1. 程式人生 > 其它 >python:檔案轉二維碼(拆分轉換)




1. 將原始檔案使用最高壓縮率bz2 進行壓縮

2. 將壓縮檔案轉成base64

3. 將base64 進行拆分,拆分內容中拼上序號

4. 將上方base64及序號內容轉二維碼

5. 儲存二維碼


  1 import base64
  2 import os
  4 import qrcode
  5 from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
  6 from pyzbar import pyzbar
  8 #
檔案轉 base64 9 def fileToBase64(filePath): 10 base64Text = '' 11 with open(filePath, 'rb') as f1: 12 13 base64Data = base64.b64encode(f1.read()) # base64型別 14 # b'JVBERi0xLjUNCiXi48 15 base64Text = base64Data.decode('utf-8') # str 16 # JVBERi0xLjUNCiXi48/
17 18 return base64Text 19 20 def base64ToFile(base64Data, filePath): 21 22 with open(filePath, 'wb') as f1: 23 24 fileBytes = base64.b64decode(base64Data) 25 26 f1.write(fileBytes) 27 28 print("qrcode_files_decode_done ... ") 29 30 # 寫檔案文字內容 31 def writeFileText(filePath, text):
32 with open(filePath, 'wb') as f1: 33 34 f1.write(text.encode('utf-8')) 35 36 # 編碼成二維碼 37 def writeQrcode(outPath, dataText): 38 imgName = os.path.basename(outPath) 39 40 qrImg = qrcode.make(dataText) 41 width, height = qrImg.size 42 newImage = Image.new(mode='RGB', size=(width, height + 50), color=(200, 200, 255)) 43 newImage.paste(qrImg, (0, 50, width, height + 50)) 44 draw = ImageDraw.Draw(newImage) 45 font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 30) 46 draw.text((width / 2, 5), imgName, (255, 0, 0), font) 47 48 newImage.save(outPath) 49 50 ''' 51 qr=qrcode.QRCode( 52 version=40, #生成二維碼尺寸的大小 1-40 1:21*21(21+(n-1)*4) 53 error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_M, #L:7% M:15% Q:25% H:30% 54 box_size=10, #每個格子的畫素大小 55 border=10, #邊框的格子寬度大小 56 ) 57 qr.add_data(dataText) 58 #qr.make(fit=True) 59 60 img=qr.make_image() 61 #img.show() 62 img.save(outPath) 63 ''' 64 65 66 # 解碼成原始檔案 67 def readQrcode(qrcodePath): 68 qrcodeText = "" 69 qucodeImg = Image.open(qrcodePath) 70 71 pzDecodeImg = pyzbar.decode(qucodeImg) 72 73 for barcode in pzDecodeImg: 74 qrcodeText = barcode.data.decode("utf-8")##二維碼的data資訊 75 # print(qrcodeText) 76 barcoderect=barcode.rect##二維碼在圖片中的畫素座標位置 77 qr_size=list(barcoderect) 78 79 # 拿到內容 80 # print(qrcodeText) 81 return qrcodeText 82 83 84 # 檔案拆分並轉二維碼 85 def fileToQrcodes(qrcodeFolder, base64Str, textLength) -> object: 86 index = 0 87 startIndex = 0 88 endIndex = 0 89 90 while (endIndex < len(base64Str)): 91 startIndex = index * textLength 92 endIndex = startIndex + textLength 93 94 if endIndex > len(base64Str): 95 endIndex = len(base64Str) 96 97 partText = base64Str[startIndex : endIndex] 98 99 qrFile = qrcodeFolder + ('%d' % index) + ".jpg" 100 writeQrcode(qrFile, "%d|%s" % (index, partText)) 101 102 print("%d | %s" % (index, partText)) 103 104 index = index + 1 105 106 def getBase64Array(root, files): 107 base64Array = [""] * len(files) 108 109 # 遍歷檔案 110 for oneQr in files: 111 oneQrPath = os.path.join(root, oneQr) 112 qrText = readQrcode(oneQrPath); 113 splitIndex = qrText.find('|'); 114 qrIndex = int(qrText[0 : splitIndex]) 115 partBase64 = qrText[splitIndex + 1:] 116 117 base64Array[qrIndex] = partBase64 118 print(qrText) 119 120 indexTmp = 0 121 for oneText in base64Array: 122 if oneText.strip() == '' : 123 # print("二維碼對應base64段缺失 :%d" % indexTmp) 124 raise Exception(print("二維碼解碼異常 :對應base64段缺失 :%d" % indexTmp)) 125 indexTmp = indexTmp + 1 126 127 return base64Array 128 129 # 多個二維碼轉成檔案 130 def qrcodesToFile(qrcodeFolder, filePath): 131 132 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(qrcodeFolder): 133 print(root) #當前目錄路徑 134 print(dirs) #當前路徑下所有子目錄 135 print(files) #當前路徑下所有非目錄子檔案 136 137 base64Array = getBase64Array(root, files) 138 139 fullBase64Data = ''.join(base64Array) 140 141 writeFileText("D:/source-files/test/qr/postman-api.base64-2", fullBase64Data) 142 143 base64ToFile(fullBase64Data, filePath) 144 145 print(base64Array) 146 147 print("end ing ") 148 149 if __name__ == "__main__": 150 151 #原始檔案 152 filePath = "D:/source-files/test/qr/postman-api.json.bz2" 153 # 二維碼輸出資料夾 154 qrcodeFolder = "D:/source-files/test/qr/img/" 155 # 二維碼長度拆分,太長攝像頭有可能無法識別 156 textLength = 300 157 158 # 初始化資料夾 159 if not os.path.exists(qrcodeFolder): 160 os.makedirs(qrcodeFolder) 161 162 base64Str = fileToBase64(filePath) 163 164 print(base64Str) 165 166 #base64Str = "0123456789-=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~!@#$%^&*()_+:;,./?|<>" 167 168 fileToQrcodes(qrcodeFolder, base64Str, textLength) 169 170 #### 解析二維碼 171 decodeFilePath = "D:/source-files/test/qr/decode/" 172 # 初始化資料夾 173 if not os.path.exists(decodeFilePath): 174 os.makedirs(decodeFilePath) 175 176 qrcodesToFile(qrcodeFolder, decodeFilePath + "decode.json.bz2") 177 178 # 測試 179 outFile = "D:/source-files/test/qr/postman-api.base64" 180 writeFileText(outFile, base64Str)