1. 程式人生 > 其它 >Could not find artifact com.sun:tools:jar:1.5.0

Could not find artifact com.sun:tools:jar:1.5.0

【maven package】,則依然報錯,但報的是另外一個錯誤:

[INFO] Scanning for projects…[INFO]                                           [INFO] Building Struts 2 Blank Webapp 1.0-SNAPSHOT[INFO] [INFO] BUILD FAILURE[INFO] [INFO] Total time: 0.547s[INFO] Finished at: Wed Apr 13 13:09:48 CST 2011[INFO] Final Memory: 2M/4M[INFO] [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project my_struts: Could not resolve dependencies for project ricki.cheung.struts:my_struts:war:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact com.sun:tools:jar:1.5.0 at specified path C:Program FilesJavajre1.6.0_01/../lib/tools.jar -> [Help 1][ERROR] [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.[ERROR] [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/DependencyResolutionException



不過,我試過還是不行,另一個外國網友說,把eclipse中的【Windows】-【Preferences】-【Java】-【Install JREs】改為JDK,而不用JRE,如下圖所示:

雖然我勾選了JDK,但還是報錯,看了錯誤,發現在 C:Program FilesJavajre1.6.0_01/../lib/tools.jar無法找到tools:jar,這讓我有點納悶了,明明已經選了使用JDK了,怎麼還去JRE那裡找呢,於是我把【Windows】-【Preferences】-【Java】-【Install JREs】中的JRE給remove掉,再次【maven package】就OK了。