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TCP Dup ACK linux kernel 3.2


The Problem

Your throughput issues appear to be caused by a buggy implementation of TCP Sequence Number randomization. I have seen this in the past on Cisco ASAs.

To give a bit of background, it was observed in the past that some TCP implementations did not use enough randomness when choosing an Initial Sequence Number (ISN) which made it easier for attackers to manipulate TCP connections by making educated guesses at what the Sequence number would be.

To attempt to fix this issue, some firewall providers implemented a feature called TCP sequence number randomization, which rewrites the Sequence number (SEQ) to a more random value, when it sees TCP packets flowing through the firewall. Unfortunately some implementations of this feature are a bit buggy and do not account for TCPs Selective Acknowledgement (SACK) feature.

You can see Sequence Number randomization in action in your trace. Look at the SYN/ACK packet from the server (packet #51 server capture), where you can see that the ISN chosen is 2847541373. However look at the same SYN/ACK packet when it is received on the client side (packet #8 client capture), the ISN has been changed to 2098751282


This behavior is fine up until the point that packet loss is experienced on the network.

On the client side, look at the first Duplicate Acknowledgement (Dup ACK) at packet 259. You can see that a SACK block has been set covering bytes 2098977399-2098978787. This packet effectively tells the server, I'm waiting on packet with SEQ 2098974623, however I have received 2098977399-2098978787 so you don't need to send those again.

Now, if you look at the same Dup ACK as it is received on the server side (#369), you can see the ACK number has been correctly converted by the firewall (2098974623 > 2847764714), however the SACK block hasn't and still shows 2098977399-2098978787!

When a Dup ACK is received with an invalid SACK block, the Dup ACK is ignored.

As a result, you lose out on the ability to use Fast Retransmission (retransmit after 3 duplicate ACKs received) and rely solely on Retranmission Timeouts. This is really, really bad for performance and will reduce your throughput substantially.

So what can you do?

You can investigate whether TCP Sequence Number randomisation is still required for your purposes and if not, consider testing with it disabled. Perhaps this issue has been resolved in a newer firmware?

You could also turn off the TCP SACK option on your server(s) to prevent clients from using SACK in the first place /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_sack however please note that SACK is meant to be used to improve TCP performance and the actual issue is with the firewalls (buggy) implementation of Sequence number randomization. Turning off SACK will mean that Dup ACK's from clients will no longer be ignored and the connection will be able to recover from loss a lot quicker. Throughput should go up.