: i.viewnum DESC Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB Buffers: shared hit=706280 read=3252 -> Bitmap Heap Scan on info i (cost=185.93..13288.63 rows=10000 width=38) (actual time=3.985..18.371 rows=10000 loops=100) Recheck Cond: (info_type_id = t.id) Heap Blocks: exact=706728 Buffers: shared hit=706280 read=3252 -> Bitmap Index Scan on info_infotypeid (cost=0.00..183.43 rows=10000 width=0) (actual time=2.615..2.615 rows=10000 loops=100) Index Cond: (info_type_id = t.id) Buffers: shared hit=1272 read=1532 SubPlan 2 -> Limit (cost=13417.88..13417.88 rows=1 width=38) (actual time=20.599..20.600 rows=1 loops=100) Buffers: shared hit=709529 read=3 -> Sort (cost=13417.87..13442.87 rows=10000 width=38) (actual time=20.595..20.595 rows=3 loops=100) Sort Key: i_1.viewnum DESC Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB Buffers: shared hit=709529 read=3 -> Bitmap Heap Scan on info i_1 (cost=185.93..13288.63 rows=10000 width=38) (actual time=3.640..17.373 rows=10000 loops=100) Recheck Cond: (info_type_id = t.id) Heap Blocks: exact=706728 Buffers: shared hit=709529 read=3 -> Bitmap Index Scan on info_infotypeid (cost=0.00..183.43 rows=10000 width=0) (actual time=2.291..2.291 rows=10000 loops=100) Index Cond: (info_type_id = t.id) Buffers: shared hit=2801 read=3 SubPlan 3 -> Limit (cost=13417.88..13417.88 rows=1 width=38) (actual time=21.284..21.285 rows=1 loops=100) Buffers: shared hit=709532 -> Sort (cost=13417.87..13442.87 rows=10000 width=38) (actual time=21.279..21.279 rows=3 loops=100) Sort Key: i_2.viewnum DESC Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB Buffers: shared hit=709532 -> Bitmap Heap Scan on info i_2 (cost=185.93..13288.63 rows=10000 width=38) (actual time=3.609..17.868 rows=10000 loops=100) Recheck Cond: (info_type_id = t.id) Heap Blocks: exact=706728 Buffers: shared hit=709532 -> Bitmap Index Scan on info_infotypeid (cost=0.00..183.43 rows=10000 width=0) (actual time=2.267..2.267 rows=10000 loops=100) Index Cond: (info_type_id = t.id) Buffers: shared hit=2804 SubPlan 4 -> Limit (cost=13417.88..13417.88 rows=1 width=38) (actual time=20.763..20.763 rows=1 loops=100) Buffers: shared hit=709532 -> Sort (cost=13417.87..13442.87 rows=10000 width=38) (actual time=20.759..20.759 rows=3 loops=100) Sort Key: i_3.viewnum DESC Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB Buffers: shared hit=709532 -> Bitmap Heap Scan on info i_3 (cost=185.93..13288.63 rows=10000 width=38) (actual time=3.769..17.505 rows=10000 loops=100) Recheck Cond: (info_type_id = t.id) Heap Blocks: exact=706728 Buffers: shared hit=709532 -> Bitmap Index Scan on info_infotypeid (cost=0.00..183.43 rows=10000 width=0) (actual time=2.390..2.390 rows=10000 loops=100) Index Cond: (info_type_id = t.id) Buffers: shared hit=2804 SubPlan 5 -> Limit (cost=13417.88..13417.88 rows=1 width=38) (actual time=20.713..20.713 rows=1 loops=100) Buffers: shared hit=709532 -> Sort (cost=13417.87..13442.87 rows=10000 width=38) (actual time=20.709..20.709 rows=3 loops=100) Sort Key: i_4.viewnum DESC Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 25kB Buffers: shared hit=709532 -> Bitmap Heap Scan on info i_4 (cost=185.93..13288.63 rows=10000 width=38) (actual time=3.689..17.432 rows=10000 loops=100) Recheck Cond: (info_type_id = t.id) Heap Blocks: exact=706728 Buffers: shared hit=709532 -> Bitmap Index Scan on info_infotypeid (cost=0.00..183.43 rows=10000 width=0) (actual time=2.288..2.288 rows=10000 loops=100) Index Cond: (info_type_id = t.id) Buffers: shared hit=2804 Planning Time: 0.729 ms Execution Time: 10514.326 ms (74 rows)
方法二:針對 info_type 的每一行,info 表都要根據 info_type_id 索引訪問 info 表 5 次 (5個列)。 總時間消耗: 100 (行)*5(列)* 20 (每次大概20ms),大約 10000ms
執行計劃分析:根據 info_type_id 索引,需要訪問的行數太多,而且還是需要排序。基於這些考慮,我們可以建立個 info_type_id + viewnum 複合索引,減少每訪問的時間消耗,避免排序。
create index info_typeview on info(info_type_id,viewnum); QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on info_type t (cost=0.00..4627.72 rows=100 width=361) (actual time=0.255..13.391 rows=100 loops=1) Buffers: shared hit=2881 read=120 SubPlan 1 -> Limit (cost=6.31..9.25 rows=1 width=38) (actual time=0.041..0.041 rows=1 loops=100) Buffers: shared hit=480 read=120 -> Index Scan Backward using info_typeview on info i (cost=0.42..29421.91 rows=10000 width=38) (actual time=0.034..0.040 rows=3 loops=100) Index Cond: (info_type_id = t.id) Buffers: shared hit=480 read=120 SubPlan 2 -> Limit (cost=6.31..9.25 rows=1 width=38) (actual time=0.022..0.022 rows=1 loops=100) Buffers: shared hit=600 -> Index Scan Backward using info_typeview on info i_1 (cost=0.42..29421.91 rows=10000 width=38) (actual time=0.018..0.021 rows=3 loops=100) Index Cond: (info_type_id = t.id) Buffers: shared hit=600 SubPlan 3 -> Limit (cost=6.31..9.25 rows=1 width=38) (actual time=0.021..0.021 rows=1 loops=100) Buffers: shared hit=600 -> Index Scan Backward using info_typeview on info i_2 (cost=0.42..29421.91 rows=10000 width=38) (actual time=0.018..0.020 rows=3 loops=100) Index Cond: (info_type_id = t.id) Buffers: shared hit=600 SubPlan 4 -> Limit (cost=6.31..9.25 rows=1 width=38) (actual time=0.021..0.021 rows=1 loops=100) Buffers: shared hit=600 -> Index Scan Backward using info_typeview on info i_3 (cost=0.42..29421.91 rows=10000 width=38) (actual time=0.018..0.020 rows=3 loops=100) Index Cond: (info_type_id = t.id) Buffers: shared hit=600 SubPlan 5 -> Limit (cost=6.31..9.25 rows=1 width=38) (actual time=0.023..0.023 rows=1 loops=100) Buffers: shared hit=600 -> Index Scan Backward using info_typeview on info i_4 (cost=0.42..29421.91 rows=10000 width=38) (actual time=0.020..0.022 rows=3 loops=100) Index Cond: (info_type_id = t.id) Buffers: shared hit=600 Planning Time: 0.730 ms Execution Time: 13.552 ms (34 rows)
可以看到,建立新索引後,單次的訪問從 20ms 降低到 0.023ms ,將近降了 1000 倍。
以下再修改新的SQL,新的SQL特點,select list的子查詢作為計算列,只能返回一行值,所以使用array() 先轉換成陣列型別,然後使用 unnest() 再分解成多行,同時使用 limit 3獲取前三名的三行記錄。
explain (analyse ,buffers ) select id, name, (inf).* from (select t.id, t.name, unnest(inf) inf from (select t.*, array(select row (i.*)::info from info i where i.info_type_id = t.id order by i.viewnum desc limit 3) inf from info_type t ) t) t; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subquery Scan on t (cost=0.00..942.89 rows=1000 width=361) (actual time=0.092..2.526 rows=300 loops=1) Buffers: shared hit=601 -> ProjectSet (cost=0.00..932.89 rows=1000 width=47) (actual time=0.089..2.406 rows=300 loops=1) Buffers: shared hit=601 -> Seq Scan on info_type t_1 (cost=0.00..2.00 rows=100 width=15) (actual time=0.008..0.020 rows=100 loops=1) Buffers: shared hit=1 SubPlan 1 -> Limit (cost=0.42..9.25 rows=3 width=38) (actual time=0.018..0.021 rows=3 loops=100) Buffers: shared hit=600 -> Index Scan Backward using info_typeview on info i (cost=0.42..29421.91 rows=10000 width=38) (actual time=0.017..0.020 rows=3 loops=100) Index Cond: (info_type_id = t_1.id) Buffers: shared hit=600 Planning Time: 0.295 ms Execution Time: 2.639 ms (14 rows)
1、整個優化關鍵點是建立了 info_type_id + viewnum 複合索引,也就是視窗查詢 partition by 和 order by 兩部分列的複合索引。
2、array 的應用也是關鍵的地方,解決了需要返回多行的問題。