1. 程式人生 > 其它 >動態SQL語句的兩種執行方式




    exec sql execute immediate :host-variable;


    exec sql prepare sql_temp from :host-variable;  // 預編譯

    ... ...

    exec sql execute sql_temp using :cond-variable;  //cond-variable 動態引數


 1 //Prepare-Execute-Using
 2 #include<stdio.h>
 3 #include"prompt.h"
 4 exec sql include sqlca;
 5 exec sql begin declare section;
 6     char cust_id[5];
 7     char sqltext[256];
char user_name[20]; 9 char user_pwd[10]; 10 exec sql end declare section; 11 char cid_prompt[] = "Name customer cid to be deleted: "; 12 13 int main() 14 { 15 strcpy(sqltext,"delete from customers where cid = :dcid"); 16 ... ... 17 while(prompt(cid_prompt, 1, cust_id, 4)>=0) 18
{ 19 exec sql whenever not found goto no_such_cid; 20 exec sql prepare delcust from :sqltext; //為編譯提供了基礎 21 exec sql execute delcust using :cust_id; //cust_id是輸入的字串變數 22 exec sql commit work; 23 24 no_such_cid:printf("No cust %s in table\n",cust_id); 25 continue; 26 } 27 ... 28 }
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