阿新 • • 發佈:2020-07-24
① 新建會員;
② 已有會員充值;
③ 已有會員消費(憑密碼,不能透支);
#include<iostream> #include<String.h> using namespace std; class RMB{ int yuan,jiao,fen; public: RMB(int y=0,int j=0,int f=0){ yuan=y; jiao=j; fen=f; } RMB(double x) { int n = int((x + 0.005) * 100); yuan = n / 100; jiao = (n - yuan * 100) / 10; fen = n % 10; } operator double() { return (yuan + jiao * 0.1 + fen * 0.01); } ~RMB() {} friend ostream & operator<<(ostream&output,const RMB&m){ output << m.yuan << "元" << m.jiao << "角" << m.fen << "分" << endl; return output; } friend istream & operator>>(istream&input,RMB&m){ cout << "元:"; input >> m.yuan; cout << "角:"; input >> m.jiao; cout << "分:"; input >> m.fen; return input; } }; class member{ public: static int number; char name[20],code[10],phoneNumber[12]; static int bianhao() { number++; return number; } member(char*a,char*c,char*p){ strcpy(name,a); strcpy(code,c); strcpy(phoneNumber,p); } ~member() {} friend istream&operator>>(istream&input,member&A) { cout << "please input name: " << endl; input >> A.name; cout << "please input code: " << endl; input >> A.code; cout << "please input phone number : " << endl; input >> A.phoneNumber; return input; } friend ostream&operator<<(ostream&output,member&A) { output << "the information of member:" << endl; output << "number" << '\t' << "name" << '\t' << "phone" << endl; output << A.bianhao() << '\t' << A.name << '\t' << A.phoneNumber << endl; return output; } }; int member::number=0; class memberCar:public RMB,public member{ public: RMB income,outcome,balance; memberCar*next; memberCar(char*a,char*p):member(a,c,p){ balance = 0; income = 0; outcome = 0; } ~memberCar() {} friend ostream&operator<<(ostream&output,const memberCar&A) { output << "the information of member:" << endl; output << "number" << '\t' << "name" << '\t' << "phone" << '\t' << '\t' << "balance" << endl; output << A.bianhao() << '\t' << A.name << '\t' << A.phoneNumber << '\t' << A.balance << endl; return output; } void recharge() { cout << "How much do you want to recharge?" << '\n' << "please input the money : " << endl; cin >> income; balance =balance + income; cout << "your balance : " << balance << endl; } void cost() { char y[10]; cout << "please input your code : " << endl; cin >> y; if (strncmp(code,y,10)==0) { cout << "please input the money you cost : " << endl; cin >> outcome; if (outcome > balance) { cout << "your balance is not enough ! " << endl; } else { balance = balance - outcome; cout << "your balance : "<< balance; } } else { cout << "your code is wrong ! " << endl; } } void query(){ cout << "your balance : " << balance; } }; void AddFront(memberCar*&h,memberCar*&t) { t->next = h; h = t; } void FindList(memberCar*head,int n = 2) { char s[20]; cout << "please input your name : " << endl; cin >> s; while (head) { if (strncmp(head->name,s,20) == 0) { switch (n) { case 2: (*head).recharge(); break; case 3: (*head).cost(); break; } } head = head->next; } } void ShowList(memberCar*head) { int count = 0; RMB I=0,O=0; while (head) { count++; I=I+head->income; O = O + head->outcome; head = head->next; } cout << "the number of member : " << count << endl; cout << "the income of the store : " << I << endl; cout << "the outcome of the store : " << O << endl; cout << "turn-over of the store : " << (I - O) << endl; } int main() { int choice; memberCar*head = NULL,*p; do { cout << "please choice:\n"; cout << "1 : new member,2 : recharge,3 : purchase,4 :output the number of member and turn-over,other number is over! " << endl; cin >> choice; switch (choice) { case 1: { cout << "input information of new member : " << endl; char a[20],c[10],h[12]; cout << "please input name: " << endl; cin>>a; cout << "please input code: " << endl; cin>>c; cout << "please input phone number : " << endl; cin>>h; p = new memberCar(a,h); AddFront(head,p); cout << *p << endl; break; } case 2: { FindList(head,2); break; } case 3: { FindList(head,3); break; } case 4: { ShowList(head); break; } } } while (choice); return 0; }