1. 程式人生 > >March 14 2017 Week 11 Tuesday

March 14 2017 Week 11 Tuesday

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Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.


As the deadline comes closer and closer, the fear in my heart seems to nearly swallow me up.

I had promised to finish it on time, but I failed.

I had told my parents that I would go back in April, but I have not yet taken any practical action.

And I had told them I would get the rest of my year-end bonus, but I didn‘t have any left, all of the year-end bonus was paid before the lunar new year.

What should I do? How can I win over the fear in my heart.

Action. But what kinds of action. Maybe it‘s time to finish the project, and it‘s time to finish my resume and seek for a new career. Does that work?

They invented hugs to let people know you love them without saying anything.

擁抱,是讓你一句話也不用說, 就能讓別人知道你愛他們。

When I separated with my ex-girlfriend several years ago, we hugged each other and then we said goodbye.

From then on, we haven‘t met again, but we know each other‘s life through the WeChat.

She has get married and she is pregnant, however, I am still single.

Had I ever loved her? Had she ever loved me? Maybe.

But it is the time for me to start a new life.

Recently the Trump Administration starts the renegotiation process of several free trade agreements.

Some of them, like the North American Free Trade Agreement, was signed about 25 years ago.

It is really a long time, the world has changed a lot, it is time to make the agreement better.

But some officials who are charged of the renegotiation have shown a quite negative attitude towards the free trade agreement, they said that since the signing of NAFTA, they had seen the country‘s manufacturing industry decimated, factories shuttered, and countless workers left jobless.

So, it seems that the process may be very hard.

March 14 2017 Week 11 Tuesday