1. 程式人生 > 其它 >大學英語3 筆記 Unit 1 Stories Lighting up the Hospital - PartV Grammar 不定式

大學英語3 筆記 Unit 1 Stories Lighting up the Hospital - PartV Grammar 不定式


動詞不定式在句中不能作謂語用,屬非謂語動詞的一種。動詞不定式由“to + 動詞原形”構成,其否定形式“not to + 動詞原形”。動詞不定式雖然不能作謂語動詞用,但是保留動詞的特徵,它可以帶有所需要的賓語(如:to play tennis)或狀語(如:to work hard)而構成動詞不定式短語。


To see is to believe.(作主語)

It is not easy to learn English well.(it是形式主語,不定式短語是真正的主語)

My job is to take care of those kids.(作表語)

The poor man has no place to go


I hope to go there again.(作賓語)



agree(同意),hope(希望),decide(決定),need(需要),mean(打算),wish(希望),fail(失敗),want(想要),begin(開始),would like(想要)等

XX to do sth


I find it so hard to change myself.(it 是形式賓語,不定式短語是真正的賓語)

I want you to be independent.(作賓語補足語)

She got up early to catch the first train

.(作目的狀語)      # 事情還沒有發生,起到的是一種目的

I'm so glad to meet you. (作原因狀語)

I got to my office to find Jack waiting for me.(做結果狀語)# 事情已經發生,起到的是一種結果

To be frank, I can't put up with you any longer.(作獨立結構) # To be frank   實話告訴你吧


# 不定式的時態和語態

1. 不定式有時態的區分


He seems to know this

.                                                                                        #  現在時,同時發生

I hope to see you again. = I hope that I'll see you again(可以替換為此從句)    # 將來時,將來發生



I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble.  # 它道歉之前,這些trouble已經出現,也就是後面的事情發生在道歉之前,所以用完成式

He seems to have caught a cold.    # 著涼是先於他發現,所以這個也是一個完成式



He seems to be eating something.  他視乎在吃東西



She has been working on the problem for many year.  他很多年來一直致力於研究這個問題


2. 不定式由語態(即主動語態和被動語態)的區分。動詞不定式用主動還是被動,關鍵要看動作與主語的關係來決定。

They give me a chance to visit your country.  (主動語態)  他們給了我一個訪問貴國的機會

I am very happy to be given a chance to visit your country. (被動語態)  很高興被給予一個機會訪問貴國


# 不定式“to”的省略

1. 感官動詞(feel,  hear, see, watch, notice等)後面的to 常省略,但是被動語態中的to不能省略

We heard him to sing every day.  # (主動語態)初選感官動詞,這裡的to可以省略

He was heard to sing this song every day.  # (被動語態)這裡的to不能省略


2. 使役動詞(have,let,make等)後面的to常省略,但是被動語態中的to 不能省略

I made to her figure out a solution in 15 minutes.    #  這裡的to可以省略; 

She was made to deal with the matter at once.     # 這裡的to不能省略;



3. 不定式作標語時,一般要帶to, 但若主語部分中含有do 的各種形式時, to 可省略。

We've missed the last bus. All we could do now is to walk home. #  這裡的to可以省略


4. 當兩個或多個不定式短語由連詞and, but 或or 連線時,後一個或幾個不定式符號to 常省略。但若表示對比、對照關係時,則不能省略。

He wants to move to France and to marry the girl.  # 這裡的to可以省略

The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier,  not to make it more difficult.  # 這裡的to不能省略; 因為產生了對比


5. 當不定式用作介詞except或except的賓語時,如果前有do,不定式要省略to。

There's little we can do except to wait.  #  這裡的to可以省略

I could do nothing except to agree. #  這裡的to可以省略


6. 在why(not)...?之後的不定式要省略to.

Why to argue with him? He'll never change his mind.

PS: argue with  爭論;和……爭吵

Why not to take a holiday?


# 不定式的複合結構

1. It's + 形容詞 + for + sb. + to do sth.

其中for sb. 常用語表示實物的特徵或特典。常和以下形容詞連用:


It's dangerous for children to swim in the river.


2. It's + 形容詞 + of + sb. + to do sth.

其中of sb. 常用於表示任務的性格或品德。常和以下形容詞連用:

如:good, kind,nice,clever,foolish

It was careless of you to do that.


# 不定式的特殊結構

1. “疑問詞(who which,when,where,waht,how等)+ 不定式” 結構,在句中起名詞作用。

Where to hold the meeting is not decided yet. (作主語)

My question is how to get there.  (作表語)

I don't know what to do. (作賓語)

She told me where to find the earphone.(作賓語補足語)


2. “...too...to...”結構


He is too excited to speak.

2) 如在too前有否定詞,則整個句子用否定詞表達肯定,too後哪個詞表達一種委婉含義,意為“不太”。

It's never too late to mend   # 過而能改,善莫大焉;亡羊補牢,猶未晚也

3) 當too 前面有only, all, but時,意思是:非常...等於very.

I'm only too pleased to be able to help you.  能幫助你,我太高興了。