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Spring Doc - Integration

This part of the reference documentation covers Spring Framework’s integration with a number of technologies.

1. REST Endpoints

The Spring Framework provides two choices for making calls to REST endpoints: RestTemplate, WebClient.

2. Remoting and Web Services

Spring provides support for remoting with various technologies. The remoting support eases the development of remote-enabled services, implemented via Java interfaces and objects as input and output.

3. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) Integration

This section covers how to access EJBs.

4. JMS (Java Message Service)

Spring provides a JMS integration framework that simplifies the use of the JMS API.

5. JMX

The JMX (Java Management Extensions) support in Spring provides features that let you easily and transparently integrate your Spring application into a JMX infrastructure.

6. Email

This section describes how to send email with the Spring Framework.

7. Task Execution and Scheduling

The Spring Framework provides abstractions for the asynchronous execution and scheduling of tasks with the TaskExecutor and TaskScheduler interfaces, respectively.

8. Cache Abstraction

The Spring Framework provides support for transparently adding caching to an existing Spring application.

9. Appendix

This part of the appendix lists XML schemas related to integration technologies.