1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >python 直線插補、圓弧插補、樹莓派+步進電機

python 直線插補、圓弧插補、樹莓派+步進電機

1. python3 實現直線插補、圓弧插補,並用matplotlib畫出插補軌跡,簡單模擬。執行程式前 確認以python3執行,且安裝numpy庫、matplotlib庫。




  1 #!usr/bin/env/ python
  2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
3 # Author: XiaoFeng 4 import time 5 import numpy as np 6 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 7 import matplotlib.animation as animation 8 import sys 9 10 11 # 實際座標 12 rel_x = 0 13 rel_y = 0 14 # 方向 15 dir_x = 1 16 dir_y = 1 17 # 脈衝頻率 18 delay_high = 0.001 19 delay_low = 0.001 20 # 脈衝數
21 times = 4 22 # 工動點 23 Xs = 0 24 Ys = 0 25 # 點痕跡 26 point_x = [] 27 point_y = [] 28 # 放大係數 29 k = 4 30 31 32 def plot_point(): 33 # 畫圖 34 fig, ax = plt.subplots() 35 x = np.divide(point_x, k) 36 y = np.divide(point_y, k) 37 ax.plot(x, y) # 繪製曲線 y1 38 ax.set(xlabel='
Distance_X (mm)', ylabel='Distance_Y (mm)', 39 title='The trail of the point') 40 ax.grid() 41 # Move the left and bottom spines to x = 0 and y = 0, respectively. 42 ax.spines["left"].set_position(("data", 0)) 43 ax.spines["bottom"].set_position(("data", 0)) 44 # Hide the top and right spines. 45 ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) 46 ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) 47 # 座標軸上加箭頭 48 ax.plot(1, 0, ">k", transform=ax.get_yaxis_transform(), clip_on=False) 49 ax.plot(0, 1, "^k", transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform(), clip_on=False) 50 plt.show() 51 52 53 def puls_maker_x(): 54 """ 55 產生脈衝 56 :param delay: 電平持續時間 57 :param times: 脈衝個數 58 :return: 59 """ 60 print("xxx") 61 print("方向:", dir_x) 62 for i in range(times): 63 print("11111") 64 time.sleep(delay_high) 65 print("00000") 66 time.sleep(delay_low) 67 68 69 def puls_maker_y(): 70 """ 71 產生脈衝 72 :param delay: 電平持續時間 73 :param times: 脈衝個數 74 :return: 75 """ 76 print("yyyyyy") 77 print("方向:", dir_y) 78 for i in range(times): 79 print("11111") 80 time.sleep(delay_high) 81 print("00000") 82 time.sleep(delay_low) 83 84 85 def line_interpolation(x_e, y_e): 86 """ 87 直線插補 88 :param x_e: 目標X 89 :param y_e: 目標Y 90 :return: 91 """ 92 global Xs, Ys 93 global dir_x, dir_y 94 global point_x, point_y 95 f_line = 0 96 x = 0 97 y = 0 98 delta_x = x_e - Xs 99 delta_y = y_e - Ys 100 cnt = abs(delta_x) + abs(delta_y) 101 if delta_x > 0: 102 dir_x = 1 103 x = 1 104 print("") 105 elif delta_x < 0: 106 dir_x = 0 107 x = -1 108 print("") 109 elif delta_x == 0 and delta_y > 0: 110 dir_y = 1 111 y = 1 112 print("") 113 while cnt > 0: 114 puls_maker_y() 115 Ys += y 116 point_x.append(Xs) 117 point_y.append(Ys) 118 print("X動點座標:", Xs, Ys) 119 cnt -= 1 120 elif delta_x == 0 and delta_y < 0: 121 dir_y = 0 122 y = -1 123 print("") 124 while cnt > 0: 125 puls_maker_y() 126 Ys += y 127 point_x.append(Xs) 128 point_y.append(Ys) 129 print("X動點座標:", Xs, Ys) 130 cnt -= 1 131 if delta_y > 0: 132 dir_y = 1 133 y = 1 134 print("") 135 elif delta_y < 0: 136 dir_y = 0 137 y = -1 138 print("") 139 elif delta_y == 0 and delta_x > 0: 140 dir_x = 1 141 x = 1 142 print("") 143 while cnt > 0: 144 puls_maker_x() 145 Xs += x 146 point_x.append(Xs) 147 point_y.append(Ys) 148 print("X動點座標:", Xs, Ys) 149 cnt -= 1 150 elif delta_y == 0 and delta_x < 0: 151 dir_x = 0 152 x = -1 153 print("") 154 while cnt > 0: 155 puls_maker_x() 156 Xs += x 157 point_x.append(Xs) 158 point_y.append(Ys) 159 print("X動點座標:", Xs, Ys) 160 cnt -= 1 161 while cnt > 0: 162 if f_line >= 0: 163 puls_maker_x() 164 f_line -= abs(delta_y) 165 Xs += x 166 point_x.append(Xs) 167 point_y.append(Ys) 168 print("X動點座標:", Xs, Ys) 169 else: 170 puls_maker_y() 171 f_line += abs(delta_x) 172 Ys += y 173 point_x.append(Xs) 174 point_y.append(Ys) 175 print("Y動點座標:", Xs, Ys) 176 cnt -= 1 177 Xs = x_e 178 Ys = y_e 179 print("實時座標:", Xs / k, Ys / k) 180 print("插補結束") 181 182 183 def arc_interpolation(x_c, y_c, xe, ye): 184 """ 185 圓弧插補 186 :param x_c: 弧心X 187 :param y_c: 弧心Y 188 :param xe: 絕對目標X 189 :param ye: 絕對目標Y 190 :return: 191 """ 192 global Xs, Ys 193 global dir_x, dir_y 194 global point_x, point_y 195 # 絕對座標(xs,ys),(xe,ye)轉相對座標(x_s,y_s),(x_e,y_e) 196 x_s = Xs - x_c 197 y_s = Ys - y_c 198 x_e = xe - x_c 199 y_e = ye - y_c 200 f = 0 201 cnt = abs(x_e - x_s) + abs(y_e - y_s) 202 x2 = (x_s + x_e) / 2 203 y2 = (y_s + y_e) / 2 204 # 判斷順弧還是逆弧 205 n = x_s * (y_e - y_s) - (x_e - x_s) * y_s 206 # 判斷象限 207 if x2 > 0 and y2 > 0: 208 print("第一象限") 209 if n > 0: 210 print("逆圓") 211 dir_x = 0 212 dir_y = 1 213 print("左上") 214 while cnt > 0: 215 if f >= 0: 216 puls_maker_x() 217 f = f - 2 * x_s + 1 218 x_s -= 1 219 print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c) 220 point_x.append(x_s + x_c) 221 point_y.append(y_s + y_c) 222 else: 223 puls_maker_y() 224 f = f + 2 * y_s + 1 225 y_s += 1 226 print("Y動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c) 227 point_x.append(x_s + x_c) 228 point_y.append(y_s + y_c) 229 cnt -= 1 230 elif n < 0: 231 print("順圓") 232 dir_x = 1 233 dir_y = 0 234 print("右下") 235 while cnt > 0: 236 if f >= 0: 237 puls_maker_y() 238 f = f - 2 * y_s + 1 239 y_s -= 1 240 print("Y動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c) 241 point_x.append(x_s + x_c) 242 point_y.append(y_s + y_c) 243 else: 244 puls_maker_x() 245 f = f + 2 * x_s + 1 246 x_s += 1 247 print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c) 248 point_x.append(x_s + x_c) 249 point_y.append(y_s + y_c) 250 cnt -= 1 251 else: 252 print("直線") 253 elif y2 > x2 < 0: 254 print("第二象限") 255 if n > 0: 256 print("逆圓") 257 dir_x = 0 258 dir_y = 0 259 print("左下") 260 while cnt > 0: 261 if f >= 0: 262 puls_maker_y() 263 f = f - 2 * y_s + 1 264 y_s -= 1 265 print("Y動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c) 266 point_x.append(x_s + x_c) 267 point_y.append(y_s + y_c) 268 else: 269 puls_maker_x() 270 f = f - 2 * x_s + 1 271 x_s -= 1 272 print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c) 273 point_x.append(x_s + x_c) 274 point_y.append(y_s + y_c) 275 cnt -= 1 276 elif n < 0: 277 print("順圓") 278 dir_x = 1 279 dir_y = 1 280 print("右上") 281 while cnt > 0: 282 if f >= 0: 283 puls_maker_x() 284 f = f + 2 * x_s + 1 285 x_s += 1 286 print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c) 287 point_x.append(x_s + x_c) 288 point_y.append(y_s + y_c) 289 else: 290 puls_maker_y() 291 f = f + 2 * y_s + 1 292 y_s += 1 293 print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c) 294 point_x.append(x_s + x_c) 295 point_y.append(y_s + y_c) 296 cnt -= 1 297 else: 298 print("直線") 299 elif x2 < 0 and y2 < 0: 300 print("第三象限") 301 if n > 0: 302 print("逆圓") 303 dir_x = 1 304 dir_y = 0 305 print("右下") 306 while cnt > 0: 307 if f >= 0: 308 puls_maker_x() 309 f = f + 2 * x_s + 1 310 x_s += 1 311 print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c) 312 point_x.append(x_s + x_c) 313 point_y.append(y_s + y_c) 314 else: 315 puls_maker_y() 316 f = f - 2 * y_s + 1 317 y_s -= 1 318 print("Y動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c) 319 point_x.append(x_s + x_c) 320 point_y.append(y_s + y_c) 321 cnt -= 1 322 elif n < 0: 323 print("順圓") 324 dir_x = 0 325 dir_y = 1 326 print("左上") 327 while cnt > 0: 328 if f >= 0: 329 puls_maker_y() 330 f = f + 2 * y_s + 1 331 y_s += 1 332 print("Y動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c) 333 point_x.append(x_s + x_c) 334 point_y.append(y_s + y_c) 335 else: 336 puls_maker_x() 337 f = f - 2 * x_s + 1 338 x_s -= 1 339 print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c) 340 point_x.append(x_s + x_c) 341 point_y.append(y_s + y_c) 342 cnt -= 1 343 else: 344 print("直線") 345 elif x2 > 0 > y2: 346 print("第四象限") 347 if n > 0: 348 print("逆圓") 349 dir_x = 1 350 dir_y = 1 351 print("右上") 352 while cnt > 0: 353 if f >= 0: 354 puls_maker_y() 355 f = f + 2 * y_s + 1 356 y_s += 1 357 print("Y動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c) 358 point_x.append(x_s + x_c) 359 point_y.append(y_s + y_c) 360 else: 361 puls_maker_x() 362 f = f + 2 * x_s + 1 363 x_s += 1 364 print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c) 365 point_x.append(x_s + x_c) 366 point_y.append(y_s + y_c) 367 cnt -= 1 368 elif n < 0: 369 print("順圓") 370 dir_x = 0 371 dir_y = 0 372 print("左下") 373 while cnt > 0: 374 if f >= 0: 375 puls_maker_x() 376 f = f - 2 * x_s + 1 377 x_s -= 1 378 print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c) 379 point_x.append(x_s + x_c) 380 point_y.append(y_s + y_c) 381 else: 382 puls_maker_y() 383 f = f - 2 * y_s + 1 384 y_s -= 1 385 print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c) 386 point_x.append(x_s + x_c) 387 point_y.append(y_s + y_c) 388 cnt -= 1 389 else: 390 print("直線") 391 Xs = x_s + x_c 392 Ys = y_s + y_c 393 print("實時座標:", Xs / k, Ys / k) 394 print("插補結束") 395 396 397 def control(): 398 """ 399 手動控制電機 400 :return: 401 """ 402 print("除錯開始:") 403 while 1: 404 mode = input("請選擇插補模式(直線插補:l,圓弧插補:c,自動:a):") 405 if mode == "l": 406 point_1x = input("請輸入直線終點橫座標X_l,-25<t<25:").strip() 407 if point_1x.replace("-", "").replace(".", "").isdigit(): 408 print(float(point_1x)) 409 point_1x = k * float(point_1x) 410 else: 411 continue 412 point_1y = input("請輸入直線終點縱座標Y_l,-25<t<25:") 413 if point_1y.isdigit(): 414 point_1y = k * float(point_1y) 415 else: 416 continue 417 line_interpolation(point_1x, point_1y) 418 elif mode == "c": 419 circle_x = input("請輸入圓弧圓心橫座標X_r,-25<t<25:") 420 if circle_x.isdigit(): 421 circle_x = k * float(circle_x) 422 else: 423 continue 424 circle_y = input("請輸入圓弧圓心縱座標Y_r,-25<t<25:") 425 if circle_y.isdigit(): 426 circle_y = k * float(circle_y) 427 else: 428 continue 429 point_2x = input("請輸入圓弧終點橫座標X_e,-25<t<25:") 430 if point_2x.isdigit(): 431 point_2x = k * float(point_2x) 432 else: 433 continue 434 point_2y = input("請輸入圓弧終點縱座標Y_e,-25<t<25:") 435 if point_2y.isdigit(): 436 point_2y = k * float(point_2y) 437 else: 438 continue 439 arc_interpolation(circle_x, circle_y, point_2x, point_2y) 440 elif mode == "a": 441 auto_control() 442 else: 443 print("輸入錯誤") 444 # 畫圖 445 plot_point() 446 447 448 def auto_control(): 449 """ 450 自動控制 451 :return: 452 """ 453 # 點集 454 point_set = [] 455 # 讀取點集TXT檔案 456 f = open("point_set.txt", "r+", encoding="utf-8") 457 # 讀取所有資料放入列表,,,,,費記憶體。。。 458 order_list = f.readlines() 459 # 列表轉字串 460 str_order = " ".join(order_list) 461 print("--", str_order) 462 # 去字串 空格 和 \n 並返回列表 463 str_order = str_order.split() 464 print("===", str_order) 465 # 製作二級列表 466 for n in str_order: 467 point = n.split(",") 468 point_set.append(point) 469 print(point_set) 470 print(len(point_set)) 471 f.close() 472 i = 0 473 while i < len(point_set): 474 intpla_type = point_set[i][0] 475 if intpla_type == "l": 476 line_interpolation(k * float(point_set[i][1]), k * float(point_set[i][2])) 477 elif intpla_type == "c": 478 arc_interpolation(k * float(point_set[i][1]), k * float(point_set[i][2]), 479 k * float(point_set[i + 1][1]), k * float(point_set[i + 1][2])) 480 i += 1 481 else: 482 print("輸入錯誤") 483 i += 1 484 # 畫圖 485 plot_point() 486 487 488 if __name__ == '__main__': 489 control()
View Code

2.結合樹莓派3B+、兩個42步進電機、兩個步進電機驅動器(型號:銳特DM542)、220轉24V變壓器、XY兩軸移動平臺 實際操作成功。






  1 #!usr/bin/env/ python
  2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
  3 # Author: XiaoFeng
  4 import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
  5 import time
  6 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  7 import numpy as np
  8 import threading
 11 # 選區GPIO引腳(物理編號pin)
 12 PUL_X = 38
 13 DIR_X = 40
 14 PUL_Y = 35
 15 DIR_Y = 33
 16 C_X = 3     # 1 觸碰 X軸接近開關
 17 C_Y = 15    # 1 觸碰 Y軸接近開關
 18 # 取消異常報錯
 19 GPIO.setwarnings(False)
 20 # 設定引腳編碼方式位物理引腳
 21 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)
 22 # 設定引腳為輸出模式
 23 GPIO.setup(PUL_X, GPIO.OUT)
 24 GPIO.setup(DIR_X, GPIO.OUT)
 25 GPIO.setup(PUL_Y, GPIO.OUT)
 26 GPIO.setup(DIR_Y, GPIO.OUT)
 27 # 設定引腳為輸入模式
 28 GPIO.setup(C_X, GPIO.IN)
 29 GPIO.setup(C_Y, GPIO.IN)
 31 # 方向
 32 dir_x = 1
 33 dir_y = 1
 34 # 脈衝頻率
 35 delay_high = 0.00005
 36 delay_low = 0.00005
 37 # 脈衝數
 38 times = 1
 39 # 工動點
 40 Xs = 0
 41 Ys = 0
 42 # 點痕跡
 43 point_x = []
 44 point_y = []
 45 # 放大係數
 46 k = 3200
 47 # 限位標誌
 48 init_x = 1
 49 init_y = 1
 50 #單邊最大行程
 51 max_travel = 25
 54 def plot_point():
 55     """
 56     畫圖
 57     :return:
 58     """
 59     fig, ax = plt.subplots()
 60     x = np.divide(point_x, k)
 61     y = np.divide(point_y, k)
 62     ax.plot(x, y)  # 繪製曲線 y1
 63     ax.set(xlabel='Distance_X (mm)', ylabel='Distance_Y (mm)',
 64            title='The trail of the point')
 65     ax.grid()
 66     # Move the left and bottom spines to x = 0 and y = 0, respectively.
 67     ax.spines["left"].set_position(("data", 0))
 68     ax.spines["bottom"].set_position(("data", 0))
 69     # Hide the top and right spines.
 70     ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False)
 71     ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False)
 72     # 座標軸上加箭頭
 73     ax.plot(1, 0, ">k", transform=ax.get_yaxis_transform(), clip_on=False)
 74     ax.plot(0, 1, "^k", transform=ax.get_xaxis_transform(), clip_on=False)
 75     plt.show()
 78 def puls_maker_x():
 79     """
 80     產生脈衝
 81     :return:
 82     """
 83     # print("xxxxxxx")
 84     GPIO.output(DIR_X, dir_x)
 85     for i in range(times):
 86         GPIO.output(PUL_X, 0)
 87         time.sleep(delay_low)
 88         GPIO.output(PUL_X, 1)
 89         time.sleep(delay_high)
 93 def puls_maker_y():
 94     """
 95     產生脈衝
 96     :return:
 97     """
 98     # print("yyyyyy")
 99     GPIO.output(DIR_Y, dir_y)
100     for i in range(times):
101         GPIO.output(PUL_Y, 0)
102         time.sleep(delay_low)
103         GPIO.output(PUL_Y, 1)
104         time.sleep(delay_high)
107 def line_interpolation(x_e, y_e):
108     """
109     直線插補
110     :param x_e: 目標X
111     :param y_e: 目標Y
112     :return:
113     """
114     global Xs, Ys
115     global dir_x, dir_y
116     global point_x, point_y
117     f_line = 0
118     x = 0
119     y = 0
120     delta_x = x_e - Xs
121     delta_y = y_e - Ys
122     cnt = abs(delta_x) + abs(delta_y)
123     if delta_x > 0:
124         dir_x = 1
125         x = 1
126        # print("右")
127     elif delta_x < 0:
128         dir_x = 0
129         x = -1
130        # print("左")
131     elif delta_x == 0 and delta_y > 0:
132         dir_y = 1
133         y = 1
134        # print("上")
135         while cnt > 0:
136             puls_maker_y()
137             Ys += y
138             point_x.append(Xs)
139             point_y.append(Ys)
140           #  print("X動點座標:", Xs, Ys)
141             cnt -= 1
142     elif delta_x == 0 and delta_y < 0:
143         dir_y = 0
144         y = -1
145        # print("下")
146         while cnt > 0:
147             puls_maker_y()
148             Ys += y
149             point_x.append(Xs)
150             point_y.append(Ys)
151          #   print("X動點座標:", Xs, Ys)
152             cnt -= 1
153     if delta_y > 0:
154         dir_y = 1
155         y = 1
156       #  print("上")
157     elif delta_y < 0:
158         dir_y = 0
159         y = -1
160        # print("下")
161     elif delta_y == 0 and delta_x > 0:
162         dir_x = 1
163         x = 1
164       #  print("右")
165         while cnt > 0:
166             puls_maker_x()
167             Xs += x
168             point_x.append(Xs)
169             point_y.append(Ys)
170         #    print("X動點座標:", Xs, Ys)
171             cnt -= 1
172     elif delta_y == 0 and delta_x < 0:
173         dir_x = 0
174         x = -1
175        # print("左")
176         while cnt > 0:
177             puls_maker_x()
178             Xs += x
179             point_x.append(Xs)
180             point_y.append(Ys)
181            # print("X動點座標:", Xs, Ys)
182             cnt -= 1
183     while cnt > 0 and (init_x or init_y):
184         if f_line >= 0:
185             if init_x:
186                 puls_maker_x()
187             f_line -= abs(delta_y)
188             Xs += x
189             point_x.append(Xs)
190             point_y.append(Ys)
191          #   print("X動點座標:", Xs, Ys)
192         else:
193             if init_y:
194                 puls_maker_y()
195             f_line += abs(delta_x)
196             Ys += y
197             point_x.append(Xs)
198             point_y.append(Ys)
199          #   print("Y動點座標:", Xs, Ys)
200         cnt -= 1
201     Xs = x_e
202     Ys = y_e
203     print("實時座標:", Xs / k, Ys / k)
204     print("直線插補結束")
205     # 畫圖
206     plot_point()
209 def arc_interpolation(x_c, y_c, xe, ye):
210     """
211     圓弧插補
212     :param x_c: 絕對弧心X
213     :param y_c: 絕對弧心Y
214     :param xe: 絕對目標X
215     :param ye: 絕對目標Y
216     :return:
217     """
218     global Xs, Ys
219     global dir_x, dir_y
220     global point_x, point_y
221     # 絕對座標(xs,ys),(xe,ye)轉相對座標(x_s,y_s),(x_e,y_e)
222     x_s = Xs - x_c
223     y_s = Ys - y_c
224     x_e = xe - x_c
225     y_e = ye - y_c
226     f = 0
227     cnt = abs(x_e - x_s) + abs(y_e - y_s)
228     x2 = (x_s + x_e) / 2
229     y2 = (y_s + y_e) / 2
230     # 判斷順弧還是逆弧
231     n = x_s * (y_e - y_s) - (x_e - x_s) * y_s
232     # 判斷象限
233     if x2 > 0 and y2 > 0:
234         #print("第一象限")
235         if n > 0:
236           #  print("逆圓")
237             dir_x = 0
238             dir_y = 1
239            # print("左上")
240             while cnt > 0:
241                 if f >= 0:
242                     puls_maker_x()
243                     f = f - 2 * x_s + 1
244                     x_s -= 1
245                    # print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c)
246                     point_x.append(x_s + x_c)
247                     point_y.append(y_s + y_c)
248                 else:
249                     puls_maker_y()
250                     f = f + 2 * y_s + 1
251                     y_s += 1
252                   #  print("Y動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c)
253                     point_x.append(x_s + x_c)
254                     point_y.append(y_s + y_c)
255                 cnt -= 1
256         elif n < 0:
257          #   print("順圓")
258             dir_x = 1
259             dir_y = 0
260           #  print("右下")
261             while cnt > 0:
262                 if f >= 0:
263                     puls_maker_y()
264                     f = f - 2 * y_s + 1
265                     y_s -= 1
266                 #    print("Y動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c)
267                     point_x.append(x_s + x_c)
268                     point_y.append(y_s + y_c)
269                 else:
270                     puls_maker_x()
271                     f = f + 2 * x_s + 1
272                     x_s += 1
273                  #   print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c)
274                     point_x.append(x_s + x_c)
275                     point_y.append(y_s + y_c)
276                 cnt -= 1
277         else:
278             print("直線")
279     elif y2 > x2 < 0:
280      #   print("第二象限")
281         if n > 0:
282          #   print("逆圓")
283             dir_x = 0
284             dir_y = 0
285          #   print("左下")
286             while cnt > 0:
287                 if f >= 0:
288                     puls_maker_y()
289                     f = f - 2 * y_s + 1
290                     y_s -= 1
291                  #   print("Y動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c)
292                     point_x.append(x_s + x_c)
293                     point_y.append(y_s + y_c)
294                 else:
295                     puls_maker_x()
296                     f = f - 2 * x_s + 1
297                     x_s -= 1
298                  #   print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c)
299                     point_x.append(x_s + x_c)
300                     point_y.append(y_s + y_c)
301                 cnt -= 1
302         elif n < 0:
303           #  print("順圓")
304             dir_x = 1
305             dir_y = 1
306           #  print("右上")
307             while cnt > 0:
308                 if f >= 0:
309                     puls_maker_x()
310                     f = f + 2 * x_s + 1
311                     x_s += 1
312                  #   print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c)
313                     point_x.append(x_s + x_c)
314                     point_y.append(y_s + y_c)
315                 else:
316                     puls_maker_y()
317                     f = f + 2 * y_s + 1
318                     y_s += 1
319                   #  print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c)
320                     point_x.append(x_s + x_c)
321                     point_y.append(y_s + y_c)
322                 cnt -= 1
323         else:
324             print("直線")
325     elif x2 < 0 and y2 < 0:
326        # print("第三象限")
327         if n > 0:
328           #  print("逆圓")
329             dir_x = 1
330             dir_y = 0
331            # print("右下")
332             while cnt > 0:
333                 if f >= 0:
334                     puls_maker_x()
335                     f = f + 2 * x_s + 1
336                     x_s += 1
337                 #    print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c)
338                     point_x.append(x_s + x_c)
339                     point_y.append(y_s + y_c)
340                 else:
341                     puls_maker_y()
342                     f = f - 2 * y_s + 1
343                     y_s -= 1
344                  #   print("Y動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c)
345                     point_x.append(x_s + x_c)
346                     point_y.append(y_s + y_c)
347                 cnt -= 1
348         elif n < 0:
349          #   print("順圓")
350             dir_x = 0
351             dir_y = 1
352          #   print("左上")
353             while cnt > 0:
354                 if f >= 0:
355                     puls_maker_y()
356                     f = f + 2 * y_s + 1
357                     y_s += 1
358                 #    print("Y動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c)
359                     point_x.append(x_s + x_c)
360                     point_y.append(y_s + y_c)
361                 else:
362                     puls_maker_x()
363                     f = f - 2 * x_s + 1
364                     x_s -= 1
365                 #    print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c)
366                     point_x.append(x_s + x_c)
367                     point_y.append(y_s + y_c)
368                 cnt -= 1
369         else:
370             print("直線")
371     elif x2 > 0 > y2:
372       #  print("第四象限")
373         if n > 0:
374           #  print("逆圓")
375             dir_x = 1
376             dir_y = 1
377           #  print("右上")
378             while cnt > 0:
379                 if f >= 0:
380                     puls_maker_y()
381                     f = f + 2 * y_s + 1
382                     y_s += 1
383                   #  print("Y動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c)
384                     point_x.append(x_s + x_c)
385                     point_y.append(y_s + y_c)
386                 else:
387                     puls_maker_x()
388                     f = f + 2 * x_s + 1
389                     x_s += 1
390                   #  print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c)
391                     point_x.append(x_s + x_c)
392                     point_y.append(y_s + y_c)
393                 cnt -= 1
394         elif n < 0:
395            # print("順圓")
396             dir_x = 0
397             dir_y = 0
398            # print("左下")
399             while cnt > 0:
400                 if f >= 0:
401                     puls_maker_x()
402                     f = f - 2 * x_s + 1
403                     x_s -= 1
404                  #   print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c)
405                     point_x.append(x_s + x_c)
406                     point_y.append(y_s + y_c)
407                 else:
408                     puls_maker_y()
409                     f = f - 2 * y_s + 1
410                     y_s -= 1
411                 #    print("X動點座標:", x_s + x_c, y_s + y_c)
412                     point_x.append(x_s + x_c)
413                     point_y.append(y_s + y_c)
414                 cnt -= 1
415         else:
416             print("直線")
417     Xs = x_s + x_c
418     Ys = y_s + y_c
419     print("實時座標:", Xs / k, Ys / k)
420     print("圓弧插補結束")
421     # 畫圖
422     plot_point()
425 def auto_control():
426     """
427     自動控制
428     :return:
429     """
430     # 點集
431     point_set = []
432     # 讀取點集TXT檔案
433     f = open("point_set.txt", "r+", encoding="utf-8")
434     # 讀取所有資料放入列表,,,,,費記憶體。。。
435     order_list = f.readlines()
436     # 列表轉字串
437     str_order = " ".join(order_list)
438     #print("--", str_order)
439     # 去字串 空格 和 \n 並返回列表
440     str_order = str_order.split()
441     #print("===", str_order)
442     # 製作二級列表
443     for n in str_order:
444         point = n.split(",")
445         point_set.append(point)
446     print(point_set)
447     #print(len(point_set))
448     f.close()
449     i = 0
450     while i < len(point_set):
451         intpla_type = point_set[i][0]
452         if intpla_type == "l":
453             line_interpolation(k * float(point_set[i][1]), k * float(point_set[i][2]))
454         elif intpla_type == "c":
455             arc_interpolation(k * float(point_set[i][1]), k * float(point_set[i][2]),
456                               k * float(point_set[i + 1][1]), k * float(point_set[i + 1][2]))
457             i += 1
458         else:
459             print("輸入錯誤")
460         i += 1
461     # 畫圖
462     plot_point()
465 def speed_control():
466     """
467     位移速度調節 mm/s
468     """
469     global delay_high, delay_low
470     v = input("請輸入移動速度(預設單軸全速3.125mm/s):")
471     if v.replace(".", "").isdigit():
472         t = 1 / (2 * k * float(v))
473         delay_high = t
474         delay_low = t
475         print("時間:", t, delay_high)
476     else:
477         print("請輸入數字")
480 def x_callback(C_X):
481     global init_x
482     GPIO.remove_event_detect(C_X)
483     print("X限位")
484     init_x = 0
487 def y_callback(C_Y):
488     global init_y
489     GPIO.remove_event_detect(C_Y)
490     print("Y限位")
491     init_y = 0
494 def init_x_y():
495     """
496     利用限位初始化
497     """
498     global init_x, init_y
499     global Xs, Ys
500     global point_x, point_y
501     # 上升沿檢測
502     GPIO.add_event_detect(C_X, GPIO.RISING, callback=x_callback)
503     GPIO.add_event_detect(C_Y, GPIO.RISING, callback=y_callback)
504     line_interpolation(-60 * k, -60* k)
505     init_x = 1
506     init_y = 1
507     Xs = 0
508     Ys = 0
509     line_interpolation(k * 24.20, k * 24.97)
510     Xs = 0
511     Ys = 0
512     point_x.clear()
513     point_y.clear()
516 def control():
517     """
518     手動控制電機
519     :return:
520     """
521     global point_x, point_y
522     print("****************除錯開始****************")
523     while 1:
524         mode = input("--------------功能列表--------------\n自動原點:>>>>>>I\n直線插補:>>>>>>L\n圓弧插補:>>>>>>C\n自動軌跡:>>>>>>A\n速度調節:>>>>>>V\n清理畫布:>>>>>>K\n請選擇控制模式:")
525         mode = mode.lower()
526         if mode == "l":
527             point_1x = input("請輸入直線終點橫座標X_l:").strip()
528             if point_1x.replace(".", "").replace("-", "").isdigit():
529                 if abs(float(point_1x)) <= max_travel:
530                     point_1x = k * float(point_1x)
531                 else:
532                     print("超出行程(單邊<=%f)" % max_travel)
533                     continue
534             else:
535                 print("請輸入數字")
536                 continue
537             point_1y = input("請輸入直線終點縱座標Y_l:")
538             if point_1y.replace(".", "").replace("-", "").isdigit():
539                 if abs(float(point_1y)) <= max_travel:
540                     point_1y = k * float(point_1y)
541                 else:
542                     print("超出行程(單邊<=%f)" % max_travel)
543                     continue
544             else:
545                 print("請輸入數字")
546                 continue
547             line_interpolation(point_1x, point_1y)
548         elif mode == "c":
549             circle_x = input("請輸入圓弧圓心橫座標X_r:")
550             if circle_x.replace(".", "").replace("-", "").isdigit():
551                 if abs(float(circle_x)) <= max_travel:
552                     circle_x = k * float(circle_x)
553                 else:
554                     print("超出行程(單邊<=%f)" % max_travel)
555                     continue
556             else:
557                 print("請輸入數字")
558                 continue
559             circle_y = input("請輸入圓弧圓心縱座標Y_r:")
560             if circle_y.replace(".", "").replace("-", "").isdigit():
561                 if abs(float(circle_y)) <= max_travel:
562                     circle_y = k * float(circle_y)
563                 else:
564                     print("超出行程(單邊<=%f)" % max_travel)
565                     continue
566             else:
567                 print("請輸入數字")
568                 continue
569             point_2x = input("請輸入圓弧終點橫座標X_e:")
570             if point_2x.replace(".", "").replace("-", "").isdigit():
571                 if abs(float(point_2x)) <= max_travel:
572                     point_2x = k * float(point_2x)
573                 else:
574                     print("超出行程(單邊<=%f)" % max_travel)
575                     continue
576             else:
577                 print("請輸入數字")
578                 continue
579             point_2y = input("請輸入圓弧終點縱座標Y_e:")
580             if point_2y.replace(".", "").replace("-", "").isdigit():
581                 if abs(float(point_2y)) <= max_travel:
582                     point_2y = k * float(point_2y)
583                 else:
584                     print("超出行程(單邊<=%f)" % max_travel)
585                     continue
586             else:
587                 print("請輸入數字")
588                 continue
589             arc_interpolation(circle_x, circle_y, point_2x, point_2y)
590         elif mode == "a":
591             auto_control()
592         elif mode == "v":
593             speed_control()
594         elif mode == "i":
595             init_x_y()
596         elif mode == "k":
597             point_x.clear()
598             point_y.clear()
599         else:
600             print("輸入錯誤")
603 if __name__ == '__main__':
604     control()