1. 程式人生 > 其它 >2022-2023學年英語週報高一課標外研第18期答案彙總




So how do you nap well? The key thing, says Stanley, is howlong your nap lasts.Choose either a 20-or 90-mintute nap. “ When you fall asleep, you'll quickly go throughthe lighter stages of sleep into your first period of deep sleep. You don't want to wake updid before because that's when you wake and feel worse than you did before.” Nappingfor 20 minutes means you willwake up before you go into deep sleep;napping for 90minutes means you'll complete a sleep cycle.

Once you factor in the timeit takes to fall asleep---some peopleare better at nappingthan others but, says Stanley, “a healthy adult will fall asleep in between 5 and 12 minutes”---you can set an alarm, allowinga30- to 40-minute period for ashort nap, and up to twohours for a longer one.

A good time to nap is during the body's natural dip in the afternoon,between 2 pmand 4 pm.“You don't reallywant to be napping much past that

 because then you aregoing to be eating into your night-time sleep,' Stanley says. The point, he stresses, is toget good night-time sleep, which would ensure you probably don't need to nap at all.