1. 程式人生 > 其它 >【六級單詞】2022.2.19



[cognize, cognitive, cognition, recognize]

cognize v. 認知

cognitive adj. 認知的

cognition n. 認知

recognize v. 認出

[persecute, prosecute]

persecute v. 迫害

prosecute v. 起訴

cooperative -adj -a cooperative effort
nourish -v -nourish you; nourish a hope
series -n -won a series of battles
refute -v -refute your argument

junction -n -a junction of two paths
prestige -n,adj -a campaign about national honor and prestige
deficit -n -a trade deficit
circumstance -n -the circumstance of the accident; personal circumstance
acid -n,adj -strong acid; acid rain
terminate -v -terminate that contract

diagnose -v -was diagnosed with cancer

reinforce -v -reinforce the connection
gamble -v,n -take a gamble; gonna gamble
vital -adj -are vital to national security; viruses spread into vital organs
spoil -v,n -spoil the fun; spoil your children
cognitive -adj -high levels of cognitive function
reproach -n,v -the others reproached her sharply
-adj -an authentic letter
maintain -v -maintain order in Gotham City; maintained his innocence
inspiration -n -my inspiration comes from problems; seek inspiration

glance -v -glance around
intuition -n -follow your intuition
existence -n -the existence of Bigfoot; come into existence; the ordinary existence
jeopardize -v -jeopardize his future
attribute -v -attribute her success to inside information
erroneous -adj -held the erroneous belief that the earth was flat
surgery -n -need surgery on my eye
contingent -adj -crime exists contingent on human desire
tilt -n,v -he tilted back in his chair
assurance -n -give you my assurance that

yearn -v -yearn to defend your own beliefs
persecute -v -be persecuted for their faith
apron -n -get your apron on
converge -v -two paths converge; people converging from different parts of Spain
enclose -v -enclose me in his arm; the garden is enclosed by a high brick wall
sanction -n,v -without the sanction of the author;
luminous -adj -an extremely luminous star
solicitor -n -I need my solicitor
illusion -n -a dangerous illusion
feminist -n -a radical feminist