1. 程式人生 > >Irrlicht 3D Engine 筆記系列之 教程4 - Movement

Irrlicht 3D Engine 筆記系列之 教程4 - Movement

its pointer released 動畫 could cal 延遲 代碼 ren

作者: i_dovelemon

日期: 2014 / 12 / 16

來源: CSDN

主題: Event Receiver, Animator, Framerate independent movement and framerate dependent movement


從今天開始,博主將進行對3D Engine的學習。而且,在博客中將自己學習的心得一一分享給大家。希望可以對大家有所幫助。也希望可以找到誌同道合的同伴一起學習3D 遊戲引擎方面的知識。



博主希望的不是使用3D 遊戲引擎做出好玩的遊戲,而是對3D引擎內部的工作機制進行了解。所以。對於琳瑯滿目的商業和非商業開源引擎。須要從中選擇一款來進行研究是件非常困難的事情。












Event Receiver

在教程4中,我們了解到,想要進行對輸入輸出的處理,我們須要繼承一個接口IEventReceiver。然後在我們繼承的類裏面。復寫我們OnEvent方法,而且這種方法會在系統發生事件的時候,自己主動的被引擎所調用。這樣。我們僅僅要在這個函數裏面,對我們希望處理的消息進行處理就可以。這個就是Event Receiver主要的工作方法。為了深入的了解事件機制是怎樣工作的,我們先來看下IEventReceiver這個接口的定義怎樣:

<span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;">//! Interface of an object which can receive events.
/** Many of the engine‘s classes inherit IEventReceiver so they are able to
process events. Events usually start at a postEventFromUser function and are
passed down through a chain of event receivers until OnEvent returns true. See
irr::EEVENT_TYPE for a description of where each type of event starts, and the
path it takes through the system. */
class IEventReceiver

	//! Destructor
	virtual ~IEventReceiver() {}

	//! Called if an event happened.
	/** Please take care that you should only return ‘true‘ when you want to _prevent_ Irrlicht
	* from processing the event any further. So ‘true‘ does mean that an event is completely done.
	* Therefore your return value for all unprocessed events should be ‘false‘.
	\return True if the event was processed.
	virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event) = 0;










<span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;">	//! Enumeration for all event types there are.
		//! An event of the graphical user interface.
		/** GUI events are created by the GUI environment or the GUI elements in response
		to mouse or keyboard events. When a GUI element receives an event it will either
		process it and return true, or pass the event to its parent. If an event is not absorbed
		before it reaches the root element then it will then be passed to the user receiver. */

		//! A mouse input event.
		/** Mouse events are created by the device and passed to IrrlichtDevice::postEventFromUser
		in response to mouse input received from the operating system.
		Mouse events are first passed to the user receiver, then to the GUI environment and its elements,
		then finally the input receiving scene manager where it is passed to the active camera.

		//! A key input event.
		/** Like mouse events, keyboard events are created by the device and passed to
		IrrlichtDevice::postEventFromUser. They take the same path as mouse events. */

		//! A joystick (joypad, gamepad) input event.
		/** Joystick events are created by polling all connected joysticks once per
		device run() and then passing the events to IrrlichtDevice::postEventFromUser.
		They take the same path as mouse events.
		Windows, SDL: Implemented.
		Linux: Implemented, with POV hat issues.
		MacOS / Other: Not yet implemented.

		//! A log event
		/** Log events are only passed to the user receiver if there is one. If they are absorbed by the
		user receiver then no text will be sent to the console. */

		//! A user event with user data.
		/** This is not used by Irrlicht and can be used to send user
		specific data though the system. The Irrlicht ‘window handle‘
		can be obtained from IrrlichtDevice::getExposedVideoData()
		The usage and behavior depends on the operating system:
		Windows: send a WM_USER message to the Irrlicht Window; the
			wParam and lParam will be used to populate the
			UserData1 and UserData2 members of the SUserEvent.
		Linux: send a ClientMessage via XSendEvent to the Irrlicht
			Window; the data.l[0] and data.l[1] members will be
			casted to s32 and used as UserData1 and UserData2.
		MacOS: Not yet implemented

		//! This enum is never used, it only forces the compiler to
		//! compile these enumeration values to 32 bit.
		EGUIET_FORCE_32_BIT = 0x7fffffff














<span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;">//! SEvents hold information about an event. See irr::IEventReceiver for details on event handling.
struct SEvent
	//! Any kind of GUI event.
	struct SGUIEvent
		//! IGUIElement who called the event
		gui::IGUIElement* Caller;

		//! If the event has something to do with another element, it will be held here.
		gui::IGUIElement* Element;

		//! Type of GUI Event
		gui::EGUI_EVENT_TYPE EventType;


	//! Any kind of mouse event.
	struct SMouseInput
		//! X position of mouse cursor
		s32 X;

		//! Y position of mouse cursor
		s32 Y;

		//! mouse wheel delta, often 1.0 or -1.0, but can have other values < 0.f or > 0.f;
		/** Only valid if event was EMIE_MOUSE_WHEEL */
		f32 Wheel;

		//! True if shift was also pressed
		bool Shift:1;

		//! True if ctrl was also pressed
		bool Control:1;

		//! A bitmap of button states. You can use isButtonPressed() to determine
		//! if a button is pressed or not.
		//! Currently only valid if the event was EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED
		u32 ButtonStates;

		//! Is the left button pressed down?

bool isLeftPressed() const { return 0 != ( ButtonStates & EMBSM_LEFT ); } //! Is the right button pressed down? bool isRightPressed() const { return 0 != ( ButtonStates & EMBSM_RIGHT ); } //! Is the middle button pressed down?

bool isMiddlePressed() const { return 0 != ( ButtonStates & EMBSM_MIDDLE ); } //! Type of mouse event EMOUSE_INPUT_EVENT Event; }; //! Any kind of keyboard event. struct SKeyInput { //! Character corresponding to the key (0, if not a character) wchar_t Char; //! Key which has been pressed or released EKEY_CODE Key; //! If not true, then the key was left up bool PressedDown:1; //! True if shift was also pressed bool Shift:1; //! True if ctrl was also pressed bool Control:1; }; //! A joystick event. /** Unlike other events, joystick events represent the result of polling * each connected joystick once per run() of the device. Joystick events will * not be generated by default. If joystick support is available for the * active device, _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_JOYSTICK_EVENTS_ is defined, and * @ref irr::IrrlichtDevice::activateJoysticks() has been called, an event of * this type will be generated once per joystick per @ref IrrlichtDevice::run() * regardless of whether the state of the joystick has actually changed. */ struct SJoystickEvent { enum { NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS = 32, AXIS_X = 0, // e.g. analog stick 1 left to right AXIS_Y, // e.g. analog stick 1 top to bottom AXIS_Z, // e.g. throttle, or analog 2 stick 2 left to right AXIS_R, // e.g. rudder, or analog 2 stick 2 top to bottom AXIS_U, AXIS_V, NUMBER_OF_AXES }; /** A bitmap of button states. You can use IsButtonPressed() to ( check the state of each button from 0 to (NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS - 1) */ u32 ButtonStates; /** For AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, AXIS_Z, AXIS_R, AXIS_U and AXIS_V * Values are in the range -32768 to 32767, with 0 representing * the center position. You will receive the raw value from the * joystick, and so will usually want to implement a dead zone around * the center of the range. Axes not supported by this joystick will * always have a value of 0. On Linux, POV hats are represented as axes, * usually the last two active axis. */ s16 Axis[NUMBER_OF_AXES]; /** The POV represents the angle of the POV hat in degrees * 100, * from 0 to 35,900. A value of 65535 indicates that the POV hat * is centered (or not present). * This value is only supported on Windows. On Linux, the POV hat * will be sent as 2 axes instead. */ u16 POV; //! The ID of the joystick which generated this event. /** This is an internal Irrlicht index; it does not map directly * to any particular hardware joystick. */ u8 Joystick; //! A helper function to check if a button is pressed. bool IsButtonPressed(u32 button) const { if(button >= (u32)NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS) return false; return (ButtonStates & (1 << button)) ? true : false; } }; //! Any kind of log event. struct SLogEvent { //! Pointer to text which has been logged const c8* Text; //! Log level in which the text has been logged ELOG_LEVEL Level; }; //! Any kind of user event. struct SUserEvent { //! Some user specified data as int s32 UserData1; //! Another user specified data as int s32 UserData2; }; EEVENT_TYPE EventType; union { struct SGUIEvent GUIEvent; struct SMouseInput MouseInput; struct SKeyInput KeyInput; struct SJoystickEvent JoystickEvent; struct SLogEvent LogEvent; struct SUserEvent UserEvent; }; };</span>












<span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;">                //! Creates a rotation animator, which rotates the attached scene node around itself.
		/** \param rotationSpeed Specifies the speed of the animation in degree per 10 milliseconds.
		\return The animator. Attach it to a scene node with ISceneNode::addAnimator()
		and the animator will animate it.
		If you no longer need the animator, you should call ISceneNodeAnimator::drop().
		See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
		virtual ISceneNodeAnimator* createRotationAnimator(const core::vector3df& rotationSpeed) = 0;

		//! Creates a fly circle animator, which lets the attached scene node fly around a center.
		/** \param center: Center of the circle.
		\param radius: Radius of the circle.
		\param speed: The orbital speed, in radians per millisecond.
		\param direction: Specifies the upvector used for alignment of the mesh.
		\param startPosition: The position on the circle where the animator will
		begin. Value is in multiples of a circle, i.e. 0.5 is half way around. (phase)
		\param radiusEllipsoid: if radiusEllipsoid != 0 then radius2 froms a ellipsoid
		begin. Value is in multiples of a circle, i.e. 0.5 is half way around. (phase)
		\return The animator. Attach it to a scene node with ISceneNode::addAnimator()
		and the animator will animate it.
		If you no longer need the animator, you should call ISceneNodeAnimator::drop().
		See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
		virtual ISceneNodeAnimator* createFlyCircleAnimator(
				const core::vector3df& center=core::vector3df(0.f,0.f,0.f),
				f32 radius=100.f, f32 speed=0.001f,
				const core::vector3df& direction=core::vector3df(0.f, 1.f, 0.f),
				f32 startPosition = 0.f,
				f32 radiusEllipsoid = 0.f) = 0;

		//! Creates a fly straight animator, which lets the attached scene node fly or move along a line between two points.
		/** \param startPoint: Start point of the line.
		\param endPoint: End point of the line.
		\param timeForWay: Time in milli seconds how long the node should need to
		move from the start point to the end point.
		\param loop: If set to false, the node stops when the end point is reached.
		If loop is true, the node begins again at the start.
		\param pingpong Flag to set whether the animator should fly
		back from end to start again.
		\return The animator. Attach it to a scene node with ISceneNode::addAnimator()
		and the animator will animate it.
		If you no longer need the animator, you should call ISceneNodeAnimator::drop().
		See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
		virtual ISceneNodeAnimator* createFlyStraightAnimator(const core::vector3df& startPoint,
			const core::vector3df& endPoint, u32 timeForWay, bool loop=false, bool pingpong = false) = 0;

		//! Creates a texture animator, which switches the textures of the target scene node based on a list of textures.
		/** \param textures: List of textures to use.
		\param timePerFrame: Time in milliseconds, how long any texture in the list
		should be visible.
		\param loop: If set to to false, the last texture remains set, and the animation
		stops. If set to true, the animation restarts with the first texture.
		\return The animator. Attach it to a scene node with ISceneNode::addAnimator()
		and the animator will animate it.
		If you no longer need the animator, you should call ISceneNodeAnimator::drop().
		See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
		virtual ISceneNodeAnimator* createTextureAnimator(const core::array<video::ITexture*>& textures,
			s32 timePerFrame, bool loop=true) = 0;

		//! Creates a scene node animator, which deletes the scene node after some time automatically.
		/** \param timeMs: Time in milliseconds, after when the node will be deleted.
		\return The animator. Attach it to a scene node with ISceneNode::addAnimator()
		and the animator will animate it.
		If you no longer need the animator, you should call ISceneNodeAnimator::drop().
		See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
		virtual ISceneNodeAnimator* createDeleteAnimator(u32 timeMs) = 0;

		//! Creates a special scene node animator for doing automatic collision detection and response.
		/** See ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse for details.
		\param world: Triangle selector holding all triangles of the world with which
		the scene node may collide. You can create a triangle selector with
		\param sceneNode: SceneNode which should be manipulated. After you added this animator
		to the scene node, the scene node will not be able to move through walls and is
		affected by gravity. If you need to teleport the scene node to a new position without
		it being effected by the collision geometry, then call sceneNode->setPosition(); then
		\param ellipsoidRadius: Radius of the ellipsoid with which collision detection and
		response is done. If you have got a scene node, and you are unsure about
		how big the radius should be, you could use the following code to determine
		const core::aabbox3d<f32>& box = yourSceneNode->getBoundingBox();
		core::vector3df radius = box.MaxEdge - box.getCenter();
		\param gravityPerSecond: Sets the gravity of the environment, as an acceleration in
		units per second per second. If your units are equivalent to metres, then
		core::vector3df(0,-10.0f,0) would give an approximately realistic gravity.
		You can disable gravity by setting it to core::vector3df(0,0,0).
		\param ellipsoidTranslation: By default, the ellipsoid for collision detection is created around
		the center of the scene node, which means that the ellipsoid surrounds
		it completely. If this is not what you want, you may specify a translation
		for the ellipsoid.
		\param slidingValue: DOCUMENTATION NEEDED.
		\return The animator. Attach it to a scene node with ISceneNode::addAnimator()
		and the animator will cause it to do collision detection and response.
		If you no longer need the animator, you should call ISceneNodeAnimator::drop().
		See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
		virtual ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse* createCollisionResponseAnimator(
			ITriangleSelector* world, ISceneNode* sceneNode,
			const core::vector3df& ellipsoidRadius = core::vector3df(30,60,30),
			const core::vector3df& gravityPerSecond = core::vector3df(0,-10.0f,0),
			const core::vector3df& ellipsoidTranslation = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
			f32 slidingValue = 0.0005f) = 0;

		//! Creates a follow spline animator.
		/** The animator modifies the position of
		the attached scene node to make it follow a hermite spline.
		It uses a subset of hermite splines: either cardinal splines
		(tightness != 0.5) or catmull-rom-splines (tightness == 0.5).
		The animator moves from one control point to the next in
		1/speed seconds. This code was sent in by Matthias Gall.
		If you no longer need the animator, you should call ISceneNodeAnimator::drop().
		See IReferenceCounted::drop() for more information. */
		virtual ISceneNodeAnimator* createFollowSplineAnimator(s32 startTime,
			const core::array< core::vector3df >& points,
			f32 speed = 1.0f, f32 tightness = 0.5f, bool loop=true, bool pingpong=false) = 0;</span>


RotationAnimator -- 創建一個環繞自身進行旋轉的Animator

FlyCircleAnimator -- 創建一個環繞指定中心進行旋轉的Animator(教程4中就是使用這個Animator)

FlyStraightAnimator -- 創建一個沿著兩點進行移動的Animator

TextureAnimator -- 創建一個紋理Animator

DeleteAnimator -- 創建一個刪除Animator。用於隨著時間來漸進的刪除節點的Animator

CollisionResponseAnimator -- 創建一個進行碰撞檢測和反應的Animator

FollowSplineAnimator -- 創建一個尾隨的Animator





<span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;">	//! Animates a scene node. Can animate position, rotation, material, and so on.
	/** A scene node animator is able to animate a scene node in a very simple way. It may
	change its position, rotation, scale and/or material. There are lots of animators
	to choose from. You can create scene node animators with the ISceneManager interface.
	class ISceneNodeAnimator : public io::IAttributeExchangingObject, public IEventReceiver
		//! Animates a scene node.
		/** \param node Node to animate.
		\param timeMs Current time in milli seconds. */
		virtual void animateNode(ISceneNode* node, u32 timeMs) =0;

		//! Creates a clone of this animator.
		/** Please note that you will have to drop
		(IReferenceCounted::drop()) the returned pointer after calling this. */
		virtual ISceneNodeAnimator* createClone(ISceneNode* node,
				ISceneManager* newManager=0) =0;

		//! Returns true if this animator receives events.
		/** When attached to an active camera, this animator will be
		able to respond to events such as mouse and keyboard events. */
		virtual bool isEventReceiverEnabled() const
			return false;

		//! Event receiver, override this function for camera controlling animators
		virtual bool OnEvent(const SEvent& event)
			return false;

		//! Returns type of the scene node animator
		virtual ESCENE_NODE_ANIMATOR_TYPE getType() const
			return ESNAT_UNKNOWN;

		//! Returns if the animator has finished.
		/** This is only valid for non-looping animators with a discrete end state.
		\return true if the animator has finished, false if it is still running. */
		virtual bool hasFinished(void) const
			return false;


函數: virtual void animateNode(ISceneNode* node, u32 timeMs) = 0 ;



函數:virtual ISceneNodeAnimator* createClone(ISceneNode* node, ISceneManager* newManager=0) = 0 ;


函數:virtual bool isEventReceiverEnabled() const ;


函數: virtual bool hasFinished(void) const ;





<span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;">namespace scene
	class CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyCircle : public ISceneNodeAnimator

		//! constructor
		CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyCircle(u32 time,
				const core::vector3df& center, f32 radius,
				f32 speed, const core::vector3df& direction, 
				f32 radiusEllipsoid);

		//! animates a scene node
		virtual void animateNode(ISceneNode* node, u32 timeMs);

		//! Writes attributes of the scene node animator.
		virtual void serializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0) const;

		//! Reads attributes of the scene node animator.
		virtual void deserializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0);

		//! Returns type of the scene node animator
		virtual ESCENE_NODE_ANIMATOR_TYPE getType() const { return ESNAT_FLY_CIRCLE; }
		//! Creates a clone of this animator.
		/** Please note that you will have to drop
		(IReferenceCounted::drop()) the returned pointer after calling
		this. */
		virtual ISceneNodeAnimator* createClone(ISceneNode* node, ISceneManager* newManager=0);

		// do some initial calculations
		void init();

		// circle center
		core::vector3df Center;
		// up-vector, normal to the circle‘s plane
		core::vector3df Direction;
		// Two helper vectors
		core::vector3df VecU;
		core::vector3df VecV;
		f32 Radius;
		f32 RadiusEllipsoid;
		f32 Speed;
		u32 StartTime;

} // end namespace scene</span>


<span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;">//! animates a scene node
void CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyCircle::animateNode(ISceneNode* node, u32 timeMs)
	if ( 0 == node )

	f32 time;

	// Check for the condition where the StartTime is in the future.
	if(StartTime > timeMs)
		time = ((s32)timeMs - (s32)StartTime) * Speed;
		time = (timeMs-StartTime) * Speed;

//	node->setPosition(Center + Radius * ((VecU*cosf(time)) + (VecV*sinf(time))));
	f32 r2 = RadiusEllipsoid == 0.f ? Radius : RadiusEllipsoid;
	node->setPosition(Center + (Radius*cosf(time)*VecU) + (r2*sinf(time)*VecV ) );

<span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;">ISceneNodeAnimator* CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyCircle::createClone(ISceneNode* node, ISceneManager* newManager)
	CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyCircle * newAnimator = 
		new CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyCircle(StartTime, Center, Radius, Speed, Direction, RadiusEllipsoid);

	return newAnimator;








Framerate Independent and Framerate dependent

在教程4的最後一段內容,了解到在遊戲開發中,控制移動是有兩種不同的方式的。一種被稱為Framerate Independent的控制方式,也就是與幀率無關的移動控制方法,換句話說,就是使用時間來控制移動。


而除了Framerate Independent的方式之外,就是Framerate dependent的控制方式了。這樣的控制方式,表示的意思是不是依據時間來控制移動,而是在每一幀的間隔裏面都移動同樣的距離。這樣的移動情況會受到幀率的影響,假設幀率下降的非常多,那麽人物的移動就會變的奇慢無比。

那麽是不是說。第一種方式就是比另外一種方式好了?也不是。想想看,假設因為你在某一幀的時候,遊戲讀取某個大數據文件。導致在這幀的時候,出現卡幀的現象,也就是在大於1s的時間。沒有進行換幀操作。那麽當接下來進行換幀之後,實際上僅僅是經過了1幀。可是時間上卻超過了1s。假設此時遊戲是Framerate Independent的,就會出現人物突然跳躍的情況。這樣的情況在網絡遊戲中常常遇到。博主希望打lol,常常在網絡延遲的時候,因為幀之間接受數據的時間大於1s。導致接下來的一幀突然跳躍到對方陣營中。從而無情的被敵方蹂躪。


Irrlicht 3D Engine 筆記系列之 教程4 - Movement