1. 程式人生 > 遊戲資訊 >【我的世界】自定義biomes生物群系/地形 教程

【我的世界】自定義biomes生物群系/地形 教程



      object "minecraft:climate"[0,7] : opt // 描述溫度、溼度、降水等。沒有此元件的生物群落將具有預設值。Describes temperature, humidity, precipitation, etc.  Biomes without this component will have default values.


          float "temperature" : opt

          float "downfall" : opt

          float "red_spores" : opt

          float "blue_spores" : opt

          float "ash" : opt

          float "white_ash" : opt

          array "snow_accumulation"[2] : opt


              float "[0..0]"

              float "[1..1]"



      object "minecraft:overworld_height"[0,2] : opt // 用於在超世界中驅動地形高度的噪波引數。Noise parameters used to drive terrain height in the Overworld.


          array "noise_params"[2] : opt


              float "[0..0]"

              float "[1..1]"


          string "noise_type"<"stone_beach", "deep_ocean", "default", "default_mutated", "lowlands", "river", "ocean", "taiga", "mountains", "highlands", "mushroom", "less_extreme", "extreme", "beach", "swamp"> : opt


      object "minecraft:forced_features"[0,1] : opt // 強制特定的裝飾特徵(樹木、植物等)出現在該生物群落中,而不考慮正常的裝飾規則。Force specific decorative features (trees, plants, etc.) to appear in this Biome, regardless of normal decoration rules.


          array "<identifier>" : opt


              object "<any array element>" : opt


                  molang "iterations" // 要生成的分散位置數Number of scattered positions to generate

                  object "scatter_chance" : opt // 發生這種分散的概率分子/分母。未對每次迭代進行評估;要麼不執行迭代,要麼全部執行。Probability numerator / denominator that this scatter will occur.  Not evaluated each iteration; either no iterations will run, or all will.


                      int "numerator"<1-*>

                      int "denominator"<1-*>


                  molang "scatter_chance" : opt // 發生這種分散的概率(0-100)。未對每次迭代進行評估;要麼不執行迭代,要麼全部執行。Probability (0-100] that this scatter will occur.  Not evaluated each iteration; either no iterations will run, or all will.

                  enumerated_value "coordinate_eval_order"<"xyz", "xzy", "yxz", "yzx", "zxy", "zyx"> : opt // The order in which coordinates will be evaluated. Should be used when a coordinate depends on another. If omitted, defaults to "xzy".

                  molang "x" : opt // Expression for the coordinate (evaluated each iteration).  Mutually exclusive with random distribution object below.

                  object "x" : opt // Distribution for the coordinate (evaluated each iteration).  Mutually exclusive with Molang expression above.


                      enumerated_value "distribution"<"uniform", "gaussian", "inverse_gaussian", "triangle", "fixed_grid", "jittered_grid"> // Type of distribution - uniform random, gaussian (centered in the range), triangle (centered in the range), or grid (either fixed-step or jittered)

                      int "step_size"<1-*> : opt // When the distribution type is grid, defines the distance between steps along this axis

                      int "grid_offset"<0-*> : opt // When the distribution type is grid, defines the offset along this axis

                      array "extent"[2]


                          molang "[0..0]" : opt // Lower bound (inclusive) of the scatter range, as an offset from the input point to scatter around

                          molang "[1..1]" : opt // Upper bound (inclusive) of the scatter range, as an offset from the input point to scatter around



                  molang "z" : opt // Expression for the coordinate (evaluated each iteration).  Mutually exclusive with random distribution object below.

                  object "z" : opt // Distribution for the coordinate (evaluated each iteration).  Mutually exclusive with Molang expression above.


                      enumerated_value "distribution"<"uniform", "gaussian", "inverse_gaussian", "triangle", "fixed_grid", "jittered_grid"> // Type of distribution - uniform random, gaussian (centered in the range), triangle (centered in the range), or grid (either fixed-step or jittered)

                      int "step_size"<1-*> : opt // When the distribution type is grid, defines the distance between steps along this axis

                      int "grid_offset"<0-*> : opt // When the distribution type is grid, defines the offset along this axis

                      array "extent"[2]


                          molang "[0..0]" : opt // Lower bound (inclusive) of the scatter range, as an offset from the input point to scatter around

                          molang "[1..1]" : opt // Upper bound (inclusive) of the scatter range, as an offset from the input point to scatter around



                  molang "y" : opt // Expression for the coordinate (evaluated each iteration).  Mutually exclusive with random distribution object below.

                  object "y" : opt // Distribution for the coordinate (evaluated each iteration).  Mutually exclusive with Molang expression above.


                      enumerated_value "distribution"<"uniform", "gaussian", "inverse_gaussian", "triangle", "fixed_grid", "jittered_grid"> // Type of distribution - uniform random, gaussian (centered in the range), triangle (centered in the range), or grid (either fixed-step or jittered)

                      int "step_size"<1-*> : opt // When the distribution type is grid, defines the distance between steps along this axis

                      int "grid_offset"<0-*> : opt // When the distribution type is grid, defines the offset along this axis

                      array "extent"[2]


                          molang "[0..0]" : opt // Lower bound (inclusive) of the scatter range, as an offset from the input point to scatter around

                          molang "[1..1]" : opt // Upper bound (inclusive) of the scatter range, as an offset from the input point to scatter around



                  feature_reference "places_feature"

                  string "identifier"




      object "minecraft:ignore_automatic_features" : opt // No features will be automatically attached to this Biome, only features specified in the minecraft:forced_features component will appear.

      object "minecraft:surface_parameters"[0,6] : opt //控制用於預設Minecraft Overworld地形生成的塊。 Control the blocks used for the default Minecraft Overworld terrain generation.


           "top_material" // 控制用於此生物群落表面的塊型別。Controls the block type used for the surface of this biome.

           "mid_material" // 控制此生物群落表面下的層中使用的塊型別。Controls the block type used in a layer below the surface of this biome.

           "sea_floor_material" // 控制用作此生物群落中水體地板的塊型別。Controls the block type used as a floor for bodies of water in this biome.

           "foundation_material" // 控制在該生物群落的地下深處使用的塊體型別Controls the block type used deep underground in this biome.

           "sea_material" // Controls the block type used for the bodies of water in this biome.

          int "sea_floor_depth" // 控制地板應位於世界水位以下的深度。Controls how deep below the world water level the floor should occur.


      object "minecraft:surface_material_adjustments"[0,1] : opt // 指定對地形生成中使用的塊的精細細節更改(基於噪波函式)Specify fine-detail changes to blocks used in terrain generation (based on a noise function)


          array "adjustments" : opt // 所有與列的噪波值匹配的調整都將按列出的順序應用。All adjustments that match the column's noise values will be applied in the order listed.


              object "<any array element>"


                  object "materials"


                       "top_material" : opt // Controls the block type used for the surface of this biome when this adjustment is active.

                       "mid_material" : opt // Controls the block type used in a layer below the surface of this biome when this adjustment is active.

                       "sea_floor_material" : opt // Controls the block type used as a floor for bodies of water in this biome when this adjustment is active.

                       "foundation_material" : opt // Controls the block type used deep underground in this biome when this adjustment is active.

                       "sea_material" : opt // Controls the block type used in the bodies of water in this biome when this adjustment is active.


                  array "noise_range"[2] : opt // Defines a range of noise values [min, max) for which this adjustment should be applied.


                      float "[0..0]"<-1.000000-1.000000>

                      float "[1..1]"<-1.000000-1.000000>


                  array "height_range"[2] : opt // Defines a range of noise values [min, max] for which this adjustment should be applied.


                      molang "[0..0]"

                      molang "[1..1]"


                  float "noise_frequency_scale" : opt // The scale to multiply by the position when accessing the noise value for the material adjustments.




      object "minecraft:swamp_surface"[0,6] : opt // Similar to overworld_surface.  Adds swamp surface details.


           "top_material" // Controls the block type used for the surface of this biome.

           "mid_material" // Controls the block type used in a layer below the surface of this biome.

           "sea_floor_material" // Controls the block type used as a floor for bodies of water in this biome.

           "foundation_material" // Controls the block type used deep underground in this biome.

           "sea_material" // Controls the block type used for the bodies of water in this biome.

          int "sea_floor_depth" // Controls how deep below the world water level the floor should occur.


      object "minecraft:frozen_ocean_surface"[0,6] : opt // Similar to overworld_surface.  Adds icebergs.


           "top_material" // Controls the block type used for the surface of this biome.

           "mid_material" // Controls the block type used in a layer below the surface of this biome.

           "sea_floor_material" // Controls the block type used as a floor for bodies of water in this biome.

           "foundation_material" // Controls the block type used deep underground in this biome.

           "sea_material" // Controls the block type used for the bodies of water in this biome.

          int "sea_floor_depth" // Controls how deep below the world water level the floor should occur.


      object "minecraft:mesa_surface"[0,10] : opt // Similar to overworld_surface.  Adds colored strata and optional pillars.


           "top_material" // Controls the block type used for the surface of this biome.

           "mid_material" // Controls the block type used in a layer below the surface of this biome.

           "sea_floor_material" // Controls the block type used as a floor for bodies of water in this biome.

           "foundation_material" // Controls the block type used deep underground in this biome.

           "sea_material" // Controls the block type used for the bodies of water in this biome.

          int "sea_floor_depth" // Controls how deep below the world water level the floor should occur.



          bool "bryce_pillars"

          bool "has_forest"


      object "minecraft:nether_surface" : opt // Use default Minecraft Nether terrain generation.

      object "minecraft:the_end_surface" : opt // Use default Minecraft End terrain generation.

      object "minecraft:capped_surface"[0,5] : opt // Generates surface on blocks with non-solid blocks above or below.


          array "floor_materials"[1,*] // Materials used for the surface floor.


              block_reference "<any array element>"


          array "ceiling_materials"[1,*] // Materials used for the surface ceiling.


              block_reference "<any array element>"


          block_reference "sea_material" // Material used to replace air blocks below sea level.

          block_reference "foundation_material" // Material used to repalce solid blocks that are not surface blocks.

          block_reference "beach_material" : opt // Material used to decorate surface near sea level.


      object "minecraft:mountain_parameters"[0,3] : opt // Noise parameters used to drive mountain terrain generation in Overworld


          float "peaks_factor" : opt

          object "steep_material_adjustment" : opt // Defines surface material for steep slopes


               "material" : opt // Block type use as steep material.

              bool "north_slopes" : opt // Enable for north facing slopes

              bool "south_slopes" : opt // Enable for south facing slopes

              bool "west_slopes" : opt // Enable for west facing slopes

              bool "east_slopes" : opt // Enable for east facing slopes


          object "top_slide" : opt // Controls the density tapering that happens at the top of the world to prevent terrain from reaching too high


              bool "enabled" // If false, top slide will be disabled. If true, other parameters will be taken into account



      object "minecraft:overworld_generation_rules"[0,5] : opt // 控制在整個世界的世界生成過程中,該生物群落如何例項化(然後可能被修改)Control how this biome is instantiated (and then potentially modified) during world generation of the overworld.


          biome_reference "hills_transformation" : opt

          array "hills_transformation"[1,*] : opt


              biome_reference "<any array element>" : opt

              array "<any array element>"[2] : opt


                  biome_reference "[0..0]"

                  int "[1..1]"



          biome_reference "mutate_transformation" : opt

          array "mutate_transformation"[1,*] : opt


              biome_reference "<any array element>" : opt

              array "<any array element>"[2] : opt


                  biome_reference "[0..0]"

                  int "[1..1]"



          array "generate_for_climates" : opt // 控制該生物群落可以繁殖的世界一代氣候類別。單個生物群落可以與具有不同權重的多個類別相關聯。Controls the world generation climate categories that this biome can spawn for.  A single biome can be associated with multiple categories with different weightings.


              array "<any array element>"[2]


                  enumerated_value "[0..0]"<"medium", "warm", "lukewarm", "cold", "frozen"> // 氣候類別名稱Name of a climate category

                  int "[1..1]" // 相對於同一類別中的其他生物群落,選擇該生物群落的權重Weight with which this biome should be selected, relative to other biomes in the same category



          biome_reference "river_transformation" : opt

          array "river_transformation"[1,*] : opt


              biome_reference "<any array element>" : opt

              array "<any array element>"[2] : opt


                  biome_reference "[0..0]"

                  int "[1..1]"



          biome_reference "shore_transformation" : opt

          array "shore_transformation"[1,*] : opt


              biome_reference "<any array element>" : opt

              array "<any array element>"[2] : opt


                  biome_reference "[0..0]"

                  int "[1..1]"




      object "minecraft:multinoise_generation_rules"[0,5] : opt //控制在虛空世界生成期間如何例項化(然後可能修改)此生物群落。 Controls how this biome is instantiated (and then potentially modified) during world generation of the nether.


          float "target_temperature" : opt // Temperature with which this biome should selected, relative to other biomes.

          float "target_humidity" : opt // Humidity with which this biome should selected, relative to other biomes.

          float "target_altitude" : opt // Altitude with which this biome should selected, relative to other biomes.

          float "target_weirdness" : opt // Weirdness with which this biome should selected, relative to other biomes.

          float "weight" : opt // Weight with which this biome should selected, relative to other biomes.


      object "minecraft:legacy_world_generation_rules" : opt // Additional world generation control applicable only to legacy limited worlds.

      object "[a-z0-9_.:]+" : opt // Attach arbitrary string tags to this biome


