1. 程式人生 > 其它 >使用sql*plus編輯sql文字(r4筆記第53天)


工作中可能會經常實用工具來編輯sql 文字,實用sql*plus來編輯的機會比較少,但是這些也是硬功夫,一旦有需要手工編輯,其實發現也是很容易的。 關於編輯使用的命令如下,其實看起來一大堆,主要的命令還是增(input)刪(del)改(change)查(list),按照這個思路來看就會容易很多,有些命令也是選擇性的使用。





A text

adds text at the end of the current line



changes old to new in the current line



deletes text from the current line



deletes all lines



deletes the current line



deletes line n



deletes the current line

DEL n *


deletes line n through the current line



deletes the last line

DEL m n


deletes a range of lines (m to n)

DEL * n


deletes the current line through line n



adds one or more lines

INPUT text

I text

adds a line consisting of text


; or L

lists all lines in the SQL buffer


L n or n

lists line n


L *

lists the current line

LIST n *

L n *

lists line n through the current line



lists the last line

LIST m n

L m n

lists a range of lines (m to n)

LIST * n

L * n

lists the current line through line n

最後使用一個例項來說明一下,我們有下面的sql語句。 select c from (select * from (select 'oracle' cc, level no from dual connect by level <= length('oracle')) model return updated rows dimension by (no) measures (cc c, no n) rules ( c[any] = substr(c[cv()],n[cv()],1) )); 我們需要做的就是把它修改成為一個不可執行的結構,然後把它再改回去。 需要修改成如下的樣子,標黃的部分是需要刪除的。 select c from (select * from (select 'oracle' cc, level no from dual connect by level <= length('oracle')) model return updated rows dimension by (no) measures (cc c, no n) rules ( c[any] = substr(c[cv()],n[cv()],1) )); 可以使用下面的命令來完成。 SQL> select c from 2 (select * from 3 (select 'oracle' cc, level no from dual connect by level <= length('oracle')) 4 model return updated rows 5 dimension by (no) 6 measures (cc c, no n) 7 rules ( 8 c[any] = substr(c[cv()],n[cv()],1) 9 )); C ------ o r a c l e 6 rows selected. SQL> del 1 --刪除第1行,第2行變成了第1行 SQL> c/(sel/sel --把第1行的(sel變成sel 1* select * from SQL> l --列出修改後的語句情況 1 select * from 2 (select 'oracle' cc, level no from dual connect by level <= length('oracle')) 3 model return updated rows 4 dimension by (no) 5 measures (cc c, no n) 6 rules ( 7 c[any] = substr(c[cv()],n[cv()],1) 8* )) SQL> del 3 --我們嘗試刪除第3行 SQL> l --列出修改後的語句情況 1 select * from 2 (select 'oracle' cc, level no from dual connect by level <= length('oracle')) 3 dimension by (no) 4 measures (cc c, no n) 5 rules ( 6 c[any] = substr(c[cv()],n[cv()],1) 7* )) SQL> l last --列出最後的一行語句 7* )) SQL> c/))/) --把))替換為) 7* ) SQL> l --列出修改後的sql情況 1 select * from 2 (select 'oracle' cc, level no from dual connect by level <= length('oracle')) 3 dimension by (no) 4 measures (cc c, no n) 5 rules ( 6 c[any] = substr(c[cv()],n[cv()],1) 7* ) SQL> / --這個時候執行,語句按照期望是不能執行的。 dimension by (no) * ERROR at line 3: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended 我們預期的結果達到了,然後我們需要把結果改回去,讓它可執行。 SQL> 0 select c from --我們在第1行前增加一行 SQL> l --列出修改後的sql情況 1 select c from 2 select * from 3 (select 'oracle' cc, level no from dual connect by level <= length('oracle')) 4 dimension by (no) 5 measures (cc c, no n) 6 rules ( 7 c[any] = substr(c[cv()],n[cv()],1) 8* ) SQL> l 1 2 --列出第1-2行,然後定位在第2行 1 select c from 2* select * from SQL> c/sel/(sel --把第2行的sel修改為(sel 2* (select * from SQL> l --列出修改後的sql情況 1 select c from 2 (select * from 3 (select 'oracle' cc, level no from dual connect by level <= length('oracle')) 4 dimension by (no) 5 measures (cc c, no n) 6 rules ( 7 c[any] = substr(c[cv()],n[cv()],1) 8* ) SQL> c/)/)) --把最後1行的)修改為)) 8* )) SQL> l --把修改後的sql語句列出來 1 select c from 2 (select * from 3 (select 'oracle' cc, level no from dual connect by level <= length('oracle')) 4 dimension by (no) 5 measures (cc c, no n) 6 rules ( 7 c[any] = substr(c[cv()],n[cv()],1) 8* )) SQL> l 3 --列出第3行的sql 語句 3* (select 'oracle' cc, level no from dual connect by level <= length('oracle')) SQL> append model return updated rows --在第3行後追加一行內容 3* (select 'oracle' cc, level no from dual connect by level <= length('oracle'))model return updated rows SQL> l --列出修改後的sql語句情況 1 select c from 2 (select * from 3 (select 'oracle' cc, level no from dual connect by level <= length('oracle'))model return updated rows 4 dimension by (no) 5 measures (cc c, no n) 6 rules ( 7 c[any] = substr(c[cv()],n[cv()],1) 8* )) SQL> / --執行sql語句的結果 C ------ o r a c l e 6 rows selected. 使用sql*plus所做的修改就這樣完成了,其實很多操作還是可控的,修改的過程是一個互動式的過程,和vi操作略有不同,但是還是比較實用的。