1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >Nagios(centos 6.5)呼叫NSClient++/NRPE+Powershell指令碼(windows server 2008 r2)監控網路情況

Nagios(centos 6.5)呼叫NSClient++/NRPE+Powershell指令碼(windows server 2008 r2)監控網路情況


  • Nagios Server
[root@network-minitor libexec]# ./check_nrpe -V
NRPE Plugin for Nagios
Version: 4.0.3
  • Client
PS C:\Program Files\NSClient++> .\nscp.exe --version
NSClient++, Version: 2018-01-28, Platform: x64


C:\Program Files\NSClient++\scripts\website_check_maic.ps1
#Author Bionw@Jul.30.2020

# First we create the request.
$HTTP_Request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create('')

    # We then get a response from the site.
    $time = (Measure-Command {$HTTP_Response = $HTTP_Request.GetResponse()}).TotalSeconds

    # We then get the HTTP code as
an integer. $HTTP_Status = [int]$HTTP_Response.StatusCode } catch{ $HTTP_Status = 404 } $HTTP_Response.Close() If ($HTTP_Status -eq 200) { Write-Host "OK! Responding time is" $time 'ms' exit 0 #Returns OK STATUS } Else { Write-Host "CRITICAL:The Site may be down, please check!" exit


# If you want to fill this file with all available options run the following command:
#   nscp settings --generate --add-defaults --load-all
# If you want to activate a module and bring in all its options use:
#   nscp settings --activate-module <MODULE NAME> --add-defaults
# For details run: nscp settings --help

; in flight - TODO

; Undocumented key
password = 1

; Undocumented key
allowed hosts =,,

; in flight - TODO

; Undocumented key
verify mode = none

; Undocumented key
insecure = true

; ENABLE SSL ENCRYPTION - This option controls if SSL should be enabled.
use ssl = 0

; COMMAND ARGUMENT PROCESSING - This option determines whether or not the we will allow clients to specify arguments to commands that are executed.
allow arguments = 1

; in flight - TODO

; Undocumented key
CheckExternalScripts = enabled

; Undocumented key
CheckHelpers = disabled

; Undocumented key
CheckNSCP = disabled

; Undocumented key
CheckDisk = enabled

; Undocumented key
WEBServer = enabled

; Undocumented key
CheckSystem = disabled

; Undocumented key
NSClientServer = enabled

; Undocumented key
CheckEventLog = disabled

; Undocumented key
NSCAClient = enabled

; Undocumented key
NRPEServer = enabled

; Script wrappings - A list of templates for defining script commands. Enter any command line here and they will be expanded by scripts placed under the wrapped scripts section. %SCRIPT% will be replaced by the actual script an %ARGS% will be replaced by any given arguments.
[/settings/external scripts/wrappings]

; Batch file - Command used for executing wrapped batch files
bat = scripts\\%SCRIPT% %ARGS%

; Visual basic script - Command line used for wrapped vbs scripts
vbs = cscript.exe //T:30 //NoLogo scripts\\lib\\wrapper.vbs %SCRIPT% %ARGS%

; POWERSHELL WRAPPING - Command line used for executing wrapped ps1 (powershell) scripts
ps1 = cmd /c echo If (-Not (Test-Path "scripts\%SCRIPT%") ) { Write-Host "UNKNOWN: Script `"%SCRIPT%`" not found."; exit(3) }; scripts\%SCRIPT% $ARGS$; exit($lastexitcode) | powershell.exe /noprofile -command -

; Command aliases - A list of aliases for already defined commands (with arguments). An alias is an internal command that has been predefined to provide a single command without arguments. Be careful so you don't create loops (ie check_loop=check_a, check_a=check_loop)
[/settings/external scripts/alias]

; check_dummy_ps1 - To configure this create a section under: /settings/external scripts/alias/check_dummy_ps1

; External scripts - A list of scripts available to run from the CheckExternalScripts module. Syntax is: `command=script arguments`
[/settings/external scripts/scripts]

; Undocumented key
check_dummy_ps1 = cmd /c echo scripts\\check_dummy.ps1 $ARG1$ "$ARG2$"; exit($lastexitcode) | powershell.exe -command -

; Undocumented key
check_MAIC_connection_ps1 = cmd /c echo scripts\\website_check_maic.ps1 ; exit($lastexitcode) | powershell.exe -command -

; External script settings - General settings for the external scripts module (CheckExternalScripts).
[/settings/external scripts]

; Allow arguments when executing external scripts - This option determines whether or not the we will allow clients to specify arguments to commands that are executed.
allow arguments = true



[root@network-minitor libexec]# ./check_nrpe -2 -H -c check_MAIC_connection_ps1
OK! Responding time is 2.5769203 ms


[root@network-minitor libexec]# ./check_nrpe -2 -H -c check_MAIC_connection_ps1
CHECK_NRPE STATE CRITICAL: Socket timeout after 10 seconds.



# Definitions for monitoring a Windows machine

define host{
        use             windows-server  ; Inherit default values from a template
        host_name       maic_con_winserver       ; The name we're giving to this host
        alias           Maic Communication Server      ; A longer name associated with the host
        address    ; IP address of the host

define hostgroup{
        hostgroup_name  windows-servers ; The name of the hostgroup
        alias           Windows Servers ; Long name of the group

define service{
        use                     generic-service
        host_name               maic_con_winserver
        service_description     NSClient++ Version
        check_command           check_nt!CLIENTVERSION -t 600 -s 1

define service{
        use                     generic-service
        host_name               maic_con_winserver
        service_description     MAIC_Webservice_check
        check_command           check_nrpe!check_MAIC_connection_ps1

define service{
        use                     generic-service
        host_name               maic_con_winserver
        service_description     CPU Load
        check_command           check_nt!CPULOAD!-l 5,80,90 -t 600 -s 1

define service{
        use                     generic-service
        host_name               maic_con_winserver
        service_description     C:\ Drive Space
        check_command           check_nt!USEDDISKSPACE!-l c -w 80 -c 90 -t 600 -s 1


# Check_nrpe command definition
define command {
    command_name check_nrpe
    command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c $ARG1$

