1. 程式人生 > 其它 >[原始碼解析] TensorFlow 分散式環境(5) --- Session

[原始碼解析] TensorFlow 分散式環境(5) --- Session

[原始碼解析] TensorFlow 分散式環境(5) --- Session


會話機制是TensorFlow 分散式執行時的核心,我們接下來按照從 Client 到 worker 的流程,把 Session 機制從前到後走一邊。


[翻譯] TensorFlow 分散式之論文篇 "TensorFlow : Large-Scale Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems"

[翻譯] TensorFlow 分散式之論文篇 "Implementation of Control Flow in TensorFlow"

[原始碼解析] TensorFlow 分散式環境(1) --- 總體架構

[原始碼解析] TensorFlow 分散式環境(2)---Master 靜態邏輯

[原始碼解析] TensorFlow 分散式環境(3)--- Worker 靜態邏輯

[原始碼解析] TensorFlow 分散式環境(4) --- WorkerCache

1. 概述

1.1 Session 分類

分散式模式由如下 sessions 彼此協作完成了會話控制,其中:

  • GrpcSession 位於 Client 之上,控制 Client 的會話生命週期;
  • MasterSession 位於 Master 之上,可能存在多個 Client 同時接入到同一個 Master,Master 會為每個 Client 構建一個 MasterSession。MasterSession 控制 Master 的會話生命周 期;
  • WorkerSession 位於 Worker 之上,可能存在多個 Master 接入到同一個 Worker,Worker 會為每個 Master 建立一個 WorkerSession。WorkerSession 控制 Worker 的會話生命週期;

如下圖所示,這裡 Master 和 Worker 都是一個 Server,每個 Server 之上執行一個 MasterService,一個 WorkerService,每個 Server 可能會扮演不同角色,具體取決於使用者如何配置計算圖和叢集。因為存在這種兩層一對多關係,為了區別這種不同的資料流和控制關係,有邏輯關係的這三個 session 繫結在同一個 session_handle 之上,每個 session_handle 標示一條完整的資料流。

圖 1 Session 關係

1.2 會話流程

我們從 GrpcSession 入手,其基本功能如下:

  • 建立會話
    • 獲取遠端裝置集;
    • 在 Master 之上建立 MasterSession;
    • 在各個 Worker 之上建立 WorkerSession;
  • 迭代執行
    • 啟動執行;
    • 圖分裂;
    • 註冊子圖;
    • 執行子圖;
  • 關閉會話
    • 關閉 MasterSession
    • 關閉 WorkerSession;

1.2.1 MasterSession 生命週期

在分散式模式下,Master 執行時被 MasterSession 控制,其生命週期如下圖所示。

圖 2 MasterSession 生命週期

1.2.2 WorkerSession 生命週期

在分散式模式下,Worker 執行時由 WorkerSession 控制,其生命週期如下圖所示。

圖 3 WorkerSession 生命週期

2. GrpcSession

GrpcSession 是 tensorflow::grpc::MasterService 的簡單封裝。其使用遠端裝置集作為計算資源,使用 grpc 作為遠端呼叫機制,讓呼叫者在遠端裝置上對 TensorFlow 圖進行計算。

2.1 定義

我們依然只給出成員變數定義和部分重要函式,其就是利用 master_ 對 tensorflow::grpc::MasterService 進行呼叫。

class GrpcSession : public Session {
  // 有多種建立方式
  Status Create(const GraphDef& graph) override;
  Status Create(const RunOptions& run_options, const GraphDef& graph) override;
  Status Create(GraphDef&& graph) override;
  Status Create(const RunOptions& run_options, GraphDef&& graph) override;  
  const SessionOptions options_;
  std::unique_ptr<MasterInterface> master_;
  mutex mu_;

  // handle_ returned by the master to identify this session.
  string handle_ TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_);

  // The current version of the graph.
  int64_t current_graph_version_ TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_);

  bool is_local_ = false;

2.2 註冊&工廠類

GrpcSession 的使用是通過工廠類完成,比如:

Status NewSession(const SessionOptions& options, Session** out_session) {
  SessionFactory* factory;
  Status s = SessionFactory::GetFactory(options, &factory);
  if (!s.ok()) {
    *out_session = nullptr;
    return s;
  // Starts exporting metrics through a platform-specific monitoring API (if
  // provided). For builds using "tensorflow/core/platform/default", this is
  // currently a no-op.
  s = factory->NewSession(options, out_session);
  if (!s.ok()) {
    *out_session = nullptr;
  return s;

GrpcSession 由 GrpcSessionFactory 來多型建立,如果 protocal 使用了"grpc://",就會產生 GrpcSession。而 GrpcSessionFactory 會實現註冊到系統之上。

const char* const kSchemePrefix = "grpc://";
const size_t kSchemePrefixLength = strlen(kSchemePrefix);

class GrpcSessionFactory : public SessionFactory {
  bool AcceptsOptions(const SessionOptions& options) override {
    return absl::StartsWith(options.target, kSchemePrefix);

  Status NewSession(const SessionOptions& options,
                    Session** out_session) override {
    std::unique_ptr<GrpcSession> session;
    TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(GrpcSession::Create(options, &session));
    *out_session = session.release();
    return Status::OK();

  // Invokes the session specific static method to reset containers.
  Status Reset(const SessionOptions& options,
               const std::vector<string>& containers) override {
    return GrpcSession::Reset(options, containers);

class GrpcSessionRegistrar {
  GrpcSessionRegistrar() {
    SessionFactory::Register("GRPC_SESSION", new GrpcSessionFactory());
static GrpcSessionRegistrar registrar;

2.3 建立GrpcSession

GrpcSession::Create 方法完成了獲取工作。Client 通過 GrpcSession 呼叫 Master Service,但是具體如何與 Master Service 互動?則通過 MasterInterface。

所以說,這裡最重要的就是如何構建 MasterInterface 例項。我們前文提到過,MasterInterface有兩種實現,都是用來和 Master service 進行通訊,分別對應了不同的應用場景。

  • LocalMaster 用於程序間的直接通訊,此時 Client 和 Master 在同一個程序。
  • GrpcRemoteMaster 則使用 Grpc 來和 Master service 進行通訊,此時Client 和 Master 分別部署在兩個不同程序。GrpcRemoteMaster 其實就實現了 gRPC 客戶端,它通過 Stub 訪問遠端 Master 上的 MasterService 服務。

圖上兩個矩形封裝的 Master 代表實際的 Master 類,此類實現了具體 Master 功能。

圖 1 Master 邏輯關係

從下面程式碼可以看到,GrpcSession 會依據 options.target 來決定如何建立,options.target 一般就是"grpc://",如果通過 LocalMaster::Lookup 方法得到 LocalMaster 類,就直接使用,如果沒有找到,就使用 NewGrpcMaster 來生成一個 GrpcRemoteMaster。

/* static */
Status GrpcSession::Create(const SessionOptions& options,
                           std::unique_ptr<GrpcSession>* out_session) {
  std::unique_ptr<GrpcSession> session(new GrpcSession(options));
  std::unique_ptr<MasterInterface> master;
  // For testing, we enable the client to disable the use of the local
  // master registry, so that the RPC stack is exercised.
  if (!options.config.rpc_options().use_rpc_for_inprocess_master()) {
    master = LocalMaster::Lookup(options.target);
  if (!master) {
    SharedGrpcChannelPtr master_channel;
                               &options.config.rpc_options(), &master_channel));
  } else {
    session->is_local_ = true;
  *out_session = std::move(session);
  return Status::OK();

2.4 建立MasterSession

在 GrpcSession 建立之後,系統會接著建立 MasterSession,這是通過 GrpcSession::Create(graph_def) 完成的。GrpcSession::Create(graph_def) 會構建 CreateSessionRequst 訊息,然後通過 GrpcRemoteMaster 把初始計算圖發給 Master。Master 收到 CreateSessionRequst 訊息之後就構建相應的 MasterSession,然後返回 CreateSessionResponse 給 GrpcSession,訊息包括。

  • 該 MasterSession 的 session_handle。用於標識 Master 側的 MasterSession 例項
  • 初始計算圖的版本號 graph_version。用於後續發起 ExtendSession 操作,比如往原始的計算圖中追加新的節點。

圖 2 建立MasterSession

具體程式碼如下,首先是兩個 create 方法,其最終呼叫到 CreateImpl。

Status GrpcSession::Create(const RunOptions& run_options,
                           const GraphDef& graph) {
  return Create(run_options, GraphDef(graph));

Status GrpcSession::Create(GraphDef&& graph) {
  CallOptions call_options;
  return CreateImpl(&call_options, std::move(graph));

CreateImpl 方法如下:

Status GrpcSession::CreateImpl(CallOptions* call_options, GraphDef graph) {
    mutex_lock l(mu_);
    if (!handle_.empty()) {
      return errors::InvalidArgument("A session is alive.");
  CreateSessionRequest req;
  *req.mutable_config() = options_.config;
  CreateSessionResponse resp;
  Status s = master_->CreateSession(call_options, &req, &resp);
  if (s.ok()) {
    SetHandleAndGraphVersion(resp.session_handle(), resp.graph_version());
  return s;

2.4.1 GrpcRemoteMaster::CreateSession

GrpcRemoteMaster 是位於 Client 的 gRPC 客戶端實現,它的 CreateSession 方法只是通過 gRPC stub 來呼叫 遠端服務 MasterService 的 CreateSession 介面,其實就是傳送一個 CreateSessionRequest 請求。

Status CreateSession(CallOptions* call_options,
                     const CreateSessionRequest* request,
                     CreateSessionResponse* response) override {
  return CallWithRetry(call_options, request, response,

2.4.2 GrpcMasterService::CreateSessionHandler

GrpcMasterService 是 Master 提供的 gRPC 服務,收到 CreateSessionRequest 訊息之後, 服務呼叫 GrpcMasterService::CreateSessionHandler 來處理訊息,而真正業務處理是由 master_impl_(Master 類的例項)來完成,就是呼叫了 Master::CreateSession。

當 master_impl_ 處理完成後,會向 Client 返回 CreateSessionResponse 響應。

// RPC handler for creating a session.
void CreateSessionHandler(
    MasterCall<CreateSessionRequest, CreateSessionResponse>* call) {
  CreateSessionRequest* rewritten_req = new CreateSessionRequest;
  master_impl_->CreateSession(rewritten_req, &call->response,
                              [call, rewritten_req](const Status& status) {
                                delete rewritten_req;
  ENQUEUE_REQUEST(CreateSession, true);

2.4.3 Master::CreateSession

Master::CreateSession 會從執行緒池之中拿到一個執行緒,線上程之中會做如下處理:

  • 如果定義了 clust_spec,則按照配置尋找所有的 worker。
  • 獲取遠端裝置。
  • 獲取遠端worker。
  • 通過factory 建立 MasterSession。
  • 利用 worker_cache_factory,讓 MasterSession 建立 WorkerSession 會話。
  • 通過 sessions_.insert 在 Master 內部的 <session_handle, MasterSession> 二元組之中儲存對應關係,這樣後續 Master 就可以通過 session_handle 得到對應的 MasterSession。
void Master::CreateSession(const CreateSessionRequest* req,
                           CreateSessionResponse* resp, MyClosure done) {
  SchedClosure([this, req, resp, done]() {
    Status status;
    WorkerCacheFactoryOptions worker_cache_factory_options;
    string grpc_protocol("grpc");
    worker_cache_factory_options.protocol = &grpc_protocol;
    auto call_done = gtl::MakeCleanup([&status, &done] { done(status); });
    status = ValidateExternalGraphDefSyntax(req->graph_def());
    if (!status.ok()) return;

    // The following 4 variables are set differently, depending on whether this
    // session uses a client-provided clusterspec or not.
    WorkerCacheInterface* worker_cache = nullptr;
    // Note: worker_cache_ptr will be null except if this session is using a
    // client-supplied ClusterDef (ClusterSpec propagation).
    std::unique_ptr<WorkerCacheInterface> worker_cache_ptr;
    std::unique_ptr<DeviceSet> device_set;
    // TODO(saeta): Convert to std::make_unique when available.
    std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Device>>> remote_devices(
        new std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Device>>());

    if (req->config().has_cluster_def()) { // 如果定義了叢集
      worker_cache_factory_options.cluster_def = &req->config().cluster_def();

      // Set the server_def's job_name and task_index fields.
      string normalized_string;
      string grpc_protocol(kGrpcProtocol);
      if (req->target().compare(0, grpc_protocol.length(), grpc_protocol) ==
          0) {
        normalized_string =
            req->target().substr(grpc_protocol.length(), string::npos);
      } else {
        normalized_string = req->target();
      for (auto&& job : req->config().cluster_def().job()) {
        for (auto&& task : job.tasks()) {
          if (task.second == normalized_string) {
            if (worker_cache_factory_options.job_name != nullptr) {
            if (env_->local_devices[0]->parsed_name().job == job.name() &&
                env_->local_devices[0]->parsed_name().task == task.first) {
            worker_cache_factory_options.job_name = &job.name();
            worker_cache_factory_options.task_index = task.first;
      worker_cache_factory_options.rpc_options = &req->config().rpc_options();
      // Create the worker cache from the computed server_def.
      status = env_->worker_cache_factory(worker_cache_factory_options,
      if (!status.ok()) return;
      worker_cache_ptr = std::unique_ptr<WorkerCacheInterface>(worker_cache);
      // Ping all the workers and build the list of devices that the
      // session will use.
      // 獲取裝置
      status =
          DeviceFinder::GetRemoteDevices(req->config().device_filters(), env_,
                                         worker_cache, remote_devices.get());
      if (!status.ok()) return;
      device_set.reset(new DeviceSet);
      for (auto&& d : *remote_devices) {
        DeviceNameUtils::ParsedName name = d->parsed_name();
        if (name.job == *worker_cache_factory_options.job_name &&
            name.task == worker_cache_factory_options.task_index &&
            name.type == "CPU" && name.id == 0) {
    } else { // 沒有叢集
      worker_cache = env_->worker_cache;
      // Ping all the workers and build the list of devices that the
      // session will use.
      // 獲取遠端裝置
      status =
          DeviceFinder::GetRemoteDevices(req->config().device_filters(), env_,
                                         worker_cache, remote_devices.get());
      if (!status.ok()) return;
      device_set.reset(new DeviceSet);
      for (auto&& d : *remote_devices) {
      int num_local_devices = 0;
      for (Device* d : env_->local_devices) {
        if (num_local_devices == 0) {
          // Uses the first local device as the client device.

    SessionOptions options;
    options.config = req->config();

    // 獲取遠端worker
    std::vector<string> filtered_worker_list;
    DeviceFinder::GetRemoteWorkers(req->config().device_filters(), env_,
                                   worker_cache, &filtered_worker_list);

    // 通過factory找到會話
    MasterSession* session = env_->master_session_factory(
        options, env_, std::move(remote_devices), std::move(worker_cache_ptr),
        std::move(device_set), std::move(filtered_worker_list));

    GraphDef* gdef =

    // 建立會話,把圖傳給會話
    status = session->Create(std::move(*gdef), worker_cache_factory_options);
    if (!status.ok()) {
    // Insert into the session map, which takes ownership of the session.
      mutex_lock l(mu_);
      CHECK(sessions_.insert({session->handle(), session}).second);

3. MasterSession

MasterSession 位於 Master 之上,可能存在多個 Client 同時接入到同一個 Master,Master 會為每個 Client 構建一個 MasterSession。MasterSession 控制 Master 的會話生命周 期。

3.1 定義

MasterSession 的定義如下。

// MasterSession wraps ClientGraph in a reference counted object.
// This way, MasterSession can clear up the cache mapping Run requests to
// compiled graphs while the compiled graph is still being used.
class MasterSession::ReffedClientGraph : public core::RefCounted {
  ReffedClientGraph(const string& handle, const BuildGraphOptions& bopts,
                    std::unique_ptr<ClientGraph> client_graph,
                    const SessionOptions& session_opts,
                    const StatsPublisherFactory& stats_publisher_factory,
                    bool is_partial, WorkerCacheInterface* worker_cache,
                    bool should_deregister)
      : session_handle_(handle),
            client_graph_before_register_->collective_graph_key) {
    VLOG(1) << "Created ReffedClientGraph for node with "
            << client_graph_before_register_->graph.num_node_ids();

    stats_publisher_ = stats_publisher_factory(handle, bopts, session_opts);

    // Initialize a name to node map for processing device stats.
    for (Node* n : client_graph_before_register_->graph.nodes()) {
                          "(", absl::StrJoin(n->requested_inputs(), ", "))));

  ~ReffedClientGraph() override {
    if (should_deregister_) {
    } else {
      for (Part& part : partitions_) {
        worker_cache_->ReleaseWorker(part.name, part.worker);

  const string session_handle_;
  const BuildGraphOptions bg_opts_;

  // NOTE(mrry): This pointer will be null after `RegisterPartitions()` returns.
  std::unique_ptr<ClientGraph> client_graph_before_register_ TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_);
  const SessionOptions session_opts_;
  const bool is_partial_;
  const CallableOptions callable_opts_;
  WorkerCacheInterface* const worker_cache_;  // Not owned.

  struct NodeDetails {
    explicit NodeDetails(string type_string, string detail_text)
        : type_string(std::move(type_string)),
          detail_text(std::move(detail_text)) {}
    const string type_string;
    const string detail_text;
  std::unordered_map<string, NodeDetails> name_to_node_details_;

  const bool should_deregister_;
  const int64_t collective_graph_key_;
  std::atomic<int64_t> execution_count_ = {0};

  // Graph partitioned into per-location subgraphs.
  struct Part {
    // Worker name.
    string name;

    // Maps feed names to rendezvous keys. Empty most of the time.
    std::unordered_map<string, string> feed_key;

    // Maps rendezvous keys to fetch names. Empty most of the time.
    std::unordered_map<string, string> key_fetch;

    // The interface to the worker. Owned.
    WorkerInterface* worker = nullptr;

    // After registration with the worker, graph_handle identifies
    // this partition on the worker.
    string graph_handle;

    Part() : feed_key(3), key_fetch(3) {}

  // partitions_ is immutable after RegisterPartitions() call
  // finishes.  RunPartitions() can access partitions_ safely without
  // acquiring locks.
  std::vector<Part> partitions_;

  mutable mutex mu_;

  // Partition initialization and registration only needs to happen
  // once. `!client_graph_before_register_ && !init_done_.HasBeenNotified()`
  // indicates the initialization is ongoing.
  Notification init_done_;

  // init_result_ remembers the initialization error if any.
  Status init_result_ TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_);

  std::unique_ptr<StatsPublisherInterface> stats_publisher_;

3.2 建立

MasterSession::Create(graph_def) 的工作如下:

  • 呼叫 MakeForBaseGraph 來初始化計算圖,並生成 SimpleGraphExecutionState 例項;
  • 呼叫 CreateWorkerSessions,如果動態配置叢集,則廣播通知給所有 Worker,讓其建立對應的 WorkerSession。
Status MasterSession::Create(GraphDef&& graph_def,
                             const WorkerCacheFactoryOptions& options) {
  if (session_opts_.config.use_per_session_threads() ||
      session_opts_.config.session_inter_op_thread_pool_size() > 0) {
    return errors::InvalidArgument(
        "Distributed session does not support session thread pool options.");
  if (session_opts_.config.graph_options().place_pruned_graph()) {

  GraphExecutionStateOptions execution_options;
  execution_options.device_set = devices_.get();
  execution_options.session_options = &session_opts_;
    mutex_lock l(mu_);
        std::move(graph_def), execution_options, &execution_state_));
  should_delete_worker_sessions_ = true;
  return CreateWorkerSessions(options);

3.2.1 建立計算圖

這裡會構建 GraphExecutionState,依據 GraphDef 構建對應的 FullGraph。

GraphDef 是原始圖結構,ConvertGraphDefToGraph 完成從 GraphDef 到 Graph 的格式轉換,GraphDef 包含了圖的元資料,Graph 則包含圖結構的其他資訊,被執行時系統所使用。

/* static */ Status GraphExecutionState::MakeForBaseGraph(
    GraphDef&& graph_def, const GraphExecutionStateOptions& options,
    std::unique_ptr<GraphExecutionState>* out_state) {

  auto flib_def = absl::make_unique<FunctionLibraryDefinition>(
      OpRegistry::Global(), graph_def.library());

  TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddDefaultAttrsToGraphDef(&graph_def, *flib_def, 0));

  if (options.session_options->config.graph_options().place_pruned_graph() ||
           .optimize_for_static_graph()) {
    auto ret = absl::WrapUnique(new GraphExecutionState(
        absl::make_unique<GraphDef>(std::move(graph_def)), std::move(flib_def),

    // When place_pruned_graph is true, a different Graph* will be initialized
    // each time we prune the original graph, so there is no need to
    // construct a Graph* in this case.
    if (!options.session_options->config.graph_options().place_pruned_graph()) {
      auto base_graph = absl::make_unique<Graph>(OpRegistry::Global());
      TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ConvertGraphDefToGraph({}, *ret->original_graph_def_,
    *out_state = std::move(ret);
  } else {
    auto ret = absl::WrapUnique(
        new GraphExecutionState(nullptr, std::move(flib_def), options));
    auto base_graph = absl::make_unique<Graph>(OpRegistry::Global());
        ConvertGraphDefToGraph({}, std::move(graph_def), base_graph.get()));
    *out_state = std::move(ret);
  return Status::OK();

InitBaseGraph 會呼叫 Placer.run 完成運算元編排。就是把計算圖之中的運算元放到最適合的裝置上計算,這樣可以最大化效率。Placer 會對 Graph 做分析,並且結合使用者的要求對每個Node如何放置進行微調,具體原則有如下四種:

  • 儘量滿足使用者的要求。使用者可以通過 device 資訊或者 loc 來制定裝置,儘量優先滿足。
  • 儘量使用快速裝置。TF 系統之中每個裝置都有優先順序,級別越高計算效能越好,優先選擇級別高的裝置。
  • 儘量保證程式可執行。如果某個 Node 指定了在某種裝置上執行,但是系統之中沒有,則會選擇一個可用的裝置來重寫 Placement。
  • 儘量考慮近鄰性。比如儘量讓 Consumer 和 Producer 在同一個裝置上,避免無意義的跨裝置拷貝。
Status GraphExecutionState::InitBaseGraph(std::unique_ptr<Graph>&& new_graph) {
  // Save stateful placements before placing.

  GraphOptimizationPassOptions optimization_options;
  optimization_options.session_handle = session_handle_;
  optimization_options.session_options = session_options_;
  optimization_options.graph = &new_graph;
  optimization_options.flib_def = flib_def_.get();
  optimization_options.device_set = device_set_;

      OptimizationPassRegistry::PRE_PLACEMENT, optimization_options));

  Placer placer(new_graph.get(), "", flib_def_.get(), device_set_,
                /* default_local_device= */ nullptr,
                session_options_ == nullptr ||
                session_options_ != nullptr &&

      OptimizationPassRegistry::POST_PLACEMENT, optimization_options));

  for (const Node* n : new_graph->nodes()) {
    node_name_to_cost_id_map_[n->name()] = n->cost_id();

  graph_ = new_graph.release();
  return Status::OK();

3.2.2 建立 WorkerSession

當 MasterSession 建立成功後,如果沒有動態配置叢集 (預設的分散式配置環境), 則不會廣播所有 Worker 動態地建立 WorkerSession。事實上,每個 Worker 都存在一個 SessionMgr 例項,它持有一個名為 legacy_session_ 的 WorkerSession 例項。因此,每個 Worker 存在一個全域性唯一的 WorkerSession 例項。

圖 3 建立 WorkerSession


  • 首先,呼叫 ReleaseWorker 來釋放已有的 workers。
  • 其次,呼叫 GetOrCreateWorker 重新在快取之中獲取 Worker,如果沒有,快取自會構建。
  • 最後,遍歷 Workers,呼叫 CreateWorkerSessionAsync 來讓每個 Worker 各自建立一個 WorkerSession,每個請求都會用 set_session_handle(handle_) 來把 MasterSession 的 session_handle 設定進入,這樣每個 WorkerSession 都和 MasterSession 共享同樣的 session_handle,它們都隸屬於同一個 MasterSession。

為了收集全部 Workers 返回的訊息,這裡使用了計數器 BlockingCounter 來等待,其會把初始數值設定為 Worker 數目,當收集全部 Workers 的 CreateWorkerSessionResponse 響應訊息之後,計數器會減少為 0,則 BlockingCounter 會被喚醒。

Status MasterSession::CreateWorkerSessions(
    const WorkerCacheFactoryOptions& options) {
  const std::vector<string> worker_names = filtered_worker_list_;
  WorkerCacheInterface* worker_cache = get_worker_cache();

  struct WorkerGroup {
    // The worker name. (Not owned.)
    const string* name;

    // The worker referenced by name. (Not owned.)
    WorkerInterface* worker = nullptr;

    // Request and responses used for a given worker.
    CreateWorkerSessionRequest request;
    CreateWorkerSessionResponse response;
    Status status = Status::OK();
  BlockingCounter done(worker_names.size());
  std::vector<WorkerGroup> workers(worker_names.size());

  // Release the workers.
  auto cleanup = gtl::MakeCleanup([&workers, worker_cache] {
    for (auto&& worker_group : workers) {
      if (worker_group.worker != nullptr) {
        worker_cache->ReleaseWorker(*worker_group.name, worker_group.worker);

  string task_name;
  string local_device_name;
                                   &task_name, &local_device_name);
  const int64_t client_device_incarnation =

  Status status = Status::OK();
  // Create all the workers & kick off the computations.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < worker_names.size(); ++i) {
    workers[i].name = &worker_names[i];
    workers[i].worker = worker_cache->GetOrCreateWorker(worker_names[i]);
    if (session_opts_.config.share_cluster_devices_in_session() ||
            .share_cluster_devices_in_session()) {
      for (const auto& remote_dev : devices_->devices()) {
        *workers[i].request.add_cluster_device_attributes() =

      if (!session_opts_.config.share_cluster_devices_in_session() &&
              .share_cluster_devices_in_session()) {

    DeviceNameUtils::ParsedName name;
    if (!DeviceNameUtils::ParseFullName(worker_names[i], &name)) {
      status = errors::Internal("Could not parse name ", worker_names[i]);
      return status;
    if (!name.has_job || !name.has_task) {
      status = errors::Internal("Incomplete worker name ", worker_names[i]);
      return status;

    if (options.cluster_def) {
      *workers[i].request.mutable_server_def()->mutable_cluster() =
      // Session state is always isolated when ClusterSpec propagation
      // is in use.
    } else {
      // NOTE(mrry): Do not set any component of the ServerDef,
      // because the worker will use its local configuration.
    if (session_opts_.config.experimental()
            .share_session_state_in_clusterspec_propagation()) {
      // In a dynamic cluster, the ClusterSpec info is usually propagated by
      // master sessions. However, in data parallel training with multiple
      // masters
      // ("between-graph replication"), we need to disable isolation for
      // different worker sessions to update the same variables in PS tasks.

  for (size_t i = 0; i < worker_names.size(); ++i) {
    auto cb = [i, &workers, &done](const Status& s) {
      workers[i].status = s;
                                                &workers[i].response, cb);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < workers.size(); ++i) {
  return status;

GrpcRemoteWorker 是 gRPC 的客戶端,通過 stub 呼叫遠端 WorkerService 相應的服務介面。

void CreateWorkerSessionAsync(const CreateWorkerSessionRequest* request,
                              CreateWorkerSessionResponse* response,
                              StatusCallback done) override {
  IssueRequest(request, response, createworkersession_, std::move(done));

遠端 Worker 之中,接收到訊息是在 GrpcWorkerService 之中,當收到 CreateWorkerSessionRequest 訊息,將 由 CreateWorkerSessionHandler 回撥處理,CreateWorkerSessionHandler 是一個巨集,其線上程池中啟動一個可執行的執行緒,觸發 Worker(就是GrpcWorker) 的 CreateWorkerSession 方法來動態建立 WorkerSession 例項。

#define HANDLE_CALL(method, may_block_on_compute_pool)                        \
  void method##Handler(WorkerCall<method##Request, method##Response>* call) { \
    auto closure = [this, call]() {                                           \
      Status s = worker_->method(&call->request, &call->response);            \
      if (!s.ok()) {                                                          \
        VLOG(3) << "Bad response from " << #method << ": " << s;              \
      }                                                                       \
      call->SendResponse(ToGrpcStatus(s));                                    \
    };                                                                        \
    if ((may_block_on_compute_pool)) {                                        \
      worker_->env()->env->SchedClosure(std::move(closure));                  \
    } else {                                                                  \
      worker_->env()->compute_pool->Schedule(std::move(closure));             \
    }                                                                         \
    ENQUEUE_REQUEST(method, false);                                           \

  HANDLE_CALL(CreateWorkerSession, false);

4. WorkerSession

其實,GrpcWorker 最終呼叫的是 WorkerInterface.CreateWorkerSession 方法。

Status CreateWorkerSession(const CreateWorkerSessionRequest* request,
                           CreateWorkerSessionResponse* response) {
  return CallAndWait(&ME::CreateWorkerSessionAsync, request, response);

CreateWorkerSessionRequest 訊息之中攜帶了 MasterSession 分配的 session_handle,GrpcWorker 將據此建立一個 WorkerSession,session_handle 在這個 Worker 之內唯一標識這個 WorkerSession。

在 GrpcWorker 的 WorkerEnv 上下文之中有一個 SessionMgr,SessionMgr 負責統一管理和維護所有的 WorkerSession 生命週期。SessionMgr 與 WorkerSession 是一對多的關係,每個 WorkerSession 例項使用 session_handle 標識。

void Worker::CreateWorkerSessionAsync(const CreateWorkerSessionRequest* request,
                                      CreateWorkerSessionResponse* response,
                                      StatusCallback done) {
  Status s = env_->session_mgr->CreateSession(
      request->session_handle(), request->server_def(),
      request->cluster_device_attributes(), request->isolate_session_state(),
      request->master_task(), request->master_incarnation());

4.1 SessionMgr

4.1.1 定義

重點是如下,維護了 session_handle 和 WorkerSession 之間的對應關係,每個 WorkerSession 由 session_handle 來標識。

  • std::map<string, std::shared_ptr> sessions_ :維護了對應關係。

  • std::shared_ptr legacy_session_ :本地 WorkerSession 例項。

圖 4 SessionMgr

class SessionMgr {
  typedef std::function<Status(const ServerDef&, WorkerCacheInterface**)>

  explicit SessionMgr(
      WorkerEnv* worker_env, const string& default_worker_name,
      std::unique_ptr<WorkerCacheInterface> default_worker_cache,
      WorkerCacheFactory worker_cache_factory);
  ~SessionMgr() {}

  // Allocates state for a new session.
  Status CreateSession(const string& session, const ServerDef& server_def,
                       bool isolate_session_state);
  Status CreateSession(
      const string& session, const ServerDef& server_def,
      const protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<DeviceAttributes>& device_attributes,
      bool isolate_session_state);

  // Create WorkerSession from the master with the given `master_task` and
  // `master_incarnation`. We first look for existing WorkerSessions associated
  // with the specified master task. If there are sessions created by the same
  // master but with a different incarnation, it indicates that the remote
  // master has restarted before deleting the sessions on worker. When it
  // happens, old sessions associated with the master will be automatically
  // removed before the new session is created.
  Status CreateSession(
      const string& session, const ServerDef& server_def,
      const protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<DeviceAttributes>& device_attributes,
      bool isolate_session_state, string master_task,
      int64_t master_incarnation);

  void ResetDefaultWorkerCache(WorkerCacheInterface* worker_cache);

  // Updates state (worker cache, devices) of worker session identified by
  // session name (`session`) based on a new server_def and set of devices.
  Status UpdateSession(const string& session, const ServerDef& server_def,
                       const protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<DeviceAttributes>&
                       bool isolate_session_state);

  // Locates the worker session for a given session handle
  Status WorkerSessionForSession(const string& session_handle,
                                 std::shared_ptr<WorkerSession>* out_session);
  std::shared_ptr<WorkerSession> LegacySession();

  Status DeleteSession(const string& session);

  static string WorkerNameFromServerDef(const ServerDef& server_def);

  void SetLogging(bool active);

  void RetrieveLogs(int64_t step_id, LoggingResponse* response);

  void ClearLogs();

  WorkerEnv* const worker_env_;  // Not owned.

  // A note about destruction:
  // We must delete graph_mgr before device_mgr, due to shared
  // ownership of OpKernels in the executors. (The graph_mgr will
  // free all stateless OpKernels, and pass over borrowed stateful
  // OpKernels, which are also held in their respective devices'
  // OpSegments.)
  // legacy_session_ owns the worker_env_.device_mgr, and so we must ensure
  // that sessions_'s WorkerSessions are deleted (which do not own the
  // underlying devices, but instead own RenamedDevices) before
  // legacy_session_ is deleted. Further, we must ensure that WorkerSession's
  // device_mgr is deleted after WorkerSession's graph_mgr.

  std::unique_ptr<WorkerCacheInterface> default_worker_cache_;
  std::shared_ptr<WorkerSession> legacy_session_;

  bool is_logging_active_ = false;

  const WorkerCacheFactory worker_cache_factory_;

  Status WorkerSessionForSessionLocked(
      const string& session_handle, std::shared_ptr<WorkerSession>* out_session)

  mutex mu_;
  // A map from session identifier to internal session structure.
  std::map<string, std::shared_ptr<WorkerSession>> sessions_ TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_);

  // Incarnation and WorkerSession handle associated with a master task.
  struct MasterAssociatedSession {
    const int64_t master_incarnation;
    const string session_handle;
  // A map from master task name to its associated worker sessions.
  std::unordered_multimap<string, MasterAssociatedSession>
      master_to_associated_sessions_ TF_GUARDED_BY(mu_);

4.1.2 建立 Session

CreateSession 方法會建立 WorkerSession 和 GraphMgr。

Status SessionMgr::CreateSession(
    const string& session, const ServerDef& server_def,
    const protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<DeviceAttributes>&
    bool isolate_session_state, string master_task,
    int64_t master_incarnation) {
  mutex_lock l(mu_);
  if (session.empty()) {
    return errors::InvalidArgument("Session must be non-empty.");

  // For given master task name, check if one or more `WorkerSession`s have been
  // created previously on this worker, and if so garbage collect the expired
  // `WorkerSession`s. This happens when the master fails before sending
  // `DeleteSession` requests, which can cause `WorkerSession`s to be leaked.
  if (!master_task.empty()) {
    auto it_range = master_to_associated_sessions_.equal_range(master_task);
    if (it_range.first != it_range.second &&
        it_range.first->second.master_incarnation != master_incarnation) {
      auto it = it_range.first;
      while (it != it_range.second) {
        auto session_it = sessions_.find(it->second.session_handle);
        if (session_it != sessions_.end()) {
        it = master_to_associated_sessions_.erase(it);

  WorkerCacheInterface* worker_cache = nullptr;
  string worker_name;
  if (server_def.cluster().job().empty()) {
    worker_cache = new WorkerCacheWrapper(default_worker_cache_.get());
    worker_name = legacy_session_->worker_name();
  } else {
    TF_RETURN_IF_ERROR(worker_cache_factory_(server_def, &worker_cache));
    worker_name = WorkerNameFromServerDef(server_def);

  if (worker_cache != nullptr && default_worker_cache_ != nullptr) {

  std::shared_ptr<WorkerSession> worker_session;
  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Device>> cluster_devices;

  if (isolate_session_state || server_def.cluster().job_size()) {

    // Create a private copy of the DeviceMgr for the WorkerSession.
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Device>> renamed_devices;
    for (Device* d : worker_env_->local_devices) {
          worker_name, d, false, isolate_session_state));
    auto device_mgr = MakeUnique<StaticDeviceMgr>(std::move(renamed_devices));
    LookupLocalDevice cb = [&device_mgr](StringPiece name, Device** device) {
      return device_mgr->LookupDevice(name, device);
    AsRemoteDevices(worker_env_->env, cluster_device_attributes, cb,
    std::unique_ptr<DynamicDeviceMgr> remote_devices;
    if (!cluster_device_attributes.empty()) {
      remote_devices = MakeUnique<DynamicDeviceMgr>();

    auto graph_mgr = MakeUnique<GraphMgr>(worker_env_, device_mgr.get());
        new WorkerSession(session, worker_name,
                          std::move(device_mgr), std::move(graph_mgr),
  } else {
    AsRemoteDevices(worker_env_->env, cluster_device_attributes, nullptr,
    std::unique_ptr<DynamicDeviceMgr> remote_devices;
    if (!cluster_device_attributes.empty()) {
      remote_devices = MakeUnique<DynamicDeviceMgr>();
    // Borrow the WorkerEnv's DeviceMgr for the WorkerSession, so
    // that resources using it can use its devices after the
    // WorkerSession has been deleted.
    auto graph_mgr = MakeUnique<GraphMgr>(worker_env_, worker_env_->device_mgr);
    worker_session = WorkerSession::CreateWithBorrowedDeviceMgr(
        session, worker_name,
        worker_env_->device_mgr, std::move(graph_mgr),

  sessions_.insert(std::make_pair(session, std::move(worker_session)));
  if (!master_task.empty()) {
    MasterAssociatedSession s{master_incarnation, session};
    master_to_associated_sessions_.emplace(master_task, s);
  return Status::OK();

4.1.3 註冊圖

我們用 RegisterGraphAsync 為例來看看 worker 內部功能。可以看到其使用 GraphMgr 完成了基礎功能。

void Worker::RegisterGraphAsync(const RegisterGraphRequest* request,
                                RegisterGraphResponse* response,
                                StatusCallback done) {
  std::shared_ptr<WorkerSession> session;
  Status s;
  if (request->create_worker_session_called()) {
    s = env_->session_mgr->WorkerSessionForSession(request->session_handle(),
  } else {
    session = env_->session_mgr->LegacySession();
  if (s.ok()) {
    s = session->graph_mgr()->Register(
        request->session_handle(), request->graph_def(), session.get(),
        request->graph_options(), request->debug_options(),
        request->config_proto(), request->collective_graph_key(),
        session->cluster_flr(), response->mutable_graph_handle());

4.2 WorkerSession

4.2.1 定義

WorkerSession 之中比較重要的幾個成員變數包括幾個管理類 GraphMgr,DeviceMgr,DynamicDeviceMgr:

  • string session_name_ :Session 名稱。

  • string worker_name_ :Worker 名稱,比如 /job:mnist/replica:0/task:1。

  • std::shared_ptr worker_cache_ :Worker 快取。

  • std::unique_ptr graph_mgr_ :本 session 註冊的計算圖,每個 Worker 可以註冊和執行多個計算圖,每個計算圖使用 graph)handle 標識。

  • std::unique_ptr device_mgr_ :本地計算裝置集合資訊。

圖 5 WorkerSession 概念

// WorkerSession encapsulates all of the state relating to a given session.
class WorkerSession {
  // Collection of local devices. These devices are typically
  // RenamedDevices in all except the SessionMgr.legacy_session_ and
  // sessions created with `isolate_session_state == false`. In the
  // those cases, this method returns a pointer to a borrowed
  // DeviceMgr (typically the `worker_env.device_mgr`).
  DeviceMgr* device_mgr() {
    return device_mgr_ ? device_mgr_.get() : borrowed_device_mgr_;

  DynamicDeviceMgr* remote_device_mgr() { return remote_device_mgr_.get(); }

  const string& session_name() const { return session_name_; }
  const string& worker_name() const { return worker_name_; }

  WorkerCacheInterface* worker_cache() const {
    tf_shared_lock l(worker_session_state_mu_);
    return worker_cache_.get();
  GraphMgr* graph_mgr() const { return graph_mgr_.get(); }

  ClusterFunctionLibraryRuntime* cluster_flr() const {
    return cluster_flr_.get();

  WorkerSession(const string& session_name, const string& worker_name,
                std::unique_ptr<WorkerCacheInterface> worker_cache,
                std::unique_ptr<DeviceMgr> device_mgr,
                std::unique_ptr<GraphMgr> graph_mgr,
                std::unique_ptr<DynamicDeviceMgr> remote_device_mgr);

  static std::shared_ptr<WorkerSession> CreateWithBorrowedDeviceMgr(
      const string& session_name, const string& worker_name,
      std::unique_ptr<WorkerCacheInterface> worker_cache,
      DeviceMgr* borrowed_device_mgr, std::unique_ptr<GraphMgr> graph_mgr,
      std::unique_ptr<DynamicDeviceMgr> remote_device_mgr);

  // In the eager runtime we allow WorkerSession to be updated, where the
  // worker cache will be recreated. If WorkerSession upate is expected and a
  // worker in the cache is used in RPCs, the caller should hold a shared
  // pointer to avoid the workers getting deleted.
  std::shared_ptr<WorkerCacheInterface> GetSharedWorkerCache() {
    tf_shared_lock l(worker_session_state_mu_);
    return worker_cache_;

  // Update an existing worker session with new set of remote workers and
  // devices. Added devices will be owned by the worker session, and removed
  // devices will be freed by their names.
  Status UpdateWorkerCacheAndDevices(
      std::unique_ptr<WorkerCacheInterface> new_worker_cache,
      std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Device>> added_remote_devices,
      const std::vector<Device*>& removed_remote_devices);


  WorkerSession(const string& session_name, const string& worker_name,
                std::unique_ptr<WorkerCacheInterface> worker_cache,
                DeviceMgr* borrowed_device_mgr,
                std::unique_ptr<GraphMgr> graph_mgr,
                std::unique_ptr<DynamicDeviceMgr> remote_device_mgr);

  // The name of the session.
  const string session_name_;

  // The name of the worker. E.g., /job:mnist/replica:0/task:1.
  const string worker_name_;

  mutable mutex worker_session_state_mu_;
  // Object from which WorkerInterface instances can be obtained.
  std::shared_ptr<WorkerCacheInterface> worker_cache_

  // graph_mgr keeps track of the registered graphs of this session.
  // Note: graph_mgr must be deleted before rendezvous_mgr!
  // Note: graph_mgr must be deleted before device_mgr!
  const std::unique_ptr<GraphMgr> graph_mgr_;

  std::unique_ptr<ClusterFunctionLibraryRuntime> cluster_flr_;

  const std::unique_ptr<DeviceMgr> device_mgr_;
  DeviceMgr* const borrowed_device_mgr_;  // Not owned.
  std::unique_ptr<DynamicDeviceMgr> remote_device_mgr_;

至此,session 基本流程我們梳理完成,下面就會對業務進行詳細分析。

0xFF 參考
