1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >JavaScript-Tool-lhgDialog-js:lhgdialog.js



 * lhgcore Dialog Plugin v4.1.1
 * Date: 2012-02-14 14:07:00
 * http://code.google.com/p/lhgdialog/
 * Copyright 2009-2012 LiHuiGang

(function ($, window, undefined) {

    var _ie = !!window.ActiveXObject,
= _ie && !window.XMLHttpRequest, _noop = function () { }, _count = 0, _rurl = /^url:/, _box, onKeyDown, _expando = 'JDG' + (new Date).getTime(), document = window.document, /*! * _path 獲取元件核心檔案lhgdialog.js所在的絕對路徑 * _args 獲取lhgdialog.js檔案後的url引數組,如:lhgdialog.js?self=true&skin=aero中的?後面的內容
*/ _args, _path = (function (script, i, me) { var l = script.length; for (; i < l; i++) { me = !!document.querySelector ? script[i].src : script[i].getAttribute('src', 4); if (me.substr(me.lastIndexOf('/')).indexOf('lhgdialog') !== -1)
break; } me = me.split('?'); _args = me[1]; return me[0].substr(0, me[0].lastIndexOf('/') + 1); })(document.getElementsByTagName('script'), 0), /*! * 獲取url引數值函式 * @param {String} * @return {String||null} * @demo lhgdialog.js?skin=aero | _getArgs('skin') => 'aero' */ _getArgs = function (name) { if (_args) { var p = _args.split('&'), i = 0, l = p.length, a; for (; i < l; i++) { a = p[i].split('='); if (name === a[0]) return a[1]; } } return null; }, /*! 取面板樣式名,預設為 default */ _skin = _getArgs('skin') || 'default', /*! 獲取 lhgdialog 可跨級呼叫的最高層的 window 物件和 document 物件 */ _doc, _top = (function (w) { try { _doc = w['top'].document; // 跨域|無許可權 _doc.getElementsByTagName; // chrome 瀏覽器本地安全限制 } catch (e) { _doc = w.document; return w; } // 如果指定引數self為true則不跨框架彈出,或為框架集則無法顯示第三方元素 if (_getArgs('self') === 'true' || _doc.getElementsByTagName('frameset').length > 0) { _doc = w.document; return w; } return w['top']; })(window), _root = _doc.documentElement, _$doc = $(_doc), _$top = $(_top), _$html = $(_doc.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]); // 不支援怪異模式,請用主流的XHTML1.0或者HTML5的DOCTYPE申明 if (_doc.compatMode === 'BackCompat') { alert('\u9519\u8BEF: \u9875\u9762\u6587\u6863\u7C7B\u578B(DOCTYPE)\u672A\u58F0\u660E!'); return; } /*! 開啟IE6 CSS背景圖片快取 */ try { _doc.execCommand('BackgroundImageCache', false, true); } catch (e) { }; /*! 在最頂層頁面新增樣式檔案 */ (function (style) { if (!style) { var head = _doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], link = _doc.createElement('link'); link.href = _path + 'skins/' + _skin + '.css'; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.id = 'lhgdglink'; head.insertBefore(link, head.firstChild); } })(_doc.getElementById('lhgdglink')); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! * lhgdialog 核心程式碼部分 */ var lhgdialog = function (config, ok, cancel) { config = config || {}; if (typeof config === 'string') config = { content: config }; var api, setting = lhgdialog.setting; // 合併預設配置 for (var i in setting) { if (config[i] === undefined) config[i] = setting[i]; }; config.id = config.id || _expando + _count; // 如果定義了id引數則返回存在此id的視窗物件 api = lhgdialog.list[config.id]; if (api) return api.zindex().focus(); // 按鈕佇列 config.button = config.button || []; config.ok = ok || config.ok; config.cancel = cancel || config.cancel; config.ok && config.button.push({ name: config.okVal, callback: config.ok, focus: true }); config.cancel && config.button.push({ name: config.cancelVal, callback: config.cancel }); // zIndex全域性配置 lhgdialog.setting.zIndex = config.zIndex; _count++; return lhgdialog.list[config.id] = _box ? _box._init(config) : new lhgdialog.fn._init(config); }; lhgdialog.fn = lhgdialog.prototype = { constructor: lhgdialog, _init: function (config) { var that = this, DOM, txt = config.content, isIfr = _rurl.test(txt), icon = config.icon; that.config = config; that.DOM = DOM = that.DOM || that._getDOM(); // 定義屬性opener為引當前載入頁面的window物件 that.opener = window; // 假如提示性圖示為真預設不顯示最小化和最大化按鈕 if (icon && !isIfr) { config.min = false; config.max = false; DOM.icon[0].style.display = ''; DOM.icon_bg[0].src = config.path + 'skins/icons/' + icon; } else DOM.icon[0].style.display = 'none'; DOM.wrap[0].style.display = 'block'; DOM.wrap.addClass(config.skin); // 多面板共存 DOM.rb[0].style.cursor = config.resize ? 'se-resize' : 'auto'; DOM.title[0].style.cursor = config.drag ? 'move' : 'auto'; DOM.max[0].style.display = config.max ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; DOM.min[0].style.display = config.min ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; DOM.close[0].style.display = config.cancel === false ? 'none' : 'inline-block'; //當cancel引數為false時隱藏關閉按鈕 DOM.content[0].style.padding = config.padding; that.title(config.title) .content(txt, true, isIfr) .button(config.button) .size(config.width, config.height) .position(config.left, config.top) .time(config.time) [config.show ? 'show' : 'hide'](true).zindex().focus(); config.lock && that.lock(); that._addEvent(); that._ie6PngFix(); _box = null; // 假如載入的是單獨頁面的內容頁config.init函式會在內容頁載入完成後執行,這裡就不執行了 if (!isIfr && config.init) config.init.call(that, window); return that; }, /** * 設定標題 * @param {String, Boolean} 標題內容. 為false則隱藏標題欄 * @return {this} 如果無引數則返回物件本身 */ title: function (text) { if (text === undefined) return this; var DOM = this.DOM, border = DOM.border, title = DOM.title[0], className = 'ui_state_tips'; if (text === false) { title.style.display = 'none'; title.innerHTML = ''; border.addClass(className); } else { title.style.display = ''; title.innerHTML = text; border.removeClass(className); }; return this; }, /*! * 設定內容 * @param {String} 內容 (如果內容前3個字元為‘url:’就載入單獨頁面的內容頁) * @param {Boolean} 是否為後增加的內容 * @param {Boolean} 是否使用iframe方式載入內容頁 * @return {this} 如果無引數則返回物件本身 */ content: function (msg, add, frm) { if (msg === undefined) return this; var that = this, DOM = that.DOM, wrap = DOM.wrap[0], width = wrap.offsetWidth, height = wrap.offsetHeight, left = parseInt(wrap.style.left), top = parseInt(wrap.style.top), cssWidth = wrap.style.width, $content = DOM.content, loading = lhgdialog.setting.content; // 假如內容中前3個字元為'url:'就載入相對路徑的單獨頁面的內容頁 if (frm) { $content[0].innerHTML = loading; that._iframe(msg.split('url:')[1]); } else $content.html(msg); // 新增內容後調整位置 if (!add) { width = wrap.offsetWidth - width; height = wrap.offsetHeight - height; left = left - width / 2; top = top - height / 2; wrap.style.left = Math.max(left, 0) + 'px'; wrap.style.top = Math.max(top, 0) + 'px'; if (cssWidth && cssWidth !== 'auto') wrap.style.width = wrap.offsetWidth + 'px'; that._autoPositionType(); } that._ie6SelectFix(); return that; }, /** * 自定義按鈕 * @example button({ name: 'login', callback: function(){}, disabled: false, focus: true }, .., ..) */ button: function () { var that = this, ags = arguments, buttons = that.DOM.buttons[0], focusButton = 'ui_state_highlight', listeners = that._listeners = that._listeners || {}, list = $.isArray(ags[0]) ? ags[0] : [].slice.call(ags); $.each(list, function (i, obj) { var name = obj.name, isNewButton = !listeners[name], button = !isNewButton ? listeners[name].elem : _doc.createElement('input'); if (!listeners[name]) listeners[name] = {}; if (obj.callback) listeners[name].callback = obj.callback; if (obj.focus) { that._focus && that._focus.removeClass(focusButton); that._focus = $(button).addClass(focusButton); that.focus(); } button[_expando + 'callback'] = name; button.disabled = !!obj.disabled; if (isNewButton) { button.type = 'button'; button.value = name; listeners[name].elem = button; buttons.appendChild(button); } }); buttons.style.display = list.length ? '' : 'none'; that._ie6SelectFix(); return that; }, /** * 尺寸 * @param {Number, String} 寬度 * @param {Number, String} 高度 */ size: function (width, height) { var that = this, DOM = that.DOM, wrap = DOM.wrap[0], wrapStyle = wrap.style, style = DOM.main[0].style; if (width) { wrapStyle.width = 'auto'; if (typeof width === 'number') style.width = width + 'px'; else if (typeof width === 'string') style.width = width; if (width !== 'auto') // 防止未定義寬度的表格遇到瀏覽器右邊邊界伸縮 wrapStyle.width = wrap.offsetWidth + 'px'; } if (height) { if (typeof height === 'number') style.height = height + 'px'; else if (typeof height === 'string') style.height = height; }; that._ie6SelectFix(); return that; }, /** * 位置(相對於可視區域) * @param {Number, String} * @param {Number, String} */ position: function (left, top) { var that = this, config = that.config, wrap = that.DOM.wrap[0], isFixed = _ie6 ? false : config.fixed, ie6Fixed = _ie6 && config.fixed, docLeft = _$doc.scrollLeft(), docTop = _$doc.scrollTop(), dl = isFixed ? 0 : docLeft, dt = isFixed ? 0 : docTop, ww = _$top.width(), wh = _$top.height(), ow = wrap.offsetWidth, oh = wrap.offsetHeight, style = wrap.style; if (left || left === 0) { that._left = left.toString().indexOf('%') !== -1 ? left : null; left = that._toNumber(left, ww - ow); if (typeof left === 'number') { left = ie6Fixed ? (left += docLeft) : left + dl; style.left = Math.max(left, dl) + 'px'; } else if (typeof left === 'string') style.left = left; } if (top || top === 0) { that._top = top.toString().indexOf('%') !== -1 ? top : null; top = that._toNumber(top, wh - oh); if (typeof top === 'number') { top = ie6Fixed ? (top += docTop) : top + dt; style.top = Math.max(top, dt) + 'px'; } else if (typeof top === 'string') style.top = top; } if (left !== undefined && top !== undefined) that._autoPositionType(); return that; }, /*! 顯示對話方塊 */ show: function (args) { this.DOM.wrap[0].style.visibility = 'visible'; if (!args && this._lock) $('#ldg_lockmask', _doc)[0].style.display = ''; return this; }, /*! 隱藏對話方塊 */ hide: function (args) { this.DOM.wrap[0].style.visibility = 'hidden'; if (!args && this._lock) $('#ldg_lockmask', _doc)[0].style.display = 'none'; return this; }, /*! 關閉對話方塊 */ close: function () { var that = this, DOM = that.DOM, wrap = DOM.wrap, list = lhgdialog.list, fn = that.config.close; that.time(); // 當使用iframe方式載入內容頁時的處理程式碼 if (that.iframe) { if (typeof fn === 'function' && fn.call(that, that.iframe.contentWindow, window) === false) return that; // 重要!需要重置iframe地址,否則下次出現的對話方塊在IE6、7無法聚焦input // IE刪除iframe後,iframe仍然會留在記憶體中出現上述問題,置換src是最容易解決的方法 $(that.iframe).unbind('load', that._fmLoad).attr('src', 'about:blank').remove(); DOM.content.removeClass('ui_state_full'); if (that._frmTimer) clearTimeout(that._frmTimer); } else { if (typeof fn === 'function' && fn.call(that, window) === false) return that; } that.unlock(); if (that._minState) { DOM.main[0].style.display = ''; DOM.buttons[0].style.display = ''; DOM.dialog[0].style.width = ''; } if (that._maxState) { _$html.removeClass('ui_lock_scroll'); DOM.res[0].style.display = 'none'; } // 置空內容 wrap[0].className = DOM.wrap[0].style.cssText = ''; wrap[0].style.display = 'none'; DOM.border.removeClass('ui_state_focus'); DOM.title[0].innerHTML = ''; DOM.content.html(''); DOM.buttons[0].innerHTML = ''; if (lhgdialog.focus === that) lhgdialog.focus = null; delete list[that.config.id]; that._removeEvent(); that.hide(true)._setAbsolute(); // 清空除this.DOM之外臨時物件,恢復到初始狀態,以便使用單例模式 for (var i in that) { if (that.hasOwnProperty(i) && i !== 'DOM') delete that[i]; }; // 移除HTMLElement或重用 _box ? wrap.remove() : _box = that; return that; }, /*! * 定時關閉 * @param {Number} 單位為秒, 無引數則停止計時器 * @param {Function} 關閉視窗前執行的回撥函式 */ time: function (second, callback) { var that = this, cancel = that.config.cancelVal, timer = that._timer; timer && clearTimeout(timer); if (callback) callback.call(that); if (second) { that._timer = setTimeout(function () { that._click(cancel); }, 1000 * second); } return that; }, /** * 重新整理或跳轉指定頁面 * @param {Object, 指定頁面的window物件} * @param {String, 要跳轉到的頁面地址} */ reload: function (win, url) { win = win || window; try { win.location.href = url ? url : win.location.href; } catch (e) { // 跨域 url = this.iframe.src; $(this.iframe).attr('src', url); }; return this; }, /*! 置頂對話方塊 */ zindex: function () { var that = this, DOM = that.DOM, load = that._load, top = lhgdialog.focus, index = lhgdialog.setting.zIndex++; // 設定疊加高度 DOM.wrap[0].style.zIndex = index; // 設定最高層的樣式 top && top.DOM.border.removeClass('ui_state_focus'); lhgdialog.focus = that; DOM.border.addClass('ui_state_focus'); // 擴充套件視窗置頂功能,只用在iframe方式載入內容 // 或跨域載入內容頁時點視窗內容主體部分置頂視窗 if (load && load.style.zIndex) load.style.display = 'none'; if (top && top !== that && top.iframe) top._load.style.display = ''; return that; }, /*! 設定焦點 */ focus: function () { try { elemFocus = this._focus && this._focus[0] || this.DOM.close[0]; elemFocus && elemFocus.focus(); } catch (e) { }; return this; }, /*! 鎖屏 */ lock: function () { var that = this, frm, index = lhgdialog.setting.zIndex - 1, config = that.config, mask = $('#ldg_lockmask', _doc)[0], style = mask ? mask.style : '', positionType = _ie6 ? 'absolute' : 'fixed'; if (!mask) { frm = '<iframe src="about:blank" style="width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;' + 'top:0;left:0;z-index:-1;filter:alpha(opacity=0)"></iframe>'; mask = _doc.createElement('div'); mask.id = 'ldg_lockmask'; mask.style.cssText = 'position:' + positionType + ';left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden;background:' + config.background + ';'; $(mask).css({ opacity: config.opacity }); style = mask.style; if (_ie6) mask.innerHTML = frm; _doc.body.appendChild(mask); } if (positionType === 'absolute') { style.width = _$top.width(); style.height = _$top.height(); style.top = _$doc.scrollTop(); style.left = _$doc.scrollLeft(); that._setFixed(mask); } style.zIndex = index; style.display = ''; that.zindex(); that.DOM.border.addClass('ui_state_lock'); that._lock = true; return that; }, /*! 解除鎖屏 */ unlock: function () { var that = this, config = that.config, mask = $('#ldg_lockmask', _doc)[0]; if (mask && that._lock) { // 無限級鎖屏 if (config.parent && config.parent._lock) { var index = config.parent.DOM.wrap[0].style.zIndex; mask.style.zIndex = parseInt(index, 10) - 1; } else mask.style.display = 'none'; that.DOM.border.removeClass('ui_state_lock'); } return that; }, /*! 最大化視窗 */ max: function () { if (!this.config.max) return this; var that = this, maxSize, DOM = that.DOM, wrapStyle = DOM.wrap[0].style, mainStyle = DOM.main[0].style, rbStyle = DOM.rb[0].style, titleStyle = DOM.title[0].style, config = that.config, top = _$doc.scrollTop(), left = _$doc.scrollLeft(); if (!that._maxState) { _$html.addClass('ui_lock_scroll'); if (that._minState) that.min(); // 儲存最大化視窗前的狀態 that._or = { t: wrapStyle.top, l: wrapStyle.left, w: mainStyle.width, h: mainStyle.height, d: config.drag, r: config.resize, rc: rbStyle.cursor, tc: titleStyle.cursor }; wrapStyle.top = top + 'px'; wrapStyle.left = left + 'px'; maxSize = that._maxSize(); that.size(maxSize.w, maxSize.h)._setAbsolute(); config.drag = false; config.resize = false; rbStyle.cursor = 'auto'; titleStyle.cursor = 'auto'; DOM.max[0].style.display = 'none'; DOM.res[0].style.display = 'inline-block'; that._maxState = true; } else { _$html.removeClass('ui_lock_scroll'); wrapStyle.top = that._or.t; wrapStyle.left = that._or.l; that.size(that._or.w, that._or.h)._autoPositionType(); config.drag = that._or.d; config.resize = that._or.r; rbStyle.cursor = that._or.rc; titleStyle.cursor = that._or.tc; DOM.res[0].style.display = 'none'; DOM.max[0].style.display = 'inline-block'; delete that._or; that._maxState = false; } return that; }, /*! 計算最大化視窗時視窗的尺寸 */ _maxSize: function () { var that = this, DOM = that.DOM, wrap = DOM.wrap[0], main = DOM.main[0], maxWidth, maxHeight; maxWidth = _$top.width() - wrap.offsetWidth + main.offsetWidth; maxHeight = _$top.height() - wrap.offsetHeight + main.offsetHeight; return { w: maxWidth, h: maxHeight }; }, /*! 最小化視窗 */ min: function () { if (!this.config.min) return this; var that = this, DOM = that.DOM, main = DOM.main[0].style, buttons = DOM.buttons[0].style, dialog = DOM.dialog[0].style, rb = DOM.rb[0].style.cursor, resize = that.config.resize; if (!that._minState) { if (that._maxState) that.max(); that._minRz = { rzs: resize, btn: buttons.display }; main.display = 'none'; buttons.display = 'none'; dialog.width = main.width; rb.cursor = 'auto'; resize = false; that._minState = true; } else { main.display = ''; buttons.display = that._minRz.btn; dialog.width = ''; resize = that._minRz; rb.cursor = that._minRz.rzs ? 'se-resize' : 'auto'; delete that._minRz; that._minState = false; } that._ie6SelectFix(); return that; }, /*! * 獲取指定id的視窗物件或視窗中iframe載入的內容頁的window物件 * @param {String} 指定的id * @param {String} 是否返回的為指定id的視窗物件 * 用數字1來表示真,如果不寫或寫其它為false * @return {Object|null} */ get: function (id, object) { if (lhgdialog.list[id]) { if (object === 1) return lhgdialog.list[id]; else return lhgdialog.list[id].iwin || null; } return null; }, /*! * 設定iframe方式載入內容頁 */ _iframe: function (url) { var that = this, iframe, $iframe, iwin, $idoc, $ibody, iWidth, iHeight, $content = that.DOM.content, config = that.config, loading = that._load = $('.ui_loading', $content[0])[0], initCss = 'position:absolute;left:-9999em;border:none 0;background:transparent', loadCss = 'width:100%;height:100%;border:none 0;'; // 是否允許快取. 預設true if (config.cache === false) { var ts = (new Date).getTime(), ret = url.replace(/([?&])_=[^&]*/, '$1_=' + ts); url = ret + ((ret === url) ? (/\?/.test(url) ? '&' : '?') + '_=' + ts : ''); } iframe = that.iframe = _doc.createElement('iframe'); iframe.name = config.id; iframe.style.cssText = initCss; iframe.setAttribute('frameborder', 0, 0); $iframe = $(iframe); $content[0].appendChild(iframe); // 延遲載入iframe的src屬性,IE6下不延遲載入會出現載入進度條的BUG that._frmTimer = setTimeout(function () { $iframe.attr('src', url); }, 1); // iframe中頁面載入完成後執行的函式 var load = that._fmLoad = function () { $content.addClass('ui_state_full'); // 增強視窗置頂功能,iframe方式載入內容或跨域載入內容頁時點視窗內容部分置頂視窗 // 通過使用重置loading層來優雅的完成此功能,在focus方法中有此功能的相關程式碼 var DOM = that.DOM, ltSize, lt = DOM.lt[0].offsetHeight, main = DOM.main[0].style; loading.style.cssText = 'display:none;position:absolute;background:#FFF;opacity:0;' + 'filter:alpha(opacity=0);z-index:1;width:' + main.width + ';height:' + main.height + ';'; // 此部分程式碼結束,在拖動改變大小的_dragEvent.onmove方法中還有此功能的相關程式碼 try { iwin = that.iwin = iframe.contentWindow; // 定義視窗物件iwin屬性為內容頁的window物件 $idoc = $(iwin.document); $ibody = $(iwin.document.body); } catch (e) {// 跨域 iframe.style.cssText = loadCss; return; } // 獲取iframe內部尺寸 iWidth = config.width === 'auto' ? $idoc.width() + (_ie6 ? 0 : parseInt($ibody.css('marginLeft'))) : config.width; iHeight = config.height === 'auto' ? $idoc.height() : config.height; // 適應iframe尺寸 setTimeout(function () { iframe.style.cssText = loadCss; }, 0);// setTimeout: 防止IE6~7對話方塊樣式渲染異常 // 視窗最大化時這裡不用再計算視窗的尺寸和位置了,如果再計算視窗會出現錯位 if (!that._maxState) { that.size(iWidth, iHeight) .position(config.left, config.top); } // 非跨域時還要對loading層重設大小,要不寬和度都為'auto' loading.style.width = main.width; loading.style.height = main.height; config.init && config.init.call(that, iwin, _top); }; // 繫結iframe元素api屬性為視窗自身物件,在內容頁中此屬性很重要 that.iframe.api = that; $iframe.bind('load', load); }, /*! 獲取視窗元素 */ _getDOM: function () { var wrap = _doc.createElement('div'), body = _doc.body; wrap.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;visibility:hidden;'; wrap.innerHTML = lhgdialog.templates; body.insertBefore(wrap, body.firstChild); var name, i = 0, DOM = { wrap: $(wrap) }, els = wrap.getElementsByTagName('*'), len = els.length; for (; i < len; i++) { name = els[i].className.split('ui_')[1]; if (name) DOM[name] = $(els[i]); }; return DOM; }, /*! * px與%單位轉換成數值 (百分比單位按照最大值換算) * 其他的單位返回原值 */ _toNumber: function (thisValue, maxValue) { if (!thisValue && thisValue !== 0 || typeof thisValue === 'number') return thisValue; if (thisValue.indexOf('%') !== -1) thisValue = parseInt(maxValue * thisValue.split('%')[0] / 100); return thisValue; }, /*! 讓IE6 CSS支援PNG背景 */ _ie6PngFix: _ie6 ? function () { var i = 0, elem, png, pngPath, runtimeStyle, path = lhgdialog.setting.path + '/skins/', list = this.DOM.wrap[0].getElementsByTagName('*'); for (; i < list.length; i++) { elem = list[i]; png = elem.currentStyle['png']; if (png) { pngPath = path + png; runtimeStyle = elem.runtimeStyle; runtimeStyle.backgroundImage = 'none'; runtimeStyle.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft." + "AlphaImageLoader(src='" + pngPath + "',sizingMethod='scale')"; }; } } : _noop, /*! 強制覆蓋IE6下拉控制元件 */ _ie6SelectFix: _ie6 ? function () { var $wrap = this.DOM.wrap, wrap = $wrap[0], expando = _expando + 'iframeMask', iframe = $wrap[expando], width = wrap.offsetWidth, height = wrap.offsetHeight; width = width + 'px'; height = height + 'px'; if (iframe) { iframe.style.width = width; iframe.style.height = height; } else { iframe = wrap.appendChild(_doc.createElement('iframe')); $wrap[expando] = iframe; iframe.src = 'about:blank'; iframe.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;z-index:-1;left:0;top:0;' + 'filter:alpha(opacity=0);width:' + width + ';height:' + height; } } : _noop, /*! 自動切換定位型別 */ _autoPositionType: function () { this[this.config.fixed ? '_setFixed' : '_setAbsolute'](); }, /*! 設定靜止定位 * IE6 Fixed @see: http://www.planeart.cn/?p=877 */ _setFixed: function (el) { var style = el ? el.style : this.DOM.wrap[0].style; if (_ie6) { var sLeft = _$doc.scrollLeft(), sTop = _$doc.scrollTop(), left = parseInt(style.left) - sLeft, top = parseInt(style.top) - sTop, txt = 'this.ownerDocument.documentElement'; this._setAbsolute(); style.setExpression('left', txt + '.scrollLeft +' + left); style.setExpression('top', txt + '.scrollTop +' + top); } else style.position = 'fixed'; }, /*! 設定絕對定位 */ _setAbsolute: function () { var style = this.DOM.wrap[0].style; if (_ie6) { style.removeExpression('left'); style.removeExpression('top'); } style.position = 'absolute'; }, /*! 按鈕回撥函式觸發 */ _click: function (name) { var that = this, fn = that._listeners[name] && that._listeners[name].callback; return typeof fn !== 'function' || fn.call(that, window) !== false ? that.close() : that; }, /*! 重置位置與尺寸 */ _reset: function (test) { var newSize, that = this, tw = _$top.width(), tt = _$top.height(), oldSize = that._winSize || tw * tt, oldWidth = that._lockDocW || tw, left = that._left, top = that._top; if (test) { //IE6下遮罩大小改變 if (that._lock && _ie6) $('#ldg_lockmask', _doc).css({ width: tw + 'px', height: tt + 'px' }); newWidth = that._lockDocW = tw; //IE6~7 window.onresize bug newSize = that._winSize = tw * tt; if (oldSize === newSize) return; }; if (that._maxState) { var size = that._maxSize(); that.size(size.w, size.h); } //IE6~8會出現最大化還原後窗口重新定位,鎖定滾動條在IE下就會觸發resize事件BUG if (test && Math.abs(oldWidth - newWidth) === 17) return; if (left || top) that.position(left, top); }, /*! 事件代理 */ _addEvent: function () { var resizeTimer, that = this, config = that.config, DOM = that.DOM; // 視窗調節事件 that._winResize = function () { resizeTimer && clearTimeout(resizeTimer); resizeTimer = setTimeout(function () { that._reset(_ie); }, 140); }; _$top.bind('resize', that._winResize); // 監聽點選 DOM.wrap.bind('click', function (event) { var target = event.target, callbackID; if (target.disabled) return false; // IE BUG if (target === DOM.close[0]) { that._click(config.cancelVal); return false; } else if (target === DOM.max[0] || target === DOM.res[0] || target === DOM.max_b[0] || target === DOM.res_b[0] || target === DOM.res_t[0]) { that.max(); return false; } else if (target === DOM.min[0] || target === DOM.min_b[0]) { that.min(); return false; } else { callbackID = target[_expando + 'callback']; callbackID && that._click(callbackID); } }).bind('mousedown', function (event) { that.zindex(); var target = event.target; if (config.drag !== false && target === DOM.title[0] || config.resize !== false && target === DOM.rb[0]) { _use(event); return false; } }); // 雙擊標題欄最大化還視窗事件 if (config.max) DOM.title.bind('dblclick', function () { that.max(); return false; }); }, /*! 解除安裝事件代理 */ _removeEvent: function () { var that = this, DOM = that.DOM; DOM.wrap.unbind(); DOM.title.unbind(); _$top.unbind('resize', that._winResize); } }; lhgdialog.fn._init.prototype = lhgdialog.fn; /*! 使用jQ方式呼叫視窗 */ $.fn.dialog = function () { var config = arguments; this.bind('click', function () { lhgdialog.apply(this, config); return false; }); return this; }; /*! 此物件用來儲存獲得焦點的視窗物件例項 */ lhgdialog.focus = null; /*! 儲存視窗例項的物件列表 */ lhgdialog.list = {}; /*! * 全域性快捷鍵 * 由於跨框架時事件是繫結到最頂層頁面,所以噹噹前頁面解除安裝時必須要除移此事件 * 所以必須unbind此事件繫結的函式,所以這裡要給繫結的事件定義個函式 * 這樣在當前頁面解除安裝時就可以移此事件繫結的相應函式,不而不影響頂層頁面此事件繫結的其它函式 */ onKeyDown = function (event) { var target = event.target, api = lhgdialog.focus, keyCode = event.keyCode; if (!api || !api.config.esc) return; keyCode === 27 && api._click(api.config.cancelVal); }; _$doc.bind('keydown', onKeyDown); /*! * 框架頁面解除安裝前關閉所有穿越的對話方塊 * 同時移除拖動層和遮罩層 */ _top != window && $(window).bind('unload', function () { var list = lhgdialog.list; for (var i in list) { if (list[i]) list[i].close(); } _box && _box.DOM.wrap.remove(); _$doc.unbind('keydown', onKeyDown); // 刪除資料共享儲存的所有資料以釋放記憶體 delete lhgdialog[_expando + '_data']; $('#ldg_lockmask', _doc)[0] && $('#ldg_lockmask', _doc).remove(); $('#ldg_dragmask', _doc)[0] && $('#ldg_dragmask', _doc).remove(); }); /** * 跨框架資料共享介面 * @see http://www.planeart.cn/?p=1554 * @param {String} 儲存的資料名 * @param {Any} 將要儲存的任意資料(無此項則返回被查詢的資料) */ lhgdialog[_expando + '_data'] = {}; lhgdialog.data = function (name, value) { var cache = lhgdialog[_expando + '_data']; if (value !== undefined) cache[name] = value; else return cache[name]; return cache; }; /** * 資料共享刪除介面 * @param {String} 刪除的資料名 */ lhgdialog.removeDate = function (name) { var cache = lhgdialog[_expando + '_data']; if (cache && cache[name]) delete cache[name]; }; /*! * 頁面DOM載入完成執行的程式碼 */ $(function () { // 觸發瀏覽器預先快取背景圖片 setTimeout(function () { if (_count) return; lhgdialog({ left: '-9999em', time: 9, fixed: false, lock: false }); }, 150); _ie6 && (function () { var bg = 'backgroundAttachment'; if (_$html.css(bg) !== 'fixed' && $(_doc.body).css(bg) !== 'fixed') { _$html.css({ zoom: 1,// 避免偶爾出現body背景圖片異常的情況 backgroundImage: 'url(about:blank)', backgroundAttachment: 'fixed' }); } })(); // 增強lhgdialog拖拽體驗(可選外接模組,如不需要可刪除) // 防止滑鼠落入iframe導致不流暢,對超大對話方塊拖動優化 lhgdialog.setting.extendDrag && (function (dragEvent) { var mask = _doc.createElement('div'), style = mask.style, positionType = _ie6 ? 'absolute' : 'fixed'; mask.id = 'ldg_dragmask'; style.cssText = 'display:none;position:' + positionType + ';left:0;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;' + 'cursor:move;filter:alpha(opacity=0);opacity:0;background:#FFF;pointer-events:none;'; _doc.body.appendChild(mask); dragEvent._start = dragEvent.start; dragEvent._end = dragEvent.end; dragEvent.start = function () { var api = lhgdialog.focus, main = api.DOM.main[0], iframe = api.iframe; dragEvent._start.apply(this, arguments); style.display = 'block'; style.zIndex = lhgdialog.setting.zIndex + 3; if (positionType === 'absolute') { style.width = '100%'; style.height = _$top.height() + 'px'; style.left = _$doc.scrollLeft() + 'px'; style.top = _$doc.scrollTop() + 'px'; }; if (iframe && main.offsetWidth * main.offsetHeight > 307200) main.style.visibility = 'hidden'; }; dragEvent.end = function () { var api = lhgdialog.focus; dragEvent._end.apply(this, arguments); style.display = 'none'; if (api) api.DOM.main[0].style.visibility = 'visible'; }; })(lhgdialog.dragEvent); }); /*! *------------------------------------------------ * 對話方塊模組-拖拽支援(可選外接模組) *------------------------------------------------ */ var _use, _isSetCapture = 'setCapture' in _root, _isLosecapture = 'onlosecapture' in _root; lhgdialog.dragEvent = { onstart: _noop, start: function (event) { var that = lhgdialog.dragEvent; _$doc .bind('mousemove', that.move) .bind('mouseup', that.end); that._sClientX = event.clientX; that._sClientY = event.clientY; that.onstart(event.clientX, event.clientY); return false; }, onmove: _noop, move: function (event) { var that = lhgdialog.dragEvent; that.onmove( event.clientX - that._sClientX, event.clientY - that._sClientY ); return false; }, onend: _noop, end: function (event) { var that = lhgdialog.dragEvent; _$doc .unbind('mousemove', that.move) .unbind('mouseup', that.end); that.onend(event.clientX, event.clientY); return false; } }; _use = function (event) { var limit, startWidth, startHeight, startLeft, startTop, isResize, api = lhgdialog.focus, config = api.config, DOM = api.DOM, wrap = DOM.wrap[0], title = DOM.title, main = DOM.main[0], _dragEvent = lhgdialog.dragEvent, // 清除文字選擇 clsSelect = 'getSelection' in _top ? function () { _top.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } : function () { try { _doc.selection.empty(); } catch (e) { }; }; // 對話方塊準備拖動 _dragEvent.onstart = function (x, y) { if (isResize) { startWidth = main.offsetWidth; startHeight = main.offsetHeight; } else { startLeft = wrap.offsetLeft; startTop = wrap.offsetTop; }; _$doc.bind('dblclick', _dragEvent.end); !_ie6 && _isLosecapture ? title.bind('losecapture', _dragEvent.end) : _$top.bind('blur', _dragEvent.end); _isSetCapture && title[0].setCapture(); DOM.border.addClass('ui_state_drag'); api.focus(); }; // 對話方塊拖動進行中 _dragEvent.onmove = function (x, y) { if (isResize) { var wrapStyle = wrap.style, style = main.style, width = x + startWidth, height = y + startHeight; wrapStyle.width = 'auto'; config.width = style.width = Math.max(0, width) + 'px'; wrapStyle.width = wrap.offsetWidth + 'px'; config.height = style.height = Math.max(0, height) + 'px'; api._ie6SelectFix(); // 使用loading層置頂視窗時視窗大小改變相應loading層大小也得改變 api._load && $(api._load).css({ width: style.width, height: style.height }); } else { var style = wrap.style, left = x + startLeft, top = y + startTop; config.left = Math.max(limit.minX, Math.min(limit.maxX, left)); config.top = Math.max(limit.minY, Math.min(limit.maxY, top)); style.left = config.left + 'px'; style.top = config.top + 'px'; } clsSelect(); }; // 對話方塊拖動結束 _dragEvent.onend = function (x, y) { _$doc.unbind('dblclick', _dragEvent.end); !_ie6 && _isLosecapture ? title.unbind('losecapture', _dragEvent.end) : _$top.unbind('blur', _dragEvent.end); _isSetCapture && title[0].releaseCapture(); _ie6 && api._autoPositionType(); DOM.border.removeClass('ui_state_drag'); }; isResize = event.target === DOM.rb[0] ? true : false; limit = (function () { var fixed = wrap.style.position === 'fixed', ow = wrap.offsetWidth, // 向下拖動時不能將標題欄拖出可視區域 oh = title[0].offsetHeight || 20, ww = _$top.width(), wh = _$top.height(), dl = fixed ? 0 : _$doc.scrollLeft(), dt = fixed ? 0 : _$doc.scrollTop(); // 座標最大值限制(在可視區域內) maxX = ww - ow + dl; maxY = wh - oh + dt; return { minX: dl, minY: dt, maxX: maxX, maxY: maxY }; })(); _dragEvent.start(event); }; lhgdialog.templates = '<table class="ui_border">' + '<tbody>' + '<tr>' + '<td class="ui_lt"></td>' + '<td class="ui_t"></td>' + '<td class="ui_rt"></td>' + '</tr>' + '<tr>' + '<td class="ui_l"></td>' + '<td class="ui_c">' + '<div class="ui_inner">' + '<table class="ui_dialog">' + '<tbody>' + '<tr>' + '<td colspan="2">' + '<div class="ui_title_bar">' + '<div class="ui_title" unselectable="on"></div>' + '<div class="ui_title_buttons">' + '<a class="ui_min" href="javascript:void(0);" title="\u6700\u5C0F\u5316"><b class="ui_min_b"></b></a>' + '<a class="ui_max" href="javascript:void(0);" title="\u6700\u5927\u5316"><b class="ui_max_b"></b></a>' + '<a class="ui_res" href="javascript:void(0);" title="\u8FD8\u539F"><b class="ui_res_b"></b><b class="ui_res_t"></b></a>' + '<a class="ui_close" href="javascript:void(0);" title="\u5173\u95ED(esc\u952E)">\xd7</a>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</td>' + '</tr>' + '<tr>' + '<td class="ui_icon">' + '<img src="" class="ui_icon_bg"/>' + '</td>' + '<td class="ui_main">' + '<div class="ui_content"></div>' + '</td>' + '</tr>' + '<tr>' + '<td colspan="2">' + '<div class="ui_buttons"></div>' + '</td>' + '</tr>' + '</tbody>' + '</table>' + '</div>' + '</td>' + '<td class="ui_r"></td>' + '</tr>' + '<tr>' + '<td class="ui_lb"></td>' + '<td class="ui_b"></td>' + '<td class="ui_rb"></td>' + '</tr>' + '</tbody>' + '</table>'; /*! lhgdialog 的全域性預設配置 */ lhgdialog.setting = { content: '<div class="ui_loading"><span>loading...</span></div>', title: '\u89C6\u7A97 ', // 標題,預設'視窗' button: null, // 自定義按鈕 ok: null, // 確定按鈕回撥函式 cancel: null, // 取消按鈕回撥函式 init: null, // 對話方塊初始化後執行的函式 close: null, // 對話方塊關閉前執行的函式 okVal: '\u786E\u5B9A', // 確定按鈕文字,預設'確定' cancelVal: '\u53D6\u6D88', // 取消按鈕文字,預設'取消' skin: '', // 多面板共存預留介面 esc: true, // 是否支援Esc鍵關閉 show: true, // 初始化後是否顯示對話方塊 width: 'auto', // 內容寬度 height: 'auto', // 內容高度 icon: null, // 訊息圖示名稱 path: _path, // lhgdialog路徑 lock: false, // 是否鎖屏 parent: null, // 開啟子視窗的父視窗物件,主要用於多層鎖屏視窗 background: '#DCE2F1', // 遮罩顏色 opacity: .6, // 遮罩透明度 padding: '10px', // 內容與邊界填充距離 fixed: false, // 是否靜止定位 left: '50%', // X軸座標 top: '38.2%', // Y軸座標 max: true, // 是否顯示最大化按鈕 min: true, // 是否顯示最小化按鈕 zIndex: 1976, // 對話方塊疊加高度值(重要:此值不能超過瀏覽器最大限制) resize: true, // 是否允許使用者調節尺寸 drag: true, // 是否允許使用者拖動位置 cache: true, // 是否快取視窗內容頁 extendDrag: false // 增加lhgdialog拖拽體驗 }; window.lhgdialog = $.dialog = lhgdialog; })(this.jQuery || this.lhgcore, this); /*! *------------------------------------------------ * 對話方塊其它功能擴充套件模組(可選外接模組) *------------------------------------------------ */ ; (function ($, lhgdialog, undefined) { var _zIndex = function () { return lhgdialog.setting.zIndex; }; /** * 警告 * @param {String} 訊息內容 */ lhgdialog.alert = function (content, callback, parent) { return lhgdialog({ title: '系統提示', id: 'Alert', zIndex: _zIndex(), icon: '32x32/i.png', fixed: true, lock: true, content: content, ok: true, resize: false, close: callback, parent: parent || null }); }; /** * 確認 * @param {String} 訊息內容 * @param {Function} 確定按鈕回撥函式 * @param {Function} 取消按鈕回撥函式 */ lhgdialog.confirm = function (content, yes, no, parent) { return lhgdialog({ title: '系統提示', id: 'confirm.gif', zIndex: _zIndex(), icon: '32x32/i.png', fixed: true, lock: true, content: content, resize: false, parent: parent || null, ok: function (here) { return yes.call(this, here); }, cancel: function (here) { return no && no.call(this, here); } }); }; /** * 提問 * @param {String} 提問內容 * @param {Function} 回撥函式. 接收引數:輸入值 * @param {String} 預設值 */ lhgdialog.prompt = function (content, yes, value, parent) { value = value || ''; var input; return lhgdialog({ title: '系統提示', id: 'Prompt', zIndex: _zIndex(), icon: '32x32/i.png', fixed: true, lock: true, parent: parent || null, content: [ '<div style="margin-bottom:5px;font-size:12px">', content, '</div>', '<div>', '<input value="', value, '" style="width:18em;padding:6px 4px" />', '</div>' ].join(''), init: function () { input = this.DOM.content[0].getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; input.select(); input.focus(); }, ok: function (here) { return yes && yes.call(this, input.value, here); }, cancel: true }); }; /** * 短暫提示 * @param {String} 提示內容 * @param {Number} 顯示時間 (預設1.5秒) * @param {String} 提示圖示 (注意要加副檔名) * @param {Function} 提示關閉時執行的回撥函式 */ lhgdialog.tips = function (content, time, icon, callback) { var reIcon = icon ? function () { this.DOM.icon_bg[0].src = this.config.path + 'skins/icons/' + icon; this.DOM.icon[0].style.display = ''; if (callback) this.config.close = callback; } : function () { this.DOM.icon[0].style.display = 'none'; }; return lhgdialog({ id: 'Tips', zIndex: _zIndex(), title: false, cancel: false, fixed: true, lock: false, resize: false, close: callback }) .content(content) .time(time || 1.5, reIcon); }; })(this.jQuery || this.lhgcore, this.lhgdialog);