1. 程式人生 > >你真的了解WebSocket嗎?


瀏覽器 address socket python 老男孩

老男孩IT教育alex python教學總監教你認識WebSocket



1. 啟動服務端

12345678910import socketsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR,
1)sock.bind((‘‘, 8002))sock.listen(5)# 等待用戶連接conn, address = sock.accept().........


2. 客戶端連接

1234<script type="text/javascript"> var socket = new WebSocket("ws://"); ...</script>


3. 建立連接【握手】

1234567891011121314import socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)sock.bind((‘‘, 8002))sock.listen(5)# 獲取客戶端socket對象conn, address = sock.accept()# 獲取客戶端的【握手】信息data = conn.recv(1024).........conn.send(‘響應【握手】信息‘)


  • 從請求【握手】信息中提取 Sec-WebSocket-Key

  • 利用magic_string 和 Sec-WebSocket-Key 進行hmac1加密,再進行base64加密

  • 將加密結果響應給客戶端

註:magic string為:258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11






技術分享 基於Python實現解包過程(未實現長內容)


The MASK bit simply tells whether the message is encoded. Messages from the client must be masked, so your server should expect this to be 1. (In fact, section 5.1 of the spec says that your server must disconnect from a client if that client sends an unmasked message.) When sending a frame back to the client, do not mask it and do not set the mask bit. We‘ll explain masking later. Note: You have to mask messages even when using a secure socket.RSV1-3 can be ignored, they are for extensions.

The opcode field defines how to interpret the payload data: 0x0 for continuation, 0x1 for text (which is always encoded in UTF-8), 0x2 for binary, and other so-called "control codes" that will be discussed later. In this version of WebSockets, 0x3 to 0x7 and 0xB to 0xF have no meaning.

The FIN bit tells whether this is the last message in a series. If it‘s 0, then the server will keep listening for more parts of the message; otherwise, the server should consider the message delivered. More on this later.

Decoding Payload Length

To read the payload data, you must know when to stop reading. That‘s why the payload length is important to know. Unfortunately, this is somewhat complicated. To read it, follow these steps:

  1. Read bits 9-15 (inclusive) and interpret that as an unsigned integer. If it‘s 125 or less, then that‘s the length; you‘re done. If it‘s 126, go to step 2. If it‘s 127, go to step 3.

  2. Read the next 16 bits and interpret those as an unsigned integer. You‘re done.

  3. Read the next 64 bits and interpret those as an unsigned integer (The most significant bit MUST be 0). You‘re done.

Reading and Unmasking the Data

If the MASK bit was set (and it should be, for client-to-server messages), read the next 4 octets (32 bits); this is the masking key. Once the payload length and masking key is decoded, you can go ahead and read that number of bytes from the socket. Let‘s call the data ENCODED, and the key MASK. To get DECODED, loop through the octets (bytes a.k.a. characters for text data) of ENCODED and XOR the octet with the (i modulo 4)th octet of MASK. In pseudo-code (that happens to be valid JavaScript):

var DECODED = "";
for (var i = 0; i < ENCODED.length; i++) {
DECODED[i] = ENCODED[i] ^ MASK[i % 4];

Now you can figure out what DECODED means depending on your application.


技術分享 View Code

5. 基於Python實現簡單示例

a. 基於Python socket實現的WebSocket服務端:

b. 利用JavaScript類庫實現客戶端

6. 基於Tornado框架實現Web聊天室



技術分享 app.py

技術分享 index.html




本文出自 “老男孩python培訓” 博客,請務必保留此出處http://oldpython.blog.51cto.com/12849286/1929576
