auto change ip and hostname
function Change_ip ()
grep "dhcp" $ETHCONF
if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
read -p "Please insert ip Address:" IPADDR
sed -i ‘s/dhcp/static/g‘ $ETHCONF
echo -e "IPADDR=$IPADDR\nNETMASK=$NETMASK\nGATEWAY=`echo $IPADDR|awk -F. ‘{print $1"."$2"."$3}‘`.2" >>$ETHCONF
echo "This IP address Change success !"
auto change ip and hostname
auto change ip and hostname
auto change ip and hostname#!/bin/shETHCONF=/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0HOSTS=/etc/hostsNETWORK=/etc/sysconfig/network NETMASK=
small case change m and n
case oid int ring 可能 變量 blog args string class Test{ public static void main(String[] args){ int m=12; int n=5; System
Atlassian JIRA Change IP
pre PE query cloud onf written rac start creat Oracle Linux 6.8 Atalssian JIRA 7 原來IP: 改新IP: 重新跑應用報錯,如下所示:
U盤安裝Ubuntu15.04 出現boot failed: please change disks and press a key to continue
啟動 ubunt 根據 重新 無法 版本 and ima change 1、根據國內的教程,用Ultraiso制作了一個Ubuntu15.04的U盤啟動盤,在裝系統的時候提示如下錯誤:boot failed: please change disks and press a
2018年11月10日 17:51:10 qq_43401108 閱讀數:3 標籤: linux
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