1. 程式人生 > 其它 >用R語言做邏輯迴歸



jmzeng([email protected])

迴歸的本質是建立一個模型用來預測,而邏輯迴歸的獨特性在於,預測的結果是隻能有兩種,true or false

在R裡面做邏輯迴歸也很簡單,只需要構造好資料集,然後用glm函式(廣義線性模型(generalized linear model))建模即可,預測用predict函式。





mydata <- read.csv("http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/data/binary.csv") ## 這裡直接讀取網路資料head(mydata)
##   admit gre  gpa rank
## 1     0 380 3.61    3
## 2     1 660 3.67    3
## 3     1 800 4.00    1
## 4     1 640 3.19    4
## 5     0 520 2.93    4
## 6     1 760 3.00    2
#This dataset has a binary response (outcome, dependent) variable called admit. 

#There are three predictor variables: gre, gpa and rank. We will treat the variables gre and gpa as continuous. 

#The variable rank takes on the values 1 through 4.

##      admit             gre             gpa             rank      
##  Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :220.0   Min.   :2.260   Min.   :1.000  
##  1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:520.0   1st Qu.:3.130   1st Qu.:2.000  
##  Median :0.0000   Median :580.0   Median :3.395   Median :2.000  
##  Mean   :0.3175   Mean   :587.7   Mean   :3.390   Mean   :2.485  
##  3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:660.0   3rd Qu.:3.670   3rd Qu.:3.000  
##  Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :800.0   Max.   :4.000   Max.   :4.000
sapply(mydata, sd)
##       admit         gre         gpa        rank 
##   0.4660867 115.5165364   0.3805668   0.9444602
xtabs(~ admit + rank, data = mydata)  ##保證結果變數只能是錄取與否,不能有其它!!!
##      rank
## admit  1  2  3  4
##     0 28 97 93 55
##     1 33 54 28 12


  • 其中GRE成績是連續性的變數,學生可以考取任意正常分數。
  • 而GPA也是連續性的變數,任意正常GPA均可。
  • 最後的排名雖然也是連續性變數,但是一般前幾名才有資格申請,所以這裡把它當做因子,只考慮前四名!



mydata$rank <- factor(mydata$rank)

mylogit <- glm(admit ~ gre + gpa + rank, data = mydata, family = "binomial")

## Call:
## glm(formula = admit ~ gre + gpa + rank, family = "binomial", 
##     data = mydata)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -1.6268  -0.8662  -0.6388   1.1490   2.0790  
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept) -3.989979   1.139951  -3.500 0.000465 ***
## gre          0.002264   0.001094   2.070 0.038465 *  
## gpa          0.804038   0.331819   2.423 0.015388 *  
## rank2       -0.675443   0.316490  -2.134 0.032829 *  
## rank3       -1.340204   0.345306  -3.881 0.000104 ***
## rank4       -1.551464   0.417832  -3.713 0.000205 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 499.98  on 399  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 458.52  on 394  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 470.52
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4


  • GRE成績每增加1分,被錄取的優勢對數(log odds)增加0.002
  • 而GPA每增加1單位,被錄取的優勢對數(log odds)增加0.804,不過一般GPA相差都是零點幾。
  • 最後第二名的同學比第一名同學在其它同等條件下被錄取的優勢對數(log odds)小了0.675,看來排名非常重要啊!!!

這裡必須解釋一下這個優勢對數(log odds)是什麼意思了,如果預測這個學生被錄取的概率是p,那麼優勢對數(log odds)就是log2(p/(1-p)),一般是以自然對數為底


## 重點是predict函式,type引數

newdata1 <- with(mydata,                 
data.frame(gre = mean(gre), gpa = mean(gpa), rank = factor(1:4)))

##     gre    gpa rank
## 1 587.7 3.3899    1
## 2 587.7 3.3899    2
## 3 587.7 3.3899    3
## 4 587.7 3.3899    4
## 這裡構造一個需要預測的矩陣,4個學生,除了排名不一樣,GRE和GPA都一樣newdata1$rankP <- predict(mylogit, newdata = newdata1, type = "response")

##     gre    gpa rank     rankP
## 1 587.7 3.3899    1 0.5166016
## 2 587.7 3.3899    2 0.3522846
## 3 587.7 3.3899    3 0.2186120
## 4 587.7 3.3899    4 0.1846684
## type = "response" 直接返回預測的概率值0~1之間


log(0.5166016/(1-0.5166016)) ## 第一名的優勢對數0.06643082

log((0.3522846/(1-0.3522846))) ##第二名的優勢對數-0.609012


newdata2 <- with(mydata,                 data.frame(gre = rep(seq(from = 200, to = 800, length.out = 100), 4),                            gpa = mean(gpa), rank = factor(rep(1:4, each = 100))))##newdata2##這個資料集也是構造出來,需要用模型來預測的!newdata3 <- cbind(newdata2, predict(mylogit, newdata = newdata2, type="link", se=TRUE))## type="link" 返回fit值,需要進一步用plogis處理成概率值## ?plogis The Logistic Distributionnewdata3 <- within(newdata3, {
  PredictedProb <- plogis(fit)
  LL <- plogis(fit - (1.96 * se.fit))
  UL <- plogis(fit + (1.96 * se.fit))})


##        gre    gpa rank        fit    se.fit residual.scale        UL
## 1 200.0000 3.3899    1 -0.8114870 0.5147714              1 0.5492064
## 2 206.0606 3.3899    1 -0.7977632 0.5090986              1 0.5498513
## 3 212.1212 3.3899    1 -0.7840394 0.5034491              1 0.5505074
## 4 218.1818 3.3899    1 -0.7703156 0.4978239              1 0.5511750
## 5 224.2424 3.3899    1 -0.7565919 0.4922237              1 0.5518545
## 6 230.3030 3.3899    1 -0.7428681 0.4866494              1 0.5525464
##          LL PredictedProb
## 1 0.1393812     0.3075737
## 2 0.1423880     0.3105042
## 3 0.1454429     0.3134499
## 4 0.1485460     0.3164108
## 5 0.1516973     0.3193867
## 6 0.1548966     0.3223773
ggplot(newdata3, aes(x = gre, y = PredictedProb)) +
  geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LL, ymax = UL, fill = rank), alpha = .2) +
  geom_line(aes(colour = rank), size=1)