Unicode in Java
ℹ️ 可以在類Character
當下合法的Unicode字元編碼集的碼點(code point)從
的字元叫做補充字元(supplementary characters)
⚠️ 不要混淆Unicode字符集,UTF-16編碼方式的概念
ℹ️ 因此在Java中,語義字元的確切名稱叫做UTF-16碼元(code unit),一個Unicode字元的確切名稱叫做碼點(code point)
Unicode in Java
Spock in Java 慢慢愛上寫單元測試
前言 最近小組裡面引進了Spock這個測試框架,本人在實際使用了之後,體驗非常不錯,本篇文章一是為了鞏固輸入的知識,二是為了向大家推廣一下。
Binary search in Java Searching in a descending sorted array
The method described in the theory performs binary search for arrays sorted in ascending order. Your task here is to modify the method such that:
Insertion sort in Java The number of required shifts
Write a program that counts the number of required shifts to sort the numbers in the descending order using insertion sort.
Counting sort in Java Not only non-negative numbers
Implement a method to sort a given array of ints using counting sort. The method should process numbers from -10 to 20 inclusive.
《Thinking In Java》筆記之十三章 字串
#Thinking In Java# Chapter13 String 不可變String String類中看起來會修改String的方法,實際上均為建立了一個全新的物件,而最初的物件絲毫未動,對方法傳遞字串,實際傳遞的是引用的一個拷貝,而該引用所指的物件
Operator Precedence in Java
Java has well-defined rules for specifying the order in which the operators in an expression are evaluated when the expression has several operators. For example, multiplication and division have a hi
idea如何解決no XXX in java.library.path
1.classpath 指向編譯好jar包(或則其他java類包)所在的位置 2.java.library.path 1.動態庫所在位置,在windows中是dll檔案,在linux中是so檔案,不是jar包路徑
maven 引用本地lib檔案jar no umf in java.library.p***
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如何在Java的特定範圍內生成隨機整數? [英]How do I generate random integers within a specific range in Java?
技術標籤:pythonjava演算法人工智慧資料分析 How do I generate a randomintvalue in a specific range?
What's the difference between interface and @interface in java? and defining an annotation type
今天細看了@PathVarible // // Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA // (powered by FernFlower decompiler)
Java 程式設計思想 (Thinking in Java) 閱讀筆記
書籍基本資訊: 書名: Java程式設計思想(第四版) 作者: Bruce Eckel 版次: 2007年9月第1版第3次印刷
Sort Map by Value in Java
實際專案或者業務當中,經常會有需求要求對 hashmap 按值排序,並返回指定順序的 TopN 個元素,今天就來分享下具體的程式碼及其原理實現。
報錯--->java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'delect from testd
報錯--->java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near \'delect from testdb.
Mybatis查詢sql傳入一個字串傳引數,報There is no getter for property named 'ids' in 'class java.lang.String'。
Mybatis查詢sql傳入一個字串傳引數,報There is no getter for property named \'ids\' in \'class java.lang.String\'。
mac上 idea 啟動Class JavaLaunchHelper is implemented in both /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines...
在用idea軟體run的時候顯示: (objc[23229]: Class JavaLaunchHelper is implemented in both /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_80.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java (0x10af154c0) and/Library/Java/JavaVi
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sonar-scanner報錯Caused by: net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ParseException: Line 88, Column 37: Cannot use the diamond generic notation when running in JDK inferior to 1.7 mode!
原因是沒有加jdk的編譯版本 如果是在命令列執行,則需要加-Dsonar.java.source=11 如果使用到了sonar-project.properties, 則加入sonar.java.source=11即可
Leetcode.438 Find All Anagrams in a String(Java)
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系統環境 Ubuntu 20.04 focal 問題分析 該異常出現的原因,從谷歌上可以得到答案 one of the more common causes of this exception is a missing or corrupt installation of a Java Access Bridge. In this case,