1. 程式人生 > 其它 >2022-2023學年英語週報高三課標外研第22期答案彙總




Mesert's satisfaction is no accident. The vice president of Transsion explained, "Our cameras adjust more light for darker skin, so the photograph is more beautiful, he says. "That's one of the reasons why we've become successful."

Transsion's founder George Zhu had spent nearly a decade traveling to Africa as a head of sales for another mobile phone company when he realized that selling Africans handsets,

 which were made for developed countries, was the wrong approach.

In 2006, Zhu launched Tecno in Nigeria, which has the most population in Africa . From the start, the company's motto was “think global, act local”, which meant making phones that met Africans, special needs.

Transsion opened research and development centers in China, Nigeria and Kenya to work out how to better appeal to African users. Local languages such as Amharic, Hausa and Swahili were added to keyboards and phones were given a longer battery life.

In Nigeria, South Africa and Ethiopia, for example, the government frequently shuts off electricity to conserve power, leaving people unable to charge their phones for hours. In less developed markets, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Chowdhury says, consumers might have to walk 30 kilometers to charge their phones at the local market and have to pay to do so. "For those consumers, longer battery life is a blessing," he adds.