1. 程式人生 > 其它 >Effective containment explains subexponential growth in recent confirmed COVID-19 cases in China

Effective containment explains subexponential growth in recent confirmed COVID-19 cases in China


Effective containment explains subexponential growth in recent confirmed COVID-19 cases in China

  • Published In SCIENCE Volume 368 | Issue 6492 15 May 2020
  • Total Citations : 267
  • Date: 15 May 2020
  • DOI: 10.1126/science.abb4557


The recent outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in mainland China was characterized by a distinctive subexponential increase of confirmed cases during the early phase of the epidemic, contrasting with an initial exponential growth expected for an unconstrained outbreak. We show that this effect can be explained as a direct consequence of containment policies that effectively deplete the susceptible population. To this end, we introduce a parsimonious model that captures both quarantine of symptomatic infected individuals, as well as population-wide isolation practices in response to containment policies or behavioral changes, and show that the model captures the observed growth behavior accurately.

The insights provided here may aid the careful implementation of containment strategies for ongoing secondary outbreaks of COVID-19 or similar future outbreaks of other emergent infectious diseases.
, 本文提供的見解可能有助於仔細實施遏制戰略,以應對正在發生的COVID-19二次暴發或未來類似的其他突發傳染病暴發。


To test the hypothesis that the observed growth behavior can be caused by mitigation policies that apply to both infected and susceptible individuals.
we extend the SIR model by two additional mechanisms, one of which can be
interpreted as a process of removing susceptibles from the transmission process: First, we assume that general public containment efforts or individual behavioral changes in response to the epidemic effectively remove individuals from the interaction dynamics or significantly reduce their participation in the transmission dynamics. We will refer to this mechanism as “containment” in the following.
Second, we account for the removal of symptomatic infected individuals, which we will refer to as “quarantine” procedures.

a generalization of the standard SIR model, henceforth referred to as the **SIR-X ** model.標準SIR模型的一般化,此後稱為SIR- x模型。

The rate parameters α and β quantify the transmission rate and the recovery rate of the standard SIR model, respectively. Additionally,the impact of containment efforts is captured by the terms proportional to the containment rate k0 that is effective in both I and S populations, because measures such as social distancing and curfews affect the whole population alike. Infected individuals are removed at rate k corresponding to quarantine measures that only affect symptomatic infecteds.
The new compartment X quantifies symptomatic, quarantined infecteds. Here we assume that the fraction X(t) is proportional to the empirically confirmed and reported cases C(t) and that the time period between sampling and test results can be neglected. The case k0 = 0 corresponds to a scenario in which the general population is unaffected by policies or does not commit behavioral changes in response to an epidemic. The case k0 = 0 corresponds to a scenario in which symptomatic infecteds are not isolated specifically.

速率引數 α and β 分別量化了標準 SIR 模型的傳播速率和恢復速率。此外,遏制努力的影響可以用與遏制率 k0成比例的術語來表示,k0對 i 型和 s 型人口都有效,因為社會距離和宵禁等措施對整個人口都有同樣的影響。感染者被清除的速度為 k,相當於隻影響有症狀感染者的隔離措施
新的隔離室 x 量化了有症狀的隔離感染者。在這裡,我們假設分數 x (t)與經驗確認和報告的案例 c (t)成正比,並且可以忽略抽樣和檢驗結果之間的時間間隔。K0 = 0的情況對應於一種情況,在這種情況下,一般人口不受政策的影響,或者不對流行病作出行為變化的反應。K0 = 0的情況與有症狀的感染者不是特別孤立的情況相對應。

In the basic SIR model that captures unconstrained, free spread of the disease, the basicreproduction number R0 is related to transmission and recovery rate by
becauseis the average time an infected individual remains infectious before
recovery or removal. Here, the time period
that an infected individual remains infectious issuch that theeffective, or “observed,” reproduction numberis smaller than R0;free because both k0 > 0 and k > 0.

The key mechanism at work in the model defined by Eqs. 1 to 4 is the exponentially fast depletion of susceptibles in addition to isolation of infecteds. This effect is sufficient to account for the observed scaling law in the number of confirmed cases for a plausible range of model parameters as discussed below


The model reproduces the empirical case counts in all provinces well for plausible parameter values. The quality of the reproduction of the case counts in all 29 affected provinces can be used to estimate the peak time of the number of asymptomatic or oligosymptomatic infected individuals in the population, which is the key quantity for estimating the time when an outbreak will wane.

We stress that our model describes the general effects of containment mechanisms, effectively averaged over many applied strategies or individual changes of behavior. Our analysis therefore cannot identify the efficacy of specific actions. As the implementation of drastic measures such as mandatory curfews can have severe consequences for both individuals as well as a country’s society and economy, decisions about their application should not be made lightly.