1. 程式人生 > 其它 >CentOS 8.5 (2111) 釋出 -- 最後一代 CentOS

CentOS 8.5 (2111) 釋出 -- 最後一代 CentOS



沒想到 Redhat 還繼續釋出了 CentOS 8.5,並提醒您不應該在生產中使用 CentOS Linux 8。生命週期仍然是年底結束(End-of-life 31 December 2021)。

對於 CentOS 8.5 看看就好,請速遷移到 AlmaLinux 或者 Rocky Linux

我們很高興地宣佈最新的 CentOS Linux 8 版本。立即生效,這是 CentOS Linux 8 的當前版本並標記為 2111,派生來自紅帽企業 Linux 8.5 原始碼。

請注意: CentOS Linux 8 將於 2021 年 12 月 31 日停產。我們將按照 CentOS 專案委員會的指示處理 EOL 董事和詳細資訊在這裡:https://www.centos.org/centos-linux-eol/


  • 這些說明包含有關釋出的重要資訊和一些細節 CentOS QA 團隊釋出的內容。 這些筆記不斷更新以包含問題並納入來自使用者。

請記住,您不應該在生產中使用 CentOS Linux 8,否則您之前應該有遷移到不同作業系統的計劃 2021 年 12 月 31 日。我們只會進行上述詳細說明的更新停產連結。


Upstream changes:

Later versions of the following components are now available as new module streams:

  • Ruby 3.0
  • nginx 1.20
  • Node.js 16

The following components have been upgraded:

  • PHP to version 7.4.19
  • Squid to version 4.15
  • Mutt to version 2.0.7

The following compiler toolsets have been updated:

  • GCC Toolset 11
  • LLVM Toolset 12.0.1
  • Rust Toolset 1.54.0
  • Go Toolset 1.16.7

See the Overview section of the upstream RHEL 8.5 release notes for more changes.

Yum repo file and repoid changes:

During the 8.3.2011 release we changed our yum repo IDs and file names to make the process of migrating from CentOS Linux 8 to CentOS Stream 8 easier.

Repoid (8.2.2004 and before) Repoid (8.3.2011 and later)
BaseOS baseos
AppStream appstream
PowerTools powertools
centosplus plus
HighAvailability ha
base-debuginfo debuginfo
Devel devel
BaseOS-source baseos-source
AppStream-source appstream-source
centosplus-source plus-source
base-debuginfo debuginfo

If you are updating from 8.2.2004 or earlier and have local customizations to the repo files, check in /etc/yum.repos.d/ for any .rpmsave or .rpmnew files that need to be merged. You may also want to update any scripts or tools that you have that specify repo IDs using the --enablerepo or --disablerepo flags.


CentOS 8 2111:

該版本暫未 minimal iso

CentOS 8 系列 x86_64 映象合集:
