1. 程式人生 > 其它 >vscode 在debug模式給被除錯程式傳遞環境變數

vscode 在debug模式給被除錯程式傳遞環境變數



  "name": "C++ Launch",
  "type": "cppdbg",
  "request": "launch",
  "program": "${workspaceFolder}/a.out",
  "args": ["arg1", "arg2"],
  "environment": [{ "name": "config", "value": "Debug" }],
  "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"



  "env": {




By default, the Python extension looks for and loads a file named .env in the current workspace folder, then applies those definitions. The file is identified by the default entry "python.envFile": "${workspaceFolder}/.env"

 in your user settings (see General Python settings). You can change the python.envFile setting at any time to use a different definitions file.

Use of the PYTHONPATH variable

The PYTHONPATH environment variable specifies additional locations where the Python interpreter should look for modules. In VS Code, PYTHONPATH can be set through the terminal settings (terminal.integrated.env.*) and/or within an .env


When the terminal settings are used, PYTHONPATH affects any tools that are run within the terminal by a user, as well as any action the extension performs for a user that is routed through the terminal such as debugging. However, in this case when the extension is performing an action that isn't routed through the terminal, such as the use of a linter or formatter, then this setting won't have an effect on module look-up.

When PYTHONPATH is set using an .env file, it will affect anything the extension does on your behalf and actions performed by the debugger, but it will not affect tools run in the terminal.

If needed, you can set PYTHONPATH using both methods.

An example of when to use PYTHONPATH would be if you have source code in a src folder and tests in a tests folder. When running tests, however, those tests can't normally access modules in src unless you hard-code relative paths.

To solve this problem, you could add the path to src to PYTHONPATH by creating an .env file within your VS Code workspace.


Then set python.envFile in your settings.json file to point to the .env file you just created. For example, if the .env file was in your workspace root, your settings.json would be set as shown:

"python.envFile": "${workspaceFolder}/.env"

The value of PYTHONPATH can contain multiple locations separated by os.pathsep: a semicolon (;) on Windows and a colon (:) on Linux/macOS. Invalid paths are ignored. If you find that your value for PYTHONPATH isn't working as expected, make sure that you're using the correct separator between locations for the operating system. For example, using a colon to separate locations on Windows, or using a semicolon to separate locations on Linux/macOS results in an invalid value for PYTHONPATH, which is ignored.