1. 程式人生 > 其它 >[轉]Jira ScriptRunner Send Custom Email

[轉]Jira ScriptRunner Send Custom Email



This snippet shows you how to send a custom email. You can use the method inside in any script designed to send an email.


I want to send an email when an issue transitions from In progress to Done to update the customer on their issue status. I can use this snippet inside a post-function script.

Good to Know

  • An outgoing mail server needs to be enabled.
  • An SMTP mail server needs to be configured
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.mail.Email
import com.atlassian.jira.mail.settings.MailSettings
import com.atlassian.mail.MailException
import com.atlassian.mail.server.SMTPMailServer
import com.atlassian.plugin.util.ContextClassLoaderSwitchingUtil
import org.apache.log4j.Level
import org.apache.log4j.Logger

String sendEmail(String emailAddr, String subject, String body) {
    def logger 
= Logger.getLogger(getClass()) logger.setLevel(Level.DEBUG) // Stop emails being sent if the outgoing mail server gets disabled (useful if you start a script sending emails and need to stop it) def mailSettings = ComponentAccessor.getComponent(MailSettings) if (mailSettings?.send()?.disabled) {
return 'Your outgoing mail server has been disabled' } def mailServer = ComponentAccessor.mailServerManager.defaultSMTPMailServer if (!mailServer) { logger.debug('Your mail server Object is Null, make sure to set the SMTP Mail Server Settings Correctly on your Server') return 'Failed to Send Mail. No SMTP Mail Server Defined' } def email = new Email(emailAddr) email.setMimeType('text/html') email.setSubject(subject) email.setBody(body) try { // This is needed to avoid the exception about IMAPProvider ContextClassLoaderSwitchingUtil.runInContext(SMTPMailServer.classLoader) { mailServer.send(email) } logger.debug('Mail sent') 'Success' } catch (MailException e) { logger.debug("Send mail failed with error: ${e.message}") 'Failed to Send Mail, Check Logs for error' } } sendEmail('[email protected]', '<Your subject here>', '<Your body here>')



This escalation service is used to trigger an email that notifies approvers of pending issues, once their email has been retrieved using theREST Endpoint.


In this example, a reminder email is triggered, after the email addresses of an issue’s outstanding approvers were obtained via a REST Endpoint.

Good to Know

    • For Jira versions prior to 8.10.0, the additional Thread parameters are not required to send the email as shown in the example below:
      def email = new Email(emailAddress)
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.mail.Email
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder

def key = issue.key

def applicationProperties = ComponentAccessor.applicationProperties
def mailServerManager = ComponentAccessor.mailServerManager
def mailServer = mailServerManager.defaultSMTPMailServer

final def host = applicationProperties.getString('jira.baseurl')
final def restEndpointName = 'getApprovers'

def baseUrl = "${host}/rest/scriptrunner/latest/custom/${restEndpointName}?issueKey=${key}"
def response = baseUrl.toURL().text

def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response)
def artifacts = json.collect()

def emailBody = new StringWriter()
def html = new MarkupBuilder(emailBody)
def mkp = html.mkp
html.html {
    body {
        p {
            mkp.yield 'Awaiting your Approval for this Issue'
            a(href: "${host}/browse/${key}", key.toString())

artifacts.findAll {
    def emailAddress = it.toString()
    def subject = 'Approval Reminder'
    def body = emailBody.toString()
    def email = new Email(emailAddress)
    def threadClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader
    Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader = mailServer.class.classLoader
    Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader = threadClassLoader



Send an email to all watchers of an issue with the change history items in the last X days. Edit the number of days to go back by changing thelastDaysvariable. Modify the script to set thejiraIssuevariable depending on where you add the script (for example, in a post function useissue.keyinstead ofTEST-1).


As a project manager, I want to keep track of all changes to my watched issues. I need to be up to date with who is working on an issue and what has been changed. I do not want to check each watched issue manually. I can use this script to send me an email with change history items weekly to keep informed.

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.mail.Email
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter

final jiraIssue = ComponentAccessor.issueManager.getIssueByCurrentKey("TEST-1")
final lastDays = 2

static sendEmail(String emailAddr, String subject, String body) {
    def mailServer = ComponentAccessor.mailServerManager
    if (mailServer) {
        def email = new Email(emailAddr)

def writer = new StringWriter()
def builder = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
builder.html {
    head {
    body {
        p("I have some changes you might have missed.")
        def changeHistory = ComponentAccessor.changeHistoryManager.getChangeHistories(jiraIssue)
        p("Here is what changed:")
        changeHistory.each {
            def now = LocalDate.now()
            def formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.[SSS][SS][S]")
            def dateToParse = it.timePerformed as String
            def parsedDate = LocalDate.parse(dateToParse, formatter)
            if (parsedDate < now.minusDays(lastDays)) {
            def change
            it.changeItems.each {
                change = "${it.field} changed from ${it.oldstring ?: 'nothing'} to ${it.newstring ?: 'nothing'}\n\t"
            p("Date: ${parsedDate} | Author: ${it.authorDisplayName} | ${change}")
def watchers = ComponentAccessor.watcherManager.getWatchersUnsorted(jiraIssue)
watchers.each {
    sendEmail(it.emailAddress, "Changes", writer.toString())