AWS學習筆記(十四):S3, Glacier, Athena
阿新 • • 發佈:2022-04-20
S3 MFA-Delete
- MFA (multi factor authentication) forces user to generate a code on a device (usually a mobile phone or hardware) before doing important operations on S3
- To use MFA-Delete, enable Versioning on the S3 bucket
- You will need MFA to
- permanently delete an object version
- suspend versioning on the bucket
- You won’t need MFA for
- enabling versioning
- listing deleted versions
- Only the bucket owner (root account) can enable/disable MFA-Delete
- MFA-Delete currently can only be enabled using the CLI
- *Note: Bucket Policies are evaluated before "default encryption"
S3 Replication (CRR & SRR)
Must enable versioning
- Cross Region Replication (CRR)
- Same Region Replication (SRR)
- Buckets can be in different accounts
- Copying is asynchronous
- Must give proper IAM permissions to S3
- CRR - Use cases: compliance, lower latency access, replication across accounts
- SRR – Use cases: log aggregation, live replication between production and test accounts
S3 Replication – Notes
- After activating, only new objects are replicated (not retroactive)
- For DELETE operations:
- Can replicate delete markers from source to target (optional setting)
- Deletions with a version ID are not replicated (to avoid malicious deletes)
- There is no "chaining" of replication
- If bucket 1 has replication into bucket 2, which has replication into bucket 3
- Then objects created in bucket 1 are not replicated to bucket 3
S3 Pre-Signed URLs
- Can generate pre-signed URLs using SDK or CLI
- For downloads (easy, can use the CLI)
- For uploads (harder, must use the SDK)
- Valid for a default of 3600 seconds, can change timeout with --expires-in [TIME_BY_SECONDS] argument
- Users given a pre-signed URL inherit the permissions of the person who generated the URL for GET / PUT
Amazon S3儲存類別
S3 – Moving between storage classes
S3 Lifecycle Rules
Transition actions: It defines when objects are transitioned to another storage class.
- Move objects to Standard IA class 60 days after creation
- Move to Glacier for archiving after 6 months
Expiration actions: configure objects to expire (delete) after some time
- Access log files can be set to delete after a 365 days
- Can be used to delete old versions of files (if versioning is enabled)
- Can be used to delete incomplete multi-part uploads
- Rules can be created for a certain prefix (ex - s3://mybucket/mp3/*)
- Rules can be created for certain objects tags (ex - Department: Finance)
S3 Analytics – Storage Class Analysis
- You can setup S3 Analytics to help determine when to transition objects from Standard to Standard_IA
- Does not work for ONEZONE_IA or GLACIER
- Report is updated daily
- Takes about 24h to 48h hours to first start
- Good first step to put together Lifecycle Rules (or improve them)!
S3 – Baseline Performance
- Amazon S3 automatically scales to high request rates, latency 100-200 ms
- Your application can achieve at least 3,500 PUT/COPY/POST/DELETE and 5,500 GET/HEAD requests per second per prefix in a bucket