1. 程式人生 > 其它 >人人能看懂的區塊鏈底層技術簡介



機器沒有智慧,語言模型要靠大量的輸入訓練出來。我們可以用機器沒見過的方式通訊,例如“都都平丈我”代替“鬱郁乎文哉” [

出處],不說“茶”而說“如火如”,“Trump門”代表50…… [出處] 有沒有更保險、更無趣、更數學的方法呢?

In a stream cipher, each plaintext digit is encrypted one at a time with the corresponding digit of the keystream, to give a digit of the ciphertext stream. Since encryption of each digit is dependent on the current state of the cipher, it is also known as state cipher. In practice, a digit is typically a bit and the combining operation is an exclusive-or (XOR). 在流式加密中,每個明文數字與金鑰流的相應數字一次加密一個,以給出密文流的一個數字。由於每個數字的加密取決於密碼的當前狀態,因此也稱為狀態密碼。實踐中通常:一個數字通常是一個位,組合運算是異或(XOR)。


不同上下文中“的”,加密後的密文不同,解密者就不好猜了。Binary stream ciphers are often constructed using linear-feedback shift registers. 狀態state, 移位shift,聽著就來勁。

A5/2 is a stream cipher used to provide voice privacy in the GSM (2G) cellular telephone protocol. It was used for export instead of the relatively stronger (but still weak) A5/1. It's an open secret that the privacy in GSM is compromised. The A5 set of ciphers it uses has been proven incapable of preventing data from being decrypted. The architecture of the standard makes it particularily vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks, and since all algorithms share a common key, the system is as weak as its weakest algorithm: A5/2. A5/2是一種流式加密,用於在GSM(2G)蜂窩電話協議中提供語音隱私。它被用於出口,而不是相對較強(但仍然較弱)的A5/1。GSM中的隱私被洩露是一個公開的祕密。事實證明,它使用的A5密碼集無法防止資料被解密。該標準的體系結構使其特別容易受到中間人攻擊,而且由於所有演算法都共享一個公共金鑰,因此該系統與最脆弱的演算法A5/2一樣脆弱。2G還容易收到偽基站發來的簡訊。有使用4G電話卡的老人手機,比如天語(K-Touch)的。智慧機可以裝老人桌面App。

還可以以塊為單位加密。A block cipher is an encryption method that applies an algorithm along with a key to encrypt a block of text, rather than encrypting one bit at a time as in stream ciphers. For example, a common block cipher, AES, encrypts 128 bit blocks with a key of predetermined length: 128, 192, or 256 bits. 塊加密是一種加密方法,它使用演算法和金鑰對文字塊進行加密,而不是像流式密碼那樣一次加密一位。例如,通用分組密碼AES使用預定長度的金鑰對128位塊進行加密:128、192或256位。“文字”、“位”,“分組”,又開始滿天飛名詞了。

Block cipher modes of operation have been developed to eliminate the chance of encrypting identical blocks of text the same way, the ciphertext formed from the previous encrypted block is applied to the next block. A block of bits called an initialization vector (IV) is also used by modes of operation to ensure ciphertexts remain distinct even when the same plaintext message is encrypted a number of times. 分組密碼的操作模式已經被開發出來,以消除對相同文字塊進行加密的可能性。同樣的方法是,將前一個加密塊形成的密文應用於下一個塊。被稱為初始化向量(IV)的位元塊也被操作模式使用,以確保即使相同的明文訊息被多次加密,密文也保持不同。

Cipher Block Chaining, or chained block encryption, is a block cipher mode of operation in cryptography. The use of a block cipher in which the bits of a given output block depend not only on the bits in the corresponding input block and in the key, but also on any or all prior data bits, either inputted to or produced during the enciphering or deciphering process. 密碼塊鏈或鏈式塊加密是密碼學中的一種分組密碼操作模式。一種分組密碼的使用,其中給定輸出塊的位不僅取決於相應輸入塊和金鑰中的位,還取決於任何或所有先前的資料位,這些資料位要麼輸入到加密或解密過程中,要麼在加密或解密過程中產生。

如果把鏈在一起的n個塊看作一個大塊,那麼區塊鏈加密可以看作大塊加密或者超大塊加密…… 嗎?


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