1. 程式人生 > 其它 >中式英語之鑑讀書筆記(下)



Part Two:句子結構

上一部分是希望讓一個英語句子變得簡潔,本部分則是希望讓句子變得清晰且有邏輯。上一部分是雪中送炭,這一部分希望做到錦上添花。因此,這一部分的錯誤將會比Part One 中的錯誤更難識別。


臃腫晦澀的名詞會如同「瘟疫」一般,影響、干擾、蔓延至整個句子的其他部分,從而使整個句子由於若干個使用不慎的名詞變得沉悶。而中式英語的一大特徵就是,名詞的使用十分臃腫而晦澀。Part One中介紹過了冗餘名詞無義名詞種類名詞等,這些名詞有時甚至會額外引入一些無意義的詞,本章將主要介紹那些會對健康句子帶來的「瘟疫」的抽象名詞


  • 「具體」的名詞要比「抽象」名詞更清晰、更有力。


  • The prolongation of the existence of this temple is due to the solidity of its construction.

    • This temple has endured because it was solidly built
    • 原句中各個抽象名詞的堆疊讓整個句子都看起來非常彆扭
  • image packaging and impression management

    • dress to create a favorable impression



  • there can be no achievements in our work
    • we can achieve nothing
    • 將抽象名詞換為動名詞


  • economic revitalization will be an xxx
    • revitalizing the economy will be an
  • began its issuance of xx
    • issuing
  • on agricultural reinforcement
    • strengthening agricultural


  • for the unsoundness in organization
    • poor organization
  • correctness of the policy
    • the policy is correct
  • Against blindness in action
    • against acting blindly
  • 新增賓語:有時可將抽象名詞轉化為其對應動詞+(隱含的賓語),即將詞的意思展開,使語義更加清晰明確。
    • the dominace of xxx
      • dominate the market
    • role of experts
      • knowledge and abilities of experts


有時候,還可能會將名詞堆疊以用作另一名詞的形容詞,而這種堆疊也是「瘟疫」的另一種典型樣子。在英語中,用名詞作形容詞在語法上是沒問題的(比如apple tree),但這種名詞的堆砌會讓句子結構變得冗餘,讓語句要表達的重點模糊不清。


這種問題的解決方法通常為:(1)將多名詞的形式轉化成 動詞+名詞(換成主動形態);(2)將多名詞形式變成 名詞 + of/for + 名詞的形式;(3)使用連字元;(4)加一些詞進行擴充套件,把意思展開。一些例子如下

  • technology transformation => technological tranformation
  • personnel transfer center => a center for the transfer of personnel
  • right-wing attack、a low-salt diets
  • Expanded leadership capacity => expand capacity to lead xx


  • Analysis is also necessary for xxx
    • It is also necessary to anaylze xxx
  • readjustment of the xxx wll falicitate the planning of
    • Readjust the xxxx will make it easier to plan xxx
  • Highest degree of modernization in China
    • largest
  • Loss-making operation
    • operating at a loss
  • lack of sense of urgency
    • no sense of urgency
  • But also a great disadvantage
    • impede







  • e.g. We have not met with too many difficulties in the course of the reform, and in general it is proceeding smoothly.
  • 此處it只能對應著reform,而reform也被正確、清晰地寫了出來,並且距離it也很近。


  • 先行詞未被明確寫出。可能的情況有三種:(1)就沒先行詞出現,直接用了代詞(作者的粗心大意);(2)先行詞與代詞之間的匹配關係錯誤(混淆讀者),(3)缺少主語(因為在漢語中很多句子的主語意思是隱含的,不像英語需要明確地寫出來);

  • 先行詞是模糊的。有時候,一句裡有多個先行詞用同一個代詞在語義上雖然是可行的,但這時容易讓句意變得模糊。在這種情況下,寧可多重複寫幾次也不要造成模糊。

  • 先行詞太遠了。代詞會被讀者自然聯絡到一些相對更近的詞,從而產生歧義。
    • Man to take care of cowthatdoes not smoke or drink (that代指的實際上是Man而不是cow)
  • 先行詞和代詞不統一。中式英語中,可能出現代詞和先行詞單複數形式不統一的問題
    • each enterprise ...theywill xxx => each enterprise ... it will
    • administration would xxx, xxxx troops,they(it) xxx
    • anyone(是his not their)
    • medie(是its not their)


  • In Africa too, the strong and common voice of the xxxx of African Unity is to ask other countries not to interfere in their internal affairs

    • The African countries demand the xxx
    • 原先的their缺少一個真正的先行詞
  • Government departments, schools, factories and enterprises should fix the number of their workers and other employees and according to their specific work and production requirements set work loads for all of them.

    • Government departments, schools, factories and enterprises should fix the number of their employees and set work loads for all of them in accordance with the units' needs
    • 兩個their其實都指代那些departments,但原句中第二個their容易給人一種指代workers的感覺;因此修改後直接使用units避免混淆
  • The national leadership of our country has been shifted to a new generation, and now they are dealing with state affairs.

    • The national leadership of our country has been shifted to members of a new generation, and it is now they who are dealing with state affairs
    • generation作為單數形式不能用they來指代,因此不妨將先行詞改為members,並且後面用強調句,可以讓句子更通順,重點更清晰





  • he devote his life to developing and spreading orange strains (橘子種子)among friut growers (不可能在果農之間培育種子)
    • he devote his life to developing orange strains and spreading them among friut growers
  • Musicians will play tunes allegedly refined by Confucius, using antique instruments
    • Musicians using antique instruments including the stringed guqin will play tunes allegedly refined by Confucius (原來的using會讓人看起來是在修飾孔子的)
  • After years of effort, Gao said that soil erosion xxxx
    • Gao said that after years of effort, soil erosion has been xxx(原來的years of effort會讓人覺得是在修飾Gao)
  • 誠然,從句的位置也有這種問題(也是會造成混淆修飾主體的問題)

    • after a few difficult months, we have every reason to expect that the financial situation xx
    • we have every reason to expect that after a few difficult months, the financial situation xx (本意是要說明經濟形勢幾個月之後會xx,而不是我們xx)


舉一箇中文的例子:劉鄧大軍 在8月 經歷千辛萬苦 挺進大別山,三個要素在不同的位置將產生不同的強調效果和觀感。在英文中,片語和從句的位置將會影響整個句子的重心。

  • that our army will reach 5500000 at its peak next year
    • that at its peak next year our army will reach 5500000 (真正想強調的是軍隊數量之多,而非是到了peak)
  • the government will be in much better shape next year than this, despite another enormous deficit
    • despite another enormous deficit, the government will be in much better shape next year than this







  • Using either military or peaceful means, most of the remaining enemy forces were put out of action
    • we(revolutionary forces) use, not the enemy force use


  • In recent years, China has introduced much technology and equipment from abroad, playing an important role in improving its petrochemical technology

    • In recent years, China has introduced much technology and equipment from abroad, and these imports have played an xxxx
    • China並不是playing an important role,而是那些進口的科技和裝備

誠然,在有些英語母語表達中,某些懸掛修飾語雖然在語法上有問題,但已經約定俗稱式的被大家接受,例如Based on、Wondering、Knowing;還有一些如下所示:

  • Generally speaking
  • Owing to
  • According to
  • Provided there



  • 正確的:After occupying xxx, the troops xxx
  • 錯誤的:by cutting the number of employees, the annual debt of the xxx (應當是firm來cutting,此處debt不應作為主語)
    • After gaining some experience, these measures will xxx


懸掛的原因同樣是主語不匹配,但是在Native English中同樣會出現一些看似不太對的原生表達:

  • In order to serve you better, please fill out a slip...



  • After the years of effort, Gao said that soil erosion has been brought under control
    • Gao said that after years of effort, soil erosion has been brought under control
  • As leaders, it is necessary to get a clear picture of the problems and work out measures to solve them
    • As leaders, we must get a clear picture of the problems



  • Tall and shy, Diana's stylish gowns were recently auctioned off for 1 million
    • The stylish gowns of tall, shy Diana were recently auctioned off for 1 million


  • Many scattered liberated areas were linked up, enabling the people's armed forces to take the initiative military

    • Many scattered liberated areas were linked up, which enabled the people's armed forces to take the initiative military
    • 第一句的意思實際上是scattered liberated 這個主語enable了xxx,但enable真正對應的主語應當是前面這一整句話,即link up這件事。所以修改的話應該要用which搞一個從句出來
  • The expansion of the productive forces was ignored, and polices were formulated neglecting the realites of the primary stage of socialism.

    • The expansion of the productive forces was ignored, and polices we formulated were too ambitious for the primary stage of socialism
    • neglect的實際主語是policy maker 並不是policy
  • This world is vast and things are complicated, but after analyzing the situation, there are only a few people who support war; most people want peace

    • This world is vast and things are complicated, but if you analyze the situation you will find there are only a few people who support war; most people want peace
    • 原來的版本中,後面的從句甚至沒有主語
  • To reach a more objective conclusion, he said, historical, cultural, and other backgrounds of the ethnic groups should be considered when studying religon in China

    • To reach a more objective conclusion, he said, people studying religon in China should consider historical, cultural, and other backgrounds of the ethnic groups
    • To不定式的主語是那些學習的人們,而在原句中,不定式以及後面的studying卻對應了backgrounds,真正的主語people卻從來沒有出現




通常會有這麼幾種連線結構:(1)平行連詞:and 、or;(2)相對連詞:both and、not only but also;(3)比較連詞;(4)順序連詞


其實就是那些最常見的 and/or 連線兩個從句的結構。而使用這種「排比」方法時,需要保證幾部分都具有相同的語法成分(跟對對聯、寫詩一樣)

  • Also to be coordinated are water supply, security and how to move people
    • Also to be coordinated are water supply, security andefficient movement of people(都是名詞)
  • One is the result of xx, the other is whether we can xxx
    • 或者是 One is how well the xxx, the other is how successful we are xx
  • Adhering to the principles of integrating xxx, seeking with, and the mass line
    • Adhering to the principles of integrating xxx, seeking with, and following the mass line






  • Just like the Crowne Plaza, all rooms feature an xx
    • Just like the rooms in the Crowne Plaza, all those in the xx






  • against ruthless oppression by imperialism, bandits and landlords
    • against ruthless oppression imperialists, bandits and landlords
  • such factors as the expansion of the xx, the diversion of xx, increased farm produce, and the recovery of the xx
    • such factors as the expansion of the xx, the diversion of xx, an increase in farm production, and the recovery of the xx



  • China's foreign policy is known to all, and it will remain unchanged (被動變主動)
    • Everyone knows China's foreign policy, and it will remain unchanged



  • Simultaneous with that is the allocation of land, rent reduction, and wage increases
    • Simultaneous with that is the allocation of land, reduction of the rents, and increase in wages (都將原有的名詞片語拆開放到前面)
  • From their point of view, xxx, in view of the overall interest
    • From their point of view, xxx, from the overall point of view (都採取了from這種形式的寫法)


  • One is the result of the practice of xxx, the other is whether we can make a xxx
    • One is how well the xx, the other is how successful



  • Only by doing x could the people do y. Without doing x it would be impossible for China to do y
    • Only by doing x could the people do y. Only by doing x could China to do y




  • a cultural center with multifunction such as opera performing, exhibition, shopping and restaurant, etc
    • a multifunctional cutural center including an opera hall, exhibition space, shops, restaurants, etc. (平行結構指代成了multifunction而非真正的center)
  • in accordance with the same regulations and in observation of the principle of austerity
    • in accordance with a uniform set of regulations and a consistent principle of austerity (是後面的兩個名詞短語要平行,而不是原句中的兩個in)
  • by ending the past, I mean we can leave it aside and concentrate on the future
    • By putting the past behind us I mean ceasing to talk it and focusing on the future
    • by ... I mean ... 這樣的結構中前後兩部分要表達的意義相同,因此在形式上也應保持一致
  • all streams and rivers have their source of origin, while trees depend on their roots for growth
    • Every river has its source and every tree grows from its roots(修改後語法更對稱了,而且形式上更整潔了


語句成分之間的連線(如also, in addition)在漢語中其實經常被忽略,去掉這些邏輯連線成分可能在漢語中無足輕重,但許多時候,這些成分往往是英語中比較關鍵的地方。英語中這些成分一定要「顯式」地寫出來。


  • Forty-two thousand refugees will be short of food in the coming months, and 3000 houses need to be restored
    • And 讓後面的從句為前面的從句提供了一些附加資訊


  • Instead、Still、Thus、Meanwhile、Nevetheless、In addition、As a result



  • 補充型:and、moreover、in addition
  • 相反型:but、on the contrary, instead
  • 因果型:because, thus, hence
  • 相似型:likewise、similarly、in the same way
  • 目的型:in order that、to this end、for this purpose
  • 時間先後關係:after、then、meanwhile
  • 邏輯先後關係:in the first place、next、finally
  • 解釋型:for instance、as an example、specifically
  • 讓步型:granted、to be sure、of course
  • 加強型:indeed、in fact、surely
  • 複述型:that is、in other words、as has been said
  • 結論型:to sum up、in short、in conclusion






  • I am a layman in natural science. As my trip to Shanghai coincides with your discussion of a ten-year plan for science, I'd like to avail myself of this opportunity to touch on a few questions



因果型比相反型其實還要重要,因為讀者不一定能覺察到前後句的因果轉折關係。像Accordingly, and because, thus 等這些詞,該加就加。

否則一段中句子和句子之間只是laid side by side,而沒有相互遞進起來



  • The visitors were offered tea in the courtyard, while dinner was served indoors
    • 所以,要表達「然而」轉折關係時,最好還是用其他詞although這些


  • With wide streets and a smal population, the city is filed with gas stations and karaoke bars
    • The city, which has wide streets and a smal population, is filled with gas stations and karaoke bars
    • The city has wide streets and a smal population, and it is filled with gas stations and karaoke bars




  • In our system the public sector is the major sector of the economy and there are also other sectors.


  • Yunnan Province will also build and upgrade the highways leading from Kunning to such areas.(一個highway在邏輯上不可能即被build也被upgrade)
  • Yunnan Province will also build or upgrade the highways leading from Kunning to such areas.


Part Three:示例補充


  • It is an important political task of the Party during the transition period to continue to provide assistance to the intellectuals for their self-reform

    • provide assistance to : 不必要的動詞;their self-reform:名詞冗餘
    • One of the Party's important political tasks during the transition period is to continue helping intellectuals reform themselves
  • The better do your work and the more achievements you have, thus encouraging the people to respect and acquire knowledge.

    • 表達冗餘且encouraging缺少主語
    • The better you word and the more you achieve, and the more the people will be encouraged to respect and acquire knowledge.
  • We should not force them to move, instead, allow them to remain in the cities

    • 兩句話實際上是 say the samething twice
    • We should allow them to remain in the cities
  • We must do our best to employ diversified means to use foreign funds to accelerate China's economic development

    • We must use foreign funds in different ways to accelerate enconomic development
    • Do our best起不到任何語義上的效果,而且employ diversified means也只是在矯揉造作,這些都可以直接改掉
  • Revitalization and further development of agricultural production represents the central task is our current efforts to adjust the national economy

    • Our central task in adjusting the economy is to revitalize and expand agricultrual production
    • Further current national 完全沒必要,都是冗餘的詞
    • 下劃線的部分其實是句子的真正大頭,根據「句子中心要come last」這個原則,應該放到our central task後面
    • 下面改完後,整個句子更加清爽簡明,而且有重點,同時也沒有損失太多的語言豐富性
  • We have to pay attention to lowering the average age of members of the leading bodies and selecting Marxists as leaders.

    • We have to select as members of the leading bodies younger people and Marxists
    • 句中pay attention to只有冗餘的份(因為have to已經強調語氣了)
    • 同時降低平均年齡,直接用younger更加直接簡明
  • The focus of work for this year is to exert efforts to resolutely overcome unhealthy practices and to push forward the building of clean and honest government

    • This year we must concentrate on overcoming unhealthy practices and on building clean government
    • 原句中「顯擺」出的這幾個短語在表達句意上只會讓讀者感到疲勞,修改後用must concentrate同樣能表示出句意的急迫性
    • 這是個非常典型的中式英語(作者往往為了顯示自己高階的詞彙量,而進行了一些無用甚至有害的辭藻堆砌,這對句意的傳遞起不到任何作用)

The End




“狄更斯是漫畫嗎,仍然少女誤會了嗎” ——麥浚龍 謝安琪《羅生門》