1. 程式人生 > 其它 >Process Mining:Data science in action 學習筆記

Process Mining:Data science in action 學習筆記

Process Mining:Data science in action 學習筆記


P2 1-1:

4 V’s of Big Data
  • VOLUME 量大
  • VELOCITY 資料增長速度
  • VARIETY 種類多
  • VERACITY 真實性

Is on the interplay between event data and processes, and process models.

Process mining use cases

P3 1-2:

Three types of mining :

  • Process discovery 流程發現
  • Performance checking 一致性檢查
  • Enhancement 增強

It is not just about collecting data , it's about analyzing processes.
That is one of the key things.

Event Log Table :

Every line, corresponds to an event .

Three types of relationships between models and event data:

  • Play-Out

  • Play-In

  • Replay

Play-out is about the classical use of process models not involing any event data.

Play-in corresponds to discovery.

Play Out:
Single execution for single trace:
Many execution for many traces:

P4 1-3:

Process Discovery

For example:

We can see a sentence and compare that to atrace in an event log, and we can think of the language as a process model.

P5 1-4:

decision tree: