1. 程式人生 > 其它 >友元函式及運算子


Read and write files
import os
os.path.join('str1','str2','str3'...)   #return a string connected by '\\'
os.getcwd()  #return current working directory
os.chdir(path)  #change cwd to path,path always a directory
os.makedirs(path)  #create a new folder though there have many intermediate folder
os.path.abspath(path)  #return the string of the absolute path to parameter

os.path.isabs(path)  #return True if parameter is a absolute path ,or return False
os.path.relpath(path,start)  #return a string of relative path from start to path,cwd will be start default
os.path.dirname(path)  #return a string of all contents before last '\' in path
os.path.basename(path)  #return a string of all contents after last '\' in path

os.path.split(path)  #return a tuple including dirname and basename of a path
path.split(os.path.sep)  #return a list including all parts of the path
os.path.getsize(path)  #return the number of bytes of file in path
os.listdir(path)  #return a list of filename including every file in path
os.path.exists(path)  #return True if file or folder exists in the path

os.path.isfile(path)  #return True if path exists and it is a file
os.path.isdir(path)  #return True if path exists and it is a folder
File=open(path,mode,encoding)  #return a File object
File.read()  #return a string of file content
File.readlines()  #return a list of string separated with \n in the file
File.write(obj)  #return number of characters

import shelve
shelfFile[key]=value  #save data to binary shelf file,similar to dict

shutil module (shell tool)
import shutil
shutil.copy(source,destination) #copy the file in source to the folder in destination,if destination is a filename,it will be the new name of copied file.Function return the path of copied file
shutil.copytree(sourece,destination) #copy whole folder,return the new path of copied folder
shutil.move(source,destination)  #move folder or file in the source to destination,return the a string of the new place of absolute path,if a same name file already exists,it will be covered.Furthermore,if destination doesn't exist ,its name will be changed into destination.Original name will be changed if destination specifies a filename.
os.unlink(path) #delete the file in path
os.rmdir(path) #delete the folder in path ,the folder must be empty
shutil.rmtree(path)#delete the folder in path
import sen2trash
send2trash.send2trash(filename or foldername) #it will deliver file to dustbin but not delete them forever
for filename in os.listdir():
   if filename.endswith('.txt'):
for foldername,subfolders,filenames in os.walk(path): #return 3 values:
1.a string of cwd
2.a list of strings for subfolders in cwd
3.a list of strings for files in cwd

import zipfile
ZipFile.namelist()  #return a list of strings for all files and folders in the zipfile
ZipInfo=ZipFile.getinfo() #return a ZipInfo object
ZipInfo.file_size #the size of original file
ZipInfo.compress_size  #the size of file after compression
 ZipInfo.file_size/ZipInfo.compress_size is the compression efficiency
ZipFile.extractall(path)  #compress all files and folders,put them into path,default is cwd
ZipFile.extra(filename,path)  #compress file and put it into path,return the absolute path of compressed file
newZip=zipfile.ZipFile('zipfilename','w') #can use 'a' to add new file to zipfile
newZip.write('filename',compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) #default compression way

import csv
with open(csvfile,mode,encoding,newline=None) as fp
csv.writer().writerows()  #only one parameter
csv.writer.writeheader()  #input key of dict
csv.writer().writerow()  #input value of dict

import json
JSON can't store every Python value,and specified object of python wouldn't express
json.loads(json string)  #convert strings containing JSON data to Python values
json.dumps(python value)  #convert python values to strings containing JSON data