1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >演算法導論答案



32 String Matching


Suppose that all characters in the pattern P are different. Show how to accelerate NAIVE-STRING-MATCHER to run in time O.n/ on an n-character text T.

for s = 1 to n – m + 1
     j = 0
     while T[s+j] == P[j] do
            j = j + 1
            if j = m     return s
     s = j + s;



Suppose that pattern P and text T are randomly chosen strings of length m and n, respectively, from the d-ary alphabet ∑d = {0,1,2,..,d-1},where d ≧ 2.Show that the expected number of character-to-character comparisons made by the implicit loop in line 4 of the naive algorithm is

over all executions of this loop. (Assume that the naive algorithm stops comparing characters for a given shift once it finds a mismatch or matches the entire pattern.) Thus, for randomly chosen strings, the naive algorithm is quite efficient.


  • P = 1/Ki-1 * (1-1/k), if i < m
  • P = 1/Km-1 * (1-1/k) + 1/Km , if i = m


[1(1-1/k)+2(1/K)(1-1/k)+3(1/k2)(1-1/k)+…+(m-1)(1-km-2)(1-1/k) +m(1/km-1)(1-1/k) + m*(1/km)]
= 1 - 1/k + 2/k - 2/k2 + 3/k2 - 3/k3 +...+ m/km-1 - m/km + m/km
= 1 + 1/k + 1/k2 +...+ 1/km-1
= (1 - 1/Km) / (1 - 1/k)
≤ 2

所以,可知,第4行迴圈的總迭代次數為:(n-m+1) * [(1-1/Km) / (1-1/k)] ≤ 2 (n-m+1)


Suppose we allow the pattern P to contain occurrences of a gap character } that can match an arbitrary string of characters (even one of zero length). For example, the pattern ab}ba}c occurs in the text cabccbacbacab as

and as

Note that the gap character may occur an arbitrary number of times in the pattern but not at all in the text. Give a polynomial-time algorithm to determine whether such a pattern P occurs in a given text T, and analyze the running time of your algorithm.


n = T.length
m = P.length
i = 0;
j = 0;
while(i ≦ n)
   while(i ≦ m && P[i] == gap)
   if i > m  return true;
   k = 0;
   while(P[i+k] != gap)
   s = Naive-Search(T[j..n],P[i..i+j-1]);
   if s == -1  return false
   i = i + s;
   j = j + k;
n = T.length;
m = P.length;
for s = 1 to n – m + 1
     j = 0
     while T[s+j] == P[j]  do
            j = j + 1;
     if j = m   return s
return -1