1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >Laravel的路由、控制器和模型


1 路由



use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;

| Web Routes
| Here is where you can register web routes for your application. These
| routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which
| contains the "web" middleware group. Now create something great!
*/ Route::get('/', function () { return view('welcome'); }); /*Route::get('basic1',function (){ return 'hello wor;d'; }); Route::get('user/{id}',function($id){ return 'User-'.$id; });*/ /*Route::get('user/{name}',function($name=null){ return 'User-name-'.$name; });*/ /*Route::get('user/name',['as'=>'name',function(){ return route('name'); }]); Route::get('hello',function (){ return view('welcome'); });
*/ /*Route::get('member/{info?}','MemberController@info');*/ Route::get('member/info',['uses' => 'MemberController@info']); Route::get('test1',['uses'=>'StudentController@test1']); Route::get('orm',['uses'=>'StudentController@orm']);

2 控制器


* * Created by PhpStorm. * User: SUN * Date: 2020/7/11 * Time: 18:43 */ namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; use App\Student; class StudentController extends Controller { public function test1() { /* $i = DB::insert('insert into student(name ,age) values (?,?)', ['tt',18]); $s = DB::select('select * from student'); dd($s);*/ //2 查詢構造器 /* $i = DB::table('student')->insert( ['name'=>'imoocaaa','age'=>43] ); dd($i);*/ /* $list = DB::table('student')->orderBy('id','desc') ->get(); dd($list);*/ /* $first = DB::table('student')->orderBy('id','desc') ->first(); dd($first);*/ /* $list = DB::table('student') ->where('age','<=',18) ->get(); dd($list);*/ //多個where的使用 /* $list = DB::table('student') ->whereRaw('id >= ? and age >?',[1,18]) ->get(); dd($list);*/ //pluck /*$name = DB::table('student') ->pluck('name'); //->first(); dd($name);*/ /* $name = DB::table('student') ->pluck('id','name'); //->first(); dd($name);*/ /*$list = DB::table('student') ->select('id','name','age') ->get(); dd($list);*/ /* echo "<pre>"; DB::table('student') ->orderBy('id') ->chunk(2,function($students){ var_dump($students); echo "-------------"; });*/ $num = DB::table('student')->count(); var_dump($num); $min = DB::table('student')->min('age'); $max = DB::table('student')->max('age'); $count = DB::table('student')->count(); $sum = DB::table('student')->sum('age'); dd($sum); } public function orm() { /*$list = Student::all(); dd($list);*/ //新增資料 /* $student = new Student(); $student->name = 'sean'; $student->age = '8'; $bool = $student->save(); dd($bool);*/ /* $comment = Student::find(5); $comment->name = 'bbb'; $comment->test = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time()); $bool = $comment->save(); echo($comment->updated_at);*/ //使用模型的create方法新增資料 /* $s = Student::create(['name'=>'imooc','age'=>18]); dd($s);*/ /* $student = Student::firstOrCreate( ['name'=>'imoocaabb'] ); dd($student);*/ /*$student = Student::firstOrNew( ['name'=>'imoocjjaabb'] ); $student->save(); dd($student);*/ /*$num = Student::where('id','>',9)->update( ['age'=>44] ); var_dump($num);*/ /* $bool= Student::where('id','>',9)->delete(); dd($bool);*/ /* $s = Student::find(8); $bool = $s->delete(); dd($bool);*/ $d = Student::destroy(7,11); dd($d); } }

3 模型


 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: SUN
 * Date: 2020/7/11
 * Time: 17:06
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Student extends Model
    //public $timestamps = false;
    protected $table = 'student';
    protected $primaryKey = 'id';

    //protected $fillable = ['name','age'];
    //protected $guarded = [];

    //protected $dateFormat = 'U';
    /*protected function asDateTime($val)
        return $val;

   /* DB::table('student')->insert(
