1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >Console in windows and linux

Console in windows and linux

On windows, it prvoides the API to get and set cursor functions.

#include <windows.h>
COORD GetCursorPosition() {
   GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h, &amp;amp;bufferInfo);
   return bufferInfo.dwCursorPosition;
void SetCursorPosition(int XPos, int YPos) { COORD coord; coord.X = XPos; coord.Y = YPos; SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),coord); }

in Linux, it does not provide the API, but it can be got/set by ESC code.

#include <stdio.h>
void SetCursorPosition(int XPos, int
YPos) { printf("\033[%d;%dH",YPos+1,XPos+1); } void getCursor(int* x, int* y) { printf("\033[6n"); /* This escape sequence !writes! the current coordinates to the terminal. We then have to read it from there, see [4,5]. Needs <termios.h>,<unistd.h> and some others
*/ scanf("\033[%d;%dR", x, y); }

other ESC strings can be found athttp://ascii-table.com/ansi-escape-sequences.php

Some examples are provided below.

- Position the Cursor: \033[<L>;<C>H Or \033[<L>;<C>f puts the cursor at line L and column C. - Move the cursor up N lines: \033[<N>A - Move the cursor down N lines: \033[<N>B - Move the cursor forward N columns: \033[<N>C - Move the cursor backward N columns: \033[<N>D - Clear the screen, move to (0,0): \033[2J - Erase to end of line: \033[K - Save cursor position: \033[s - Restore cursor position: \033[u