1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >Verify.js,axios.min.js,treeTable懶載入,distpicker省市區聯動


<script src="https://cdn.polyfill.io/v2/polyfill.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/es6-promise/4.1.1/es6-promise.auto.min.js"></script>
1.axios.min.js 使用:
  method: 'post',
  url: '/Budget/Handler/PlanHandler.ashx?Method=OldGetSubBudgetList',

  }).then(function (res) {
    var res = res.data.ds;

  }).catch(function (error) {

* 主  題:《表單錄入驗證》
* 說  明:通過控制元件屬性實現驗證,包括生成星號標註、非法提示等;
* 功能描述:
* 1、當錄入框必填時,在控制元件後生成紅色星號(設定star=false時不顯示星號);
* 2、根據控制元件屬性判斷需要錄入的資料格式,如果非法則阻止提交併彈出提示
* 3、支援分組驗證
* 4、可脫離微廈線上學習系統獨立使用(需要JQuery庫支援)
* 作  者:微廈科技_宋雷鳴[email protected]
* 開發時間: 2013年8月5日
* 最後修訂:2018年2月4日
*/ (function () { var verify = { version: "1.5", //版本號 //預設屬性值 attr: { place: "right", //提示資訊顯示位置,預設為下方,可以設定right backgroundcolor: "#FF3300", //背景色 foregroundcolor: "#FFFFFF", //前景色 showheight: 25, //提示框的高度 showsize: 13 //
提示框字型大小 }, //驗證的錯誤提示 errmsg: { nullable: { def: "不能為空" }, lenlimit: { def: "限制{0}字元", msg1: "超出{0}個字元", msg2: "請錄入{0}-{1}個字元" }, numlimit: { def: "請輸入數字", msg1: "請輸入小於等於{0}的數字", msg2: "請錄入{0}-{1}之間的數字", msg3: "只能錄入{0}" }, sametarget: { def: "兩次輸入不相同" }, novalue: { def: "值不合法" }, datatype: { def: "值不合法!", uint: "請輸入正整數", number: "請輸入數字", float: "請輸入浮點數", tel: "請輸入正確的電話號碼", mobile: "請輸入行動電話號碼", zip: "請輸入郵政編碼", user: "請用字元開頭的字母數字組合", email: "請輸入正確的電子信箱", idcard: "請輸入正確的身份證資訊", url: "請輸入合法的網路地址", qq: "請輸入合規的QQ號碼", chinese: "請輸入中文字元", creditcode:"請輸入統一信用程式碼", }, fileallow: { def: "上傳檔案僅限{0}格式!" }, filelimit: { def: "不許上傳{0}格式的檔案!" }, begin: { def: "請以{0}開頭!" }, end: { def: "請以{0}結尾!" }, regex: { def: "無法滿足錄入要求!" } }, //初始化控制元件 //element:頁面元素(jquery物件),如果為空,則為全域性 init: function (element) { var star = "<span class='nullable' style=\"color:red;width:5px;line-height:26px\" >*</span>"; var noStar = "<span class='nullable' style=\"color:red;width:5px;line-height:26px\" >&nbsp;</span>"; if (element == null) element = $("body"); element.find("*[nullable='false'],select[novalue='-1']").each(function () { var isstar = verify.getAttr($(this), "star", "true"); if (isstar == "true") $(this).before(star); }); element.find("*[nullable='true'],select[novalue='-1']").each(function () { var isstar = verify.getAttr($(this), "star", "true"); if (isstar == "true") $(this).before(noStar); }); //提交按鈕的事件 $("*[verify='true']").click(function () { if ($(this).attr("disabled")) return; //如果按鈕是禁用的,則不驗證 var group = $(this).attr("group"); //按鈕的驗證組,識標碼 var form = $(this).parents("form"); form = form.size() > 0 ? form : $("body"); return verify.IsPass(form, group); }); //失去焦點時的事件 $("form[patter=focus] *[type!=submit][type!=button][type!=image]:visible").focus(function () { verify.operateSingle(null, $(this)); }); $("form[patter!=focus] *[type!=submit][type!=button][type!=image][patter=focus]:visible").focus(function () { verify.operateSingle(null, $(this)); }); //當滑鼠點選,或錄入時,清除提示框 $(window).bind("mousedown keydown scroll onmousewheel", function () { $(".VerifyShowBox").remove(); }); }, //批量驗證控制元件 IsPass: function (control, group) { var isPass = true; group = group == null ? "" : group; var ctls = control.find("*[type!=submit][type!=button]:visible"); if (ctls.length > 0) { ctls.each(function () { isPass = verify.operateSingle(group, $(this)); if (!isPass) return false; }); } else { return verify.operateSingle(group, control); } return isPass; }, //逐個驗證控制元件 operateSingle: function (group, control) { var isPass = true; var name = control.get(0).tagName.toLowerCase(); if (name == "input" || name == "select" || name == "textarea") { //按鈕與控制元件的分組碼不同,則跳過 if (group == "all" || verify.isSamegroup(group, control.attr("group"))) { for (var attr in verify.verifyfunc) { var attrval = control.attr(attr); //屬性的值 if (typeof (attrval) == "undefined") continue; isPass = verify.verifyfunc[attr](control, attrval, $.trim(control.val())); if (!isPass) return false; } } } return isPass; }, //判斷兩個組是否有交疊 isSamegroup: function (btnGroup, ctlGroup) { btnGroup = btnGroup == null ? "" : btnGroup; ctlGroup = ctlGroup == null ? "" : ctlGroup; if (btnGroup == ctlGroup) return true; var arr1 = btnGroup.split("|"); var arr2 = ctlGroup.split("|"); for (var a in arr1) { for (var b in arr2) { if (arr1[a] == arr2[b]) return true; } } return false; }, //獲取屬性,如果控制元件沒有該屬性,則取form上的同名屬性 //control:控制元件 //attrName:屬性 //defValue:預設值 getAttr: function (control, attrName, defValue) { var attr = control.attr(attrName); if (attr == null || attr == "") { var form = control.parents("form"); if (form.length > 0) attr = form.attr(attrName); } return attr == null || attr == "" ? defValue : attr; }, //顯示提示個資訊 //control:要顯示提示的控制元件 //showTxt:要顯示的提示,如果控制元件有alt屬性,則顯示alt值作為提示 //isforce:是否強行顯示showTxt showBox: function (control, showTxt, isforce) { //提示資訊 if (isforce == null || !isforce) { var alt = $.trim(control.attr("alt")); showTxt = alt.length < 1 ? showTxt : alt; } $(".VerifyShowBox").remove(); $(".errorShow").remove(); var html = "<div name=\"" + control.attr("name") + "\" group=\"" + control.attr("group") + "\" class=\"VerifyShowBox\" style=\"display:none\">"; html += "<div class=\"arrow-up\"> </div><div class=\"errorShow\">" + showTxt + " </div></div>"; $("body").prepend(html); var box = $(".VerifyShowBox[name=" + control.attr("name") + "]"); var place = verify.getAttr(control, "place", verify.attr.place); //顯示位置,預設在下方 var bgcolor = verify.getAttr(control, "bgcolor", verify.attr.backgroundcolor); //背景色 var fgcolor = verify.getAttr(control, "fgcolor", verify.attr.foregroundcolor); //前景色 var showheight = Number(verify.getAttr(control, "showheight", verify.attr.showheight)); //提示資訊高度 showheight = (place == "left" || place == "right") && showheight == verify.attr.showheight ? control.outerHeight() : showheight; var size = Number(verify.getAttr(control, "showsize", verify.attr.showsize)); //提示資訊字型大小 box.css({ "position": "absolute", "z-index": 5000, "height": showheight, "width": "auto" }); //錯誤提示文字 box.find(".errorShow").css({ "white-space": "nowrap", "width": "auto", "font-size": size, "line-height": showheight + "px", "text-indent": "10px", "height": showheight, "background-color": bgcolor, "color": fgcolor, "border-radius": "2px", "padding-right": "10px" }); var offset = control.offset(); var left = 0, top = 0; //三角符號 box.find(".arrow-up").css({ "width": "0px", "height": "0px", "font-size": "0px", "line-height": "0px" }); if (place == "left") { box.find(".arrow-up").insertAfter(box.find(".errorShow")).css({ "border-top": "5px solid transparent", "border-left": "5px solid " + bgcolor, "border-bottom": "5px solid transparent", "margin-top": -showheight / 2 - 5, "margin-right": "-5px", "float": "right" }); left = offset.left - box.width() - 15; top = offset.top - 1; } if (place == "right") { box.find(".arrow-up").css({ "border-top": "5px solid transparent", "border-right": "5px solid " + bgcolor, "border-bottom": "5px solid transparent", "margin-top": showheight / 2 - 5, "float": "left" }); left = offset.left + control.width() + 5; top = offset.top - 1; box.find(".errorShow").css("float", "left"); } if (place == "bottom") { box.find(".arrow-up").css({ "border-left": "5px solid transparent", "border-right": "5px solid transparent", "border-bottom": "5px solid " + bgcolor, "margin-left": "10px" }); left = offset.left; top = offset.top + control.height() + 5; box.width(control.width() > box.width() ? control.width() + 4 : box.width()); } if (place == "top") { box.find(".arrow-up").insertAfter(box.find(".errorShow")).css({ "border-left": "5px solid transparent", "border-right": "5px solid transparent", "border-top": "5px solid " + bgcolor, "margin-left": 7, "float": "left" }); left = offset.left; top = offset.top - box.height() - 2; } box.css({ left: left, top: top }); box.css("display", "block").css({ opacity: .9 }).slideDown("slow"); if (verify.getAttr(control, "patter", "submit") == "submit") control.focus(); return false; }, //基本等同showBox,供外部呼叫,會強制顯示showTxt,忽悠控制元件的alt屬性 ShowBox: function (control, showTxt) { verify.showBox(control, showTxt, true); }, //格式化字串 format: function (str, args) { if (arguments.length < 1) return ""; var primary = arguments[0]; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { primary = primary.replace(eval('/\\{' + (i - 1) + '\\}/g'), arguments[i]); } return primary; }, //獲取控制元件,通過name屬性 getctl: function (name) { var ctl = $("input[name='" + name + "']:visible"); if (ctl.length < 1) ctl = $("input[name$='" + name + "']:visible"); return ctl; }, //獲取花括號中的值 getbrace: function (str) { var result = str.match(/\{(\w[^\}]+)\}/); if (result != null && result.length >= 2) return result[1]; return null; }, //驗證方法 verifyfunc: { //不能為空, //control:當前驗證的錄入控制元件 //attrval:驗證屬性的值 //input:使用者錄入的值 nullable: function (control, attrval, input) { return attrval == "false" && (input == "" || input == control.attr("deftxt")) ? verify.showBox(control, verify.errmsg.nullable.def) : true; }, //長度區間 lenlimit: function (control, attrval, input) { //取錄入的值長度 var len = input.length; if (attrval.indexOf("-") < 0) { if (len > Number(attrval)) return verify.showBox(control, verify.format(verify.errmsg.lenlimit.msg1, len - Number(attrval))); } else { var minlen = Number(attrval.substring(0, attrval.indexOf("-"))); var maxlen = Number(attrval.substring(attrval.indexOf("-") + 1)); if (minlen == maxlen && len != minlen) return verify.showBox(control, verify.format(verify.errmsg.lenlimit.def, minlen)); if (!(len >= minlen && len <= maxlen)) return verify.showBox(control, verify.format(verify.errmsg.lenlimit.msg2, minlen, maxlen)); } return true; }, //數值區間 numlimit: function (control, attrval, input) { var num = Number(input); //取錄入的值 if (isNaN(num) || num == null) return verify.showBox(control, verify.errmsg.numlimit.def); var min = 0, max = 0; if (attrval.indexOf("-") < 0) { var target = verify.getbrace(attrval); min = target != null ? Number(verify.getctl(target).val()) : Number(attrval); if (num > min) return verify.showBox(control, verify.format(verify.errmsg.numlimit.msg1, min)); } else { var pre = attrval.substring(0, attrval.indexOf("-")); var pos = attrval.substring(attrval.indexOf("-") + 1); var preCtl = verify.getbrace(pre); min = preCtl != null ? Number(verify.getctl(preCtl).val()) : Number(pre); var posCtl = verify.getbrace(pos); max = posCtl != null ? Number(verify.getctl(posCtl).val()) : Number(pos); if (min == max && num != min) return verify.showBox(control, verify.format(verify.errmsg.numlimit.msg3, min, max)); if (!(num >= min && num <= max)) return verify.showBox(control, verify.format(verify.errmsg.numlimit.msg2, min, max)); } return true; }, //驗證輸入是否相同 sametarget: function (control, attrval, input) { var same = verify.getctl(attrval); if (same.size() < 1) return true; if (input != $.trim(same.val())) return verify.showBox(control, verify.errmsg.sametarget.def); return true; }, //驗證不允許等於某值 novalue: function (control, attrval, input) { var arr = attrval.split("|"); for (var t in arr) { if (input == arr[t]) return verify.showBox(control, verify.errmsg.novalue.def); } return true; }, //上傳檔案限制,允許的檔案類弄型 fileallow: function (control, attrval, input) { if (input == "") return true; if (input.indexOf(".") > -1) input = input.substring(input.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); var arr = attrval.split("|"); for (var s in arr) { if (arr[s] == input.toLowerCase()) return true; } return verify.showBox(control, verify.format(verify.errmsg.fileallow.def, attrval.replace(/\|/g, "、"))); }, //上傳檔案限制,不允許的檔案型別 filelimit: function (control, attrval, input) { if (input == "") return true; if (input.indexOf(".") > -1) input = input.substring(input.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); var arr = attrval.split("|"); for (var s in arr) { if (arr[s] == input.toLowerCase()) return verify.showBox(control, verify.format(verify.errmsg.filelimit.def, attrval.replace(/\|/g, "、"))); } return true; }, //以限定字元開頭,可以設定多個,用|分隔 begin: function (control, attrval, input) { var arr = attrval.split("|"); for (var t in arr) { if (arr[t].length > input.length) continue; if (input.indexOf(arr[t]) == 0) return true; } return verify.showBox(control, verify.format(verify.errmsg.begin.def, arr.join())); }, //以限定字元結尾,可以設定多個,用|分隔 end: function (control, attrval, input) { var arr = attrval.split("|"); for (var t in arr) { if (arr[t].length > input.length) continue; if (input.indexOf(arr[t]) == input.length - arr[t].length) return true; } return verify.showBox(control, verify.format(verify.errmsg.end.def, arr.join())); }, //正則表示式驗證 regex: function (control, attrval, input) { var regexp = new RegExp("^" + attrval + "$", "gi"); if (!regexp.test(input)) return verify.showBox(control, verify.errmsg.regex.def); return true; }, //驗證資料型別,驗證是否為數字、帳號、email、郵編、手機號 datatype: function (control, attrval, input) { if (input == "") return true; //如果沒有錄入,則不驗證 //驗證,支援多重驗證,用|分隔 var ispass = { pass: false, err: verify.errmsg.datatype.def }; //是否通過 var typeArr = attrval.indexOf("&") > -1 ? attrval.split("&") : attrval.split("|"); //正則表示式 var regexp = { uint: { exp: /^[0-9]{1,}$/gi }, //正整數 number: { exp: /(^-?[0-9]\d*\.\d*|-0\.\d*[0-9]\d*$)|(^-?[0-9]\d*$)/gi }, //數字 float: { exp: /^(-?\d+)(\.\d+)?$/gi }, //浮點數 //tel: { exp: /^[+]{0,1}(\d){1,3}[ ]?([-]?((\d)|[ ]){1,12})+$/gi }, //固定電話 //mobile: { exp: /^1[0-9]{10}$/gi }, //行動電話 tel: { exp: /^((0\d{2,3})-)(\d{7,8})(-(\d{3,}))?$/ }, //固定電話 mobile: { exp: /^1[34578]\d{9}$/ }, //行動電話 zip: { exp: /^[0-9]{6,6}$/gi }, //郵政編碼 user: { exp: /^[a-zA-Z]{1}([a-zA-Z0-9]|[._]){1,20}$/gi }, //賬號 email: { exp: /^[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)*@[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)+$/gi }, //電子郵箱 idcard: { exp: /(^\d{15}$)|(^\d{18}$)|(^\d{17}(\d|X|x)$)/gi }, //身份證 url: { exp: /^http:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9]+\.[A-Za-z0-9]+[\/=\?%\-&_~`@[\]\':+!]*([^<>\"\"])*$/gi }, //網址 qq: { exp: /^[1-9]\d{4,12}$/gi }, //qq號 chinese: { exp: /^[\u0391-\uFFE5]+$/gi }, //中文 creditcode: { exp: /^[0-9A-Z]{18}$/gi }//統一信用程式碼 }; for (var t in typeArr) { if (t < typeArr.length) { var type = $.trim(typeArr[t].toLowerCase()); for (var ex in regexp) { if (type == ex) { ispass.pass = regexp[ex].exp.test(input); if (!ispass.pass) ispass.err = eval("verify.errmsg.datatype." + ex); break; } } if (attrval.indexOf("|") > -1 && ispass.pass) break; if (attrval.indexOf("&") > -1 && !ispass.pass) break; } } if (!ispass.pass) return verify.showBox(control, ispass.err); return true; } // } }; //將內部變數賦給window,成為全域性變數 window.Verify = verify; $(function () { window.Verify.init(); }); })();

https://www.17sucai.com/preview/829123/2018-03-14/Verify_Js/index.html?file=Demo/3-4.htm 具體使用方法
<input name="" type="text" nullable="false" star="false"/>
非空:nullable="false" 適用於input,textarea,select
檔案上傳驗證:fileallow="jpg|png" 設定上傳格式
filelimit="exe|com|bat|js" 禁止上傳exe執行檔案等有危險的檔案
字元長度驗證:lenlimit="5" 最大長度5位 長度<=5位,漢字也是一樣的,例如:"張三李四萬"也是滿足條件的
lenlimit="5-10" 長度5-10位,包含5和10
數值區間驗證:numlimit="5"(數值不得大於5) 自動驗證是數字
產品價格:<input name="prise" type="text" value="10" datatype="uint"/>元
最低優惠:<input name="min" type="text" value="12" datatype="uint" numlimit="{prise}"/>(優惠價不可以超過產品價格)
最大優惠:<input name="max" type="text" numlimit="{min}-{prise}"/>(最大優惠大於最低優惠,但不可以超過產品價格)
<input name="pw1" type="text"/>
<input name="pw2" type="text" sametarget="pw1"/>(與name="pw1"的控制元件錄入相同)
sametarget="pw1" pw1為要對比的name值
不等於某值:novalue="|1|2",即不得等於1和2 input,select,textarea同樣適用
datatype="chinese" //僅限中文字元
datatype="tel" ,電話
datatype="mobile" ,手機
datatype="zip" , 郵編
datatype="email" , 郵箱
datatype="idcard" , 身份證驗證,只有驗證了長度,和型別
datatype="qq" , qq號
datatype="url" , 網址
正則表示式驗證:regex="\d+" 純數字
regex="[a-z]+" 純字母
失去焦點時驗證:patter="focus" 單個input上加是單個文字框失去焦點時,如果在form上加patter="focus"則所有需要驗證的文字框都是在失去焦點的時候進行驗證
提示資訊顯示位置:place="right" place="top" place="left" place="bottom" 在form上加表示所有都在某個方向提示
設定提示資訊背景色和字型顏色:bgcolor="#33f" fgcolor="#FF9" 在form上加表示所有提示都是指定顏色
分組驗證:通過group="a" 對輸入框進行分組
if (Verify.IsPass($("#formData"))) {
var fordata = $("#formData input,#formData select,#formData textarea").serialize();
if ($("#formData input,#formData select,#formData textarea").length > 5) {
var data = {
resutl: true,
data: fordata,
msg: 'ok'
  return data;
3.layui tree 懶載入使用


/* 最外層容器 */
.ew-tree-table {
    margin: 10px 0;
    position: relative;

.ew-tree-table .layui-table {
    margin: 0;
    table-layout: fixed;

/* 表格容器 */
.ew-tree-table-group {
    position: relative;

/* 主體表格容器 */
.ew-tree-table > .ew-tree-table-group > .ew-tree-table-box {
    overflow: auto;
    position: relative;
    box-sizing: border-box;

/* 表頭表格容器 */
.ew-tree-table > .ew-tree-table-group > .ew-tree-table-head {
    overflow: hidden;
    position: relative;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    background-color: #f2f2f2;

/* 容器加邊框 */
.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-border {
    position: absolute;
    background-color: #e6e6e6;

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-border.top {
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    top: 0;
    height: 1px;

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-border.left {
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    width: 1px;

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-border.right {
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    width: 0.52px;

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-border.bottom {
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    height: 0.52px;

/* table的loading */
.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-box > .ew-tree-table-loading {
    padding: 10px 0;
    text-align: center;

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-box > .ew-tree-table-loading > i {
    color: #999;
    font-size: 30px;

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-box > .ew-tree-table-loading.ew-loading-float {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    top: 0;

/* 空資料提示 */
.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-box > .ew-tree-table-empty {
    color: #666;
    font-size: 14px;
    text-align: center;

/* 摺疊箭頭 */
.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-arrow {
    margin-right: 5px;
    vertical-align: middle;

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-arrow:before {
    content: "\e623";

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-open .ew-tree-table-arrow:before {
    content: "\e625";

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-arrow.arrow2 {
    font-size: 13px;
    font-weight: 600;
    line-height: 16px;
    height: 16px;
    width: 16px;
    display: inline-block;
    text-align: center;
    color: #888;

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-arrow.arrow2:before {
    content: "\e602";

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-open .ew-tree-table-arrow.arrow2:before {
    content: "\e61a";

/* 箭頭隱藏 */
.ew-tree-table-arrow.ew-tree-table-arrow-hide {
    visibility: hidden;

/* 箭頭變載入中狀態 */
.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-loading > td .ew-tree-pack > .ew-tree-table-arrow:before {
    content: "\e63d" !important;

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-loading > td .ew-tree-pack > .ew-tree-table-arrow {
    margin-right: 0;

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-loading > td .ew-tree-pack > .ew-tree-table-arrow + * {
    margin-left: 5px;

/* tr載入中禁用事件 */
.ew-tree-table tr.ew-tree-table-loading > * {
    pointer-events: none !important;

/* 圖示列 */
.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-pack {
    cursor: pointer;
    line-height: 16px;
    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: middle;

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-pack > span {
    height: 16px;
    line-height: 16px;
    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: middle;

/* 摺疊行 */
.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-tb-hide {
    display: none;

/* 縮排 */
.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-indent {
    margin-right: 5px;
    padding-left: 16px;

/* 圖示 */
.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-icon {
    margin-right: 5px;
    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: middle;

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-icon-folder, .ew-tree-table .ew-tree-icon-file {
    width: 22px;
    height: 16px;
    line-height: 16px;
    position: relative;

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-icon-folder:after, .ew-tree-table .ew-tree-icon-file:after {
    content: "";
    width: 22px;
    height: 22px;
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    top: -3px;
    background-size: cover;
    background-image: url("")

.ew-tree-table tr.ew-tree-table-open > td > .ew-tree-pack .ew-tree-icon-folder:after {
    background-image: url("")

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-icon-file:after {
    background-image: url("")

/* 序號列調整 */
.ew-tree-table td[data-type="numbers"] {
    padding-left: 0;
    padding-right: 0;
    text-align: center;

/* 單元格內表單元素樣式調整 */
.ew-tree-table .layui-form-switch {
    margin-top: 0;

.ew-tree-table .layui-form-radio {
    margin: 0;

/* checkbox和radio列調整 */
.ew-tree-table-checkbox + .layui-form-checkbox {
    padding: 0;

.ew-tree-table-checkbox + .layui-form-checkbox > .layui-icon {
    color: transparent;
    transition: background-color .1s linear;

.ew-tree-table-checkbox + .layui-form-checkbox.layui-form-checked > .layui-icon {
    color: #fff;

.ew-tree-table-radio + .layui-form-radio {
    padding: 0;
    height: 20px;
    line-height: 20px;

.ew-tree-table-radio + .layui-form-radio > i {
    margin: 0;
    height: 20px;
    font-size: 20px;
    line-height: 20px;

/* checkbox半選狀態 */
.ew-tree-table .layui-form-checked.ew-form-indeterminate > .layui-icon:before {
    content: "";
    width: 9px;
    height: 2px;
    display: inline-block;
    background-color: #eee;
    vertical-align: middle;

.ew-tree-table .layui-form-checked.ew-form-indeterminate > .layui-icon {
    line-height: 14px;

/* 單元格編輯 */
.ew-tree-table .layui-table td[data-edit] {
    cursor: text;

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-edit {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    border-radius: 0;
    box-shadow: 1px 1px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-edit:focus {
    border-color: #5FB878 !important;

.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-table-edit.layui-form-danger {
    border-color: #FF5722 !important;

/* 搜尋資料隱藏行 */
.ew-tree-table tr.ew-tree-table-filter-hide {
    display: none !important;

/* 單元格超出隱藏 */
.ew-tree-table-td-single {
    position: relative;

.ew-tree-table-td-single > .ew-tree-tips {
    overflow: hidden;
    white-space: nowrap;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;

.ew-tree-table-td-single > .ew-tree-tips-c {
    position: absolute;
    right: -10px;
    top: -6px;
    width: 24px;
    height: 24px;
    line-height: 24px;
    font-size: 18px;
    text-align: center;
    color: #fff;
    border-radius: 50%;
    background-color: #666;
    cursor: pointer;
    display: none;

.ew-tree-table table tr:first-child .ew-tree-table-td-single > .ew-tree-tips-c {
    top: 2px;
    bottom: auto;
    right: -12px;

.ew-tree-table-td-single.ew-tree-tips-open {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    z-index: 5;
    background-color: #fff;
    min-height: 100%;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    box-shadow: 3px 3px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);

.ew-tree-table table thead .ew-tree-table-td-single.ew-tree-tips-open {
    background-color: #f2f2f2;

.ew-tree-table-td-single.ew-tree-tips-open.ew-show-left {
    right: 0;
    left: auto;
    box-shadow: -3px 3px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);

.ew-tree-table-td-single.ew-tree-tips-open.ew-show-bottom {
    bottom: 0;
    top: auto;
    box-shadow: 3px -3px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);

.ew-tree-table-td-single.ew-tree-tips-open.ew-show-left.ew-show-bottom {
    box-shadow: -3px -3px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);

.ew-tree-table-td-single.ew-tree-tips-open > .ew-tree-tips {
    padding: 9px 15px;
    overflow: auto;
    max-width: 280px;
    max-height: 100px;
    width: max-content;
    white-space: normal;

.ew-tree-table-td-single.ew-tree-tips-open > .ew-tree-tips-c {
    display: block;

.ew-tree-table-td-single.ew-tree-tips-open.ew-show-left > .ew-tree-tips-c {
    left: -10px;
    right: auto !important;

.ew-tree-table td > .layui-table-grid-down {
    bottom: 0;
    height: auto;

/* 輔助樣式 */
.pd-tb-0 {
    padding-top: 0 !important;
    padding-bottom: 0 !important;

.break-all {
    word-break: break-all !important;

/* 列寬拖拽調整 */
/*.ew-tree-table .ew-tb-resize {
    position: absolute;
    right: 0;
    top: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    width: 10px;
    cursor: col-resize;
 * 樹形表格 2.x
 * date:2019-11-08   License By http://easyweb.vip
layui.define(['layer', 'laytpl', 'form'], function (exports) {
    var $ = layui.jquery;
    var layer = layui.layer;
    var laytpl = layui.laytpl;
    var form = layui.form;
    var device = layui.device();
    var MOD_NAME = 'treeTable';  // 繫結事件的模組名
    // 改為同步載入css,避免滾動條補丁首次進入無效
        url: layui.cache.base + 'treeTable/treeTable.css',
        async: false,
        success: function (res) {
            $('head').append('<style id="ew-tree-table-css">' + res + '</style>');

    /** TreeTable類構造方法 */
    var TreeTable = function (options) {
        // 表格預設引數
        var defaultOption = {
            elem: undefined,   // table容器
            data: [],  // 資料
            cols: [],  // 列配置
            reqData: undefined,  // 非同步載入資料的方法
            width: undefined,  // 容器寬度
            height: undefined,  // 容器高度
            cellMinWidth: 100,  // 單元格最小寬度
            skin: undefined,  // 表格風格
            size: undefined,  // 表格尺寸
            even: undefined,  // 是否開啟隔行變色
            style: undefined,   // 容器樣式
            showtooobar: false,
            EdidLEVEL: undefined,
            getThead: function () {  // 獲取表頭
                return getThead(this);
            getAllChooseBox: function () {  // 獲取全選按鈕
                return getAllChooseBox(this);
            getColgroup: function () {  // 獲取colgroup
                return getColgroup(this);
            getTbWidth: function () {  // 計算table的寬度
                return getTbWidth(this);
            tree: {},
            text: {}
        // 預設tree引數
        var treeDefaultOption = {
            idName: 'id',  // id的欄位名
            pidName: 'pid',  // pid的欄位名
            childName: 'children',  // children的欄位名
            haveChildName: 'haveChild',  // 是否有children標識的欄位名
            openName: 'open',  // 是否預設展開的欄位名
            isPidData: false,  // 是否是pid形式的資料
            iconIndex: 0,  // 圖示列的索引
            arrowType: undefined,  // 箭頭型別
            onlyIconControl: false,  // 僅允許點選圖示摺疊
            getIcon: function (d) {  // 自定義圖示
                return getIcon(d, this);
        // 預設提示文字
        var textDefaultOption = {
            none: '<div style="padding: 18px 0;">暫無資料</div>'  // 空文字提示文字
        this.options = $.extend(defaultOption, options);
        this.options.tree = $.extend(treeDefaultOption, options.tree);
        this.options.text = $.extend(textDefaultOption, options.text);
        for (var i = 0; i < options.cols.length; i++) {
            // 列預設引數
            var colDefaultOption = {
                field: undefined,   // 欄位名
                title: undefined,   // 標題
                align: undefined,  // 對齊方式
                templet: undefined,  // 自定義模板
                toolbar: undefined,  // 工具列
                toolbarDel: undefined,
                width: undefined,   // 寬度
                minWidth: undefined,  // 最小寬度
                type: undefined,    // 列型別
                style: undefined,   // 單元格樣式
                IsEdit: undefined,
                LEVEL: undefined,
                class: '',  // 單元格class
                singleLine: true,  // 一行顯示
                fixed: undefined,    // 固定列
                unresize: false   // 關閉拖拽列寬
            this.options.cols[i] = $.extend(colDefaultOption, options.cols[i]);
        this.init();  // 初始化表格
        this.bindEvents();  // 繫結事件

    /** 初始化表格 */
    TreeTable.prototype.init = function () {
        var options = this.options;
        var tbFilter = options.elem.substring(1);  // 樹表格的filter
        var $elem = $(options.elem);  // 原始表格

        // 生成樹表格dom
        var viewHtml = '<div class="layui-form ew-tree-table" style="' + (options.style || '') + '">';
        viewHtml += '      <div class="ew-tree-table-group">';
        viewHtml += '         <div class="ew-tree-table-head">';
        viewHtml += '            <table class="layui-table"></table>';
        viewHtml += '            <div class="ew-tree-table-border"></div>';
        viewHtml += '         </div>';
        viewHtml += '         <div class="ew-tree-table-box">';
        viewHtml += '            <table class="layui-table"></table>';
        viewHtml += '            <div class="ew-tree-table-loading"><i class="layui-icon layui-anim layui-anim-rotate layui-anim-loop">&#xe63d;</i></div>';
        viewHtml += '            <div class="ew-tree-table-empty" style="display: none;">' + (options.text.none || '') + '</div>';
        viewHtml += '         </div>';
        viewHtml += '      </div>';
        viewHtml += '      <div class="ew-tree-table-border top"></div><div class="ew-tree-table-border left"></div>';
        viewHtml += '      <div class="ew-tree-table-border right"></div><div class="ew-tree-table-border"></div>';
        viewHtml += '   </div>';

        // 獲取各個元件
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var $view = components.$view;   // 容器
        $view.attr('lay-filter', tbFilter);
        var $group = components.$group;  // 表格容器
        var $tbBox = components.$tbBox;  // 表格主體部分容器
        var $table = components.$table;  // 主體表格
        var $headTb = components.$headTb;  // 表頭表格
        var $tbEmpty = components.$tbEmpty;  // 空檢視
        var $tbLoading = components.$tbLoading;  // 空檢視

        // 基礎引數設定
        options.skin && $table.attr('lay-skin', options.skin);
        options.size && $table.attr('lay-size', options.size);
        options.even && $table.attr('lay-even', options.even);

        // 容器邊框調整
        if (device.ie) {
            $view.find('.ew-tree-table-border.bottom').css('height', '1px');
            $view.find('.ew-tree-table-border.right').css('width', '1px');

        // 固定寬度
        if (options.width) {
            $view.css('width', options.width);
            $headTb.parent().css('width', options.width);
            $tbBox.css('width', options.width);
        // col最小寬度
        var tbWidth = options.getTbWidth();
        if (tbWidth.setWidth) {
            $table.css('width', "100%");
            $headTb.css('width', "100%");
        } else {
            $table.css('min-width', tbWidth.minWidth);
            $headTb.css('min-width', tbWidth.minWidth);

        // 渲染表結構及表頭
        var colgroupHtmlStr = options.getColgroup();
        var headHtmlStr = colgroupHtmlStr + '<thead>' + options.getThead() + '</thead>';
        if (options.height) {  // 固定表頭
            $table.html(colgroupHtmlStr + '<tbody></tbody>');
            $table.css('margin-top', '-1px');
            if (options.height.indexOf('full-') == 0) {  // 差值高度
                var h = parseFloat(options.height.substring(5));
                var cssStr = '<style>.ew-tree-table > .ew-tree-table-group > .ew-tree-table-box {';
                cssStr += '      height: ' + (getPageHeight() - h) + 'px;';
                cssStr += '      height: -moz-calc(100vh - ' + h + 'px);';
                cssStr += '      height: -webkit-calc(100vh - ' + h + 'px);';
                cssStr += '      height: calc(100vh - ' + h + 'px);';
                cssStr += '   }</style>';
                $tbBox.attr('ew-tree-full', h);
            } else {  // 固定高度
                $tbBox.css('height', options.height);
        } else {
            $table.html(headHtmlStr + '<tbody></tbody>');
        form.render('checkbox', tbFilter);  // 渲染表頭的表單元素

        // 渲染資料
        if (options.reqData) {  // 非同步載入
        } else {  // 一次性渲染
            if (options.data && options.data.length > 0) {
                // 處理資料
                if (options.tree.isPidData) {  // pid形式資料
                    options.data = treeTb.pidToChildren(options.data, options.tree.idName, options.tree.pidName, options.tree.childName);
                } else {  // children形式資料
                    addPidField(options.data, options.tree);
                this.renderNumberCol();  // 渲染序號列
                form.render(null, tbFilter);  // 渲染表單元素
                this.checkChooseAllCB();  // 聯動全選框
            } else {

    /** 繫結各項事件 */
    TreeTable.prototype.bindEvents = function () {
        var that = this;
        var options = this.options;
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var $view = components.$view;
        var $table = components.$table;
        var $tbEmpty = components.$tbEmpty;
        var tbFilter = components.tbFilter;
        var checkboxFilter = components.checkboxFilter;
        var radioFilter = components.radioFilter;
        var cbAllFilter = components.cbAllFilter;
        var $tbody = $table.children('tbody');

        /** 行事件公共返回物件 */
        var commonMember = function (ext) {
            var $tr = $(this);
            if (!$tr.is('tr')) {
                var $td_tr = $tr.parent('tr[data-id]');
                if ($td_tr.length > 0) {
                    $tr = $td_tr;
                } else {
                    $tr = $tr.parentsUntil('tr[data-id]').last().parent();
            var id = $tr.data('id');
            var data = getDataById(options.data, id, options.tree);
            var obj = {
                tr: $tr,  // 當前行
                data: data, //當前行資料
                del: function () { // 刪除行
                    var indent = parseInt(this.tr.data('indent'));
                    this.tr.nextAll('tr').each(function () {
                        if (parseInt($(this).data('indent')) <= indent) {
                            return false;
                    var $parentTr = this.tr.prevAll('tr');
                    delDataById(options.data, id, options.tree);
                    if (!options.data || options.data.length <= 0) {
                    that.renderNumberCol();  // 渲染序號列
                    // 聯動父級
                    $parentTr.each(function () {
                        var tInd = parseInt($(this).data('indent'));
                        if (tInd < indent) {
                            indent = tInd;
                    that.checkChooseAllCB();  // 聯動全選框
                update: function (fields) {  // 修改行
                    data = $.extend(data, fields);
                    var indent = parseInt(this.tr.data('indent'));
                    that.renderBodyTr(data, indent, undefined, this.tr);
                    form.render(null, tbFilter);  // 渲染表單元素
                    that.checkIndeterminateCB();  // 恢復半選框狀態
                    that.checkChooseAllCB();  // 聯動全選框
            return $.extend(obj, ext);

        // 繫結摺疊展開事件
        $tbody.off('click.fold').on('click.fold', '.ew-tree-pack', function (e) {
            var $tr = $(this).parentsUntil('tr').last().parent();
            if ($tr.hasClass('ew-tree-table-loading')) {  // 已是載入中
            var haveChild = $tr.data('have-child');
            if (haveChild != true && haveChild != 'true') {  // 子節點
            var id = $tr.data('id');
            var isOpen = $tr.hasClass('ew-tree-table-open');
            var data = getDataById(options.data, id, options.tree);
            if (!isOpen && (!data[options.tree.childName] || data[options.tree.childName].length <= 0)) {
                that.renderBodyAsync(data, $tr);
            } else {

        // 繫結lay-event事件
        $tbody.off('click.tool').on('click.tool', '*[lay-event]', function (e) {
            var $this = $(this);
            layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'tool(' + tbFilter + ')', commonMember.call(this, {
                event: $this.attr('lay-event')

        // 繫結單選框事件
        form.on('radio(' + radioFilter + ')', function (data) {
            var d = getDataById(options.data, data.value, options.tree);
            d.LAY_CHECKED = true;  // 同時更新資料
            layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'checkbox(' + tbFilter + ')', { checked: true, data: d, type: 'one' });

        // 繫結複選框事件
        form.on('checkbox(' + checkboxFilter + ')', function (data) {
            var checked = data.elem.checked;
            var $cb = $(data.elem);
            var $layCb = $cb.next('.layui-form-checkbox');
            // 如果是半選狀態,點選全選
            if (!checked && $layCb.hasClass('ew-form-indeterminate')) {
                checked = true;
                $cb.prop('checked', checked);
                $cb.data('indeterminate', 'false');
            var d = getDataById(options.data, data.value, options.tree);
            d.LAY_CHECKED = checked;  // 同時更新資料
            // 聯動操作
            var $tr = $cb.parentsUntil('tr').last().parent();
            if (d[options.tree.childName] && d[options.tree.childName].length > 0) {
                that.checkSubCB($tr, checked);  // 聯動子級
            var indent = parseInt($tr.data('indent'));
            $tr.prevAll('tr').each(function () {
                var tInd = parseInt($(this).data('indent'));
                if (tInd < indent) {
                    that.checkParentCB($(this));  // 聯動父級
                    indent = tInd;
            that.checkChooseAllCB();  // 聯動全選框
            // 回撥事件
            layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'checkbox(' + tbFilter + ')', {
                checked: checked,
                data: d,
                type: 'one'

        // 繫結全選複選框事件
        form.on('checkbox(' + cbAllFilter + ')', function (data) {
            var checked = data.elem.checked;
            var $cb = $(data.elem);
            var $layCb = $cb.next('.layui-form-checkbox');
            if (!options.data || options.data.length <= 0) {  // 如果資料為空
                $cb.prop('checked', false);
                $cb.data('indeterminate', 'false');
                $layCb.removeClass('layui-form-checked ew-form-indeterminate');
            // 如果是半選狀態,點選全選
            if (!checked && $layCb.hasClass('ew-form-indeterminate')) {
                checked = true;
                $cb.prop('checked', checked);
                $cb.data('indeterminate', 'false');
            layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'checkbox(' + tbFilter + ')', {
                checked: checked,
                data: undefined,
                type: 'all'
            that.checkSubCB($table.children('tbody'), checked);  // 聯動操作

        // 繫結行單擊事件
        $tbody.off('click.row').on('click.row', 'tr', function () {
            layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'row(' + tbFilter + ')', commonMember.call(this, {}));

        // 繫結行雙擊事件
        $tbody.off('dblclick.rowDouble').on('dblclick.rowDouble', 'tr', function () {
            layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'rowDouble(' + tbFilter + ')', commonMember.call(this, {}));

        // 繫結單元格點選事件
        $tbody.off('click.cell').on('click.cell', 'td', function (e) {
            var $td = $(this);
            var type = $td.data('type');
            // 判斷是否是複選框、單選框列
            if (type == 'checkbox' || type == 'radio') {
            var edit = $td.data('edit');
            var field = $td.data('field');
            if (edit) {  // 開啟了單元格編輯
                if ($tbody.find('.ew-tree-table-edit').length > 0) {
                var index = $td.data('index');
                var indentSize = $td.children('.ew-tree-table-indent').length;
                var id = $td.parent().data('id');
                var d = getDataById(options.data, id, options.tree);
                if ('text' == edit || 'number' == edit) {  // 文字框
                    var $input = $('<input type="' + edit + '" class="layui-input ew-tree-table-edit"/>');
                    $input[0].value = d[field];
                    $input.blur(function () {
                        var value = $(this).val();
                        if (value == d[field]) {
                        var rs = layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'edit(' + tbFilter + ')', commonMember.call(this, {
                            value: value,
                            field: field
                        if (rs == false) {
                        } else {
                            d[field] = value;  // 同步更新資料
                            that.renderBodyTd(d, indentSize, index, $td);  // 更新單元格
                } else {
                    console.error('不支援的單元格編輯型別:' + edit);
            } else {  // 回撥單元格點選事件
                var rs = layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'cell(' + tbFilter + ')', commonMember.call(this, {
                    td: $td,
                    field: field
                if (rs == false) {

        // 繫結單元格雙擊事件
        $tbody.off('dblclick.cellDouble').on('dblclick.cellDouble', 'td', function (e) {
            var $td = $(this);
            var type = $td.data('type');
            // 判斷是否是複選框、單選框列
            if (type == 'checkbox' || type == 'radio') {
            var edit = $td.data('edit');
            var field = $td.data('field');
            if (edit) {  // 開啟了單元格編輯
            } else {  // 回撥單元格雙擊事件
                var rs = layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'cellDouble(' + tbFilter + ')', commonMember.call(this, {
                    td: $td,
                    field: field
                if (rs == false) {

        // 同步滾動條
        components.$tbBox.on('scroll', function () {
            var $this = $(this);
            var scrollLeft = $this.scrollLeft();
            var scrollTop = $this.scrollTop();
            // $headGroup.scrollTop(scrollTop);

        // 列寬拖拽調整
        /*$view.off('mousedown.resize').on('mousedown.resize', '.ew-tb-resize', function (e) {
            var index = $(this).parent().data('index');
            $(this).data('move', 'true');
            $(this).data('x', e.clientX);
            var w = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().children('colgroup').children('col').eq(index).attr('width');
            $(this).data('width', w);
        $view.off('mousemove.resize').on('mousemove.resize', '.ew-tb-resize', function (e) {
            var move = $(this).data('move');
            if ('true' == move) {
                var x = $(this).data('x');
                var w = $(this).data('width');
                var index = $(this).parent().data('index');
                var nw = parseFloat(w) + e.clientX - parseFloat(x);
                $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().children('colgroup').children('col').eq(index).attr('width', nw);
        $view.off('mouseup.resize').on('mouseup.resize', '.ew-tb-resize', function (e) {
            $(this).data('move', 'false');
        $view.off('mouseleave.resize').on('mouseleave.resize', '.ew-tb-resize', function (e) {
            $(this).data('move', 'false');


    /** 獲取各個元件 */
    TreeTable.prototype.getComponents = function () {
        var $view = $(this.options.elem).next();   // 容器
        var $group = $view.children('.ew-tree-table-group');  // 表格容器
        var $tbBox = $group.children('.ew-tree-table-box');  // 表格主體部分容器
        var $table = $tbBox.children('.layui-table');  // 主體表格
        var $headTb = $group.children('.ew-tree-table-head').children('.layui-table');  // 表頭表格
        var $tbEmpty = $tbBox.children('.ew-tree-table-empty');  // 空檢視
        var $tbLoading = $tbBox.children('.ew-tree-table-loading');  // 載入檢視
        var tbFilter = $view.attr('lay-filter');  // 容器filter
        var checkboxFilter = 'ew_tb_checkbox_' + tbFilter;  // 複選框filter
        var radioFilter = 'ew_tb_radio_' + tbFilter;  // 單選框filter
        var cbAllFilter = 'ew_tb_choose_all_' + tbFilter;  // 全選按鈕filter
        return {
            $view: $view,
            $group: $group,
            $tbBox: $tbBox,
            $table: $table,
            $headTb: $headTb,
            $tbEmpty: $tbEmpty,
            $tbLoading: $tbLoading,
            tbFilter: tbFilter,
            checkboxFilter: checkboxFilter,
            radioFilter: radioFilter,
            cbAllFilter: cbAllFilter

     * 遞迴渲染表格主體部分
     * @param data 資料列表
     * @param indentSize 縮排大小
     * @param isHide 是否預設隱藏
     * @returns {string}
    TreeTable.prototype.renderBody = function (data, indentSize, isHide) {
        var options = this.options;
        var treeOption = options.tree;
        indentSize || (indentSize = 0);
        var htmlStr = '';
        for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            var d = data[i];
            htmlStr += this.renderBodyTr(d, indentSize, isHide);
            // 遞迴渲染子集
            var children = d[treeOption.childName];
            if (children && children.length > 0) {
                htmlStr += this.renderBody(children, indentSize + 1, !d[treeOption.openName]);
        return htmlStr;

     * 渲染一行資料
     * @param d 行資料
     * @param option 配置
     * @param indentSize 縮排大小
     * @param isHide 是否隱藏
     * @param $tr
     * @returns {string}
    TreeTable.prototype.renderBodyTr = function (d, indentSize, isHide, $tr) {
        var options = this.options;
        var cols = options.cols;
        var treeOption = options.tree;
        indentSize || (indentSize = 0);
        var htmlStr = '';
        var haveChild = getHaveChild(d, treeOption);
        if ($tr) {
            $tr.data('pid', d[treeOption.pidName] || '');
            $tr.data('have-child', haveChild);
            $tr.data('indent', indentSize);
        } else {
            var classNames = '';
            if (haveChild && d[treeOption.openName]) {
                classNames += 'ew-tree-table-open';
            if (isHide) {
                classNames += 'ew-tree-tb-hide';
            htmlStr += '<tr class="' + classNames + '" data-id="' + d[treeOption.idName] + '"';
            htmlStr += ' data-pid="' + (d[treeOption.pidName] || '') + '" data-have-child="' + haveChild + '"';
            htmlStr += ' data-indent="' + indentSize + '">';
        for (var j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) {
            var $td;
            if ($tr) {
                $td = $tr.children('td').eq(j);
            htmlStr += this.renderBodyTd(d, indentSize, j, $td);
        htmlStr += '</tr>';
        return htmlStr;

     * 渲染每一個單元格資料
     * @param d 行資料
     * @param indentSize 縮排大小
     * @param index 第幾列
     * @param $td
     * @returns {string}
    TreeTable.prototype.renderBodyTd = function (d, indentSize, index, $td) {
        var options = this.options;
        var col = options.cols[index];
        var treeOption = options.tree;
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var checkboxFilter = components.checkboxFilter;
        var radioFilter = components.radioFilter;
        indentSize || (indentSize = 0);
        // 內容填充
        var fieldStr = '';
        var isedit = false;
        if (col.IsEdit != undefined) {
            isedit = d[col.IsEdit] == null || d[col.IsEdit] == undefined;
        var coledit = false;
        if (col.LEVEL != undefined && options.EdidLEVEL != undefined) {
            if (d[col.LEVEL] <= options.EdidLEVEL)
                coledit = true;
        if (col.type == 'numbers') {  // 序號列
            fieldStr += '<span class="ew-tree-table-numbers"></span>';
            col.singleLine = false;
        } else if (col.type == 'checkbox') {  // 複選框列
            var attrStr = 'name="' + checkboxFilter + '" lay-filter="' + checkboxFilter + '" value="' + d[treeOption.idName] + '"';
            attrStr += d.LAY_CHECKED ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
            fieldStr += '<input type="checkbox" lay-skin="primary" ' + attrStr + ' class="ew-tree-table-checkbox" />';
            col.singleLine = false;
        } else if (col.type == 'radio') {  // 單選框列
            var attrStr = 'name="' + radioFilter + '" lay-filter="' + radioFilter + '" value="' + d[treeOption.idName] + '"';
            attrStr += d.LAY_CHECKED ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
            fieldStr += '<input type="radio" ' + attrStr + ' class="ew-tree-table-radio" />';
            col.singleLine = false;
        } else if (col.templet) {  // 自定義模板
            if (typeof col.templet == 'function') {
                fieldStr += col.templet(d);
            } else if (typeof col.templet == 'string') {
                laytpl($(col.templet).html()).render(d, function (html) {
                    fieldStr += html;
        } else if (col.toolbar) {  // 工具列
            var isshowtoobar = this.options.showtooobar;
            laytpl(coledit ? $(col.toolbar).html() : $(col.toolbarDel).html()).render(d, function (html) {
                if (!d.haveChild && isshowtoobar)
                    fieldStr += html;
        } else if (col.field && d[col.field] != undefined && d[col.field] != null) {  // 普通欄位
            fieldStr += d[col.field];

        var tdStr = '';
        // 圖示列處理
        if (index == treeOption.iconIndex) {
            // 縮排
            for (var k = 0; k < indentSize; k++) {
                tdStr += '<span class="ew-tree-table-indent"></span>';
            tdStr += '<span class="ew-tree-pack">';
            // 加箭頭
            var haveChild = getHaveChild(d, treeOption);
            tdStr += ('<i class="layui-icon ew-tree-table-arrow ' + (haveChild ? '' : 'ew-tree-table-arrow-hide') + ' ' + (options.tree.arrowType || '') + '"></i>');
            // 加圖示
            tdStr += treeOption.getIcon(d);
            if (options.tree.onlyIconControl) {
                tdStr += '</span>';
                tdStr += ('<span>' + fieldStr + '</span>');
            } else {
                tdStr += ('<span>' + fieldStr + '</span>');
                tdStr += '</span>';
        } else {
            tdStr += fieldStr;
        if ($td && col.type != 'numbers') {
        var htmlStr = '<td data-index="' + index + '" ';
        col.field && (htmlStr += (' data-field="' + col.field + '"'));
        if (isedit || col.IsEdit == undefined)
            col.edit && (htmlStr += (' data-edit="' + col.edit + '"'));
        col.type && (htmlStr += (' data-type="' + col.type + '"'));
        col.align && (htmlStr += (' align="' + col.align + '"'));  // 對齊方式
        col.style && (htmlStr += (' style="' + col.style + '"'));  // 單元格樣式
        col.class && (htmlStr += (' class="' + col.class + '"'));  // 單元格樣式
        htmlStr += '>';
        if (col.singleLine) {
            htmlStr += ('<div class="ew-tree-table-td-single"><i class="layui-icon layui-icon-close ew-tree-tips-c"></i><div class="ew-tree-tips">' + tdStr + '</div></div>');
        } else {
            htmlStr += tdStr;
        htmlStr += '</td>';
        return htmlStr;

     * 非同步載入渲染
     * @param data 父級資料
     * @param $tr 父級dom
    TreeTable.prototype.renderBodyAsync = function (d, $tr) {
        var that = this;
        var options = this.options;
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var $tbEmpty = components.$tbEmpty;
        var $tbLoading = components.$tbLoading;
        // 顯示loading
        if ($tr) {
            $tr.children('td').find('.ew-tree-pack').children('.ew-tree-table-arrow').addClass('layui-anim layui-anim-rotate layui-anim-loop');
        } else {
            if (options.data && options.data.length > 0) {
        // 請求資料
        options.reqData(d, function (res) {
            if (options.tree.isPidData) {
                res = treeTb.pidToChildren(res, options.tree.idName, options.tree.pidName, options.tree.childName);
            that.renderBodyData(res, d, $tr);  // 渲染內容
            // 移除loading
            if ($tr) {
                $tr.children('td').find('.ew-tree-pack').children('.ew-tree-table-arrow').removeClass('layui-anim layui-anim-rotate layui-anim-loop');
            } else {
                // 是否為空
                if (!res || res.length == 0) {
                } else {

     * 根據資料渲染body
     * @param data  資料集合
     * @param option 配置項
     * @param d 父級資料
     * @param $tr 父級dom
    TreeTable.prototype.renderBodyData = function (data, d, $tr) {
        var that = this;
        var options = this.options;
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var $view = components.$view;
        var $table = components.$table;
        var tbFilter = components.tbFilter;
        addPidField(data, options.tree, d);  // 補充pid欄位
        // 更新到資料
        if (d == undefined) {
            options.data = data;
        } else {
            d[options.tree.childName] = data;
        var indent;
        if ($tr) {
            indent = parseInt($tr.data('indent')) + 1;
        var htmlStr = this.renderBody(data, indent);
        if ($tr) {
            // 移除舊dom
            $tr.nextAll('tr').each(function () {
                if (parseInt($(this).data('indent')) <= (indent - 1)) {
                    return false;
            // 渲染新dom
        } else {
        form.render(null, tbFilter);  // 渲染表單元素
        this.renderNumberCol();  // 渲染序號列
        this.checkIndeterminateCB();  // 恢復複選框半選狀態
        if ($tr) {
            // 更新父級複選框狀態
            $tr.prevAll('tr').each(function () {
                var tInd = parseInt($(this).data('indent'));
                if (tInd < (indent - 1)) {
                    indent = tInd + 1;
        this.checkChooseAllCB();  // 聯動全選框

     * 聯動子級複選框狀態
     * @param $tr 當前tr的dom
     * @param checked
    TreeTable.prototype.checkSubCB = function ($tr, checked) {
        var that = this;
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var cbFilter = components.checkboxFilter;
        var indent = -1, $trList;
        if ($tr.is('tbody')) {
            $trList = $tr.children('tr');
        } else {
            indent = parseInt($tr.data('indent'));
            $trList = $tr.nextAll('tr')
        $trList.each(function () {
            if (parseInt($(this).data('indent')) <= indent) {
                return false;
            var $cb = $(this).children('td').find('input[name="' + cbFilter + '"]');
            $cb.prop('checked', checked);
            if (checked) {
                $cb.data('indeterminate', 'false');
            } else {
                $cb.data('indeterminate', 'false');
                $cb.next('.layui-form-checkbox').removeClass('layui-form-checked ew-form-indeterminate');
            that.update($(this).data('id'), { LAY_CHECKED: checked });  // 同步更新資料

     * 聯動父級複選框狀態
     * @param $tr 父級的dom
    TreeTable.prototype.checkParentCB = function ($tr) {
        var that = this;
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var cbFilter = components.checkboxFilter;
        var indent = parseInt($tr.data('indent'));
        var ckNum = 0, unCkNum = 0;
        $tr.nextAll('tr').each(function () {
            if (parseInt($(this).data('indent')) <= indent) {
                return false;
            var $cb = $(this).children('td').find('input[name="' + cbFilter + '"]');
            if ($cb.prop('checked')) {
            } else {
        var $cb = $tr.children('td').find('input[name="' + cbFilter + '"]');
        if (ckNum > 0 && unCkNum == 0) {  // 全選
            $cb.prop('checked', true);
            $cb.data('indeterminate', 'false');
            that.update($tr.data('id'), { LAY_CHECKED: true });  // 同步更新資料
        } else if (ckNum == 0 && unCkNum > 0) {  // 全不選
            $cb.prop('checked', false);
            $cb.data('indeterminate', 'false');
            $cb.next('.layui-form-checkbox').removeClass('layui-form-checked ew-form-indeterminate');
            that.update($tr.data('id'), { LAY_CHECKED: false });  // 同步更新資料
        } else if (ckNum > 0 && unCkNum > 0) {  // 半選
            $cb.prop('checked', true);
            $cb.data('indeterminate', 'true');
            $cb.next('.layui-form-checkbox').addClass('layui-form-checked ew-form-indeterminate');
            that.update($tr.data('id'), { LAY_CHECKED: true });  // 同步更新資料

    /** 聯動全選複選框 */
    TreeTable.prototype.checkChooseAllCB = function () {
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var cbAllFilter = components.cbAllFilter;
        var cbFilter = components.checkboxFilter;
        var $tbody = components.$table.children('tbody');
        var ckNum = 0, unCkNum = 0;
        $tbody.children('tr').each(function () {
            var $cb = $(this).children('td').find('input[name="' + cbFilter + '"]');
            if ($cb.prop('checked')) {
            } else {
        var $cb = $('input[lay-filter="' + cbAllFilter + '"]');
        if (ckNum > 0 && unCkNum == 0) {  // 全選
            $cb.prop('checked', true);
            $cb.data('indeterminate', 'false');
        } else if ((ckNum == 0 && unCkNum > 0) || (ckNum == 0 && unCkNum == 0)) {  // 全不選
            $cb.prop('checked', false);
            $cb.data('indeterminate', 'false');
            $cb.next('.layui-form-checkbox').removeClass('layui-form-checked ew-form-indeterminate');
        } else if (ckNum > 0 && unCkNum > 0) {  // 半選
            $cb.prop('checked', true);
            $cb.data('indeterminate', 'true');
            $cb.next('.layui-form-checkbox').addClass('layui-form-checked ew-form-indeterminate');

    /** 填充序號列 */
    TreeTable.prototype.renderNumberCol = function () {
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var $tbody = components.$table.children('tbody');
        $tbody.children('tr').each(function (index) {
            $(this).children('td').find('.ew-tree-table-numbers').text(index + 1);

    /* 解決form.render之後半選框被重置的問題 */
    TreeTable.prototype.checkIndeterminateCB = function () {
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var cbFilter = components.checkboxFilter;
        $('input[lay-filter="' + cbFilter + '"]').each(function () {
            var $cb = $(this);
            if ($cb.data('indeterminate') == 'true' && $cb.prop('checked')) {

     * 搜尋資料
     * @param ids 關鍵字或資料id集合
    TreeTable.prototype.filterData = function (ids) {
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var $trList = components.$table.children('tbody').children('tr');
        if (typeof ids == 'string') {  // 關鍵字
            var keyword = ids;
            ids = [];
            $trList.each(function () {
                var id = $(this).data('id');
                $(this).children('td').each(function () {
                    if ($(this).text().indexOf(keyword) != -1) {
                        return false;
        for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
            var $tr = $trList.filter('[data-id="' + ids[i] + '"]');
            // 聯動父級
            var indent = parseInt($tr.data('indent'));
            $tr.prevAll('tr').each(function () {
                var tInd = parseInt($(this).data('indent'));
                if (tInd < indent) {
                    $(this).removeClass('ew-tree-table-filter-hide');  // 聯動父級
                    if (!$(this).hasClass('ew-tree-table-open')) {
                    indent = tInd;

    /** 重置搜尋 */
    TreeTable.prototype.clearFilter = function () {
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var $trList = components.$table.children('tbody').children('tr');

    /** 展開指定行 */
    TreeTable.prototype.expand = function (id, cascade) {
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var $tr = components.$table.children('tbody').children('tr[data-id="' + id + '"]');
        if (!$tr.hasClass('ew-tree-table-open')) {
        if (cascade == false) {
        // 聯動父級
        var indent = parseInt($tr.data('indent'));
        $tr.prevAll('tr').each(function () {
            var tInd = parseInt($(this).data('indent'));
            if (tInd < indent) {
                if (!$(this).hasClass('ew-tree-table-open')) {
                indent = tInd;

    /** 摺疊指定行 */
    TreeTable.prototype.fold = function (id, cascade) {
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var $tr = components.$table.children('tbody').children('tr[data-id="' + id + '"]');
        if ($tr.hasClass('ew-tree-table-open')) {
        if (cascade == false) {
        // 聯動父級
        var indent = parseInt($tr.data('indent'));
        $tr.prevAll('tr').each(function () {
            var tInd = parseInt($(this).data('indent'));
            if (tInd < indent) {
                if ($(this).hasClass('ew-tree-table-open')) {
                indent = tInd;

    /** 全部展開 */
    TreeTable.prototype.expandAll = function () {
        var that = this;
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var $trList = components.$table.children('tbody').children('tr');
        $trList.each(function () {
            that.expand($(this).data('id'), false);

    /** 全部摺疊 */
    TreeTable.prototype.foldAll = function () {
        var that = this;
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var $trList = components.$table.children('tbody').children('tr');
        $trList.each(function () {
            that.fold($(this).data('id'), false);

    /** 獲取當前資料 */
    TreeTable.prototype.getData = function () {
        return this.options.data;

    /** 過載表格 */
    TreeTable.prototype.reload = function (opt) {
        treeTb.render($.extend(this.options, opt));

    /** 根據id更新資料 */
    TreeTable.prototype.update = function (id, fields) {
        var data = getDataById(this.getData(), id, this.options.tree);
        $.extend(data, fields);

    /** 根據id刪除資料 */
    TreeTable.prototype.del = function (id) {
        delDataById(this.getData(), id, this.options.tree);

    /** 獲取當前選中行 */
    TreeTable.prototype.checkStatus = function (needIndeterminate) {
        (needIndeterminate == undefined) && (needIndeterminate = true);
        var that = this;
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var $table = components.$table;
        var checkboxFilter = components.checkboxFilter;
        var radioFilter = components.radioFilter;
        var list = [];
        // 獲取單選框選中資料
        var $radio = $table.find('input[name="' + radioFilter + '"]');
        if ($radio.length > 0) {
            var id = $radio.filter(':checked').val();
            var d = getDataById(this.getData(), id, this.options.tree);
            if (d) {
        } else {  // 獲取複選框資料
            $table.find('input[name="' + checkboxFilter + '"]:checked').each(function () {
                var id = $(this).val();
                var isIndeterminate = $(this).next('.layui-form-checkbox').hasClass('ew-form-indeterminate');
                if (needIndeterminate || !isIndeterminate) {
                    var d = getDataById(that.getData(), id, that.options.tree);
                    if (d) {
                        d.isIndeterminate = isIndeterminate;
        return list;

    /** 設定復/單選框選中 */
    TreeTable.prototype.setChecked = function (ids) {
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var $table = components.$table;
        var checkboxFilter = components.checkboxFilter;
        var radioFilter = components.radioFilter;
        var $radio = $table.find('input[name="' + radioFilter + '"]');
        if ($radio.length > 0) {  // 開啟了單選框
            $radio.each(function () {
                if (ids[ids.length - 1] == $(this).val()) {
                    return false;
        } else {  // 開啟了複選框
            $table.find('input[name="' + checkboxFilter + '"]').each(function () {
                var $cb = $(this);
                var value = $cb.val();
                var $layCb = $cb.next('.layui-form-checkbox');
                for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
                    if (value == ids[i]) {
                        var checked = $cb.prop('checked');
                        var indeterminate = $layCb.hasClass('ew-form-indeterminate');
                        if (!checked || indeterminate) {

    /** 移除全部選中 */
    TreeTable.prototype.removeAllChecked = function () {
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var $table = components.$table;
        var checkboxFilter = components.checkboxFilter;
        this.checkSubCB($table.children('tbody'), false);

     * 重新整理指定父級下的節點
     * @param id 父級id,空則全部重新整理
     * @param data 非非同步模式替換的資料
    TreeTable.prototype.refresh = function (id, data) {
        if (isClass(id) == 'Array') {
            data = id;
            id = undefined;
        var components = this.getComponents();
        var $table = components.$table;
        var d, $tr;
        if (id != undefined) {
            d = getDataById(this.getData(), id, this.options.tree);
            $tr = $table.children('tbody').children('tr[data-id="' + id + '"]');
        if (data) {  // 資料模式
            this.renderBodyData(data, d, $tr);
            if (data && data.length > 0) {
            } else {
        } else {  // 非同步模式
            this.renderBodyAsync(d, $tr);

    /** 生成表頭 */
    function getThead(options) {
        var htmlStr = '<tr>';
        for (var i = 0; i < options.cols.length; i++) {
            var col = options.cols[i];
            htmlStr += '<td data-index="' + i + '" ';
            col.align && (htmlStr += ' align="' + col.align + '"');  // 對齊方式
            htmlStr += ' >';
            if (col.singleLine && col.type != 'checkbox') {  // 單行顯示
                htmlStr += '<div class="ew-tree-table-td-single"><i class="layui-icon layui-icon-close ew-tree-tips-c"></i><div class="ew-tree-tips">';
            // 標題
            if (col.type == 'checkbox') {
                htmlStr += options.getAllChooseBox();
            } else {
                htmlStr += (col.title || '');
            // 列寬拖拽
            if (!col.unresize && 'checkbox' != col.type && 'radio' != col.type && 'numbers' != col.type && 'space' != col.type) {
                htmlStr += '<span class="ew-tb-resize"></span>';
            if (col.singleLine) {  // 單行顯示
                htmlStr += '</div></div>';
            htmlStr += '</td>';
        htmlStr += '</tr>';
        return htmlStr;

    /** 生成colgroup */
    function getColgroup(options) {
        var htmlStr = '<colgroup>';
        for (var i = 0; i < options.cols.length; i++) {
            var col = options.cols[i];
            htmlStr += '<col ';
            // 設定寬度
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                htmlStr += 'width="' + col.width + '"'
            } else if (col.type == 'space') {  // 空列
                htmlStr += 'width="15"'
            } else if (col.type == 'numbers') {  // 序號列
                htmlStr += 'width="40"'
            } else if (col.type == 'checkbox' || col.type == 'radio') {  // 復/單選框列
                htmlStr += 'width="48"'
            htmlStr += ' />';
        htmlStr += '</colgroup>';
        return htmlStr;

    /** 計算table寬度 */
    function getTbWidth(options) {
        var minWidth = 0, setWidth = true;
        for (var i = 0; i < options.cols.length; i++) {
            var col = options.cols[i];
            if (col.type == 'space') {  // 空列
                minWidth += 15;
            } else if (col.type == 'numbers') {  // 序號列
                minWidth += 40;
            } else if (col.type == 'checkbox' || col.type == 'radio') {  // 復/單選框列
                minWidth += 48;
            } else if (!col.width || /\d+%$/.test(col.width)) {  // 列未固定寬度
                setWidth = false;
                if (col.minWidth) {
                    minWidth += col.minWidth;
                } else if (options.cellMinWidth) {
                    minWidth += options.cellMinWidth;
            } else {  // 列固定寬度
                minWidth += col.width;
        return { minWidth: minWidth, setWidth: setWidth };

    /** 生成全選按鈕 */
    function getAllChooseBox(options) {
        var tbFilter = $(options.elem).next().attr('lay-filter');
        var cbAllFilter = 'ew_tb_choose_all_' + tbFilter;
        return '<input type="checkbox" lay-filter="' + cbAllFilter + '" lay-skin="primary" class="ew-tree-table-checkbox"/>';

    /** 獲取列圖示 */
    function getIcon(d, treeOption) {
        if (getHaveChild(d, treeOption)) {
            return '<i class="ew-tree-icon layui-icon layui-icon-layer"></i>';
        } else {
            return '<i class="ew-tree-icon layui-icon layui-icon-file"></i>';

    /** 摺疊/展開行 */
    function toggleRow($tr) {
        var indent = parseInt($tr.data('indent'));
        var isOpen = $tr.hasClass('ew-tree-table-open');
        if (isOpen) {  // 摺疊
            $tr.nextAll('tr').each(function () {
                if (parseInt($(this).data('indent')) <= indent) {
                    return false;
        } else {  // 展開
            var hideInd;
            $tr.nextAll('tr').each(function () {
                var ind = parseInt($(this).data('indent'));
                if (ind <= indent) {
                    return false;
                if (hideInd != undefined && ind > hideInd) {
                    return true;
                if (!$(this).hasClass('ew-tree-table-open')) {
                    hideInd = parseInt($(this).data('indent'));
                } else {
                    hideInd = undefined;

    /** 固定表頭滾動條補丁 */
    function updateFixedTbHead($view) {
        var $group = $view.children('.ew-tree-table-group');
        var $headBox = $group.children('.ew-tree-table-head');
        var $tbBox = $group.children('.ew-tree-table-box');
        var sWidth = $tbBox.width() - $tbBox.prop('clientWidth');
        if (sWidth > 0) {
            $headBox.css('border-right', sWidth + 'px solid #f2f2f2');
        } else {
            $headBox.css('border-right', 'none');

    // 監聽視窗大小改變
    $(window).resize(function () {
        $('.ew-tree-table').each(function () {
            var $tbBox = $(this).children('.ew-tree-table-group').children('.ew-tree-table-box');
            var full = $tbBox.attr('ew-tree-full');
            if (full && device.ie && device.ie < 10) {
                $tbBox.css('height', getPageHeight() - full);

    // 表格溢位點選展開功能
    $(document).on('mouseenter', '.ew-tree-table td', function () {
        var $tdSingle = $(this).children('.ew-tree-table-td-single');
        var $content = $tdSingle.children('.ew-tree-tips');
        if ($tdSingle.length > 0 && $content.prop('scrollWidth') > $content.outerWidth()) {
            $(this).append('<div class="layui-table-grid-down"><i class="layui-icon layui-icon-down"></i></div>');
    }).on('mouseleave', '.ew-tree-table td', function () {
    // 點選箭頭展開
    $(document).on('click', '.ew-tree-table td>.layui-table-grid-down', function (e) {
        var $tdSingle = $(this).parent().children('.ew-tree-table-td-single');
        var $box = $tdSingle.parents().filter('.ew-tree-table-box');
        if ($box.length <= 0) {
            $box = $tdSingle.parents().filter('.ew-tree-table-head');
        if (($tdSingle.outerWidth() + $tdSingle.parent().offset().left) > $box.offset().left + $box.outerWidth()) {
        if (($tdSingle.outerHeight() + $tdSingle.parent().offset().top) > $box.offset().top + $box.outerHeight()) {
    // 點選關閉按鈕關閉
    $(document).on('click', '.ew-tree-table .ew-tree-tips-c', function (e) {
    // 點選空白部分關閉
    $(document).on('click', function () {
    $(document).on('click', '.ew-tree-table-td-single.ew-tree-tips-open', function (e) {

    /* 關閉所有單元格溢位提示框 */
    function hideAllTdTips() {
        var $single = $('.ew-tree-table-td-single');

    /** 判斷是否還有子節點 */
    function getHaveChild(d, treeOption) {
        var haveChild = false;
        if (d[treeOption.haveChildName] != undefined) {
            haveChild = d[treeOption.haveChildName];
            haveChild = haveChild == true || haveChild == 'true';
        } else if (d[treeOption.childName]) {
            haveChild = d[treeOption.childName].length > 0;
        return haveChild;

    /** 補充pid欄位 */
    function addPidField(data, treeOption, parent) {
        for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            if (parent) {
                data[i][treeOption.pidName] = parent[treeOption.idName];
            if (data[i][treeOption.childName] && data[i][treeOption.childName].length > 0) {
                addPidField(data[i][treeOption.childName], treeOption, data[i]);

    /** 根據id獲取資料 */
    function getDataById(data, id, treeOption) {
        for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            if (data[i][treeOption.idName] == id) {
                return data[i];
            if (data[i][treeOption.childName] && data[i][treeOption.childName].length > 0) {
                var d = getDataById(data[i][treeOption.childName], id, treeOption);
                if (d != undefined) {
                    return d;

    /** 根據id刪除資料 */
    function delDataById(data, id, treeOption) {
        for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            if (data[i][treeOption.idName] == id) {
                data.splice(i, 1);
                return true;
            if (data[i][treeOption.childName] && data[i][treeOption.childName].length > 0) {
                var rs = delDataById(data[i][treeOption.childName], id, treeOption);
                if (rs) {
                    return true;

    /** 獲取頂級的pId */
    function getPids(list, idName, pidName) {
        var pids = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
            var hasPid = false;
            for (var j = 0; j < list.length; j++) {
                if (i != j && list[j][idName] == list[i][pidName]) {
                    hasPid = true;
            if (!hasPid) {
        return pids;

    /** 判斷pId是否相等 */
    function pidEquals(pId, pIds) {
        if (isClass(pIds) == 'Array') {
            for (var i = 0; i < pIds.length; i++) {
                if (pId == pIds[i]) {
                    return true;
        } else {
            return pId == pIds;
        return false;

    /** 獲取變數型別 */
    function isClass(o) {
        if (o === null)
            return 'Null';
        if (o === undefined)
            return 'Undefined';
        return Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1);

    /* 獲取瀏覽器高度 */
    function getPageHeight() {
        return document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;

    /* 獲取瀏覽器寬度 */
    function getPageWidth() {
        return document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth;

    /** 對外提供的方法 */
    var treeTb = {
        /* 渲染 */
        render: function (options) {
            return new TreeTable(options);
        /* 事件監聽 */
        on: function (events, callback) {
            return layui.onevent.call(this, MOD_NAME, events, callback);
        /* pid轉children形式 */
        pidToChildren: function (data, idName, pidName, childName, pId) {
            childName || (childName = 'children');
            var newList = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                (pId == undefined) && (pId = getPids(data, idName, pidName));
                if (pidEquals(data[i][pidName], pId)) {
                    var children = this.pidToChildren(data, idName, pidName, childName, data[i][idName]);
                    (children.length > 0) && (data[i][childName] = children);
            return newList;

    exports('treeTable', treeTb);

<script src="jquery-1.8.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="layui/css/layui.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="layui/layui.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="layui/treeTable/treeTable.css" rel="stylesheet" />
注意:toolbarDel:"#tbBarDel", toolbar: '#tbBar'在操作列時需要些自己寫的jsbug
  treeTable: 'layui/treeTable/treeTable' //treeTable存放路徑
}).use(['treeTable'], function () {
  var iseditd = $("#hidControlSave").val();//是否可儲存,執行修改刪除操作 值為1和0 1為不可刪除修改,0可以進行刪除修改EdidLEVEL時不可修改
  var treeTable = layui.treeTable;
  // 渲染表格
  //IsEdit: 'IsEdit', LEVEL: 'LEVEL' 設定是否可編輯,和當前欄目所在層級 IsEdit:如果有值的話則不可編輯,沒有值則可以修改
  //toolbar: '#tbBar', toolbarDel: '#tbBarDel', toolbar正常需要展示的操作按鈕,否則顯示toolbarDel的操作按鈕
  var col = [
    { type: 'numbers' },
    { field: 'name', templet: '<p>{{d.name}}</p>', title: '投標檔案目錄', width: 360 },
    { field: 'name', IsEdit: 'IsEdit', LEVEL: 'LEVEL', title: '目錄名稱<i class=\"layui-icon\">&#xe642;</i>', edit: 'text' }
    ,{ align: 'center', IsEdit: 'IsEdit', LEVEL: 'LEVEL', toolbar: '#tbBar', toolbarDel: '#tbBarDel', title: '操作', width: 220 }
    if (iseditd == 1) {
  col = [
    { type: 'numbers' },
    { field: 'name', templet: '<p>{{d.name}}</p>', title: '投標檔案目錄', width: 360 },

    { field: 'name', title: '目錄名稱<i class=\"layui-icon\">&#xe642;</i>' }

  var insTb = treeTable.render({
    elem: '#demoTb1',
    toolbar: 'default',
    showtooobar: true,
    EdidLEVEL: 2,//只有1-2級才能有新增按鈕
    tree: {
      openName: 'name',//設定要開啟的列,列名稱,預設展開資料 如果沒有這個屬性將摺疊,不展開,懶載入不需要設定
      iconIndex: 1,
      arrowType: 'arrow2',
      idName: 'id',//id
      isPidData: true,//是否啟用上下級關係,懶載入不需要設定
      pidName: 'pid'//父級id
    text: {},
    cols: col,
    reqData: function (data, callback) {
      var url = '/Budget/Handler/PlanHandler.ashx?Method=GetDocumentTree&djid=<%=Request["djid"]%>&fbid=<%=FBID%>';
      url += ((data ? ("&fid=" + data.id) + "" : '')); //條件搜尋
      var keywords = $('#edtSearch').val();//條件搜尋

      url += ((keywords ? ("&keywords=" + keywords) + "" : ''));//條件搜尋

      $.get(url, function (res) {
      //{"suress":true,"msg":"資料獲取成功!","data":[{"id":"010204","pxz":"60 ","LEVEL":1,"pid":"0102","name":"技術部分","IsEdit":"tbs_js"},{"id":"01020401","pxz":"61","LEVEL":2,"pid":"010204","name":"投標產品的品牌、型號、技術引數","IsEdit":null},{"id":"01020402","pxz":"62 ","LEVEL":2,"pid":"010204","name":"關於招標要求的應答對照表","IsEdit":null},{"id":"01020403","pxz":"63 ","LEVEL":2,"pid":"010204","name":"專案組織實施方案","IsEdit":null},{"id":"01020404","pxz":"64 ","LEVEL":2,"pid":"010204","name":"專案人員配備情況","IsEdit":null},{"id":"01020405","pxz":"65 ","LEVEL":2,"pid":"010204","name":"產品彩頁資料和產品工作環境條件說明","IsEdit":null},{"id":"01020407","pxz":"69 ","LEVEL":2,"pid":"010204","name":"售後服務","IsEdit":null},{"id":"0102040701","pxz":"70 ","LEVEL":3,"pid":"01020407","name":"售後服務方案","IsEdit":null},{"id":"0102040702","pxz":"71 ","LEVEL":3,"pid":"01020407","name":"售後服務人員配備","IsEdit":null},{"id":"0102040703","pxz":"72 ","LEVEL":3,"pid":"01020407","name":"售後服務機構設定情況和聯絡電話","IsEdit":null}]}
      var res = JSON.parse(res);
  style: 'margin-top:0;'
// 全部展開
$('#btnExpandAll').click(function () {
// 清除搜尋
$('#btnClearSearch').click(function () {
// 工具列點選事件
treeTable.on('tool(demoTb1)', function (obj) {
  var event = obj.event;
  if (event === 'del') {
  } else if (event === 'edit') {

  } else if (event === 'add') {
    var pid = obj.data.id;
    var len = 1;
    if (obj.data.children != null && obj.data.children.length > 0 && obj.data.children != undefined)
    len = obj.data.children.length + 1;
    var name = prompt("請輸入目錄名稱", "")

    if (name != null && name != "") {
      additem.push({ id: pid + "0" + len, pid: pid, win_name: 'w_tb_import_jsfa1', win_parm: '', name: name, pxz: len });
// 全部摺疊
$('#btnFoldAll').click(function () {
// 搜尋
$('#btnSearch').click(function () {
  var keywords = $('#edtSearch').val();
  if (keywords) {
  } else {
<button id="btnExpandAll" class="layui-btn layui-btn-sm layui-btn-primary"><i class="layui-icon">&#xe668;</i>展開全部</button>
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<input class="layui-input" id="edtSearch" value="" placeholder="輸入關鍵字" style="display: inline-block; width: 140px; height: 30px; line-height: 30px; padding: 0 5px; margin-right: 5px;" />
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<div class="tabletree" style="width: 100%;"><%--樹形容器--%>
  <table id="demoTb1"></table>
<script type="text/html" id="tbBar"> <%--某種條件有刪除和新增,對應某一級後不能再往下新增--%>
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  <a class="layui-btn layui-btn-primary layui-btn-xs add" lay-event="add">新增</a>
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<script src="distpicker/data.js"></script>
<script src="distpicker/distpicker.js"></script>
A.div 新增data-toggle="distpicker"
data-province="---- 選擇省 ----"
data-city="---- 選擇市 ----"
data-district="---- 選擇區 ----"
<div data-toggle="distpicker">
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  <select name="sheng" class="form-control " data-province="---- 選擇省 ----" id="sheng" nullable="false" alt="請選擇供應商性質"></select>
  <select name="shi" class="form-control " data-city="---- 選擇市 ----" id="shi" nullable="false" alt="請選擇供應商性質"></select>

  <select name="qu" class="form-control " data-district="---- 選擇區 ----" id="qu" nullable="false" alt="請選擇供應商性質">