阿新 • • 發佈:2017-05-12
png 英語 姓名 create case when src clas 行轉列 序號
當系統中有匯總和明細的需求時,一般通過SQL來實現,匯總 就是 根據條件顯示出全部的數據,明細 就是 一條匯總對應的詳細信息。
1). 新建表student,姓名(name)、學科(subject)、成績(score)
create table student(name nvarchar(20),subject nvarchar(20),score int)
2). 插入數據
insert into student values(‘張三‘,‘語文‘,80),(‘張三‘,‘數學‘,90),(‘張三‘,‘英語‘,75) insert into student values(‘李四‘,‘語文‘,75),(‘李四‘,‘數學‘,93),(‘李四‘,‘英語‘,56) insert into student values(‘王五‘,‘語文‘,87),(‘王五‘,‘數學‘,67),(‘王五‘,‘英語‘,83)
3). 方式一實現:使用case when ... then ... end
select name, max(case subject when ‘語文‘ then score else 0 end) ‘語文‘, max(casesubject when ‘數學‘ then score else 0 end) ‘數學‘, max(case subject when ‘英語‘ then score else 0 end) ‘英語‘, SUM(score) as ‘總分‘, cast(AVG(cast(score as decimal(10,2))) as decimal(10,2)) as ‘平均分‘ from student group by name
4) 方式二實現:自己和自己關聯
select a.name,a.score,b.score,c.score,(a.score+b.score+c.score) ‘總分‘,CAST((a.score+b.score+c.score)/3.0 as decimal(5,2)) ‘平均分‘ from student a,student b,student c where a.name = b.name and b.name = c.name and a.subject=‘語文‘ and b.subject=‘數學‘ and c.subject=‘英語‘
5) 方式三實現:使用pivot
select * from student pivot(max(score) for subject in (語文,數學,英語))a
1). 新建表tb_student,序號(id)、姓名(name)、學科(subject)、成績(score)
create table tab_student(id int,name nvarchar(20),subject nvarchar(20),score int)
2). 插入數據:
insert into tab_student values (1,‘張三‘,‘語文‘,76),(2,‘張三‘,‘數學‘,85),(3,‘張三‘,‘英語‘,67) insert into tab_student values (3,‘李四‘,‘語文‘,87),(4,‘李四‘,‘數學‘,32),(5,‘李四‘,‘英語‘,85) insert into tab_student values (6,‘王五‘,‘語文‘,83),(7,‘王五‘,‘數學‘,90),(8,‘王五‘,‘英語‘,80)
3) 方式一實現:使用 case when
select name,MAX(case subject when ‘語文‘ then score else 0 end) as ‘語文‘, MAX(case subject when ‘數學‘ then score else 0 end) as ‘數學‘, MAX(case subject when ‘英語‘ then score else 0 end) as ‘英語‘, SUM(score) ‘總數‘, cast(AVG(CAST(score as decimal(10,2))) as decimal(10,2)) ‘平均數‘ from tab_student group by name
4). 方式二實現:自己關聯自己
select a.name,a.score,b.score,c.score,(a.score+b.score+c.score) ‘總分‘,CAST((a.score+b.score+c.score)/3.0 as decimal(5,2)) ‘平均分‘ from tab_student a,tab_student b,tab_student c where a.name = b.name and b.name = c.name and a.subject=‘語文‘ and b.subject=‘數學‘ and c.subject=‘英語‘
5). 方式三實現不了:pivot
select * from tab_student pivot( max(score) for subject in (語文,數學,英語) )a