阿新 • • 發佈:2017-07-06
please userinfo true main 程序 range muc for 說明
1. 讓用戶輸入用戶名密碼
2. 認證成功後顯示歡迎信息
3. 輸錯三次後退出程序
4. 可以支持多個用戶登錄 (提示,通過列表存多個賬戶信息)
5. 用戶3次認證失敗後,退出程序,再次啟動程序嘗試登錄時,還是鎖定狀態(提示:需把用戶鎖定的狀態存到文件裏)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # by wk ‘‘‘ 說明: 如果登錄用戶在用戶列表裏,每個用戶只有3次登錄機會,失敗後鎖定賬戶,下次啟動賬戶提示賬戶被鎖定 如果登錄用戶不在用戶列表裏,提示用戶不存在,並且嘗試3次登錄,如果失敗退出程序‘‘‘ import sys def checklock(username): with open("loginnum.txt", ‘r‘) as lock_t: for line in lock_t.readlines(): if len(line) == 0: continue if username == line.strip(): print("login fail too much! User locked") # sys.exit()return ‘lock‘ def userlock(username): f = open("loginnum.txt", ‘a‘) f.write(username + ‘\n‘) f.close() def userlogin(userinfo): count = 3 #計數器 flag = ‘success‘ #標記登錄狀態 userid = 0 #標記用戶編號 while True:# if userinfo[userid][‘login_fail‘] != 0: username = input(‘please enter your name: ‘) password = input(‘please enter your password: ‘) if checklock(username) == ‘lock‘: continue for i,user in enumerate(userinfo): if user[‘username‘] == username and user[‘password‘] == password: flag = ‘success‘ break elif user[‘username‘] == username and user[‘password‘] != password: flag = ‘fail‘ userid = int(i) break else: flag = ‘nouser‘ if flag == ‘success‘: print(‘login successful, welcome!‘) break elif flag == ‘fail‘: # count -= 1 print(‘who ‘, userinfo[userid]) failnum = int(userinfo[userid][‘login_fail‘]) #統計登錄失敗次數 failnum -= 1 if userinfo[userid][‘login_fail‘] == 1: print(‘your account lock‘) userlock(userinfo[userid][‘username‘]) sys.exit() else: userinfo[userid][‘login_fail‘] = failnum print(‘login fail, you have %s choice‘ % (failnum)) else: count -= 1 if count == 0: print(‘you login too much time‘) sys.exit() print(‘Sorry no user, you have %s choice‘ % (count)) # else: # break if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: userinfo = [ {‘username‘:‘eric‘, ‘password‘:‘123456‘, ‘login_fail‘:‘3‘}, {‘username‘:‘tom‘, ‘password‘:‘123456‘, ‘login_fail‘:‘3‘}, {‘username‘:‘jerry‘, ‘password‘:‘123456‘, ‘login_fail‘:‘3‘}, ] # password = [‘123456‘,‘123456‘,‘123456‘] userlogin(userinfo)
1. 允許用戶最多嘗試3次
2. 每嘗試3次後,如果還沒猜對,就問用戶是否還想繼續玩,如果回答Y或y, 就繼續讓其猜3次,以此往復,如果回答N或n,就退出程序
3. 如何猜對了,就直接退出
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # by wk ‘‘‘ 說明: 1. 允許用戶最多嘗試3次 2. 每嘗試3次後,如果還沒猜對,就問用戶是否還想繼續玩,如果回答Y或y, 就繼續讓其猜3次,以此往復,如果回答N或n,就退出程序 3. 如何猜對了,就直接退出 ‘‘‘ def guessage(my_age): flag = ‘‘ while True: count = 3 for i in range(3): #循環3次 try: age = int(input(‘please enter age: ‘)) if age > my_age: count -= 1 #統計輸錯次數 print(‘you guess too big, you have %s chance‘ %count) if i == 2: #猜錯3次後詢問還繼續猜不 # print(‘you have no chioce‘) flag = input(‘Do you want try again Y/N ? ‘) elif age < my_age: count -= 1 #統計輸錯次數 print(‘you guess too smaill, you have %s chance‘ %count) if i == 2: #猜錯3次後詢問還繼續猜不 # print(‘you have no chioce‘) flag = input(‘Do you want try again Y/N ? ‘) else: print(‘you guess it !‘) #猜對了退出 flag = ‘N‘ break; except: #如果輸入的不是數字,提示請輸入數字 count -= 1 print(‘please enter number, you have %s chance‘ %count) if flag == ‘Y‘ or flag == ‘y‘: continue elif flag == ‘N‘ or flag == ‘n‘: break else: print(‘Wrong choice !!!‘) #如果輸入的不是Y,y,N,n,直接退出 break if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: my_age = 32 guessage(my_age)