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The Love of a King -- 4 The Meeting

 4 The Meeting


  In the autumn of 1930 Edward went to stay with his friend Lord and Lady Furness.

This is how he described that weekend in a book called A King's Story :



(1)In the autumn of 1930 , 為什麼有個 the 呢? 因為後面有個of 1930 .  特指1930年的秋天。

(2)went to stay with his friend

    go 是不及物動詞

    go to + 地方:這個時候,to + 地方,是介詞短語做 地點狀語

    go to + 動詞原型: 這個時候,to + 動詞原型,是動詞不定式短語做 目的狀語

(3)Lord and Lady Furness

    做 his friend 的同位語

(4)how he described that weekend in a book called A King's Story

    是 how引導的表語從句。

(5)called A King's Story

    過去分詞短語,做後置定語,修飾 a book。



  On Saturday the weather was cold and windy. It was raining heavily so we could not ride our horses.

We decided to stay in the house and have an early lunch with some of Lady Furness' friends.

  At one o'clock Wallis arrived with her husband. She was beautifully dressed and she smiled all the time.

She spoke with Lord Furness for a few minutes, and then Lady Furness brought her over to see me.

  ' Sir, I would like you to meet one of my dearest and sweetest American friends, Mrs Wallis Simpson. '

  ' How do you do, Mrs Simpson, ' I said. ' Please come and sit down. '



(1)On Saturday

    在 星期幾 前面 用 on

(2)It was raining heavily


    heavily 修飾 raining

(3)have an early lunch

    have lunch : 吃午飯

    加一個 冠詞an,是特指。

(4)some of Lady Furness' friends

    可以換成 名詞所有格的表達方式: some friends of Lady Furness'

(5)At one o'clock

    在幾點鐘,用介詞 at

(6)She was beautifully dressed


    通常不單獨用,一般用 方式副詞 + dressed,一起做表語。


      smartly dressed:穿著講究的

      fully dressed:穿戴整齊的

      beautifully  dressed:穿地漂漂亮亮

      well dressed:穿著講究的



    adj. 形容詞

    wearing clothes and not naked or wearing clothes for sleeping


    Hurry up and get dressed .  


    fully dressed


    I can't go to the door─I'm not dressed yet.


    ~ (in…) wearing clothes of a particular type 穿著…服裝

    smartly dressed


    The bride was dressed in white.


    He was casually dressed in jeans and a T-shirt.


(7)all the time


    = all the way

(8)spoke with Lord Furness for a few minutes

    speak with + sb:跟某人說話

    for a few minutes:用for 表示延續

(9)brought her over to see me

    bring sb. over:把某人帶過來(或帶過去);over做副詞。

    to see me:目的狀語

(10)I would like you to meet dearest and sweetest American friends,

    would like = want

    to meet:不定式短語做 賓補。

    one of + 最高階:...之一 的意思


    sweetest :可愛的

(11)sit down


    同輩之間,朋友之間,一般用:have a seat,take a seat


   Lady Furness left us and we began to talk.

  I could see that Wallis was not feeling very well. She had a bad cold and her eyes were red. 

' I'm afraid that our English houses aren't very warm, ' I said. ' We don't have American central heating here. '

  There was a long silence. Mrs Simpson turned her face and looked out of the window. Then she said:

' You have disappointed me , Sir. '

  ' And why is that ? ' I asked.

  ' Because everybaody asks me about American central heating. I thought that the Prince of Wales would

talk about something more interesting. '

  I began to laugh.

  ' What's the matter, Sir? ' Wallis asked. ' Have I said something wrong ? '

  ' No, ' I replied. ' I'm laughing because you didn't lie to me. You told me the truth. '

  ' But why is that funny ? Doesn't everybody do that?

  ' One day I'll be King of England, '  I replied. ' And people are afraid of me. If I say that the sky is yellow,

they say, "Yes ,Sir , you are right". If I say that Wednesday is the first day of the week, they say, "Yes, Sir, 

you are right". And If say that Scotland is bigger than Canada, they say , " Yes, Sir, you are right". But you 

told me that I was boring! You told me the truth. I like that! '



(1)Wallis was not feeling very well.

    feeling well :感覺很好

    not feeling well:感覺不好,身體不舒服

(2)She had a bad cold


    have a cold:感冒; 

(3)I'm afraid that our English houses aren't very warm

    that 引導的從句,是 賓語從句。(注意:不是狀語從句)

    I'm afraid 後面+賓語從句的時候,都要翻譯成:恐怕

(4)There was a long silence


(5)You have disappointed me

    disappoint sb.:及物動詞,讓某人失望

(6)everybaody asks me about American central heating


    ask sb. about sth./sb.:問某人關於某事/某人(關於about:tell sb abou sth/sb)

(7)I thought that the Prince of Wales would talk about something more interesting.

    that:引導的賓語從句,從句用過去將來時,thought 的意思是 原以為


    more interesting:修飾something,後置定語。(因為修飾不定代詞)

(8)Have I said something wrong ?

    something:這裡應該是 anything。因為希望肯定的回答,所以這裡用了something。

(9)you didn't lie to me

    lie to sb. :向某人撒謊

(10)You told me the truth. 


    tell sb sth:告訴某人某事

(11)people are afraid of me

    be afraid of sb:固定搭配。害怕某人

    be afraid of sth:害怕某事

    be afraid of doing:害怕做某事

(12)If I say that the sky is yellow

    if 引導的條件狀語從句,其中還有一個that引導的賓語從句。條件狀語從句中包含賓語從句。

(13)you told me that I was boring!





  There was another silence and then Wallis began to laugh. ' Can I say one more thing, Sir? '

  ' Yes, Mrs Simpson, what is it? '

  ' It's your trousers, Sir. '

  ' My trousers? '

  ' Yes, Sir. They are black and your shoes are brown. ' These two colours don't look right together.

  I stood up and looked in the mirror. ' Yes, Mrs Simpson, you're right. I look very strange.  The next

time we meet, I will be better dressed. '

  When lunch was ready, we walked through into the dining room. I sat at one end of the table and 

Wallis sat at the other end. I was watching her very carefully. I thought how beautiful her hands were.

She began talking to Lady Furness and then, a few minutes later, she turned and smiled at me. I feel 

very happy.

  After lunch Wallis came over to say goodbye. ' My husband and I have to leave now, Sir. We're going

to another Party in London. '

  I wanted to speak to her but I could not find the right words. I don't know why. We shook hands and

Wallis walked away.

  I went into the next room and sat down near Lady Furness. ' Tell me about Mrs Simpson, ' I said.

  ' What would you like to know? ' She asked.

  ' Everything! ' I said.

  ' Then perhaps, Sir, you would like to walk in the garden. We can talk more freely there. '

  We stood up and left the house by the back door. We walked slowly through the trees, and Lady Furness

told me about Wallis...



(1)another silence

    silence :可數名詞

(2)Can I say one more thing

    say:不及物動詞時,say + to

    say:及物動詞時,賓語一般是:thing,something,nothing,a word等

    one thing :一件事情


    one more:再一次

(3)These two colours don't look right together.

    look right:看起來很搭,看起來合時宜

    don't look right:看起來不搭配,不合時宜

(4)I stood up and looked in the mirror.

    look in the mirror:照鏡子

(5)The next time we meet,

    相當於:when we meet next time

(6)I will be better dressed.

    better dressed:well dressed的比較級,穿的更得體

    badly dressed:穿的不得體

(7)I sat at one end of the table and Wallis sat at the other end.

    at one end,at the other end:注意用法。

(8)how beautiful her hands were.


    比如:How rich he is!他是多麼富有啊。

    感嘆句做賓語從句:Do you know how rich he is?

(9)she turned and smiled at me.

    smile at sb :對著某人笑。這裡用 at。

(10)After lunch Wallis came over to say goodbye

    come over :走過來

(11)We're going to another Party in London.


(12)What would you like to know?

    would like to = want to

    =What do you want to know?

(13)We can talk more freely there.

    more freely:更加自由地

(14)We stood up and left the house by the back door.


    by the back door:從後門。=through the back door。
