1. 程式人生 > 其它 >ISE啟動Modelsim時報錯:Platform Mismatch!

ISE啟動Modelsim時報錯:Platform Mismatch!

ISE 14.7聯合modelsim 10.1c 使用時遇到了這個問題, 根據提示資訊是編譯庫對應nt(32位),但是需要的是nt64(64位), 可我用modelsim編譯Xilinx IP時明明就是選的64 bit.

因為我確認modelsim編譯目標是64bit的系統, ISE無法識別出來, 所以選擇騙過ISE.

Unable to simulate using ModelSim PE Student Edition 10.0.a and Xilinx ISE 13.2(64-bit)
I have installed latest version of Xilinx ISE 13.2 and model sim 10.0.a PE Student edition.

  1. I have set the environmental variable MODEL_TECH to .ini file.
  2. I have compiled the HDL libraries.
  3. When i tried to simulate my model using "Simulate behavioral model" it gives the following error message

ERROR: Simulator version mismatch! The simulation libraries were compiled for the 'MTI_PE 10.0a' version, but the selected simulator is 'MTI_PE Edition'. Please recompile the libraries for the selected simulator version or change the simulator selection.
ERROR: Error(s) encountered while extracting pre-compiled simulation library information. Please check the log above for more details.
INFO: Simulation process aborted!
Kindly help me to fix this issue.


Hi all,
Running 32-bit version of compxlib.exe did not help but here is a maybe a solution.
I had the same problem as you (ISE 13.4 and ModelSim PE Student Edition 10.1 on a Windows 7 64-bit OS) and I manage to ''trick" ISE by setting a wrong path for the "Compiled Library Directory" in the "Process Proprieties" window of the "Compile HDL Simulation Libraries " process.
The wrong path is somthing like C:\ instead of [C:\Modeltech_pe_edu_10.1\xilinx\mti_pe\10.1\nt64](file:///C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.1/xilinx/mti_pe/10.1/nt64) were my compiled librairies are located.
Once a wrong path is set, you will get a warning when double-clicking on ''Simulate Behavioral Model". If you clik "No" to this warning, you should be able to simulate your model, provided you have the correct libraries set on the ModelSim environment.
You can also disabled the ISE pop-up message as it is explained at the bottom of it.
Hope this help,

給"Compiled Library Directory"設定錯誤的路徑為C:\, 糊弄一下ISE(只要該目錄底下沒有modelsim.ini,讓ISE找不到已編譯的庫,都行) ,設定好錯誤的路徑後, 雙擊''Simulate Behavioral Model"呼叫Modelsim模擬, 會彈出警告, 但我們忽視就好, 然後就可以正常使用modelsim來模擬了.