阿新 • • 發佈:2022-05-15
postgres=# create role pguser with encrypted password 'pguser'; CREATE ROLE postgres=# create tablespace tbs_mydb owner pguser location '/data/10/tbs_mydb'; CREATE TABLESPACE ^ postgres=# create database mydb with owner=pguser template=template0 encoding='UTF8' tablespace=tbs_mydb; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# grant all on database mydb to pguser with grant option; GRANT postgres=# grant all on tablespace tbs_mydb to pguser; GRANT postgres=# alter role pguser login; ALTER ROLE
字元型別名稱 儲存長度 描述
boolean 1byte 值為TRUE或者FALSE,0,1,yes,no,t,f,y,n
mydb=> create table test_bool(a boolean,b boolean); CREATE TABLE mydb=> insert into test_bool values('true','false'); INSERT 0 1 mydb=> select * from test_bool; a | b ---+--- t | f (1 row) mydb=> insert into test_bool values('y','n'); INSERT 0 1 mydb=> select * from test_bool; a | b ---+--- t | f t | f (2 rows) mydb=> insert into test_bool values('t','f'); INSERT 0 1 mydb=> select * from test_bool; a | b ---+--- t | f t | f t | f (3 rows) mydb=> insert into test_bool values('1','0'); INSERT 0 1 mydb=> select * from test_bool; a | b ---+--- t | f t | f t | f t | f (4 rows) HINT: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression. mydb=> insert into test_bool values(null,null); INSERT 0 1 HINT: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression. mydb=> select * from test_bool;注意插入null之後,是由資料,只不過資料值為空 a | b ---+--- t | f t | f t | f t | f | (5 rows)
字元型別名稱 儲存長度 描述
cidr 7/19位元組 IPV4/IPV6網路
inet 7/19位元組 IPV4/IPV6網路
macaddr 7/19位元組 MAC地址
macaddr8 7/19位元組 MAC地址(EUI-64格式)
mydb=> create table test_ipaddres(a cidr,b inet); CREATE TABLE mydb=> mydb=> \d+ test_ipaddres Table "public.test_ipaddres" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+--------------+------------- a | cidr | | | | main | | b | inet | | | | main | | mydb=> insert into test_ipaddres values ('',''); INSERT 0 1 mydb=> mydb=> select * from test_ipaddres mydb-> ; a | b -----------------+----------------- | **inet和cidr型別的資料都會對資料進行是否合法的檢查** mydb=> select ''::cidr; ERROR: invalid input syntax for type cidr: "" LINE 1: select ''::cidr; ^ mydb=> select ''::inet; ERROR: invalid input syntax for type inet: "" LINE 1: select ''::inet; ^ mydb=> **cidr會預設輸出掩碼資訊,inet不會輸出掩碼資訊** mydb=> select ''::inet; inet --------------- (1 row) mydb=> select ''::cidr; cidr ------------------ (1 row) mydb=> **cidr會對IP和掩碼進行合法性檢查,inet不會** mydb=> select ''::inet; inet ------------------ (1 row) mydb=> mydb=> mydb=> select ''::cidr; ERROR: invalid cidr value: "" LINE 1: select ''::cidr; ^ DETAIL: Value has bits set to right of mask. mydb=> 取IP值 mydb=> select host(cidr ''); host --------------- (1 row) 取IP和掩碼 mydb=> select text(cidr ''); text ------------------ (1 row) 取子網掩碼 mydb=> select netmask(cidr ''); netmask ----------------- (1 row)