1. 程式人生 > 其它 >有趣的應用 | 使用RNN預測股票價格系列一

有趣的應用 | 使用RNN預測股票價格系列一

01 概述

我們將解釋如何建立一個有LSTM單元的RNN模型來預測S&P500指數的價格。 資料集可以從Yahoo!下載。 在例子中,使用了從1950年1月3日(Yahoo! Finance可以追溯到的最大日期)的S&P 500資料到2017年6月23日。 為了簡單起見,我們只使用每日收盤價進行預測。 同時,我將演示如何使用TensorBoard輕鬆除錯和模型跟蹤。




Long Short Term 網路,一般就叫做 LSTM,是一種 RNN 特殊的型別,LSTM區別於RNN的地方,主要就在於它在演算法中加入了一個判斷資訊有用與否的“處理器”,這個處理器作用的結構被稱為cell。一個cell當中被放置了三扇門,分別叫做輸入門、遺忘門和輸出門。一個資訊進入LSTM的網路當中,可以根據規則來判斷是否有用。



股票價格是長度為NN,定義為p0,p1,...,pN-1,其中pi是第i天的收盤價,0≤i<N。 我們有一個大小固定的移動視窗w(後面我們將其稱為input_size),每次我們將視窗向右移動w個單位,以使所有移動視窗中的資料之間沒有重疊。


我們將建立RNN模型將LSTM單元作為基本的隱藏單元。 我們使用此值從時間t內將第一個移動視窗W0移動到視窗Wt:






By design, the output of a recurrent neural network (RNN) depends on arbitrarily distant inputs. Unfortunately, this makes backpropagation computation difficult. In order to make the learning process tractable, it is common practice to create an “unrolled” version of the network, which contains a fixed number (num_steps) of LSTM inputs and outputs. The model is then trained on this finite approximation of the RNN. This can be implemented by feeding inputs of length num_steps at a time and performing a backward pass after each such input block.

價格的順序首先被分成不重疊的小視窗。 每個視窗都包含input_size數字,每個數字被視為一個獨立的輸入元素。 然後,任何num_steps連續的輸入元素被分配到一個訓練輸入中,形成一個訓練

在Tensorfow上的“unrolled”版本的RNN。 相應的標籤就是它們後面的輸入元素。

例如,如果input_size = 3和num_steps = 2,我們的第一批的訓練樣例如下所示:


seq = [np.array(seq[i * self.input_size: (i + 1) * self.input_size]) for i in range(len(seq) // self.input_size)] # Split into groups of `num_steps` X = np.array([seq[i: i + self.num_steps] for i in range(len(seq) - self.num_steps)]) y = np.array([seq[i + self.num_steps] for i in range(len(seq) - self.num_steps)])




標準普爾500指數隨著時間的推移而增加,導致測試集中大部分數值超出訓練集的範圍,因此模型必須預測一些以前從未見過的數字。 但這卻不是很理想。

為了解決樣本外的問題,我們在每個移動視窗中對價格進行了標準化。 任務變成預測相對變化率而不是絕對值。 在t時刻的標準化滑動視窗W't中,所有的值除以最後一個未知價格 Wt-1中的最後一個價格:



  • lstm_size:一個LSTM圖層中的單元數。
  • num_layers:堆疊的LSTM層的數量。
  • keep_prob:單元格在 dropout 操作中保留的百分比。
  • init_learning_rate:開始學習的速率。
  • learning_rate_decay:後期訓練時期的衰減率。
  • init_epoch:使用常量init_learning_rate的時期數。
  • max_epoch:訓練次數在訓練中的總數
  • input_size:移動視窗的大小/一個訓練資料點
  • batch_size:在一個小批量中使用的資料點的數量。

The LSTM model has num_layers stacked LSTM layer(s) and each layer contains lstm_sizenumber of LSTM cells. Then a dropout mask with keep probability keep_prob is applied to the output of every LSTM cell. The goal of dropout is to remove the potential strong dependency on one dimension so as to prevent overfitting. *T he training requires max_epoch epochs in total; an epoch is a single full pass of all the training data points. In one epoch, the training data points are split into mini-batches of size batch_size. We send one mini-batch to the model for one BPTT learning. The learning rate is set to init_learning_rate during the first init_epoch epochs and then decay by learning_rate_decay during every succeeding epoch.‍‍‍*

# Configuration is wrapped in one object for easy tracking and passing. class RNNConfig(): input_size=1 num_steps=30 lstm_size=128 num_layers=1 keep_prob=0.8 batch_size = 64 init_learning_rate = 0.001 learning_rate_decay = 0.99 init_epoch = 5 max_epoch = 50 config = RNNConfig()


(1) Initialize a new graph first.

import tensorflow as tf tf.reset_default_graph() lstm_graph = tf.Graph()

(2) How the graph works should be defined within its scope.

with lstm_graph.as_default():

(3) Define the data required for computation. Here we need three input variables, all defined as


because we don’t know what they are at the graph construction stage.

  • inputs: the training data X, a tensor of shape (# data examples, num_steps, input_size); the number of data examples is unknown, so it is None. In our case, it would be batch_sizein training session. Check the input format example if confused.
  • targets: the training label y, a tensor of shape (# data examples, input_size).
  • learning_rate: a simple float.

# Dimension = ( # number of data examples, # number of input in one computation step, # number of numbers in one input # ) # We don't know the number of examples beforehand, so it is None. inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, config.num_steps, config.input_size]) targets = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, config.input_size]) learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, None)

(4) This function returns one


with or without dropout operation.

def _create_one_cell(): return tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(config.lstm_size, state_is_tuple=True) if config.keep_prob < 1.0: return tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(lstm_cell, output_keep_prob=config.keep_prob)

(5) Let’s stack the cells into multiple layers if needed.


helps connect sequentially multiple simple cells to compose one cell.

cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell( [_create_one_cell() for _ in range(config.num_layers)], state_is_tuple=True ) if config.num_layers > 1 else _create_one_cell()

(6)tf.nn.dynamic_rnn constructs a recurrent neural network specified by cell (RNNCell). It returns a pair of (model outpus, state), where the outputs val is of size (batch_size, num_steps, lstm_size) by default. The state refers to the current state of the LSTM cell, not consumed here.

val, _ = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, inputs, dtype=tf.float32)


converts the outputs from the dimension (batch_size, num_steps, lstm_size) to (num_steps, batch_size, lstm_size). Then the last output is picked.

# Before transpose, val.get_shape() = (batch_size, num_steps, lstm_size) # After transpose, val.get_shape() = (num_steps, batch_size, lstm_size) val = tf.transpose(val, [1, 0, 2]) # last.get_shape() = (batch_size, lstm_size) ast = tf.gather(val, int(val.get_shape()[0]) - 1, name="last_lstm_output")

(8) Define weights and biases between the hidden and output layers.

weight = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([config.lstm_size, config.input_size])) bias = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[targets_width])) prediction = tf.matmul(last, weight) + bias

(9) We use mean square error as the loss metric and the RMSPropOptimizer algorithm for gradient descent optimization.

loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(prediction - targets)) optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate) minimize = optimizer.minimize(loss)


(1) To start training the graph with real data, we need to start a tf.session


with tf.Session(graph=lstm_graph) as sess:

(2) Initialize the variables as defined.


(0) The learning rates for training epochs should have been precomputed beforehand. The index refers to the epoch index.

learning_rates_to_use = [ config.init_learning_rate * ( config.learning_rate_decay ** max(float(i + 1 - config.init_epoch), 0.0) ) for i in range(config.max_epoch)]

(3) Each loop below completes one epoch training.

for epoch_step in range(config.max_epoch): current_lr = learning_rates_to_use[epoch_step] # Check https://github.com/lilianweng/stock-rnn/blob/master/data_wrapper.py # if you are curious to know what is StockDataSet and how generate_one_epoch() # is implemented. for batch_X, batch_y in stock_dataset.generate_one_epoch(config.batch_size): train_data_feed = { nputs: batch_X, targets: batch_y, learning_rate: current_lr } train_loss, _ = sess.run([loss, minimize], train_data_feed)

(4) Don’t forget to save your trained model at the end.

saver.save(sess, "your_awesome_model_path_and_name", global_step=max_epoch_step)


在沒有視覺化的情況下構建圖形就像在黑暗中繪製,非常模糊和容易出錯。 Tensorboard提供了圖形結構和學習過程的簡單視覺化。 看看下面這個案例,非常實用:

Brief Summary

  • Use with [tf.name_scope] (https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/name_scope)("your_awesome_module_name") : to wrap elements working on the similar goal together.
  • Many tf.* methods accepts name= argument. Assigning a customized name can make your life much easier when reading the graph.
  • Methods like tf.summary.scalar and tf.summary.histogram help track the values of variables in the graph during iterations.
  • In the training session, define a log file using tf.summary.FileWriter.

with tf.Session(graph=lstm_graph) as sess: merged_summary = tf.summary.merge_all() writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("location_for_keeping_your_log_files", sess.graph) writer.add_graph(sess.graph)

Later, write the training progress and summary results into the file.

_summary = sess.run([merged_summary], test_data_feed) writer.add_summary(_summary, global_step=epoch_step) # epoch_step in range(config.max_epoch)



num_layers=1 keep_prob=0.8 batch_size = 64 init_learning_rate = 0.001 learning_rate_decay = 0.99 init_epoch = 5 max_epoch = 100 num_steps=30

總的來說預測股價並不是一件容易的事情。 特別是在正則化後,價格趨勢看起來非常嘈雜。

測試資料中最近200天的預測結果。 模型是用 input_size= 1 和 lstm_size= 32 來訓練的。


測試資料中最近200天的預測結果。 模型是用 input_size= 1 和 lstm_size= 128 來訓練的。


測試資料中最近200天的預測結果。 模型是用 input_size= 5 和 lstm_size= 128 來訓練的。




import os
import pandas as pd
import pprint
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim
 from data_model import StockDataSet
from model_rnn import LstmRNN  flags = tf.app.flags flags.DEFINE_integer("stock_count", 100, "Stock count [100]") flags.DEFINE_integer("input_size", 5, "Input size [5]") flags.DEFINE_integer("num_steps", 30, "Num of steps [30]") flags.DEFINE_integer("num_layers", 1, "Num of layer [1]") flags.DEFINE_integer("lstm_size", 128, "Size of one LSTM cell [128]") flags.DEFINE_integer("batch_size", 64, "The size of batch images [64]") flags.DEFINE_float("keep_prob", 0.8, "Keep probability of dropout layer. [0.8]") flags.DEFINE_float("init_learning_rate", 0.001, "Initial learning rate at early stage. [0.001]")
flags.DEFINE_float("learning_rate_decay", 0.99, "Decay rate of learning rate. [0.99]") flags.DEFINE_integer("init_epoch", 5, "Num. of epoches considered as early stage. [5]")
flags.DEFINE_integer("max_epoch", 50, "Total training epoches. [50]") flags.DEFINE_integer("embed_size", None, "If provided, use embedding vector of this size. [None]")
flags.DEFINE_string("stock_symbol", None, "Target stock symbol [None]") flags.DEFINE_integer("sample_size", 4, "Number of stocks to plot during training. [4]") flags.DEFINE_boolean("train", False, "True for training, False for testing [False]")  FLAGS = flags.FLAGS  pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
 if not os.path.exists("logs"):    
def show_all_variables():    
model_vars = tf.trainable_variables()    
slim.model_analyzer.analyze_vars(model_vars, print_info=True)
 def load_sp500(input_size, num_steps, k=None, target_symbol=None, test_ratio=0.05):    
if target_symbol is not None:        
return [            
test_ratio=test_ratio)        ]     
# Load metadata of s & p 500 stocks   
info = pd.read_csv("data/constituents-financials.csv")    
info = info.rename(columns={col: col.lower().replace(' ', '_') for col in info.columns})    info['file_exists'] = info['symbol'].map(lambda x: os.path.exists("data/{}.csv".format(x)))    print info['file_exists'].value_counts().to_dict()     
info = info[info['file_exists'] == True].reset_index(drop=True)   
 info = info.sort('market_cap', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)     
if k is not None:        
info = info.head(k)     
print "Head of S&P 500 info:n", info.head()     
# Generate embedding meta file    
info[['symbol', 'sector']].to_csv(os.path.join("logs/metadata.tsv"), sep='t', index=False)     return [        StockDataSet(row['symbol'],                     
for _, row in info.iterrows()]   def main(_):    pp.pprint(flags.FLAGS.__flags)     
# gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.333)    run_config = tf.ConfigProto()    
run_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True     
with tf.Session(config=run_config) as sess:        
rnn_model = LstmRNN(            
embed_size=FLAGS.embed_size,        )         
stock_data_list = load_sp500(            
target_symbol=FLAGS.stock_symbol,        )         
if FLAGS.train:            
rnn_model.train(stock_data_list, FLAGS)        
if not rnn_model.load()[0]:                
raise Exception("[!] Train a model first, then run test mode")
if __name__ == '__main__':    tf.app.run()