1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >MongoDB 副本集切換方法

MongoDB 副本集切換方法

1、rs.stepDown([stepdownSecs, catchUpSecs]) step down as primary (disconnects)



[root@127-0-0-1 conf]# mongo --port 2777
    shard1:PRIMARY> show dbs
    admin   0.000GB
    config  0.000GB
    local   0.001GB
    yoon    0.000GB

通過 help 幫助檢視各種命令

shard1:PRIMARY> rs.help()
    rs.status()                                { replSetGetStatus : 
1 } checks repl set status rs.initiate() { replSetInitiate : null } initiates set with default settings rs.initiate(cfg) { replSetInitiate : cfg } initiates set with configuration cfg rs.conf() get the current configuration object
from local.system.replset rs.reconfig(cfg) updates the configuration of a running replica set with cfg (disconnects) rs.add(hostportstr) add a new member to the set with default attributes (disconnects) rs.add(membercfgobj) add a
new member to the set with extra attributes (disconnects) rs.addArb(hostportstr) add a new member which is arbiterOnly:true (disconnects) rs.stepDown([stepdownSecs, catchUpSecs]) step down as primary (disconnects) rs.syncFrom(hostportstr) make a secondary sync from the given member rs.freeze(secs) make a node ineligible to become primary for the time specified rs.remove(hostportstr) remove a host from the replica set (disconnects) rs.slaveOk() allow queries on secondary nodes rs.printReplicationInfo() check oplog size and time range rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo() check replica set members and replication lag db.isMaster() check who is primary reconfiguration helpers disconnect from the database so the shell will display an error, even if the command succeeds.


shard1:PRIMARY> rs.stepDown() 


shard1:PRIMARY> rs.stepDown(30)



shard1:PRIMARY> rs.conf()
    "_id" : "shard1",
    "version" : 4,
    "protocolVersion" : NumberLong(1),
    "writeConcernMajorityJournalDefault" : true,
    "members" : [
            "_id" : 0,
            "host" : "",
            "arbiterOnly" : false,
            "buildIndexes" : true,
            "hidden" : false,
            "priority" : 3,
            "tags" : {

            "slaveDelay" : NumberLong(0),
            "votes" : 1
            "_id" : 1,
            "host" : "",
            "arbiterOnly" : false,
            "buildIndexes" : true,
            "hidden" : false,
            "priority" : 1,
            "tags" : {

            "slaveDelay" : NumberLong(0),
            "votes" : 1
            "_id" : 2,
            "host" : "",
            "arbiterOnly" : false,
            "buildIndexes" : true,
            "hidden" : false,
            "priority" : 1,
            "tags" : {

            "slaveDelay" : NumberLong(0),
            "votes" : 1
    "settings" : {
        "chainingAllowed" : true,
        "heartbeatIntervalMillis" : 2000,
        "heartbeatTimeoutSecs" : 10,
        "electionTimeoutMillis" : 10000,
        "catchUpTimeoutMillis" : -1,
        "catchUpTakeoverDelayMillis" : 30000,
        "getLastErrorModes" : {

        "getLastErrorDefaults" : {
            "w" : 1,
            "wtimeout" : 0
        "replicaSetId" : ObjectId("5f27de76c8d22581cdeb2f2e")


shard1:PRIMARY> config=rs.conf() 


hard1:PRIMARY> config.members[2].priority = 3 


shard1:PRIMARY> rs.reconfig(config)


shard1:PRIMARY> db.isMaster()
    "hosts" : [
    "setName" : "shard1",
    "setVersion" : 7,
    "ismaster" : true,
    "secondary" : false,
    "primary" : "",    
    "me" : "",
    "electionId" : ObjectId("7fffffff0000000000000004"),
    "lastWrite" : {
        "opTime" : {
            "ts" : Timestamp(1596599298, 1),
            "t" : NumberLong(4)
        "lastWriteDate" : ISODate("2020-08-05T03:48:18Z"),
        "majorityOpTime" : {
            "ts" : Timestamp(1596599298, 1),
            "t" : NumberLong(4)
        "majorityWriteDate" : ISODate("2020-08-05T03:48:18Z")