1. 程式人生 > 其它 >雲實例初始化工具cloud-init原始碼分析





├── bash_completion # bash自動補全檔案
│   └── cloud-init
├── ChangeLog # 更新日誌
├── cloudinit
│   ├── cloud.py # Cloud類
│   ├── cmd # 命令列操作目錄
│   │   ├── clean.py # cloud-init clean
│   │   ├── cloud_id.py # cloud-id
│   │   ├── devel # cloud-init devel
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── main.py # cloud-init init/modules
│   │   ├── query.py # cloud-init query
│   │   └── status.py # cloud-init status
│   ├── config # 模組目錄
│   ├── distros # 系統發行版目錄
│   ├── handlers # 模板渲染處理函式目錄
│   ├── helpers.py # 幫助函式
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── log.py # 日誌處理
│   ├── mergers # 配置合併目錄
│   ├── net # 網路目錄
│   ├── settings.py # 內建配置
│   ├── sources #資料來源目錄
│   ├── stages.py # Init類
│   ├── ...
│   └── warnings.py
├── doc # 文件
│   ├── ...
├── packages # 各大Linux發行包製作指令碼
│   ├── ...
├── README.md # 簡介
├── requirements.txt # 依賴包
├── rhel # 針對redhat系linux發行版的補丁
│   ├── cloud.cfg
│   ├── cloud-init-tmpfiles.conf
│   ├── README.rhel
│   └── systemd
├── setup.py # python模組安裝檔案
├── tests # 單元測試目錄
│   ├── ...
├── tools # 額外工具
│   ├── ...
└── tox.ini # tox配置檔案

44 directories, 127 files


cloud-init init [ --local ]


def main_init(name, args):
    # deps變數,local階段為NETWORK,network階段為FILESYSTEM、NETWORK
    deps = [sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM, sources.DEP_NETWORK]
    if args.local:
        deps = [sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM]
	# 標準輸出log
    early_logs = [attempt_cmdline_url(
        path=os.path.join("%s.d" % CLOUD_CONFIG,
        network=not args.local)]
	# 決定歡迎語,local階段為init-local,network階段為init
    if not args.local:
        w_msg = welcome_format(name)
        # Cloud-init v. 19.4 running 'init-local' at Wed, 15 Dec 2021 03:00:40 +0000. Up 250.20 seconds.
        w_msg = welcome_format("%s-local" % (name))
    # 例項化stages.Init類
    init = stages.Init(ds_deps=deps, reporter=args.reporter)
    # Stage 1
    # 載入配置檔案,優先順序從低到高為:內建配置 --> /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg{,.d} --> /run/cloud-init/cloud.cfg --> kernel cmdline
    # Stage 2
    # 重定向輸出和錯誤
    outfmt = None
    errfmt = None
        early_logs.append((logging.DEBUG, "Closing stdin."))
        (outfmt, errfmt) = util.fixup_output(init.cfg, name)
    except Exception:
        msg = "Failed to setup output redirection!"
        util.logexc(LOG, msg)
        early_logs.append((logging.WARN, msg))
    if args.debug:
        # Reset so that all the debug handlers are closed out
        LOG.debug(("Logging being reset, this logger may no"
                   " longer be active shortly"))

    # Any log usage prior to setupLogging above did not have local user log
    # config applied.  We send the welcome message now, as stderr/out have
    # been redirected and log now configured.
    # 輸出歡迎語
    welcome(name, msg=w_msg)

    # re-play early log messages before logging was setup
    for lvl, msg in early_logs:
        LOG.log(lvl, msg)

    # Stage 3
        # 建立cloud-init相關的目錄和檔案,包括/var/lib/cloud/目錄下的各個子目錄,以及日誌檔案
    except Exception:
        util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to initialize, likely bad things to come!")
    # Stage 4
    # 判斷manual_cache_clean配置項,如果為false,cloudinit會通過例項id判斷當前執行的例項是否為新例項;否則不作判斷,可能導致例項遷移後per-instance模組不執行
    # local階段,刪除快取(boot_finished、no-net)
    # network階段,判斷no-net檔案是否存在,如存在則提前退出
    path_helper = init.paths
    mode = sources.DSMODE_LOCAL if args.local else sources.DSMODE_NETWORK

    if mode == sources.DSMODE_NETWORK:
        existing = "trust"
        sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % (netinfo.debug_info()))
        LOG.debug(("Checking to see if files that we need already"
                   " exist from a previous run that would allow us"
                   " to stop early."))
        # no-net is written by upstart cloud-init-nonet when network failed
        # to come up
        stop_files = [
            os.path.join(path_helper.get_cpath("data"), "no-net"),
        existing_files = []
        for fn in stop_files:
            if os.path.isfile(fn):

        if existing_files:
            LOG.debug("[%s] Exiting. stop file %s existed",
                      mode, existing_files)
            return (None, [])
            LOG.debug("Execution continuing, no previous run detected that"
                      " would allow us to stop early.")
        existing = "check"
        mcfg = util.get_cfg_option_bool(init.cfg, 'manual_cache_clean', False)
        if mcfg:
            LOG.debug("manual cache clean set from config")
            existing = "trust"
            mfile = path_helper.get_ipath_cur("manual_clean_marker")
            if os.path.exists(mfile):
                LOG.debug("manual cache clean found from marker: %s", mfile)
                existing = "trust"

        # Delete the no-net file as well
        util.del_file(os.path.join(path_helper.get_cpath("data"), "no-net"))

    # Stage 5
    # 從資料來源中獲取資料。根據obj.pkl快取檔案是否存在、existing變數、instance_id是否與/run/cloud-init/instance-id一致判斷是否從快取載入資料,
    # 否則遍歷所有資料來源,選擇能夠第一個能夠獲取資料的資料來源當作本例項資料來源
    # s.update_metadata([EventType.BOOT_NEW_INSTANCE]),_get_data
        # if in network mode, and the datasource is local
        # then work was done at that stage.
        # network階段下,如果資料來源的dsmode不為network,則直接結束
        if mode == sources.DSMODE_NETWORK and init.datasource.dsmode != mode:
            LOG.debug("[%s] Exiting. datasource %s in local mode",
                      mode, init.datasource)
            return (None, [])
    except sources.DataSourceNotFoundException:
        # In the case of 'cloud-init init' without '--local' it is a bit
        # more likely that the user would consider it failure if nothing was
        # found. When using upstart it will also mentions job failure
        # in console log if exit code is != 0.
        if mode == sources.DSMODE_LOCAL:
            LOG.debug("No local datasource found")
            util.logexc(LOG, ("No instance datasource found!"
                              " Likely bad things to come!"))
        if not args.force:
            init.apply_network_config(bring_up=not args.local)
            LOG.debug("[%s] Exiting without datasource", mode)
            if mode == sources.DSMODE_LOCAL:
                return (None, [])
                return (None, ["No instance datasource found."])
            LOG.debug("[%s] barreling on in force mode without datasource",

    # 如果資料來源是從快取恢復的,且instance-data.json檔案缺失,則恢復它
    # Stage 6
    # 生成/var/lib/cloud/<instance_id>/軟連結,建立handlers, scripts, sem目錄,寫入datasource檔案
    # 在/var/lib/cloud/data/目錄下寫入previous-datasource、instance-id、previous-instance-id檔案
    # 在/run/cloud-init/目錄下寫入.instance_id檔案
    # 若manual_cache_clean配置項為true,寫入/var/lib/cloud/<instance_id>/manual_clean_marker檔案
    # 寫入obj.pkl
    # 重新整理init例項的配置
    iid = init.instancify()
    LOG.debug("[%s] %s will now be targeting instance id: %s. new=%s",
              mode, name, iid, init.is_new_instance())

    if mode == sources.DSMODE_LOCAL:
        # Before network comes up, set any configured hostname to allow
        # dhcp clients to advertize this hostname to any DDNS services
        # LP: #1746455.
        _maybe_set_hostname(init, stage='local', retry_stage='network')
    # 應用網路配置,network階段會拉起網路
    # 若存在/var/lib/cloud/data/upgraded-network檔案,則直接返回
    # netcfg=self.datasource.network_config
    # self._apply_netcfg_names(netcfg)
    # self.distro.apply_network_config(netcfg, bring_up=bring_up)
    init.apply_network_config(bring_up=bool(mode != sources.DSMODE_LOCAL))

    # local階段下,如果資料來源的dsmode不為local,則直接返回
    if mode == sources.DSMODE_LOCAL:
        if init.datasource.dsmode != mode:
            LOG.debug("[%s] Exiting. datasource %s not in local mode.",
                      mode, init.datasource)
            return (init.datasource, [])
            LOG.debug("[%s] %s is in local mode, will apply init modules now.",
                      mode, init.datasource)

    # Give the datasource a chance to use network resources.
    # This is used on Azure to communicate with the fabric over network.
    # 在uesr-data和vendor-data處理之前呼叫,用於網路啟動後再次更新資料來源,目前僅用於azure獲取fabric資料並填充進fabric_data
    # 呼叫self.datasource.setup(is_new_instance=self.is_new_instance())
    # update fully realizes user-data (pulling in #include if necessary)
    # 儲存與渲染userdata和vendor_data
    # _store_userdata(),在/var/lib/cloud/instance/目錄下寫入user-data.txt、user-data.txt.i
    # _store_vendordata(),在/var/lib/cloud/instance/目錄下寫入vendor-data.txt、vendor-data.txt.i
    _maybe_set_hostname(init, stage='init-net', retry_stage='modules:config')
    # Stage 7
        # Attempt to consume the data per instance.
        # This may run user-data handlers and/or perform
        # url downloads and such as needed.
        # 消費uesr_data和vendor_data
        # allow_userdata不為false的話,執行_consume_userdata(PER_INSTANCE),reading and applying user-data
        # 在/var/lib/cloud/instance/目錄下寫入cloud-config.txt
        # 執行_consume_vendordata(PER_INSTANCE),vendor data will be consumed
        # 在/var/lib/cloud/instance/目錄下寫入vendor-cloud-config.txt
        # 在/var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts/vendor/目錄下寫入vendor_data指令碼
        (ran, _results) = init.cloudify().run('consume_data',
        if not ran:
            # Just consume anything that is set to run per-always
            # if nothing ran in the per-instance code
            # See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/819507 for a little
            # reason behind this...
    except Exception:
        util.logexc(LOG, "Consuming user data failed!")
        return (init.datasource, ["Consuming user data failed!"])

    # Stage 8 - re-read and apply relevant cloud-config to include user-data
	# 例項化Modules類
    # 合併所有cloud-config,包括:/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg{,.d},/run/cloud-init/cloud.cfg,/proc/cmdline,/var/lib/cloud/instance/cloud-config.txt,/var/lib/cloud/instance/vendor-cloud-config.txt
    mods = stages.Modules(init, extract_fns(args), reporter=args.reporter)
    # Stage 9
        # 使用mods物件再次重定向日誌輸出
        outfmt_orig = outfmt
        errfmt_orig = errfmt
        (outfmt, errfmt) = util.get_output_cfg(mods.cfg, name)
        if outfmt_orig != outfmt or errfmt_orig != errfmt:
            LOG.warning("Stdout, stderr changing to (%s, %s)",
                        outfmt, errfmt)
            (outfmt, errfmt) = util.fixup_output(mods.cfg, name)
    except Exception:
        util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to re-adjust output redirection!")

    # give the activated datasource a chance to adjust
    # 呼叫self.datasource.activate,該方法在user-data和vendor-data渲染後,init_modules執行前呼叫
    # 寫入/var/lib/cloud/instance/obj.pkl

    di_report_warn(datasource=init.datasource, cfg=init.cfg)

    # Stage 10
    # 執行init_modules
    return (init.datasource, run_module_section(mods, name, name))

cloud-init modules

cmd/main.py, main_modules(),cloud-init在config和final階段會執行該函式,分析如下:

def main_modules(action_name, args):
    # config或final
    name = args.mode
    # Cloud-init v. 19.4 running 'modules:config' at Wed, 15 Dec 2021 03:01:15 +0000. Up 280.96 seconds.
    w_msg = welcome_format("%s:%s" % (action_name, name))
    # 例項化Init類
    init = stages.Init(ds_deps=[], reporter=args.reporter)
    # Stage 1
    # 載入配置檔案,優先順序從低到高為:內建配置 --> /etc/cloud/clouf.cfg{,.d} --> /run/cloud-init/cloud.cfg --> kernel cmdline
    # Stage 2
    	# 從資料來源中獲取資料。當obj.pkl快取檔案存在,則從快取載入資料,
    	# 否則遍歷所有資料來源,選擇能夠第一個能夠獲取資料的資料來源當作本例項資料來源
        # s.update_metadata([EventType.BOOT_NEW_INSTANCE]),_get_data
    except sources.DataSourceNotFoundException:
        # There was no datasource found, theres nothing to do
        msg = ('Can not apply stage %s, no datasource found! Likely bad '
               'things to come!' % name)
        util.logexc(LOG, msg)
        if not args.force:
            return [(msg)]
    # 如果資料來源是從快取恢復的,且instance-data.json檔案缺失,則恢復它
    # Stage 3
    # 例項化Modules類
    mods = stages.Modules(init, extract_fns(args), reporter=args.reporter)
    # Stage 4
    # 重定向標準輸出到日誌檔案
        LOG.debug("Closing stdin")
        util.fixup_output(mods.cfg, name)
    except Exception:
        util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to setup output redirection!")
    if args.debug:
        # Reset so that all the debug handlers are closed out
        LOG.debug(("Logging being reset, this logger may no"
                   " longer be active shortly"))

    # now that logging is setup and stdout redirected, send welcome
    welcome(name, msg=w_msg)

    # Stage 5
    # 執行各個模組
    return run_module_section(mods, name, name)


收錄於centos yum倉庫的cloud-init是定製的版本,在開源cloud-init的基礎上合入了一系列針對redhat系linux的patch。目前收錄如下:

  1. Add initial redhat setup。此補丁包含多個補丁,主要包含對預設配置的改動,例如將system_info.distro更改為rhel,新增預設cloud.cfg配置檔案,以及新增一系列systemd服務配置檔案
  2. Do not write NM_CONTROLLED=no in generated interface config files。
  3. limit permissions on def_log_file。新增日誌檔案使用者許可權配置選項def_log_file_mode,且設定其預設值為0600
  4. sysconfig: Don't write BOOTPROTO=dhcp for ipv6 dhcp。
  5. DataSourceAzure.py: use hostnamectl to set hostname。
  6. include 'NOZEROCONF=yes' in /etc/sysconfig/network。雲上例項需要使用該配置
  7. Remove race condition between cloud-init and NetworkManager。移除systemd服務中對NetworkManager的競爭,設定ssh_deletekeys為1
  8. net: exclude OVS internal interfaces in get_interfaces。
  9. Fix requiring device-number on EC2 derivatives。
  10. rhel/cloud.cfg: remove ssh_genkeytypes in settings.py and set in cloud.cfg。在cloud.cfg中新增 ssh_genkeytypes,首次開機啟動時生成公私鑰
  11. write passwords only to serial console, lock down cloud-init-output.log。
  12. ssh-util: allow cloudinit to merge all ssh keys into a custom user file, defined in AuthorizedKeysFile。
  13. Stop copying ssh system keys and check folder permissions。
  14. Fix home permissions modified by ssh module (SC-338)。
  15. ssh_utils.py: ignore when sshd_config options are not key/value pairs。
  16. cc_ssh.py: fix private key group owner and permissions。


  1. 基於centos8 cloud-init-21.1-9.el8.src.rpm作變更,此包基於開源cloud-init 21.1版本合入了多個redhat系linux定製的patch。
  2. cloud-init的detect_openstack方法(cloudinit\sources\DataSourceOpenStack.py)檢測例項是否位於OpenStack,以判斷是否應用openstack資料來源。由於裸金屬例項無法判斷是否屬於OpenStack,需修改此方法,直接返回true。
  3. ...