1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >Greedy Snake 3.0

Greedy Snake 3.0

#include <easyx.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <list>
using namespace std;

int sx;
int sy;
int x;
int y;
char ch;
char score[12];
int m = (rand()%64)*10+5;
int n = (rand()%46)*10+35;
int length;
list<char> lc;
list<char>::iterator lci;
bool destroy;
int td;        
char choice;

int main() { initgraph(640,480); settextcolor(RED); settextstyle(60,30,_T("΢ÈíÑźÚ")); outtextxy(100,170,"Greedy Snake"); settextcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(20,10,_T("΢ÈíÑźÚ")); outtextxy(
130, 270, "set of key: 'w':up 's':down 'a':left 'd':right"); outtextxy(140, 300,"any of other keys to pause or retrieve"); outtextxy(170, 240, "press any key to start the game"); getch(); do{ cleardevice(); sx = 25; sy = 25; ch = 'd'; length=3; lc.clear(); destroy
=false; settextstyle(20,10,_T("΢ÈíÑźÚ")); lc.push_back(ch); lc.push_back(ch); lc.push_back(ch); setfillcolor(WHITE); while(true) { //detect eat or not if(sx==m&&sy==n) { length+=1; m = (rand()%64)*10+5; n = (rand()%47)*10+15; } else lc.pop_front(); //draw random circle solidcircle(m,n,5); //draw the snake solidcircle(sx,sy,5); x=sx; y=sy; for(int i=0; i<length-1 ;++i) { if(i==0) lci=--lc.end(); else --lci; switch(*lci) { case 'w': solidcircle(x,y+=10,5); break; case 'a': solidcircle(x+=10,y,5); break; case 's': solidcircle(x,y-=10,5); break; case 'd': solidcircle(x-=10,y,5); break; } if(sx==x&&sy==y) destroy=true; } //destroy the snake if(destroy==true) { setfillcolor(BLACK); solidcircle(m,n,5); Sleep(100); x=sx; y=sy; for(int i=0; i<length-1 ;++i) { td=(800-100)/(length-1); Sleep(800-i*td); if(i==0) lci=--lc.end(); else --lci; switch(*lci) { case 'w': solidcircle(x,y+=10,5); break; case 'a': solidcircle(x+=10,y,5); break; case 's': solidcircle(x,y-=10,5); break; case 'd': solidcircle(x-=10,y,5); break; } } settextcolor(YELLOW); settextstyle(50,30,_T("΢ÈíÑźÚ")); outtextxy(130,170,"GAME OVER"); break; } //detect keybord input if(kbhit()) ch=getch(); switch(ch) { case 'w': if(lc.back()!='s') sy-=10; else { ch='s'; sy+=10; } break; case 'a': if(lc.back()!='d') sx-=10; else { ch='d'; sx+=10; } break; case 's': if(lc.back()!='w') sy+=10; else { ch='w'; sy-=10; } break; case 'd': if(lc.back()!='a') sx+=10; else { ch='a'; sx-=10; } break; default: getch(); ch=lc.back(); switch(ch) { case 'w': sy-=10; break; case 'a': sx-=10; break; case 's': sy+=10; break; case 'd': sx+=10; break; } break; } //put direction into the list lc.push_back(ch); //dectect the collision with the border if(sx<0 || sx>635 || sy<25 || sy>475) { setfillcolor(BLACK); solidcircle(m,n,5); x=sx; y=sy; for(int i=0; i<length ;++i) { td=(800-100)/(length-1); Sleep(800-i*td); if(i==0) lci=--lc.end(); else --lci; switch(*lci) { case 'w': solidcircle(x,y+=10,5); break; case 'a': solidcircle(x+=10,y,5); break; case 's': solidcircle(x,y-=10,5); break; case 'd': solidcircle(x-=10,y,5); break; } if(i==0) line(0,20,640,20); } settextcolor(YELLOW); settextstyle(50,30,_T("΢ÈíÑźÚ")); outtextxy(130,170,"GAME OVER"); break; } //display the picture Sleep(100); cleardevice(); //draw the score sprintf(score,"score: %04d",length-3); outtextxy(265,0,score); line(0,20,640,20); } settextcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(20,10,_T("΢ÈíÑźÚ")); outtextxy(260, 230, "'r': restart"); outtextxy(260, 260, "'q': quit"); choice=getch(); }while(choice=='r'); closegraph(); return 0; }